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30.33% Tec’s So called Adventure / Chapter 81: 81

Chapter 81: 81

"hmm? 'Slave Auction?' oh... Let's go, Liz, it seems that this Thing is already at the end " said, Tec

" Now then for the Last Slave! Daniel Park from the Fashion Department!!!! "

" without further ado, let's start the bidding! "

" 300000 Won! " said Zoe Park!

" Wow! 300000 won for the starting bid! Let's see if anyone can top that! "

" 1000000! " said by a chubby girl

" Wowowowo! 1000000 won! By someone!!!"

" 2000000! " said by a pretty Girl which only have big boobs but not as big as Zoe park

" Wowowow! 2000000 won! Said by this pretty noona here!

" 2500000! " said the Chubby girl who's hesitating but immediately after saying that

" 5000000! "

" wowow! This pretty lady raised the bid twice the amount! "

" tsk! This bag is worth 7000000! " said the chubby girl who's not willing to give up

" ah! No! The bidding is for charity! So we can't accept product! " said the announcer!

" The Bidding is over! Daniel Park has been sold! For 5000000 won! "

" Hyung suk! ( Daniel Park) " said the crying Zoe Park...

" These people are crazy! Everyone is Crazy! " said Lee Jin-sung

" Che! I'm better than him! What's good about him! Isn't that right 500 won? " said the Sunglasses guy who finally recovered after receiving Tec Finger flick

While Vasco just looked at them while his tears falls down

" Hrm... Kids these days are rich no? Or maybe because this isn't the real world but then again even in the reality realm some kids are rich... " said Tec as he slowly walks towards Zoe whos still crying about the auction

" Hey Zoe how about you date me instead? I'm much better looking than Daniel park anyways... But you have to let me touch your boobs... " said Tec to the crying Zoe

" Ha? No! Pervert! Hyung suk is better than you! He's a gentleman! Unlike you who already have a wife still hits on other girls! " said Zoe

" Hmm... Well, Liz isn't gonna get angry if I go on a date with you But making you my wife is another thing but dating is okay and it's not like I only want to touch your boobs I'm trying to Experiment whether my body will react normally and have a boner but apparently I can't have one but I do have to say your boobs look nice but then again it's just a piece of fat... " said Tec while looking at Zoe Eyes

" You! Pervert! " said Zoe as she runs away from Tec...

" I told you don't Sexually harass people and just to remind you Zoe is a Teen minor while you're a billion-year-old Thing so this could be just pedophilia," said Liz

" Oh shut up! You're not the one who lost the ability to make his dick hard naturally! I'm the one who lost it! I can't even feel horny now! " said Tec

" Well I'm not the one who wished to become an Origin Being," said Liz

" Tch... okay fine you win!... It's not like I'm desperate to fuck someone," said Tec as he follows Daniel Park who's currently following his bidder

" uwa! This is awkward..." said Daniel in his head

" ah! Look... Thank you! "

" Why am I thanking them?! Anyways with this person! I'm going into a date! " said Daniel in his head

" you see I was almost brought by that other girl!" said Daniel park but he got cut off immediately by the girl

"..... You must have mistaken... Do you think I brought you because I like you? " said the pretty girl

" what! Why is she suddenly like this? " said Daniel inside his head

" don't ignore people just because you're handsome." said the pretty girl then walks away leaving Daniel thinking when suddenly

" Wa-wait! " said Daniel while trying to grab the girl

" hey! Who do you think you're touching! " said the Girl bodyguard grabbing Daniel arm

" g-get off me! " said Daniel while getting is arms back

" W-what?! He shook oof Jong Gun arms? This is the first time! " said the pretty girl

" you scum!" said Jong Gun while sending a kick towards Daniel's head

" a Kick? " said Daniel who immediately defended his head but the kick suddenly curve and hit Daniel head making him drop down

" you... You have good eyes! This is interesting... " said Jong Gun

Meanwhile Vasco who witnessed the whole thing

" Hey! Glasses! What do you think you're doing?! " said, Vasco

" Sigh... Who are you? Are you his friend?" asked Jong Gun

" yeah! I'm his friend! " said, Vasco

" so don't attack him or you're gonna get scolded by me! " said Vasco as he gets ready to fight but Jong Gun suddenly punched Vasco's face

" your gonna scold me? If you're together with him then you should be punished together! " said Jong Gun who's hand still on Vasco's face

" Glasses! Take off your glasses! " said Vasco who took the punch like a mad man! But then again his nose starts bleeding

" Huh? I'm surprised again! Doesn't my fist hurt?... This school is really interesting" said Jong Gun as he removes his glasses hiding his eyes which is pitch black! Which shocked Daniel and Vasco

" Okay! I'll beat you up! " said Vasco as he goes to his unique fighting stance

Meanwhile, Tec, Liz, and Shelly Arrived at the scene

" Hm? Hey Daniel what are you doing on the floor? " said Tec who just arrived

" Ah! Tec... Erm... " Daniel couldn't make random things so he just didn't say anything

" hey muscle head tell me what's happening and what's up with this dude? Did someone accidentally puts ink in his eyes? " said Tec who Looks at Jong Gun who looks back at Tec

"... This glasses Kicked Daniel so I'm gonna fight him! " said Vasco

" Hm? Daniel should be able to dodge this guy thought... Say what's your name Glasses guy? " said Tec who slowly walks towards them but Daniel, Vasco, Jong Gun and the pretty girl suddenly felt that the atmosphere change they felt that they are having a hard time breathing and moving

" Hm? Not going to answer huh... " as Tec said That He punched towards Jong Gun who almost got hit by Tec

" Oh! You go Fast Reaction! I'm guessing you're a fighter then? " said Tec as he increased his punching speed a little bit but this time Jong Gun didn't dodge as he tried to take on Tec punch which sends him flying towards their car

" hm... Well, aren't you smart? You actually used my power to your advantage... " said Tec

" Jong Gun! Are you okay! " said the pretty girl

" I'm okay... Young miss it just that I'm just surprised as I never thought someone can be this powerful... " said Jong Gun as he stands up with his almost broken body

" eh? You're actually standing up? But I thought I broke all your bones already... " said Tec as he moves towards Jong Gun step by step when the Pretty Girl Move in front of Jong Gun trying to Protect him

" Hm? Well, aren't you a special one? I'll deal with you later so move " said Tec to the pretty lady but the lady didn't move nor talk as she just stands in front of Jong Gun

" just to let you know I don't give a fuck if you're pretty because you look exactly like everyone else a bag of moving flesh so move before I do something about you! " said Tec who slowly getting Irritated

" Young miss move because I don't think that this man is lying... " said Jong Gun as he held his Body straight ready to fight while the Pretty girl Move Tec Then Look at Jong Gun body

" Hmmm... Liz, how can you even get a body like this Jong Gun? His bones are twice as dense as the normal person should have and even his muscles are Super Dense this should be not possible for a world like this right? " said Tec

" Indeed but then again since you came to this world everything changed because of you and more changes will occur eventually," said Liz

" Hm... Well not like I care... " said Tec as he Flicked Jong Gun forehead sending him flying once more and making him unconscious this time

" Now now pretty girl I didn't kill that guy so don't cry yet and answer this," said Tec as he Moves closer to the pretty girl

" Why are you using another body? " said Tec which made the pretty lady Shocked as nobody should know her secret

" not talking again? Well that's alright It's not that interesting anyway " said Tec as he walks away with Liz and Shelly following Him to another place leaving The Shocked pretty lady, Daniel, Vasco, and the unconscious Jong Gun

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