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90.9% Leviathan goes to school / Chapter 20: Loose ends

Chapter 20: Loose ends

Arias POV:

Everything in my body screamed in pain and fatigue yet I could only smile at Lazuris as he traced his mark around my belly with his finger. Not noticing I was awake yet I shifted my head around to one of his tenticle mouths that rested on my shoulder giving it a kiss.

"Good morning dear." I croaked wincing as my body let out another round of complaints and a dull ack from the back of my head, a small reminder that I'd used all my mana and needed to let it recover.

"Good morning my sexy angel." He replied a calm and loving smile radiating down on me.

"Sorry I don't know any mana transfusion abilities." He apologised as a slight prickling sensation washed over my muscles a sensation I knew quite well as his regeneration.

I giggled as the complaints from my body died down contempt with just lying here in his arms.

"That's ok dear I didn't expect you to be able to keep up with my healing."

Before he could respond the door opened loudly and a very agitated succubus walked in.

Liliths body had changed, her curves more prominent that even I couldn't help but think she was hot while her skin held a tinge of purple, a trait shared by adult succubus. But what caught my attention the most was her horns as before they just pointed up but now they curved in a loop before pointing to the sky, as well as leaving a trail of pink miasma behind them. Beside me Lazuris had an equal look of bewilderment.

"I can't take it anymore master." She stopped her sentence flapping her wings behind her back, both of which had grown and gained a small bone like spike at the top. Her attention sweeping the bed. Pulling my head up I followed her gaze finally taking note of the blood, sweat and seamen coating the bed like a second blanket.

"Did you really try to out fuck a leviathan Aria?" Lilith almost laughed her tail flickering behind her. A blush started to invade my cheeks.

"I... Ummmmm.... Maybe." Lilith burst out laughing as she made her way onto the bed avoiding the wet patches.

"Aria I'd need at least another 3 succubus to sate the lust master is giving off right at this moment, and that's after you spent all night and all your mana." My eyes grew, I hadn't even come close to satisfying him? Lilith curled herself around Lazurises body slowly stroking him with her tail, I silently begged him to tell me she was wrong but I'd not felt any lies from the succubus.

"It was very good Aria and breaking your hymen multiple times was satisfying as hell."

"But you could go another round."

"Lilith shut up."

"Your right another few rounds at least."

"Lilith shut up now." Lazuris blocked Liliths mouth with his hand offering a small smile to me as an apology and offering his other to help me up.

Taking his hand and pulling myself into a sitting position I felt a large quantity of liquid flow out of from between my legs, I winced as both Lilith and Lazurises eyes widened.

"That's a lot... dam that's a lot... And it still keeps cumming."

"Lilith I order you to shut up." Liliths collar lit up from the order while Lazuris pushed her away and made small massaging movements on my lower abdomen, pushing even more liquid out of my body.

"You sure she's not pregnant?" Lilith snarked causing her collar to light up and zap her body. We watched Liliths paralysed body fall face first into a large pool of seamen and blood.

Lazuris laughed summoning a little bit of water to wash over my body.

"Karmas a bitch but no neither Aria or you will be pregnant until I want you to be." As if to prove his point both of our marks started to glow a deep blue.

"It will glow yellow when my mark has modified you to be impregnated by me and I can then make it glow green when I want you to have my child." Waving a hand at Lilith the succubus was allowed to return to her feet while the water he was using on me evaporated having done as much as he could, still will need to have a proper wash before anything important but good enough.

Lilith looked at Lazuris with our bodily fluids sticking to her face.

"Massssster if you wanted me to drink your cum please make it fresh." Not letting him respond the succubus pounced her tail positioning his member just right that she impaled herself as she landed.

"Much better." Lilith shivered holding Lazuris down, not that she could have if he didn't want her to but he seemed to be happy with the new addition.

"T-this is my que to leave d-dear." I stammered leaving the bed to put on the clothes we stole yesterday.

"Oh not going to join Aria? Oooow someone got a little bigger did the thought of both of us pleasuring you at the same time excite you?" Lazuris in question just smiled.

"I've had many fantasys but I think Arias a bit worn out."

Knowing when someone was throwing me a bone I graciously agreed leaving the room and closing the door before Lilith started to charm my reasoning.

Behind the safety of the door I couldn't help but smile. Lilith had finally become a full succubus, a thought that a few days ago would have disgusted me to no end but now made me feel happy for her.

Maybe a family is what we all need.

Before I could reach the front door a soft copping of hoofs approached me.

"Umm miss Aria I would like to apologise for last night. I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries I'm sorry." Tareious shyly apologised looking directly at the floor. To my surprise my mood didn't change apon hearing her voice, I guess I was just being clingy yesterday.

"Unicorn *cough* Tareious. How about we forget about yesterday entirely, you made some mistakes and I may have over reacted but Lazuris is what he is and he has made it clear that he wants you. So tonight us girls will will all get together and decide on some rules. I'm not saying yes to you being his mate but I'm also not saying no. And that goes for the mermaid as well wherever she swam off to." Tareious squealed hugging me before bolting down the hallway probably to find Melissa.

Happy with that outcome I picked up one of the slave collars still located in its chest and headed outside.

The sun perched high in the sky without a single cloud to be seen. A perfect day for flying. Opening my wings caused a tearing sound from my clothes.

Dammit I forgot these are 'borrowed' clothes, looks like I'm walking. Not that walkings bad but flying is much better.

Getting to my home was a little difficult with having to avoid people I knew and deny those that wished to be judged but I made it.

Next was a bath, Lazuris may have washed me but I still needed a proper bath to get rid of everything.

Proper clothing came after, my plan was to meet royalty so I needed to look the part. I decided on a dark blue dress that reached my ankles and sparkled like stars. It was one of my nicer dresses but wasn't at all flattering for my figure, not that I could compete with Liliths.

A pang of jealously hit but I shrugged it off, dear wouldn't forget about me.

Making sure I looked presentable and had the slave collar hidden I took to the sky my destination the castle.

Now being an angel didn't give me any special exemptions to get into the castle unfortunately but it did make people listen to me more.

Landing a few meters away from the front gate I waved to the guards stationed there. This caused a bit of confusion as they ran around like headless chickens for a bit till a small door built beside the gate opened and 4 guards came out to great me.

"Well I'll be. Never had the pleasure to speak with an angel before. Names Sebastian." The guard leading the group spoke up probably the commander.

"Aria." I responded giving a small bow. Ignoring the obvious lust in his mens eyes as they tried to look down my shirt. Sebastian for what it was worth managed to hold his gaze.

"What brings you here? I doubt you came to see any of us or my men wouldn't shut up about knowing someone as beautiful as you." He was nice natured, I'd have judged him had Lazuris not claimed me but chances are he was taken anyway.

"Unfortunately no I've come to see Princess Mia today." The guards started murmuring together.

"Oh. Ummmm the princess has been holed up in her room refusing anyone to my knowledge." Sebastian said rubbing the back of his neck. Interesting.

"That's ok please tell her an angel is here to see her." Sebastian nodded before telling a guard to tell Mia of my arrival.

I made some small talk with the guards till the messager returned.

"Princess M-Mia doesn't remember y-you and thus refuses to meet." He stammered with a look of fear in his eyes.

Very interesting. Time to try a different approach.

"Then tell her that if she wishes to keep her new tattoo she will meet me." Hopefully this will get her attention.

He returned a few minutes later.

"Princess Mia still refuses to see you."

This is getting problematic.

She's not stupid enough to deny me. Is she?

"Did she say that to you?"

"Yes ma'am."


Part of being an angel allowed me to tell if someone is lying.

I smiled and leaned in close to the messager guard so no one else could hear.

"I suggest you tell the princess what I said and not whoever you keep telling because it might just help her." The guards face went bright red as I called him out and he ran off in a sprint. The rest of them looked at me with raised eyebrows.

Minutes later the guard returned with a young servent girl in tow.

"Here's the angel that...." The servent girl pushed past him.

"Look Princess Mia is not accepting any visitors so please stop pestering the groundsmen." Turning around like her job was done she started marching back towards the castle.

"Did you even ask her any of my questions?" I yelled to her. She stopped.

"That spoiled brat hasn't allowed anyone to enter her chamber since yesterday, I don't need to ask her to know the answer."

"Humour me then. But I guarantee she will come out or at least let me in." The servent sighed.

"Fine I'll ask but I'm not coming back out here if she says no."

"I'll wait." Rolling her eyes she left the rest of the guards starting to make bets on if she'd return.

Plucking one of my feathers I decided to join in.

"One feather on she will return and she will be running." Angel feathers fetched a high price no matter where you went.

"You're on 5 gold against you." The betting continued for a while, Sebastian stayed out of it unfortunately, I was interested in what he thought.

5 minutes later the servent returned running as fast as she could in her skirt.

"That was fun." I mused leaving the money on the table but picking up my feather. Everyone stood mouth agape as she approached.

"Excuse me *pant pant* Princess Mia would like to see you immediately." Walking up to her I asked to lead the way a sly smile on my face the whole way. The castle was expertly fernished to the point I'd have to shed all my feathers twice just to afford a single rooms worth of stuff.

Ignoring my sly smile and bewildered look at times servent girl led me to one of the bedrooms on the 5th floor before knocking on the door.

"Mia the angels here." The sound of objects being moved echoed from the other side followed by a lot of locks being removed.

Peaking around the slightly opened door Mias green eyes darted between us but stopped after she noticed me.

Ushering me in quickly the servent followed, a quick argument about me being a potential assassin caused Mia to give up on blocking her out.

Taking a seat on her bed I felt my butt sink a few inches into it. Comfy.

"Sorry about this angel but someone's been inside my head recently and are using illusions to get me to say something about you know who. So I need you to prove your the real one." I looked at the servent girl raising an eyebrow

"What? She met a leviathan we needed to know if she could give us any information about capturing it. But she clamped down and is trying to protect it."

Shrugging I stood with my back to the servent and lifted my dress to show my mark winking as her eyes followed its glow.

"Thank you Aria."

"So you do remember my name but what about her?" I pointed behind me only to find the servant swaying side to side muttering about healing magic.

"Shontel will think your here to teach me healing spells. Sorry I specialise in mind magic like telepathy and memory erasing. Not that many know as most think I just have wind and lightning spells." Mia explained throwing a blanket over Shontel before pulling up her own dress and showing her mark as proof she was herself.

Impressive array of skills. But something concerned me.

"You said they looked in your mind. How? why? And what exactly did they see?"

Mia took a large breath.

"Yes I need to explain.

How? Well I had teachers that helped me expand my knowledge of mental manipulation, they are both better and faster than me in every field. They were hired to find out what I know by my father instead of continuing to teach me.

Why? They found out about Lazuris, I don't know how but they know I've been in contact with him and survived. None of the men with me that day remember anything I made sure of that.

And finally they don't know anything other than I know him and he has two mates already that aren't human, somethings stopping them seeing my memories, a barrier of sorts that refuses to break no matter how hard they try or how much mana they put into breaking it. So they've resorted to someone who specialises in illusionary magic to try and make me say something to them by method of throwing a bunch of creatures at me that could be one of you guys." Mia stopped talking briefly grinding her teeth.

"I'm sorry I fucked up so badly."

Comforting her would be a good idea but processing all that took a bit of time.

The barrier was probably Lazurises as I remember him saying Melissa the mermaid couldn't look into my mind that 'he was protecting me' somehow. My guess was it extended to all his mates thank god. As for them finding out that could have happened in many different ways but I couldn't think of any that resulted in no one knowing he had both Lilith and myself.

But the biggest problem was right now, I doubt it won't be noted that I visited and that could lead to a lot of problems for both myself and Lazuris if they link everything together and I doubt their stupid enough not to.

Shaking my head I returned my attention back to Mia, figuring this all out could be done another time making sure she couldn't hurt Lazuris took priority.

Taking the collar from my pocket I dropped some blood on the pearl.

"There are ways to make this work in our favour but before that I need you to put this on." Mia looked at the collar briefly before putting it on with a smile like she figured something out.

"I Mia devote myself to Aria mate of Lazuris only until Lazuris himself wants me as his slave, the conditions for release is if I'm ordered to give any information about my future husband in any way or if I'm released."

I chucked slightly.

"You still don't fully trust that I'm real do you?"

"Not completely."

"Good use that. As an order the only one I'm going to give you is you are not to hurt Lazuris or in any way be responsible for killing him."

"Wait that's it?"


"Then why come here why risk his safety just to see me? You're not stupid this is going to come back to bite you and if not it'll bite him. Every guest I have is thoroughly looked into."

"I am well aware of what could happen but let me ask you, do you know how to kill a leviathan?"

"Ummm cut off their head?"

"Good guess but no, Lazuris has said the only thing that can kill a leviathan is another leviathan or one of their own mates. Now do you understand why I've risked everything to put that collar around your neck?"

Mia just stared at me for a long time, her mouth opening like she wanted to say something but closed.

"Well that explains a lot." Mia said breaking the silence between us, I nodded a slight part of me nervous about the repercussions coming here would cause but this needed to happen.

"There is also one more thing, Dear or Lazuris has found a mermaid and a unicorn that he wishes to make his own. So if this illusionist sends those don't react but you can send them on a wild goose chase with other creatures."

Mia nodded thinking hard about what that ment. Taking this as a good opportunity I got to my feet ready to leave. Mia followed breaking her mind control over her servant and removing the blanket.

"Thank you for coming angel." Returning to using my race instead of my name Mia slightly indicated towards her servant. I gave a quick nod so she knew I understood.

"My pleasure now you don't have a strong sense of healing magic but if you wish to continue to research it let me know."

Following Mia I was taken back through the castle to a back door of sorts leading into the city.

"Thank you again for coming and I hope to see you again. Good luck be safe." Saying the last part in a mere whisper Mia gave me a sad smile.

"I look forward to meeting you again as well." I replied walking away. The servent girl gave a bow but remained quiet as I departed.

It didn't take a genius to know that even though I didn't meet very many people in the castle, word would have spread about my arrival and my bets were that I had a few tails. Slight curiosity peaked my mind as to if they were to follow me or just outright capture.

A smile creapt into the corners of my mouth. I may be an angel but I'm no weak flower that will sit like a good damsel ready to be taken. These bastereds don't know what their hunting.

And with that I took off in a run.

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