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Why was that so underwhelming...

I learned many things in my two weeks of classes.

First, my school is Seton academy. The school is a private school for all types of animals. but some of the teachers are this world is unique

I also don't think of these animals as normal they are evolved animals...So I'll call them beastmen. They have intelligence matching that of humanoids.

wait doesn't that mean when they come back to my world...there will be humans, beastmen, Yokai, monsters, spirits, aliens, gods/angles, devils/demons...I want to see an elf and faires...

well anyway, the second thing is that my other self had no wish...he had a lot of knowledge of animals that's about it...


Ranka POV

My name is Ranka Ookami and I am a Ezo Wolf.

When I was a cub, I became separated from my pack. Back in those days, I'd thought that species shouldn't interact with other species I mean most species I saw only intersected with their own kind and so I thought it was natural.

However that all changed when I was attacked by bears. They surrounded me but then a human boy saved me from the bears and beat them up.

{In truth Ranka misremembered it. the boy (Tenchi other self) was beaten up by the bears but Ranka remembered it differently and since that was the first time someone from a different species protected her.}

I was happy, and ever since then dreamed of forming a friendship and pack with different animals.

I was trying to convince this impala to join my pack when suddenly a bunch of bears surrounded us

Bear 1: oh lookie what we got here grizzly

Bear 2: I know this little doggy is the one trying to get a pack...haha she is trying to start a pack with other species...what a weirdo

the three laugh

Bear 3: well Doesn't matter...move out the way runt... we want to play with that cutie there

They lick their lips

Ranka: Shut up and go back to your den

Bear 2: you hear that this little shrimp is telling us to go back

they start laughing

One of them knocks me to the side and pick up the impala

I lung at them trying to get them

Ranka: stop it!

Bear 1: you sure are persistent huh shrimp, why does it matter what we do to an Impala? It's not like she's a dog

while holding him: They're my packmate! I finally found it after for searching so long. There is no way I could abandon them

The bears start laughing.

Bear 1: A impala and a dog together in a pack together. What kind of idiot are ya!

Suddenly the one who held the Impala in his hand was kicked and knocked to the ground

Dust cleared and a human was there and held the Impala in his arms

human: what a pitty. I am ashamed of you bears. I mean compared to them...

he shakes his head

Human: Listen up... let's just end here alright. Apologies to these two girls and never do anything like this again

He smiles while putting the Impala down

The girl and I were staring at him...I didn't even smell him come by

the bear he kicked gets up shaking his head growling

bear 1: what you're telling us to leave and apologies

bear 2: your just a weak human

bear 3: no look he has a sword on his side. maybe he thinks he can defeat us with that stupid looking weapon

they all start laughing

the human expression changed...his smell changed too

Human: what...what did say...did you just call my Est stupid...did you make fun of my Restia...did you mock my Liz and patty...

The human runs fast and punches one of the bears into a tree...

Bear 2 and three were frozen not sure what happen,

he then runs to the second one and kicks it up in the air and the final one he heads butts it so hard I thought I heard a crack then the second one falls down causing a loud thud on the ground

Human: sigh...shit there coming

He then takes his sword out. I was about to stop him but he swings it fast at them and then all their injuries..were gone?

He then takes one of the claws of the bear and cuts right through his shirt

they start getting up really afraid...shaking like crazy when the T-rex sensei came


The human hair went back to white and he was shaking like crazy

Human: Please don't hurt me any longer

Everyone: huh?

Human: they tried to attack us and *tears falling out* I almost lost my virginity

What is going on?

Bears: that's a lie

bears: yeah

Human: look at me and the cute Impala over there I have claw marks on my chest is bleeding and some of her clothes are riped

Bear: your the one who ripped our clothes as for the Impala we may have

Bear 2: shh

Bear 3: but we didn't try to do anything to you

Human: can you say that with your pants pulled down

he points at them showing their erect penises

Humans: can a weak human overpower three bears

T-rex: I heard enough I'm taking you three for education

Bears: NOO

He lifts them up by biting at their heads but the human screams something

Human: Wait

T-rex: there a problem

Human: They didn't apologize... it's only proper to apologize...I don't care about me but the girls it could affect their school life...they should Kowtow to them

The bears were forced to kowtow and then they were dragged away with tears and the human stuck his tongue out smiling

The Impala went completely red and yelled: I'm not in heat at the moment and ran off

The human and I were confused at this and the human said in a low voice: why am I always hated

I went up to him: umm why did you save me

human: do I need a reason...well its because you posses all the qualities I desire (as a little sister type)

Ranka: all the qualities (as a leader!)

My tail starts waging

Ranka: then do you want to join my

My stomach starts growling

Human: oh join you for Lunch sure..also it's not Yu its Tenchi Nura

He smiles...huh why does he smell so good...

he starts to walk and then stops and stares at my face

Ranka: huh what's the matter

Tenchi: you seem to have something on....hmm

he puts his hand in his pocket but looks like he realizes something

he goes close to me and picks me up and kiss me and nibbles at my neck

my body felt strange afterward...he he...proposed to me!

{Biting is a show of affection. if they bite the neck and it bleeds its like saying you are theres}

Tenchi: sorry about that...I couldn't hold on much longer (I feel horrible but I haven't had any female blood in a long time...its hard out there for a Noblesses}

He then walks and I followed him looking at him trying to memorize his smell.

This was how I met Tenchi Nura...the leader of my pack and my mate!

AN: sorry I haven't been writing for a while. I have been really busy with work...12 hour days then an hour drive from and to yeah...I'll try to write more often now

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