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Chapter 2: the truth of it all

Three days have passed since I discovered the death of one of my friends Arctica the dragon. I was looking out of my window. When there was a knock at the door it was Legolas I just said, "come in." Legolas came in he came towards me and he lifted my head and said, "Selene my dear it's time to say goodbye." I just nodded I stood up we walked to the edge of the cave. The way dragons have a funeral is they burn the Dragon. But when I got there and I saw Arctica I couldn't hold it in I ran to her body and I cried Legolas grabbed me and then Ildra came towards me and said, "she died with the honor she died protecting you, she loved you more than anything." I just smiled then he said in the language of the dragons. "Het mu Los Celebrating fin laas do un jud Arctica rek spaan mu erei fin oblaan" (here we are celebrating the life of our queen Arctica she protected us until the end) after Ildra said those words all the dragons threw a fireball then I started to feel something burning I crouched down and held myself then my eyes turned green and I lifted in the air all the dragons saw me and I said in the dragon language. "LINGRAH LAHNEY FIN JUD"(long live the Queen) then I threw a fireball with my hands, then I landed safely and I walked away I went to my room grabbed the dragon egg I made a fire pit and I placed the dragon egg in the middle by the time everyone came back and saw what I did the egg started to crack. Antonio and Legolas looked at me and both at the same time said, "what is wrong with you. This is not you Selene." My eyes turned back to normal and I smiled the baby dragon was coming out of the egg it was a beautiful black and purple dragon a female I named her Elvira she ran towards me I held her on my hand, I smiled at her she crawled near my face and snuggled with me. Legolas and I went to talk to Ildra, we made it to the cave at the top of the mountain. When I entered all the Dragons bowed as I walked passed them. Ildra was at the cliff looking up then I said, "Ildra I have something to tell you." Ildra chuckled and said, "yes so do I…you first my dear." I walked around so Ildra could see me and I said, "look Ildra this is Elvira she was the egg Arctica gave me." Ildra looked at Elvira he started to cry then he lowered his head and said, "Selene, Elvira is a Wyvern dragon or as they are well known the War dragon." I looked at Elvira I smiled and said, "I would never use her for war." Then Ildra looked at me and said, "don't promise that. Promise me that you would take good care of her." I carried Elvira and I nodded yes. Three weeks later Legolas knocked at my door I said, "come in." I was brushing my hair when Legolas walked in, I saw him in the mirror I smiled at him. Legolas looked at me and said, "Selene would you like to go for a walk with me? I bet you are bored just being here in your room all day." Well I was bored so I stood up and said, "Sure where are we going?" he smiled we walked into the Garden with such beautiful flowers. As we walked, I noticed that Legolas wanted to hold my hand. I just smiled then I turned to face him, and I said, "Legolas if you want to hold my hand just ask." He looked surprised he nodded. I grabbed his hand and held it he looked happy. We walked to the end of the garden. It was near a river and there was a blanket and a basket full of food it was a picnic. As we sat down Legolas looked at me and said, "Selene I wanted to officially ask you to be my lady." I was so happy I started to cry, Legolas and I would spend, every day with each other for the next three months. I was near the river, with Elvira I was helping her fly, I stretched out my wings. I flew up I felt the air in my face. Elvira saw me smiling. So, Elvira wagged her tail getting ready to fly she looked at me and she opened her wings. She flew up to me I was so happy that I hugged her. When I did that this light surrounded me and Elvira. Back at the castle Antonio and Legolas were practicing their swordsmanship. The light surrounding me, and Elvira could be seen from the castle. When Antonio and Legolas saw it, they both ran to the river. When they got there, they saw me, and Elvira being coupled. When the light vanished, we landed safely to the ground. I looked up and my eyes looked like a dragon's eyes then they went back normal. Legolas came to me and said, "Selene I'm so happy for you." He said that to me with a smile I was confused so I said, "what are you talking about." Antonio came up to me and Elvira and said, "Selene you and Elvira were just coupled." We both looked at each other. I was so confused, my eyes turned purplish-blue color and my iris turned into a diamond. Elvira was looking at a bird that was looking for food in the dirt. She was chasing it that she didn't see that there was a cliff. I was talking to Antonio and Legolas. I gasped and ran towards Elvira and grabbed her by the tail. After I grabbed her I was shocked. I looked at Antonio and Legolas and said, "what other things can we do I want to know how to control these new powers." they both looked at me they had their heads down and then Legolas came towards me. He held my hands and said, "Selene my love we don't know what other powers you and Elvira have, because you are the only one left of a coupled vampire." I looked at him and said, "who was the one before me?" Legolas looked sad when I said that, he looked into my eyes and said, "the vampire before you was your father." I covered my mouth with my hands and I started to cry. Legolas came towards me and held me in his arms. After I cried, I went to the library to see if I can find any other vampire coupled, but every story I read was about my father. but for some reason it never named my father's dragon, it always said, "Alessandro this Alessandro that but nothing about my father's dragon...I don't understand." one of the servants came to get me for dinner. as we walked to the dining room I was thinking how or what happened to the dragon. we entered the dining room I walked towards my chair, I sat down. the servants come out with the food everyone starts eating I was just not hungry. Legolas saw me not eating, he looked at me and said, "Selene what's wrong, Aren't you hungry?" I stood up I slammed my hands on the table and said, "please tell me the truth, what is the name of my father's dragon. I need to know." everyone at the table was shocked then Queen Elora looked at me and said, "Selene please calm down, your father's dragon was taken by the Lycan King."

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