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46.15% Me and Sister / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Classes

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Classes

The servant dropped Tiqa off by the door to her bedroom. By her door stood a guard and another servant girl. The guard was 5'8 feet tall, wore a long sleeve white shirt, and had black pants. Around his waist was a belt that held daggers and a sword. The servant girl had long red hair and light blue eyes. She wore a light gray peasant style dress that cut off just below the knee, and that's sleeves cut off around her elbow. The guard bowed, the servant girl curtised, and the servant girl (who escorted Tiqa to her room) left. Tiqa looked down to the floor, and the servant girl (who stood by the door) said, "Hello your Highness, I'm Elisabeth, your personal servant." Tiqa looked up and said, "Hello." Elisabeth said, "Come Tiqa, we'll get you settled into your room now." Tiqa and Elisabeth entered Tiqa's room and shut the door behind them. Tiqa's room had mint green walls with a light purple flower design painted on one wall. She had a window that had purple curtains and overlooked the forest. She had a bed with mint green covers and light gray pillows. On one of her walls hung a picture of a Cross, and by her bed was a white bedside table that had a Bible on it. She had a purple desk that had books, notebooks, pencils, and pens on it, and a white vanity that had purple and mint green flower designs on it. On the vanity were brushes, combs, bobby pins, flower pins (for the hair), 2 bottles of perfumes, and rubber bands. In her room, she had a walk-in closet that was 800 square feet. The closet had 20 pairs of shoes, 40 dresses, 30 pairs of night clothes, 30 bottles of body mists and perfumes, and 20 bottles of lotions. Her room also had a personal bathroom that was over 1900 square feet. Her bathroom had white towels hanging up on the towel rack, a marble sink with a cabinet underneath it and a mirror that hung above it, a walk-in glass shower, a soak in tub, a white toilet, and floors that heated up. The floors were different shades of browns and were stones, and the shower walls matched the floors. The walls of the bathroom were a light beige.

Tiqa stood by the door, looking around her room. Elisabeth said, "I know it must be a lot to take in. Especially since you've been in the forest for so long." Tiqa looked at Elisabeth and said, "You know about the forest?" Elisabeth chuckled and said, "Well, of course I do your Highness. The whole castle knows about it." Tiqa asked, "How did they all find out so quickly?" Elisabeth said, "Well, when a new princess, in your case princesses, comes to the castle to live, it's bound to get around." Tiqa said, "Good point. Now, do all princesses have personal servants?" Elisabeth said, "Well princesses have servants, but as far as a servant like me goes, it's more of a lady in waiting's job. His Majesty King Mark put me in charge of acting like your lady in waiting until they actually find you a lady in waiting." Tiqa said, "Oh," and walked over to her bed. She sat down, and Elisabeth asked, "Is it comfortable, your Highness?" Tiqa laid back on the bed and answered, "Very." Elisabeth said, "Well, I hope everything is to your liking. I hope you're very comfortable." Tiqa said, "I would be more comfortable if that guard wasn't standing outside my room. Are all your rooms armed with guards?" Elisabeth said, "Yes, safety is big for the King and Queen." Tiqa said, "Oh..." Elisabeth said, "Well, your Highness, enjoy your rest. I'll see you in the morning bright and early." Tiqa said, "Alright goodnight." Elisabeth curtsied and said, "Goodnight, " as she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Tiqa laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling thinking about her parents. She said, "God, this is a dream come true. I'm a real princess, and so is Driaka. You've already given me more than I ever asked for, more than I've ever hoped. Never in a million years would I have thought I was going to be a princess. A princess who would live in the most beautiful castle in the prettiest room, wearing these beautiful clothes, it's all a dream come true. I just have to say thank You, thank You so much!" She sat up, walked over to her closet, went inside, pulled out some night clothes, took a shower, put on her night clothes, turned off her light, and laid in bed. She looked up at the ceiling and said, "God, this is a Blessing, a very great Blessing You've given us. I just thank You for everything." She slowly drifted away in a deep sleep.

8 hours passed, and there was a knock at her door. The door slowly opened, and a servant holding a tray of food entered. The servant stood by Tiqa's bed and said, "Good morning, your Highness," waking Tiqa up. Tiqa saw the servant and quickly sat up for the servant scared her. The servant said, "Oh, I'm sorry, your Highness. I didn't mean to scare you." Tiqa said, "No, no, it's okay. I guess I have to get used to someone entering my room." The servant walked over to Tiqa, gave her the tray, and said, "Your breakfast today is cinnamon apple french toast with powdered sugar on top and to drink orange juice courtesy of the head chef Justin." Tiqa said, "Oh, I love his cooking. He made an excellent dinner last night. Please make sure to tell him I said thank you." The servant said, "Will do your Highness." Tiqa began to eat, and the servant curtsied and left the room while Elisabeth entered the room. Elisabeth said, "Good morning, your Highness. Are you enjoying breakfast?" Tiqa said, "Very much. The last time I got served breakfast in bed was when I was really young." Elisabeth said, "Oh, the last time I was served breakfast in bed was... Never 30." Tiqa laughed and said, "Never 30?" Elisabeth smiled and said, "Yes, never 30. Now when you're done I'll help you get dressed and then you we can start your studies." Tiqa said, "My studies?" Elisabeth said, "Yes, your studies. The King and Queen want you to learn the ropes of being a princess before they have another formal event." Tiqa said, "Great... So these studies do all princesses have to do this?" Elisabeth said, "Yes, including your little sister." Tiqa said, "Well, this is a lot to take in." Elisabeth said, "I'm sure you'll catch on quickly. Now you must hurry up. It's not good for a princess to be late." Tiqa finished eating, and Elisabeth took her tray. Elisabeth said, "Now I'm going to put this in the kitchen, and then we can pick out a dress for you, and I'll help you put it on." Tiqa said, "Sounds good," and Elisabeth left while saying, "I'll be right back." Tiqa said, "Princess classes God? I've never heard of a princess class, God. God, please help me to adjust and face these new things head-on with You in my mind." Elisabeth entered the room and said, "Now let's find you a dress." Elisabeth entered the closet, pulled out a rose gold, floor length, a-line style, gown that had sleeves that cut off around the elbow, and said, "How about this?" Tiqa said, "It's beautiful. I would love to wear it." Elisabeth said, "Okay, now you go take a shower while I find some shoes for you." Tiqa said, "Okay," took a shower, and Elisabeth helped dress her in her gown. Elisabeth showed Tiqa white high heels and said, "How about these, your Highness?" Tiqa said, "Beautiful, I'll wear those." Tiqa sat on her bed and put on her shoes. Elisabeth said, "Now your hair. Come over to the vanity so I can do it." Tiqa and Elisabeth walked over to the vanity, and Tiqa sat at the chair that was sitting at the vanity. Elisabeth grabbed a brush and began to brush Tiqa's hair while saying, "Alright your Highness, what do you want done to it?" Tiqa said, "Can we please leave it down? I would love for it to be down." Elisabeth said, "Alright your Highness, we'll leave it down." Elisabeth brushed through Tiqa's hair until it was untangled, and the frizz was gone. Elisabeth asked, "How's that?" Tiqa answered, "It's perfect." Tiqa picked up a white flower pin from off of her vanity and put it in her hair. Elisabeth said, "Now you can start your day, and you're right on time too." Driaka, Jenessa, and Susan entered the room yelling, "Tiqa." Tiqa stood up and said, "Hello girls, I see you guys are all dressed and ready for your day." Driaka said, "A nice servant named Sue dressed me in this beautiful purple ballroom gown I have on and put my hair up into a princess bun." Tiqa smiled and said, "Ah, your personal servant did this. What a wonderful job she did." Driaka said, "Sue says that me, Susan, and Jenessa have to go to classes." Tiqa said, "I heard. Well let's go to our princess classes, shall we?" Elisabeth said, "Oh your Highness Princess Tiqa, you won't be attending classes with the girls. They attend classes for younger princesses and ladies in waiting. You will be attending an older class. There's more for a princess your age to learn than there is for little ones." Susan said, "Tiqa has the fun teacher, and we have the strict one Ms.Sky." Jenessa said, "Speaking of Ms.Sky we better go to the class now before Ms. Sky throws a fit about us being late again. Because as you know ladies in waiting are supposed to keep princesses on time." Susan said, "Alright, let's go." Susan grabbed Driaka's and Jenessa's hand, and they walked away while Driaka said, "Goodbye Tiqa." Tiqa said, "So I attend a class by myself." Elisabeth said, "Only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. On Mondays and Wednesdays, you attend classes with his Highness Prince Stephen." Tiqa's face turned red, and she said, "I have to attend classes with Stephen?! Doing what?!" Elisabeth said, "You'll be learning how to eat dinner, ballroom dance, how to announce your title, what to do at a formal event, etc... It's a good thing you came along. His Highness usually has to do this with his Monday and Wednesday teacher Mrs.Charlotte." Tiqa asked, "Who is Mrs. Charlotte?" Elisabeth answered, "She is a lady in waiting and a teacher. She comes here from a kingdom not far from here. Now today, you will be in the ballroom." Tiqa said, "The ballroom?!" Elisabeth said, "Yes, now let's get a move on. I won't have you be late now." Elisabeth grabbed Tiqa's hand and escorted her to the ballroom. In the ballroom stood Stephen, Mrs. Charlotte, and Cedar. Elisabeth curtsied, said, "I'll see you later. I have chores to do," and left all while Stephen stared at Tiqa. Mrs. Charlotte said, "Well, I see we have two new students. Her Highness Princess Tiqa and Nobleman Cedar." Cedar said, "Me a new student? I would think my favorite teacher would remember her favorite student." Mrs. Charlotte said, "I meant newer to the class. The last time you attended my class was 4 years ago and now you're back. We've upgraded studies." Cedar said, "I know it's been a while." Mrs. Charlotte said, "Yes, it has. Now we've been learning about introductions, right your Highness?" Mrs. Charlotte looked at Stephen, seeing that he was staring at Tiqa. Mrs. Charlotte yelled, "Right, your Highness." Stephen quickly looked at Mrs. Charlotte and said, "The essay is due when?" Cedar chuckled, and Mrs. Charlotte said, "I think someone was daydreaming about his other class. Well, now that you're back from dreamland, will you please show us how to introduce yourself." Stephen's face turned red, and he said, "You want me to introduce myself?" Mrs. Charlotte said, "There's only one Prince Stephen, and that's you, so yes. Come face the class and introduce yourself." Stephen stood in front of them, bowed, and said, "Hello, my name is Prince Stephen Timothy August Daniel from the Blue Kingdom." Mrs. Charlotte said, "Good now you go practice with her Highness. Now your Highness Princess Tiqa, I don't expect you to know your title since you're a new princess. Your tutor will teach you more later. You can just let His Highness practice his introduction." Cedar said, "Then who am I going to practice with?" Mrs. Charlotte said, "You Cedar will be practicing with me. Now you two go to the other half of the room, and your Highness Prince Stephen practiced your introduction." Stephen said, "I...I... I will." He put out his hand towards Tiqa, and she grabbed it. He led her to the other half of the room.

He let go of her hand, bowed while she curtsied, and he said, "Hello, my name is Prince Stephen Timothy August Daniel from the Blue Kingdom." Tiqa said."I'm charmed to meet you, and my name is Princess Tiqa Francine Brianne from the Blue Kingdom." He smiled, said, "So happy to be here," and Tiqa said, "It's an honor to be here." He grabbed her hand, kissed it, and she smiled. He said, "It seems you're a natural princess." She chuckled and said, "More like I have too much time on my hands. I used to pretend to be a princess when I was younger, rehearsing my princess title." Stephen said, "Well, you've done a job great... I mean, great job! Because you are princess perfect... I mean, perfect princess. I mean, I meant to say a natural princess, he-heh-ha." His face turned red, she smiled, and said, "Well, thank you, Your Highness." He said, 'You're welcome, your Highness."

Mrs. Charlotte said, "If you're done practicing your Highness, then will you two please join me over here." They walked over to Mrs. Charlotte and Cedar, and Mrs. Charlotte said, "Well, now that you've practiced, why not show me how to introduce yourself to a princess." Stephen grabbed Tiqa's hand, and they walked a few feet away so he could present his introduction. He bowed while she curtsied, and he said, "Hello, my name is Prince Stephen Timothy August Daniel from the Blue Kingdom." Tiqa replied, "I'm charmed to meet you. My name is Princess Tiqa Francine Brianne from the Blue Kingdom." Stephen said, "So happy to be here." Tiqa said, "It's an honor to be here." Mrs. Charlotte said, "It seems her Highness knows a little more than I thought." Stephen said, "I know, isn't she perfect..." Everyone in the room stared at him, and Tiqa's face turned red. Stephen said, "I mean, I meant, I mean a natural is what I mean." Mrs. Charlotte said, "Hmm, I'm sure. Let's just continue to go over these titles together."

The hours passed as Cedar, Tiqa, and Stephen practiced their titles in front of each other. Soon, class was over, and Mrs. Charlotte said, "Alright now you're dismissed." Cedar said, "Great, now it's lunchtime." Stephen chuckled and said, "Yeah, your favorite time of the day." Cedar said, "You know it!" Stephen said, "Your Highness, I can take you to your sister." Tiqa smiled and said, "That would be lovely, but..." Mrs. Charlotte interrupted saying "Actually your Highness Prince Stephen, I would like to have a word with you in private." Stephen said, "Hmmm um yes sure." Elisabeth walked into the room and said, "Your Highness Princess Tiqa, come her Highness Princess Driaka, her Highness Princess Susan, and Lady Jenessa are all waiting in the garden for you. A tea party is set up for you and them." Tiqa said, "Oh, how cute! Well, goodbye, your Highness, I'll see you around the castle." Elisabeth escorted Tiqa to the garden while Cedar left to the kitchen, and Stephen stared at Tiqa leaving the room.

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