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90.9% The First Telekinetic / Chapter 10: 4.2

Chapter 10: 4.2

{Kathy started trembling because Michael appeared normal. But, he fainted after a few moments. She hung up on her mother her, who just answered the phone and called for an ambulance.

"Michael, what happened?"}

Michael found himself in a white room and with a woman injecting something into a tube. His gaze followed the tube and noticed its contents would flow into him. Fuck. He reached for the tube and yanked it out of his arm. He raised his fist at the lady until he heard familiar voices yell, "Stop!"

Michael turned and looked toward the voice and noticed Lexi and Kathy yelling at him. He looked at the lady and her nurse's outfit and said, "Sorry, I overreacted."

The nurse giggled and said, "If I woke up and found someone injecting me with something, I hope I do the same as you did."

Michael faced the girls and said, "Sorry, everything is ok now." How long have I been here?

Kathy said, "A week."

Michael squinted and grabbed his phone. He looked at the nurse and said, "Can I be cleared in an hour?"

The nurse said, "No way in hell."

Michael stared at the lady and said, "You have two hours before I leave this hospital. Please prepare whatever documents you need to cover your ass in the meantime."

The nurse looked at Michael and said, "What's so important? Also, you can't leave without your mother's permission."

Michael said, "There is a basketball game I must attend."

"Your in no shape to play basketball!"

Michael called his mother and said, "Mom, how are you?"

She replied, "Michael, your ok!"

"Of course, the hospital wants to run some pointless test, which likely cost a few thousand dollars. Can we skip that?"

"Have them check your blood pressure, and if that's ok, I'll give you I'll let you go home."

Michael nodded and asked the nurse to check his blood pressure while handing her the phone. Why did I nod?

Kathy and Lexi screamed at Michael and said, "Forget the stupid game."

Michael shook his head and said, "I must go." It was not the last game here Dillan got injured, it was this one. I remember the other guard was a good shooter. I will ball hog and win the game alone. But, he will not be injured today. Dillan, you're my best friend. Even if I were truly hurt, I would still go.

Michael looked at the nurse then sat down while saying, "Check my blood pressure, please."

The nurse sighed and did a few basic things before Michael was given a waiver and left the building. I'm sure they had my mother fax a signed waiver why are they making me sigh one? What are they going to find? I'm sure I fainted because I used my powers, anyway.

Michael requested a copy of the blood work and any other test results before leaving the hospital.

Kathy and Lexi pleaded for Michael to head back to the hospital but gave up since they arrived at the arena. Without his mother to stop him, they could not control Michael made Michael go back.

On the way to the arena, Kathy called her mother, but once Michael said, "There are certain times where a man can't run away no matter the price," His mother told Kathy, "There is nothing we can do. It would cause more harm than good to go back."

Michael escorted the girls to the stands and glared at them, making sure they stayed silent about the events in the hospital and headed toward his team.

However, unlike last time, the crowd chanted, "Mercenaries."

Dillan shouted, "Michael's here!"

Michael smiled and walked into the huddle. His coach squinted his eyes and said, "What are you doing here."

Michael said, "Winning a basketball game?"

The coach pointed toward the bench and said, "Sit down."

Michael yelled, "I have to play!"

The coach ignored Michael, and his team dropped the issue once the coach said, "If everything is ok, he will play during the second half possibly sooner. But, remember, he is not cleared from the hospital; We visited him four hours ago."

The coached looked at his team and said, "Win, so he does not have a choice in the matter."

Dam it! I have to play. Otherwise, Dillan could be injured again. It's even more likely if I don't play! I did not play well the first time, and I forced Dillan to score more!

Michael stood up and walked toward Dillan and said, "Don't force things, pass the ball to our teammates. They can score set them up as I did in the second half of our last game."

Dillan looked at Michael and gave him a thumbs up before saying, "Ok, I will pass the ball around."

Michael offered his fist, which Dillan bumped before heading to the court. Now that the game started Michael's coach watched the game intently, but asked Michael, "Why are you here and why is this game so important?"

Michael looked at his coach and said, "Dillan can't win this match without me."

The coach replied, "There guard has got the better of you in the last two matches. How are you of any help to Dillan? And, you still haven't answered why this match is so important."

Wait, I can use how I played in the last match!

Michael looked at his coach, who was looking at the court and replied, "I don't want to forget the way I played last time."

His coach rubbed his chin and closed his eyes. The way he played the last match was abnormal. However, the day after he went to the hospital, he fainted. It's not likely what happened in the game caused this, but how can I be sure it won't harm him. Also, I understand his desire if he lost touch with how he played the other day; he would feel a sense of pain his whole life.

Michael noticed his coach has not stopped rubbing his chin, nor has he opened his eyes. So he asked, "What is your name?"

The coach sighed and said, "Greg. Also, I want to talk to your mother. I want to bench you personally, but I understand your reasons for wanting to play."

Michael trembled while calling his mother. Mom, you must answer this call. I have to play!

Michael watched the game while his phone rang. Dillan drove to the and was fouled* while attempting a layup. Michael made a first and thought, "That's standard defense; if it were not today, I would even cheer Dillan on. He is playing well and passing the ball around. Thankfully, our team is making the shots, but still, I must play!"

The crowd yelled, "boooo."

Dillan stood on the free-throw-line* and raised his arms the crowd yelled, even more, hoping that they would force him to miss. Dillan looked at the bench and saw Michael's panicked expression and took a deep breath while giving him a thumbs up.

Dam it Dillan, I don't care about this match. Join me on the bench or at least get me on the court.

After his fifth call, Michael's mother answered her phone and said, "What happened?"

Michael said, "Coach won't let me play unless he gets the ok from you."

His mother exhaled and said, "Why is this match so important to you."

"I can't explain now, but I must play."

"Even if I said you wouldn't play for the rest of the season?"

"Yes, That's fine with me, but today, I must play."

"Very well, you owe me a good explanation when I get back."

Michael placed his hand over his chest and exhaled before saying, "Thank you, I will explain everything. I don't think you will believe me over the phone anyway."

Michael handed his phone to his coach. His coach said, "Hello." Michael's mother ignored formalities and said, "He must play, don't bench him no matter what, I'll be responsible if the teams lose."

Greg yelled, "That makes no sense! This match is not even that important!"


Michael's mother smiled and replied, "He agreed not to play basketball anymore if I let him play. How can I not let him play? As far as basketball goes, I will hear his reasons when I get home."

In Europe, Michael's mother looked at the sky and wondered what happened while she has been away. She reached for her necklace and opened it. She looked at a picture of Michael holding Kathy as a baby and smiled while tears rolled down her eyes.

Michael, what happened that you would give up playing basketball? I don't understand. From I know, without you, that team would not make it far. I don't want you to play, but I don't want you to quit for the wrong reasons. Nor, do I want to force you into quitting. I'm sorry I asked you that question. I had wanted to make sure your motives deeper than making than advancing, but when I heard your response, I felt like a sinner.

Greg smashed his foot into the floor and said, "Good luck."

Michael said, "Watch me, Greg, this might be the last game I play."


Greg took a deep breath and called a timeout. He looked at his team and said, "Tonight's game is not truly important, but Michael has something he must do today, let's support him."

Dillan and the rest of the team stared at the coach until someone said, "Then let's support him."

Michael thanked his teammate and roared, "Forsaken Ones!"

Michael looked into the stands and yelled, "Lexi, I love you and no one else."

Lexi watched Michael's public confession and thought, "I told you not to say it," while blushing and being poked in the ribs by Kathy's elbow. Kathy, of course, had no control of her elbow.


Ashly saw Michael's confession and sighed while mumbling, "Perhaps, that is for the best." She left the stadium and used her shirt to clear away her tears while a few of her friends attempted to comfort her.

One of her friends asked, "Did he find out?"

Ashly forced a laugh and said, "Not likely, nor do I think such a thing would change anything, but I planned on leaving him anyways."

Ashly's friend said, "But, the way he did it was cruel no?"

Ashly shook her head and said, "I don't think he even thought about it. I'm sure he will break up with me again soon."

Ashly's friend embraced her so that the world could not hear her sobs.


Back on the court, Michael's team inbounded the ball. Michael grabbed the ball and sighed while looking at his defender and said, "Sorry kid," while pulling up for a three-point shot.

After he made the shot, Michael backpedaled and prepared the team's defense. The opposing guard was also the person who injured Dillan last time. Michael did not have ill will toward him, but in this situation, he took out his anger on him.

Michael closed the gap and punished the kids every mistake. Every pass, the kid called it out to his team. Every time he called for a pick, Michael would use his footwork and bypass it.

On offense, Michael would call for a pick and roll. However, Michael left no room for the kid to get past the pick, after all, Michael could take a shot in less than a second and worst of all he would make around sixty percent of them.

The other coach called for a box and one, which forced two players to cover Michael, but often Michael would still score on both defenders or pass to an open player who would score, anyway.

When Michael entered the game, it was tied, but now, his team had a twenty point lead.

Lexi who recorded the game was trembling. What is this, Michael? That kid will never pick up a ball again. I know this game was important to you. But, this is not even close! Why won't you sit down? Worst of all, why is the coach not stopping you? I don't understand! Your ball-hogging, but our team is cheering you on. You rarely even pass the ball to Dillan.

Worst of all, while you're doing all this, you have not smiled once.

After the game, Michael headed for Kathy and Lexi. Kathy looked at him and said, "Let's go home."

Michael's team walked toward their coach. Dillan looked at him and asked, "What happened to Michael? The way he played it felt like it was his last game."

Greg looked toward the stands and said, "It can't be, that was a terrible game."

Dillan said, "Was that a message to me and the team? Does Michael feel that we lack talent?"

Greg replied, "No, did you notice? Once he entered the game, they fouled no one, other than him."

Once the team heard that, they trembled and thought, "How is that even possible?"


Foul- When a player breaks a rule. If a player is shooting when fouled, they are awarded two free throws or three if past the three-point line. Each of these shots is worth one point, which is why players will often foul players shooting the ball in certain situations. Of course, there are different levels of fouls.

A player can only foul the other team six times before being removed from the game.

Free-Throw-Line A line 15 feet away from the basket

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