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"Friday is the last day." I almost smiled to myself as I ate.

The white haired boy looked over at me.

"It is I guess..." he sighed, putting the fork in his mouth.

"Nervous?" I asked.

His only reply was a small sigh.

I stared at him for a second.

"You know... You would look good with a... I'm not sure what it's called... you know those ear piercings in your upper ear, the kind of small black loops..?"

I stumbled over words.

"I know what you're talking about...

I think." he said.


I looked up, to see my best friend staring at me.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"oh I was just... thinking..."

I smiled.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, you just looked really... sad staring out into space." She said, maybe looking concerned.

"Nah I'm fineeeee" I smiled.

"Kayyyyy" she replied.

"Oof, Hunter has a crush on you I guess" she sighed.

"Oh." I looked down.

"uhm...I don't like Hunter..." I said.

"I know just... thought I would let you know." she looked off to the side.

Then it was quiet. was very quiet.

"Everything is okay with uhm..." I almost whispered.

"I don't really know. We fought in the group chat when you weren't there..." she said.

"Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't there" I trembled a second.

"It's fine. I don't think it would make a difference." She almost laughed, like it was in pain.

"I uhm-" I coughed. "I'll be right back"

"Okay" she said with no questions or objections.

I walked over to the bathroom, which was empty.

It always scared me a bit when it was empty, it felt-

I washed my hands, then dried them.

Truth be told I only went to the bathroom because I didn't want to continue the conversation.

I quickly rubbed some water on my face and returned to the table.

The rest of the day wasn't very important, our teachers finally stopped teaching.

We mostly just watched kid movies and talked.

Once I was home, I felt rather tired for some reason. We had just been watching TV all day so I'm not sure why.

I decided to watch an anime I was in the middle of.

As I watched the episode on my small phone, it started to hurt.

A new character was introduced, whom I was very interested in.

He was pretty, cute.

Not in the way that my classmates would whisper to each other that they think a boys 'cute'.

This character was the kind to tilt his head and smile. She considered it cute.

In the same way she found him attractive, and a part of her almost hoped that he maybe existed somewhere in the world.

He didn't.

By the end of the episode this new character had died.

I cried very quietly, and not for long.

Without thought I turned my phone off and went to sleep.

Tommorow isn't going to change anything.

verything is going te be th samr

The next morning I got up earlier then usual, and couldn't go back to sleep.

I got ready then I had extra time before I had to go to school.

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