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A SkeleTon of Mystery A SkeleTon of Mystery original

A SkeleTon of Mystery

Author: Tyminator_1409

© WebNovel

The Lore-ing Bonus Chapter

You expected Chapter Seven, but it was me, The Bonus Chapter!

Before we start, I'd like to make some special mentions.

First, to my friend in real life, Perspective_One. They were the first to tell me to write this and gave me advice with parts. They were also my unofficial editor. Thanks for your help!

The second is to my other Wattpad friend, Lunar_Dreamcatcher. More on her later. Which does remind me. Go check out Lunar_Dreamcatcher on Wattpad! She actually made some of my characters there on her book, They look amazing, and I can't thank her enough.

(Lunar, if you're reading this, you are one of my favourite people on Wattpad!)

Obviously, the skeletons don't look like skeletons. That's because we were made with Gacha Life, which only has humanoid characters. But we still look awesome, especially me. I mean, look at me! *swishes hair* I'm fabulous, darling!

Why do you sound like Mettaton all of a sudden?

Let me be. At any rate, enjoy! Oh, and I'll be switching between genders a lot, but I'll never explicitly say when. *smirks*

What the annoyance said. Enjoy!


Here it is! The special lore chapter, even though it doesn't really have any lore in it and is more an explanation chapter about the series and how it came to be, as well as interesting facts about the characters. But no spoilers.

Also, the title for this chapter is a pun.

Replace the 'L' in lore with 'B'. That's this entire chapter in a nutshell.

Also, I, Tyminator the Author, will be represented by basic text.

And I, Myriad the Infinite Soul, will be represented by basic text as well! You just have to guess who's who!

Okay. As evidenced by the title, this is NOT Chapter 7, which probably won't be out for a while.

This guy takes forever to write chapters! Also, #ASkeleTONofMysteryiscool.

While we're on the subject of chapters...

Chapter 3: The Infinite Soul: I have the most words in the entire book so far! (4000+)

Chapter 6: A Mind Shrouded In Darkness (Part One): I'm about to end this man's whole career (6000+)

Fun fact: When I wrote The Infinite Soul, it was almost midnight, on a Friday. I was trying to get it finished before midnight so that I would be able to technically post it on a Friday.

So first up, here's the whole character deal. All the original Undertale characters are owned by Toby Fox. This includes: Alphys; Asgore; Asriel; Chara; Frisk; Mettaton; Papyrus; Sans; Toriel and Undyne, to name a few.

W.D Gaster is also owned by Toby Fox. His last name was a fun little thing that I just put in. Lucida is not owned by Toby Fox and is an Original Character. However, she's a common Undertale OC and appears in a lot of fanfiction as Sans and Papyrus's mother. The same is more or less true in 'A SkeleTON of Mystery'.

You might want to be careful with what you say.

No kidding. Besides, I'm always careful.

When writing this, you nearly slipped a huge reveal.

But I didn't. So there.


Also, can we take a moment to admire that title?

'A SkeleTON of Mystery'.

Absolute genius in my own opinion.

Meaning that it's a terrible title.

You try and come up with a better title. Anyways, a bit of backstory on it. So for my first readers, you might recall that the original title for the story was 'Humans and Monsters'. That was never meant to stay. It was just a placeholder until I came up with a better title. I did, one night when I was sleeping. That title...

Was not this one. That's because I didn't realise the idea I just had and went back to sleep. The next morning, I had forgotten it. That made me very frustrated because I didn't want to be stuck with that lame title of 'Humans and Monsters'. That implies that the story is about how monsters adjust to the surface world or about the lives of humans and monsters before the war.

You know, that doesn't sound like a bad plot for a story.

You've got a point there. Not doing it though.

Anyways, a few days later, I was sleeping again when a title came to me. That title...

Is this one. I basically wrote that on the back of cardboard so that I wouldn't forget. Then on my phone. And as you know, it became the official title for the story. And I love it. And always will. From the start, to the end.

You're forgetting someone.

Ah! Right, there is one other who I can say is mine: Avenair, The Elite Captain of The Royal Guard! This is a cool character that I invented. Originally, Avenair-

I'm going to stop you right there. You can't say anything about him yet. Not for a while.

Probably should wait until the mini arc is done, huh?

Wait, what mini arc?

Oh, right! Well, the last chapter had 'Part One' for a reason. You see, the next few chapters |excluding this one| will be part of a mini arc: A Mind Shrouded in Darkness, the mini arc about the memories of Sans and his past, as well as how the monster family react to them. And trust me, the things they find? Unexpected and definitely not used before. I hope.

Makes sense. Also, I was referring to me.

I know.

The other OC I created is Myriad, also known as The Infinite Soul. Now, I can reveal a bit more about him. Myriad originally was never meant to appear so early in the story. However, while I was writing Chapter Five, Revelations, I had to figure out how Sans would tell the others.

Then I had an idea. What if it wasn't Sans who revealed everything, but rather someone else who knew him well? Thus, the current Myriad was born.

And it was a good idea. After all, I am amazing.

Debatable. Very debatable

Myriad was originally going to be like the guardian type, secretive, and giving answers in confusing ways. That was scrapped. Myriad became the egotistical type, always boasting. However, she would also want to help the others, because she alone knows the burden that Sans has to carry, and his twisted, painful past. She cared for him, like a best friend, even a sibling, and wanted to help.

Hey! S-Shut up! Baka!

See? So I played around with that. That version panned out well in my head. Then I got a little more creative, and included the 'Fourth Debates'. It's what I call the fun verbal battles between Myriad and I. Those will be common in the next few chapters. Probably

And we all know who's going to win. Unless you don't.

(It's me, obviously.)

Sure. Believe that if you want. It was a fun little thing that I wanted to put in. And besides, he'll be playing a major part in the future. Obviously.

OOO! Foreshadowing! By the way, what about Lunar?

Funny story. We first actually knew each other from a message thread.

How'd you do that?

Basically, there's an Undertale fanfiction story called "Life can't be RESET". There was a random comment about Groundhog Day. Lunar and two others, one called Hestia2005 and the other called Aminabeen started this thread about Lunar and Hestia burning Groundhog Day. Lunar then wants to burn down the story's Fourth Wall, but Hestia tries to prevent her. She still does, and runs with Amina. When I found it, I decided to play along, and went after Lunar. The rest was a funny and ridiculous 'choose-your-own' chain. At that point, we both followed each other and have become virtual friends.

That's... stupid.

Just like you.

Uno reverse card.

Yu-Gi-Oh Counter Counter trap card.


|If you're confused by that, in Yu-Gi-Oh, there are cards called Counter cards that can negate an ability or effect. The Counter trap card Counter Counter is basically a card that can negate cards that negate effects. Still with me?

Basically it's a stronger Uno reverse card that reverses a normal Uno Reverse card and can't be stopped.

*understanding dawns in the audience*|

{Dang, I'm running out of things to say! Let me think...}

{Ah! Got it!}

I'm thinking of making an official character book for everyone in "A SkeleTON of Mystery". If you'd like to see that, let me know! If it get's greenlit, It'll be released after the 'A Mind Shrouded In Darkness" mini arc and will contain all the characters in alphabetical order. It will also update as the story progresses and new bits of information are revealed. It'll be its own book and will have extensive knowledge about the characters, as well as personal touches for some of them.

Wait, I've got something! So, some stories have Q & A sessions with the characters in the books. The audience can ask anything, and it won't be remembered in the actual story! Plus, it makes for a whole lot of good fun!

What if we did that?! Not now, because there aren't many people reading this semi-decent excuse of a story, but later on down the track, when we've established everyone?

That sounds excellent! Good thinking!

Well, I AM The Infinite Soul after all.

Yeah, yeah.

Probably should have toned the ego down when making you.

Too late for regrets!

*swishes hair in Tyminator's face*

Well, that's that! If you want to see more like this, I'd be happy to do so!

Though I'd have to figure out what it would be about.

You'll be fine. Now then, the next chapter will be in progress, and won't be released for a while.

*Audience gasps*

Yes, I know. You won't see my amazing body for a while. But stay strong! There are a lot of other books that are much better then this one! And they're even completed! Jackpot!

In my defence, I'm still new to this whole thing. But yeah, the next chapter will take a while, partly because exam season is coming around the corner.

*peeks around the corner*

*quickly pulls head back, scared*

You okay?

Not at all...

Alright then! We're off!

Goodbye guys, and I'll see you later!

|You know, why not do a collaboration story with Lunar regarding that whole message thread?|

|You may be onto something...|

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