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8% Naturals-The Heroes Of Dimensions / Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Dimension 2

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Dimension 2

Light, Zeko, Aiden Come from the dimensional hole and landed near a forest in an unknown place

Light-Ugh, Where are we

Zeko-Don't know

Lightning-We are different dimension right now



Light-So Is Rico here?

Lightning-I cant sense her[

Light-well, then let's explore this place first


Zeko-Yeah, That will be our best choice

Light-But before that here a new weapon I made for our band

Zeko and Aiden try it out

Light-Its a gun more like a blaster with Ammo included in the band to reload just twist your hand

Zeko-So this was the thing you were making this afternoon

Light-Yeah, let's go


Dk lands with Rico and Lily in his hands

???-You have returned master Dk

Dk-Ah yes Milona

Milona-Master Fred will be wanting to meet you

Dk-Okay, But first Milona take care of our guest

Dk-Dr Fred?

Dr. Fred-Ah yes Dk, You are back

DK-Yes, Dr. Fred

Dr. Fred-So did you get them

DK-Yes, The are right now in the care of Milona

Dr. Fred-Also I got a person from your world to help me

Dk-My world!

Dr. Fred-Yes, you can come in now

???-Yes, Hello I am Dr. Damino

Dk-Hello, I am Dk, Ex-member of The Naturals

Dr. Damino-Naturals, So you were with those irritating people once

Dr. Fred-You know them

Dr. Damino-Yes, I had a recent encounter with them where they tried to stop me from making my Dimensional traveler and you saved me, Dr. Fred

Dr. Fred-That explains you being in the jail when I first met you

Dk-So why did you call me

Dr. Fred-Oh yes, I want you to bring Dk, Rico, And Lily of this Dimension

Dk-Okay, I will be going now

Dk leaves

Dr. Damino-Do you think it is okay to trust him

Dr. Fred-Don't worry Dr. Damino everything is taken care of

Dk destroys a building with Dark Havoc


I am Dk, Controllers of Darkness And I want the Naturals to come out or this City is not standing for a long time

???-What do you want and why do you take the name and face of our team member

Dk-You are here

Rico2-Naturals ready

Zeko2 uses whiplash to hold Dk

Dk-Tha doesn't work every time

Dk Holds Zeko's Whiplash spins Zeko2 and throws Him away


Dk-Hahaha, I want Lily2, Rico2, and Dk2 to come with me

Rico2-Like we will

Dk-Then I have to force you

Dk-I summon you Dark Dragon

Dk2-What is that

Rico2-Whatever it is, It's stronger than us

Dk-Now Dark Dragon attack Lily

Suddenly a whiplash comes out of nowhere

It was Zeko, Light, and Aiden

Zeko spins Dark Dragon and Throws him but he takes the Hit and Kept flying

Light-Dk!, Stop this nonsense

Dk-Light how are you here?

Light-We followed you here

Dk-Okay but I won't you let interfere with my plans


Light-Yeah, wait who the hell are you guys

Rico2-So you are not the Light we know too

Lightning-They is this dimension's Naturals

Light-Oh, Hey Guys sorry for this guy he turned towards the evil

Rico2-Okay but what is that thing

Light-That's Dark Dragon a mythical creature summoned only by 5 special Naturals

Rico2-Okay, How do we stop it

Light-No idea


Rico2-even if we team up its difficult, Light You can defeat it with your dragon

Light-Aa, I don't have one yet

Lightning-Well not even yet

Light-What do you mean?

Lightning-Well you see our dragon known as Electro Dragon is sealed away and nobody knows how to unseal it

Light-Well, Why was it sealed

Lightning-Too powerful and destructive, People thought it was a problem so we sealed it away

Light-ugh, Well whatever we have to find another way to defeat it

Dk-Best of luck, Dark Dragon

It rumbles and attacks Light


Dodges it

Rico2-(So this guy unlocked Boost!, Well definitely not out Light)

Light-Lightning, Do we have a way to defeat it

Lightning-Well if it was full power No but he is half right now if you attack Dk that dragon will disappear


Dk-Like I will let you, Dark Dragon

Dark dragon covers Dk

Light-Yeah but I have a way, I call upon the power of Lightning, LIGHTNING STRIKES!!!!!!

Multiple strikes come upon Dk

They pass Dark Dragons body and Hit Dk

Dark Dragon disappears


On coms

Dk-Dr Fred, I may need some backup

Dr. Fred-I thought you can Handle Rico2, Lily2, and Dk2

Dk-Well they have Light from my Dimension and He found a way to counter Dark Dragon

Dr. Fred-This Light Person is very Interesting, Okay I will send Backup

Coms Talk end

Dr. Fred-Dr Damino, Go help Dk

Dr. Damino-Yes Dr. Fred

Light-Dk, Tell us where Rico and Lily are

Dk-Like I will

Light-Oh you will

Dk-definitely not

???- I meet again Naturals

Light-Dr Damino!

Dk kicks Light and Goes away

Dk-Can you handle him

Dr. Damino-Of course, You get those three


Dk attacks Lily2

Dk-Dark Dragon

Zeko and Zeko2 use whiplash

Zeko and Zeko2-No you don't

Light-Why are you here, Dr. Damino

Dr. Damino-Don't know but they are doing something interesting so I thought I take part in it

Light-Aiden, Zeko use those

Zeko-Got it


Light-Lets Go!

Light-Blasters come out of Light, Zeko and Aiden bands

Rico2-What are those

Zeko-Some new tech Light made for us and this is their test run

Light shoots at Dr. Damino

Dr. Damino-Oh you got new toys Light

Light-Yeah I do and it is going to end you

Light quickly moves towards Dr. Damino takes out Light-Sword from his left band and cuts Dr. Damino's Right hand

Dr. Damino-Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Damn you Light

Light-Well, Light uses his Technique Paralyze to Paralyze Dr. Damino

Dr. Damino-Shit, cant move

End of Chapter


By Light Yuzuki

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