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82.6% The Eccentric Exorcist / Chapter 18: The Sun After A Troubling Night Is Always Brighter

Chapter 18: The Sun After A Troubling Night Is Always Brighter

"Knock knock, it's time to wake up now Mako."

Knocking on the floor, Akira lied down beside the sleeping Mako face to face, looking at her sleeping face in a blank look.

The knocks in front of Mako face slowly brought her back from her sleep, she slowly opened her eyes but was welcome with Akira's face up close.

Out of reflex, Mako punched Akira in the face, sending him sliding towards the wall.


Frightened by Akira, she jumped up and looked at him in a vexed mood.

"Ouch." Covering his nose, Akira helped himself up.

The punch might seem strong as it pushed Akira away, but it didn't make him bleed or anything.

Brushing off his nose, he was questioned by Mako.

Mako and Kamakura were found on the second floor, asleep and veiled by malevolence. They were freed from any harm when Akira and Kurata found them at the corner of the master room.

"What are we doing here? Where is that Yoma? That damn sneaky little bitch, putting me to sleep like that!" Mako vented her dissatisfaction of being ambushed on top of her vexed mood, making her grumpier than normal.

"It's been dealt with. I've purified the two of them." Akira waving his hand proudly, he added, "With me around, matters will eventually solve themselves, there is no need for you to worry, hehehe…"

"But didn't you fall asleep just now? I broke the capsule to wake you up…"


While Akira was trying to proudly claim credit for this assignment, Kurata took the credit away from Akira mercilessly, leaving Akira in an embarrassing state. Kamakura, his awoken partner, chuckled beside him outside the door.

Mako turned to Akira with a judgmental gaze, doubting what he said. She eventually sighed, "Fine, it seems like you manage to control the situation this time."

"O-Of course I do! It's all according to plan, hehehe." Akira regained his confident and brushed the tip of his nose proudly.

"Now what? Can we clear Reira-neesan's name now?" Mako shifted her gaze between Akira and Kurata, hoping for an answer to the problem they were here to solve in the first place.

"Well, the real killer is already gone, but with that left behind, I'm sure Kurata-san will perform his duty as a police inspector and clear the innocent's name right?"

Akira pointed at the bagged scissors in Kurata's hand.

Kurata showed a baffled look. He of course knew the truth behind this whole incident as he witnessed it himself, but in order to convince others to believe the truth that he saw, it would be extremely difficult. He might have to pull some strings or favors in order to pull this off.

Thankfully, it was difficult, not impossible, so he replied with a nod, "Don't worry, I swear on my badge that the lady back at the station will be freed."

"Kamakura, since you've slept for so long just now, it's time for you to work." grunted Kurata.

"Y-Yes sir…" Kamakura answered with a bitter smile.

He did nap, just not a pleasant one, but the feeling of clearing the innocent name was the same as his partner. He sighed strongly to adjust his emotion for the work to come.

"We will go back to the station now and start working on the necessary procedures. And I will need the two of you to come with us too." said Kurata, pointing at Akira and Mako.

"I got it. You guys go ahead first, we will meet you downstairs."

Kurata and Kamakura nodded, both of them went ahead downstairs.

"Mako, there's something I need to tell you, it's about what the Yoma said, the older sister, Reika told me that they were merely the bullet of the gun, someone else pulled the trigger."

The goofy face on Akira went away when he mentioned the revelation he had gotten from Reika before he purified the sisters.

Mako too reacted seriously, she did not expect a mastermind behind this seemingly independent incident, but barely surprised.

Right before Akira purified Reika and Reiko, Reika told Akira that there was another Yoma who instructed, or more precisely forced, them to abduct young girls.

The Yoma didn't seem like from around the area, he had a still presence, somewhat like frozen water. He first appeared before the sisters less than a week ago, he demanded the sisters to abduct young girls for him to reap their souls.

Reika wanted to resist at first, despite that he couldn't engage in a fight, she resisted with all her might. However, the Yoma forced her to submit by taking her sister, Reiko, hostage.

Reiko had suffered enough when she was alive, Reika didn't want the same to happen to her younger sister even after death, hence she complied.

Since she was unable to engage in a fight, she'd observe the area for lone victims and when she spotted the target, she'd signal Reiko to bring them in.

Other than the abduction, the sisters did nothing to the victims, not by their own freewill at least.

Each time a victim was abducted, the Yoma would come and controlled Reiko with his powers.

Reiko fought back at first, but was useless against the mind attack.

It was nothing more than a few times yet Reiko's consciousness started to fade, a beastly instinct then took place, hence turning her into a fierce presence with lowered intellect.

Reika's worries heightened, but she couldn't find a way to free both of them.

Then, the sisters encountered Akira, she thought it would be the end this time, she started to make peace with her mind but Akira did not send them away the harsh way, instead he reached out with his kindness.

The revelation of the Yoma behind this was to repay Akira's kindness.

She didn't know who the Yoma really was, all she could tell Akira about the Yoma was his still presence and was a very strong mind controller.

"So you just stopped halfway and decided to talk your way in? What if the sisters are trying to trick you?" Mako asked after hearing what Akira said.

"It's fine, not all Yoma are evil, I sensed good in the sisters, they are just a victim of domestic violence, it's not fair for them to suffer even after death." Akira laid his hands out, shrugging as he explained his action.

Mako sighed and shaking her head, it wasn't disapproval but she surrendered to Akira's naivety.

"I really have to give it to you sometimes… Since it's been taken care off, I guess I'll spare you this time, but you will have to report to grandfather yourself this time."

"W-What? Damn it, I totally forgot about the report! Mako, please help me! Please! Pleeeeease!"

The two of them finally came down the stairs, with Akira begging Mako for her help on the report.

Confused about the scene, the two officers looked at the pair from the door with raised brows.

"Are you guys ready to go?" asked Kurata.

"Please, please please… Okay?! Great!" Akira's begging finally stopped after a stiff nod from Mako. He then turned to the officers with a delighted smile, "Yeap, we are ready here, let's go free my big sister shall we?"

The four of them walked back to the patrol car and drove back to the police station.

It was the middle of the night, but much work remained to be done, at least the officers would need to get prepared for the procedures to free Reira from custody. Besides, Kurata must also come up with a story to convince his superior after he free Reira.

The night was still quiet, the warm summer night was extra harsh on the people sleeping on their bed. The warmth would easily make people sweat during their sleep, mattresses were usually soaked with sweat halfway through the night and no matter how sweet of a dream people might have, the discomfort on their body was anything but pleasant.

A short-haired figure with a big oversized coat that its collar covered half of his face standing in the shadow was also feeling uncomfortable.

His dull eyes watched the patrol car drove away with Akira in the back seat.

After the patrol car turned away from his sight, the figure walked to the front of the house where the sisters were purified.

He looked up and down, left and right, sizing every single edge of the abandoned building, ultimately sighed softly.

"Rough start, Goma."

A voice came from behind him, followed by the sudden appearance of a figure in a large straw hat and a worn out white and black hakama, a traditional Japanese clothing; a sheathed katana was hanging by his waist.

"Tsurugi. I had it worse." answered the short-haired figure who was called Goma. "Let's walk and talk."

The two of them walked side by side under the dark sky, along the quiet residential street.

"How's your scouting going, Tsurugi?" Goma asked.

"Smooth, but Tokyo is much more complicated than I thought, it's not like the simple place where we come from. It might take a few more days before I completely grasp the terrain." said Tsurugi, the Yoma who dressed like a samurai. "How's yours going?"

"Mine? Maybe it's the warm weather here but it won't slow down my progress, since it's just a little experiment. I really shouldn't have come here in the midst of my experiment." grunted Goma.

"We are all here because of the Soul Contract, it can't be helped." Tsurugi sighed.

"I hope that bastard Mumen won't interfere much with my experiment." added Goma but Tsurugi warned him.

"Be careful of your words, you might get yourself in trouble with him."

Goma went quiet, he knew what Mumen was and what he was capable of, and before he succeeded his experiment, he had no right or power to disobey orders.

"Let's go. The meeting is due soon, HE is expecting us." Tsurugi said.

Goma nodded.

The two of them then walked into the shadows and disappeared into the darkness, leaving nothing behind.

The summer wind whistled softly in the sky, carrying the sense of warmth to every corner of the metropolitan city. The whistle was clearly heard as the night quiets down, but back at the district police station, things were just started to get busy and noise after the patrol car parked in front of it.

Kurata and Kamakura stormed to their office and started working on the release procedures.

It was 3 a.m. in the morning, many official procedures couldn't be carried out as intended, but many preparations, such as paperwork, witness testimonials, in this case Akira's, had to be done.

The two officers were determined to get this done through the night. After what Akira had done for them, they at least owe him the favour to get this done as soon as possible.

Kurata was busy with the paperwork, while Kamakura recorded a statement from Akira, even though it was a story they came up with.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours.

Mako sat down and watched the three of them carry out all the necessary procedures.

Even though Akira wasn't a police officer, after the little adventure and the uniqueness of this department, the two officers didn't reject his request to help around.

The sun finally rose, shining the first light through the darkest of night, expelling the darkness and basked the land with light.

After hours of tireless work and waited for the station to clear all the request, Akira and Mako finally received the result that they had been waiting for: Reira freed.

"Akiraaaaaaaaa! Makoooooo!"

Reira cried both their names when she entered the waiting room, she jumped forward and hugged both of them, tears almost rolled down from her eyes, she reacted like a lost child reunited with her parents.

"Reira-neesan, it's fine now… and you are hugging me a little too tight." Akira tapped on Reira's back, signalling her to release him.

"Oh my bad, can't control my strength when I'm excited. It's food to finally breathe some fresh air! The holding cell was trible! I'd die to go back inside there!" Reira grunted.

"I think you should keep your feisty attitude in check, or you will be back in no time." Kurata's voice came from the entrance as he came in with his partner, holding the documents for Reira's release in his hand.

"What did you say, old man?! It's dumb officers like you who always catch the wrong person!"

"Who are you calling dumb?! I dare you to say that again, and I'll lock you back up in the cell!"

Sparks ignited in between their stern gaze at each other, and right before the quarrel could exacerbate or Reira land a bite on Kurata's neck, Kamakura stepped in and split them up.

"Now, now Kurata-san, we are here to release her, not put her back into the cell."

"And miss, please do not cause any trouble anymore, I can't guarantee that my partner won't lock you up."

"Of course I won't cause any trouble, I don't even want to spend another minute in this stinking place! Give me back my katana and my belongings and I'll be on my way!" said Reira.

After getting the nod of approval from Kurata, Kamakura led Reira out to retrieve her belongings. She waved softly at Akira and Mako like a playful cat with a new toy as she walked out.

"I better go keep an eye on her. Akira, meet me at the entrance after you are done here." said Mako. She nodded at Kurata before she went after Reira.

"What a feisty sister you have there." said Kurata after Mako's absence as he handed the documents to Akira, which required his signature.

"She's not really my sister by blood… So did the story work?" Akira asked as he started to write his name on the documents.

"Thankfully, our department is a special division ordered by the director of station himself. I heard he is a close friend with your grandfather, that's why he agreed to give us a hand. We still have to deal with the press later though, but that's nothing to be worried about, the scissors we recovered at the scene will be enough for the press to chew on for a while." Kurata said as he heaved a breath of relief.

"Great to hear that." Akira handed the documents back to Kurata and showed a smile.

He then nodded at Kurata and wanted to make his leave but before he walked out of the door, Kurata held him back.

"Hey kid, one more thing."


"Thank you."

"Hehe… It's nothing…"

After saving his life, the least Kurata could do was thank Akira properly, otherwise he couldn't rest.

"By the way Kurata-san, are you really a police officer? I never seen police officers operate with this much liberty like you and your partner. Are you some kind of secret squad or something?" asked Akira out of curiosity.

"Well, we are the Supernatural Investigation n' Research Independent Department after all. If we can't even release an innocent person, how are we going to deal with the supernatural stuff?" Kurata showed a sharp and determined smile.

Akira replied with a nodding smile, stating that he knew what the officer meant.

After he went out of sight by turning into the corner, his voice came through the door.

"Oh and Kurata-san, I think you won't be able to sleep for several days since you should crush the capsule with your hand, not your mouth."

Kurata was left alone with a twitching eyes and a blank expression. He finally understood why he didn't feel tired after working for a whole straight night.

Nevertheless, he shook his head, and smiled it off.

Akira arrived at the entrance of the station.

Mako, Reira and Kamakura was waiting for him.

"I would suggest that you take the other exit since you might run into reporters camping outside the station." said Kamakura.

"Don't worry about us Kamakura-san, we will be fine." said Mako.

The exorcists trio then bowed to Kamakura and left the station via the main entrance.

Kamakura saw them off with a wave. Deep in his heart, he was glad that he could meet someone like Akira and he had a hunch that this won't be their last meeting.


The sun shed its warm light over Reira, causing her to embrace it with her hand over her forehead.

"Ah fresh air, warm sun, the taste of freedom is as sweet as ever." Reira chuckled.

"Come on Reira-neesan, let's go get some breakfast. It's been a while since you came to Tokyo, I'll bring you to the best breakfast place that I know off." said Akira as he put his hands around Reira shoulder. He added, "After breakfast, you will have to tell us why are you here and you are not slipping away like always, I got you now."

Akira determined and somewhat evil smile was met with Reira's helpless smile.

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