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Chapter 2. Going to school

- 6:30pm-

" The Lab said that the surgeon they borrow had finish their job already. They should be returning tomorrow or the day after" Nick casually said as he use his right hand to steer the car wheel. The Black BMW drove hurriedly along a main highway towards the north region of the city.

# You sure they already been let off. Strange. Barry haven't given me a call yet.# Peter voice rang out from the phone at Nick ears.

" I can't do much about that anyway. Try calling him tomorrow. Maybe they are tired. Base on the extra pay they got from the lab they must have done alot of work. Anyway, have you heard about Lorena Lab closing down?" Nick said as he recall the scene when he reach the lab.

Several trucks and trailer being filled with cardboard box. The lab was being emptied out and most of the equipment have already been remove from the lobby. Nick didn't even see a receptionist to greet him when he enter and a guard at the door had to report his visit.

After recounting his experience with Peter he heard silence on the phone for a few second before .

# Hmm Maybe they succeed in what they think researching?# Peter said but he sound unsure about his guess.

" They succeeded in curing cancer. I'm pretty sure Lorena Lab was a government lab dedicated to the research of several incurable disease. One of those is cancer. I doubt that it was done though" Nick said as he stare off on the road. He look at the time and hiss his teeth at how late he was.

# Hmm, Let ask Barry and the other then. See you tomorrow, take care# Peter said before ending the call.

Nick simply place the phone in the door pocket at his right side before he step on the gas pedal. The car speed increase causing him to pass out several car in a moment. After 15 minutes of driving he made it off the highway and reach the downtown region of Lorena City.

Driving through several avenues he stop at a tall building with more than a hundred glass window at one side. The building was to his left. Parking at the front entrance of the building he conveniently ignore the no parking sign and blow the car horn.

Maria who was already at the door immediately recognized the car and walk over quickly. She had a dark black hair and wore a black pencil skirt with a white dress long sleeve shirt.

Entering the passenger seat Maria gave Nick a angry glare as she been waiting for a hour outside.

Seeing this Nick gave a wryly smile as he promise he would make Peter pay.

" Sorry for being late. " Nick said straightforwardly.

" Nick. Just drive and tell on the way why you make me wait outside for a hour" Maria said as she place on her seat belt.

Hearing this he knew he would be receiving some scolding and sigh. After checking his rear and side mirror he drove off once again.


Looking in the mirror Orleen smile at the beautiful dress she was in. Bright blue short sleeve dress with a round collar.

" Maybe I should give you this for your birthday. Yeah this would be perfect" Lisa said as she stare grudgingly at the dress Orleen wore.

" Oh come one you look good too" Orleen said as she looked at Lisa purple color dress.

"Don't mock me. I know I look good but I starve myself to maintain my figure. What do you do. You gorge your self with fast food almost everyday" Lisa said which earn her a smack in the head.

" What does you want to say. Im a glutton? Eh" Orleen said with squinted eyes but Lisa snorted.

" Your the one who said it" Lisa said before grabbing Orleen hand.

" I feel like I'm you mom. Jess the party will be starting in a hour time. We can't be late girl" Lisa continue dragging Orleen out the front door of her house.

Orleen show a hesitated face as she was being pulled.

" Are you sure that a party during the week is right. Plus holiday would be coming soon so why can't it wait" Orleen said.

" What are you saying?" Lisa said as she open her car door. The car was a dark blue Honda.

" You little goodie to shoe. Your so innocent it make me sick sometimes. You have to live freely. Who care if we soon getting holiday or that it a school day. There is a party and we are free. Plus dont you want to talk to Tony?" Lisa tempted as she turn on the engine and drove off.

Thirty minute later Lisa car could been driving up to a house. Stopping under a street light Orleen glance outside and smile wryly at the number of car park along the streets.

" We Late?" Orleen asked but the boisterous music sound from the house two block away was proof.

Stepping out of the car Lisa sigh at this scene and look at the dark night sky.

" I guess but the party would be going on all night." Lisa before closing the car door.

" Lisa. You know I need to reach my house by 10. Who knows when my parents might come home. Even though they say 11 I can't be too sure" Orleen said with a frown as she close her side door.

" Yeah Yeah Yeah. I will get you back before 10 don't worry. Let just have fun" Lisa said with a smile as the walked toward a house two blocked away.

The loud music was clearer now and the countless shadow could be outline from the windows.

Pushing open the front door the smile of alcohol and cigarette waft out the door causing Orleen brows to cease even more.

" You sure this the party?" Orleen said but was drag inside with out she could hear an answer.

Several teenage could be seen dancing, drinking, smoking and the more daring one were making out.

Many girls wore skimpy clothes while the boys were tight jeans and t-shirts . Lisa rock her head along with the music beat as she made her way through the crowds of teenager.

Reaching over to the kitchen she took up two glass on the counter and after washing them out in the sink pour out a bottle of drinks.

Passing a cup to Orleen she ignore her friend frown and dump the content the down her throat.

With the cup still in her hand Orleen frown before pouring it in Lisa cup and her eyes began to roam around the area. The house was extremely pack with people and it was uncomfortable staying within such a place for long.

She didn't see the boy she came here for and with how things were going she felt it was a good idea.

" You really need to let back and go wild" Lisa said as she pour the content of the cup into her mouth once again.

Orleen ignore her as she began to think how long it would take to get home.

' Wait. Lisa drinking? Shit I'm going to have to drive home.' Orleen thought before she sigh and lean against the counter.

" No drinks for me" Orleen mutter sadly before she found a spot near the window to sit. The entire room was filled with smoke and she needed some air. She could see Lisa drinking perfectly at the spot she was at so she relax and sigh. The dark pitch black night sky came into her view before she suddenly frown.

Time had quickly pass and 10 had slowly come but this wasn't the reason she frown. The vast arora lights was the reason. Glancing at the night sky she was amaze at this vast beautiful sky and she wasn't the only one to notice the change of the sky.

Sadly she was already late and needed to reach home.

Standing up she looked around and quicker spotted Lisa dancing provocative with a young man almost two years older than her.

Sighing she walk over and instantly smell the cigarette off the two.

" Sorry we are late for home" Orleen said before she pulled Lisa from the boy and drag her away. Lisa, half conscious mumbled several words before saying.

" Call me?!"

" Shut it" Orleen said hearing her friend silly tone.

Back at the restaurant Orleen and Karlen was also seeing this wonderful and mysterious scene and so have half or more of Lorena City but no one was aware this was something that would change their life forever.


Next Day

- 6:45am-

The sound of whistling echo through the the kitchen as Karlen move swiftly across the stove. Two pots could be seen on the stove. One with sizzling frying eggs and bacon while the other boiling water.

After a few minutes pass a delectable plate of eggs, bacon and toast could be seen followed by a cup of cocoa.

Karlen fully dress in V neck long sleeve black shirt and close fitted black pants sat around the kitchen counter before he grab a fork.

After doing a small prayer he treated himself.

Sound of footstep approaching could be heard from behind. Taking a glance he spotter his mother in her usual night gown.

" Honey? You up early today?" Maria said slightly surpise.

" I'm Jamie told that they will be a math test today so I'm going to school." Karlen said calmly before he continue to eat. He would take a sip of some tea as his eyes stare at his phone screen.

The sound of message coming in rang out within the Kitchen letter Maria know he was talking to some one.

" You chat group?" Maria asked curious as she enter the kitchen. Reaching the black color fridge she took out a bottle of orange juice and pour it into a glass cup.

" Yeah. I invited them over yesterday and we had a blast. Sadly Macro didn't come" Karlen said as he type on his phone.

" Oh last night. Orleen didn't mention that?" Maria said in surpise but didn't get into.

As Karlen read the last of the string of message he had just received he ponder about his friends sources.

" Mom did you see those light in the sky?" Karlen mutter.

" Yeah. I think it cover the entire city so everyone saw it. Why?" Maria said before pouring the orange into her mouth.

" It nothing really. Jamie said it probably have to do with a incident at Lorena Lab" Karlen said but that was all the text said.

" Incident?" Maria said surpise.

Karlen shrugged his shoulders as he brought his empty cup and plate and began watching them in the sink.

" I don't know the detail and Jamie only know this much because his father is cop" Karlen said and continue on his way.

The dishes was quickly dealt with and Karlen grab his knapsack from the seat in the living room.

" Sure you don't want to go with your sister?" Maria asked but Karlen gave her strange look.

Shaking her head she wish her son a safe journey before began making breakfast for the rest of the family.

Karlen had a tendency to reach place well before it time and his entire family knew this. Apparently this was not inherited though as all three of his relative barely reach their destination on time.

Yawning at the door he walked down the front door steps and left the yard. His steps slightly hurried he walked toward the end if the street and cross the road to reach a bust stop.

The bus system was average with bus beginning rounds by 6 in the morning and end at 12 in the night. Karlen was basically catching the first heading on a route passing his school. Stopping at a nearby bust stop he could easily reach school early.

Waiting on the bus he continue reading the chat group message.

Jamie# So what do you think cause the explosion.

Becky# Why you so sure it a explosion. Did anyone see an explosion or even feel it impact.

Jamie# If not a explosion what.

Marco# Back to what may cause it, it could be a experiment went wrong.

Charlie# An experiment that could destroy half the lab. Don't the government do such experiment away from human society.

Karlen# I don't think it was supposed to do that though. From what I remember Lorena Lab deal with curing diseases doesn't it?

Becky# Yes curing diseases. How can that cause a explosion.

As he continue to text he would frequently glance to his right to see if any bus was comming his way. After a few minutes of waited and several more people joining him at the busy stop a bus came. It was the exact bus he needed also.

Entering, he headed to school.

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