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27.27% Leviathan goes to school / Chapter 6: Class

Chapter 6: Class

Opening the door to the clinic I was surprised that it was empty except for a small group of four humans standing around a bed with another lying down asleep. Two of the humans were looking at me in discust both male while the other two were crouched with their hands on the sleeping figure chanting quietly they were both female. All four of them possessed the bracelet Lilith said was needed for this class so I presume they are my classmates. I hope.

"Hi there." Let's start off with a friendly introduction.

"Demons ain't allowed in here buzz off." One of the males demanded breaking the girls out of their chant. So much for being friendly.

"I'm here for class." I added showing my bracelet trying to get rid of some of the hostility flowing my way.

"Demons can't possess healing magic so just go change class your not wanted here." The other male yelled as both females avoiding eye contact with me.

Looking at each of them for a couple of seconds I sighed finding a door just beside them. What's the bet they knew I was coming and conveniently positioned themselves so I wouldn't get to class. Walking towards the door the male who spoke first moved to block me grabbing my shoulder in what was soppose to be strong grip but it didn't faze me.

"Demon turn around and leave before this gets messy." This guy.

"I advice you remove your hand. I have tried to be nice but you seem to want to make my life difficult so if you don't get out of my way in 5 seconds I will make sure the worst dream you've ever had visits you every time you close your eyes. Got it?" He flinched but didn't move his hand.


"You think your tough just because..."


"You cocky demon."


Footsteps behind me from the other guy getting ready. Seems they've already decided how this will go.


"Walk away demon"


Without waiting the guy in front threw a punch at my face. Turning slightly he hit my horns letting out a growl as something broke. The guy behind flashed something shiny in his hand. He has a shank, what is this prison fighting? Aiming for my spine he jabbed missing bone but still finding flesh. Jumping into a kick backwards I sent him flying the shank still inside me while I turned to the first guy who's hand glowed white, both girls off to the side chanting the same light in their palms. That explains why their still here.

"Haha you can't hurt us demon, they might call me a hero for culling you." Screw this guy. Going low I hooked his knee sending him to the ground while I slid my leg around his right quad driving my knee into his left. Applying some strength I bent his leg over mine till I herd the snap of bone and his howl of pain. Watching the white light spread around where I just broke I twisted the broken joint forcing it to heal crooked. Slamming my hand into his chin to silence his howls I stood looking at the second guy as he came at me.

Ice started to form around his hands as he swung the added weight and chill forcing me on the defensive. Dam he's a cryomancer as well. My snappers while still ethereal hissed and snapped at his openings as he swung blindly using his magic more than skill but bringing them out was not happening. Dodging around I bobbed and weaved looking for some advantage that wouldn't give away what I was. My lack of focus caused me to misstepped gaining an ice shard to my stomach as he'd turned his hands sharp with ice.

"Ha gotcha."

"Not quite." Grabbing his shirt I pulled him into a headbutt with my horns, holding back enough not to kill him but enough to knock him out.

Letting his body go limp and fall to the ground pulling the spike from my stomach as well. Leaving my regeneration to fix the hole in myself I found guy number 1 trying to stand with his crooked knee, both girls were still trying to heal him. Getting into a fighting stance we faced each other again.

"You still think you have a chance demon? I'll tear you in half."

"Darel you will not cause any harm anyone in my class!" Darel panicked trying to turn towards the voice falling on his ass as he lost balance.

Following his gaze I found my guardian angel.

Golden hair flowing down her back in a braid stopping just shy of her butt, pure white skin with dark green eyes adorned her face while she wore a silver dress baggy enough that it hid everything she had. But what caught my attention the most was her white wings with a twinge of yellow o the tips as they flapped graciously behind her each one mirroring her height.

I could only watch with my jaw hanging open as she walked up to Darel pinning him to the ground with a her foot and grabbing his crooked leg.

"This will hurt." She calmly said rebreaking his knee with a much rougher approach than I did, before realigning it herself. The healing white light sorrounded his leg once again this time healing Darel correctly although he'd fainted from the ordeal. Letting go of Darels leg she walked towards the two girls both of which were shaking slightly.

"Professor Aria this demon tried to..."

"Stop! I know full well that Darel started this and I know full well that you all agreed to help him. So if you start lying to me I will have you removed from my class is that clear?" I like her.

"Now get those two into the recovery room." Running under her gaze the girls moved to carry or drag the males out the room leaving me alone with Aria.

"My apologies about that I was going to be here earlier but my class seemed to all be in on this, dam idiots tried to stall me. You must be the nightmare I was told was joining me Mr?"

"Lazuris, Professor." She nodded looking me directly in the eyes clocking her head to the side. Confused I opened my mouth to speak but a flash of blue in her eyes danced across her eyes.

Suddenly I was in a classroom Aria half on a desk half in my arms. Her dress hiked up to her hips, black underwear dangling uselessly from her left leg, opening her up to me as I drove in and out. One hand around her lower back supporting while my other played with her chest through the fabric.

Moaning she drove her hips harder against me using her own hands on the desk to push letting her wings stretch out as far as they would go. Snuggling my snappers against her wings I enjoyed the softness they provided letting out a soft purr from them as the continued.

Pushing harder against each other I felt my release building and from the way Aria was grunting she was close to, giving one final thrust I sent my seed deep into her, hearing her squeel as she came as well her fluids running freely down my legs as I held her. Panting she pulled me close resting her head on my shoulder cupping a snapper delicately in her hand.

"I love you Lazuris."

Just as quickly I was standing back in the clinic the sharp pain from the shank I'd forgotten about reminding me what happened. Grunting and not in the good way I pulled it out noticing the wound started glowing white. Dropping the shank I felt my face heat up as I looked at Proffesser Aria again that was one vivid fantasy. To my surprise her face was pure red as she stood there her arm extended trying to heal me. Shaking her head with a cough to try and right herself she spoke her voice cracking slightly.

"M-mr Lazuris I d-don't think it's wise to join my class. As I want you." *cough*

"I want to heal injurys not cause them and I feel my class will continue to abuse you, however if you still wish to learn I can sent all the equipment to your dorm pers..."


"I can have all the equipment delivered to your dorm." Wait did she see what just happened as well?

"Ummm sure that would be good."

"Great." Almost running towards the classroom door she left, leaving me alone. Well that just happened and it seems I need to self teach myself magic, dam but she was cute and that vision or whatever it was I can use later. Smiling I left the clinic finding Lilith already outside with my bag on her back seemingly with everything in it.

"Are we leaving master?" Wait what?

"No why would you think that?"

"Well I expected someone to fight you in there and expose what..." Her collar glowed stopping her sentence. Letting it fade I waited for her to continue. Good it works I soppose.

"Sorry master I thought something might happen to make you want to leave immediately." Better choice of words. Laughing I started walking back to our dorm telling Lilith what happened.

"Wait so she definitely said that in your vision?"

"Yea I think it's something to do with your dream abilities so do you know what happened?" Grabbing my arm and jumping up and down she squeeled.

"No master that wasn't my ability that was hers, she tried to judge you and instead of finding out anything about your sins you claimed her. You have a pure soul and it claimed her." Flying circles around me almost singing in happiness Lilith cried out I'd claimed an angel, I'm so glad no one was around to hear us. Giggling from her contagious mood I looked back at the clinic I'll have to ask Lilith more when she's calmed down but for now I need to teach myself some healing magic.


Standing in front of her class Aria glared at each of them as they wrote an essay on their 10 worst nightmares. A fitting punishment for picking a fight with one. But he wasn't one was he? Aria thought her hand gliding over her desk, the same desk she'd been on when she judged him. But for a leviathan to be pure that was almost unheard of but she'd confessed inside the vision. While they weren't her feelings at the moment it did mean she was his regardless, not that it mattered to her as leviathans were strong, getting one to claim an angel without using brute strength even better.

Noticing a stain on her dress she cringed. Need to go shopping soon she can't let him slip away.

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