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71.42% I'm yours !! / Chapter 5: and the game begins

Chapter 5: and the game begins

Zayn's POV

I changed my dress and washed the face. This is disgusting. A girl from a small town of India has the guts to challenge me. But well it's not that bad so yeah !! I will play the game also , Miss y/n (smirks)

Harry : Haha !! Man that's funny . Mr.ZAYN MALIK got a SPLASHHH from the new bee .

Liam : Shut up Harry, if you don't wanna die and Zayn don't go too far. She has done nothing wrong to go through all these so stop it here .

Harry : Ooh looks like someone has eyes on someone-

Liam : I guess you don't love your life (swnding death glare to Harry)

Me : Liam ! You know the thing called Karma ? The girl has the fate to come here so that she can get all the insults of her lifetime by me. And I have a reason to mess with her.

Liam : What ?

Me : She has messed with the worng person so she has to payback, right buddy ?! And don't take side of her , Kat will make you regret.


I finished my classes and was about to head back to the home . When I was about to cross the road , a car stopped infront of me and threw a cup of coffee in my face.

?? : Oh sorry , I thought it's the bin.

I cleaned my face with the hankie and look up at the person. It's Gigi and her girls. She came out of the car and stood infront of me and picked up the cup.

Gigi : It's a good thing to keep the school campus clean. Why don't you take a step forward to this good habit. Here ! Go and throw it in the bin. okay ?! (Handing me the cup)

Me : People always follow the most famous person. Why don't you take the initiative? It will add some good marks to your fake persona.

Gigi : Huh ?! A newbee has enough guts to mess with us ? What are you ? I don't even take you and your family as my maids.

Me : Don't drag my family . I haven't done anything to you.

Gigi : If you wanna stay safe,stay far from Zayn. Don't mess with him. Here (throwing the cup to me ) Let's go girls.

Wow !! What a great start of the year!!

In the House

"Ma'am, I have made lunch for you. Where do you wanna eat ?"

"I will come after a wash." I smiled at the cook and go to my room. I cleaned myself and changed to new clothes. I didn't come here for all these. I have to avoid it as much as I can. I want to take the degree as fast as possible and go back to my country.

I came to the dining hall and an instant regret came to me as I saw the jerk. I was about to go to my room when -

Zayn : Oh miss y/n ! Come , I have been waiting for you.

I don't wanna eat with him but all the maids are here and they were observing the situation. Okay I don't have any other choice. I sit in front of Zayn and throw a forced smile on him. I start to eat the lunch.

Zayn : I hope you enjoyed your first day at school.

Me : Yeah , specially the Capacino. I didn't know it was that good .

Zayn : wooh !!

I was about to take the glass when a glass of water fell - actually was thrown to my food .

Zayn : Oh sorry it's an accident. I'll tell them to bring new food (with a smirk on his face)

Maid : Ma'am , are you okay ? I will bring something else to eat.

Me : No, it's okay. I'm actually full. Thank you for the food.

I stood up and went straight to my room cause I don't want to waste my time with this loser.

2 weeks later

2 weeks have passed in this place. I am now quite used to with the people , their virtual world , the fake but profitable friendships , relationships which more likely is a business deal between two companies and so on. This is different from the world where I was brought up. But no wonder , here are some people too who has a real human heart , who has actually real bonds with people instead of the fake ones.

Today we'll have our first assignment of the year. Mrs.Parker will divide us into teams. I am afraid whay kind of teammate I will get. I sat on my bench. Usually, the first benches have a lot of rooms since everyone have their eyes on the lasts. Those benches have become my permanent seat. Except for some handful students no one takes that place. After some moment all the students came to the class as Mrs.Parker has strictly told us not to bunk. I was reading some notes when I hear the annoying whines of the fangirls. Here we go again ! "Oh my god !! It's 1D" "Harry please look at me" "ZAYN , I love you." I am fed up with these. They are just our classmates, not some celebrities. The only talent that they have is to bunk the classes and get unlimited minus points in the exams.But that doesn't matter to them cause at the last they will get their father's companies.

Mrs.Parker : Good morning class !!

Class : Good morning, Mrs. Parker

Mrs.Parker : As you guys know , your first terminal is almost near. Your marks will be divided into external exam and internal Assessment. Your assignments,projects and seminars will be added in the internal one. So please pay attention to me as I will give you your first assignment of the year. I will divide all of the students in a group of two. So come one by one and pick a card from this bowl.Remember , you don't have the luxury to change your partner. No matter how much you hate him/her , how badly you wanna kill them , please bear with them for two weeks or else you'll be failed also. So yeah c'mon !!

One by one the students go to the teacher's desk and pick the cards. As Mrs.Parker has said we can't change our partners , so we get to see some shocking pairs of enemies like Ari and Harry and at the same time some lucky yet annoying couple as pairs like Krystal and Rayn. "Roll no 42" , now it's my turn . I went to the desk while crossing my fingers and picked up a card . I open the card and a sudden realization came to my mind that God has not given me any luck at all.

Mrs.Parker: Who's your partner ,Y/n ? Say the name aloud.

Me : It - It's Zayn, Professor.

Zayn's Pov

"I'm regretting my decision to take admission at the same class with this idiot." Ari said whining. It's been more than 10 minutes of her whinning about the her getting paired with Harry. "It's your faith child . You should consider yourself lucky as you got the chance to be paired with the hottest boy of the school." Harry said patting her head. "Don't touch me." Ari slapped his hand.

I am watching them while holding my laugh. They are funny. I saw Y/n going to the desk. I am curious about her team. It would be funny to tease her .

Mrs.Parker: Who's your partner ,Y/n ? Say the name aloud.

Y/n: It - It's Zayn, Professor.

WHAT ?! ME ??

Mrs.Parker: Where's Zayn ? Zayn Malik ?

Me : Yes Mrs.Parker !

Mrs.Parker: You are being paired with Y/n . I hope you help her instead of throwing all the works on her. I will give marks on the basis of teamwork. So be careful with that. And Y/n , best of luck since you've got the laziest person of the class.


As Mrs.Parker has said Zayn never do his assignments and he makes his teammates to do his parts too. Well not this time ,Zayn Malik . I won't let you rest this time. I went to Canteen , "One capacino and a pie with almonds, please." After getting my food , I sit on my regular bench . It's in the outside and hardly get noisy by the so called school celebrities. I was eating my pie when four boys sat on the bench. I look up and here we go . It's 1D.

1D : Hey Y/n

Me : I didn't say that I will share my bench.

Liam : Wwoah ! That's rude .

Harry : We're here to make friendship, see (waving a white tissue)

I rolled my eyes and continue to eat.

Zayn : Do you need this cream ,Y/n ? It tastes good with pie.

Without giving any fu*king attention, I focused on my lunch .

Harry : She is rude. Aah ! It hurts (acting like having a heartache)

Zayn : Well since we're in a team now so let's end all the past problems and start a new journey - Journey of friendship

Me : What do you want ?

Zayn : A true friendship

Me : Stop babbling and say it straight

Liam : Oh she's smart . I like that girl

Zayn : See since we're in good terms now -

Me : Who told you that ?

Zayn : what - aah leave it . We're a team and that's why we should share our duties and help each other. You know , I am a very busy person with my things and all , haha!! So , here I'll follow my schedule as you know I'm very punctual. I can't afford to mess my routine because of the assignment. So I am saying that you should start the assignment, I'll also help you.But you should take main initiative since you're a smart student, right ?! So here's our token of friendship (gave a heart origami made by the tissue)

Me : Thank you so much (taking the heart) . Yeah you're right . I am smart and it's also true that Gis hasn't given you enough brain for doing the assignments. But still as a smart and helpful student, I have decided to help you.

Zayn : See I have said that you just have to give some compliments and our work will be done (whispering to Harry)

Me : I will help you in expanding your brain and your knowledge. So be at 7 pm since we don't have much time and we should start from today. And if you won't come , I will not hesitate a bit to tell Mrs.Malik and Mrs.Parker . I hope you understand . And thank you for this (cleaning my mouth with the origami tissue).

Zayn's POV

I was left dumbfounded while the other three are laughing their asses off.

Me:"You'll regret this."

Harry : Who ? That girl who has just turned the table ?"

Me : No , I am talking about the three donkeys beside me .

Harry : I - I have to meet Ari. See you later boys

Liam : Yea- I have to see my Thai Princess. Talk to you later Zayn . LALISAAAAAA

Me : What work do you have ,Louis ?

Louis: I have heard that Thai princess has a hot friend, wanna check her out. Bye .

Good ! All of them ran.Well I can deal with them later but for now I have to teach this girl a lesson. What did you say ? You will be waiting for me ? Then wait ! I will see how much you can wait.


It's already 7.15 pm. I have called Zayn and he said he will be here after some moment . Well okay I will watch some videos then until he arrive. What should I watch ... Yeah Let's watch Roadies . I haven't watch it after I came here.

I look at the clock . It's 7.45 pm. Zayn hasn't come yet. I dialed his number . Unreachable?! Where the heck he is. Should I wait for him ? I should first arrange all the materials. I am sure he will be here shortly.

I opened my eyes . It's 1.45 am. Oh I slept while doing some research for the assignment. Zayn hasn't come yet. I shouldn't trust him. He is a waste of time literally. Now I alone have to do all the works. I was about to go to my room when someone sit beside me , handing me a cup of hot chocolate.

Zayn : It will help us to wake up .

Me : Oh thanks. Where were you ? I thought you won't-

Zayn : I won't come ? You were right. And that's why I came late but here you are sleeping while waiting for me so.. I am not that bad ,yk

Me : Whatever! I have done a little research for the first topic . I guess it will be enough for today. Let's do the rest tomorrow. I hope , I don't have to wait for you like today.

Zayn : It's a promise . I don't break promises.

Me : Have a good night .

Zayn : Yeah

Zayn's POV

me : Seems like it's worked. Aah let's see what will happen tomorrow.

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