Im bored...I've got my phone connected to my mums friends block charger BECAUSE MINE BROKE! Saturday's boring but since you don't know much about my life at school let me all started on Monday i wrote my "crush's" name on my arm as a joke for my bffs -Edith and Taj- bug instead FAT JOSHUA (he's actually not fat 😂)took it all seriously and spread rumours about me liking someone called freckles but heres the hard part i do like someone with freckles - Lincoln- but not anymore because then my Ex-friend went saying its Lincoln cause she knows and now I'm known as the girl obsessed with freckles but the worst part is i see him everywhere i go and its so embarrassing its gotten a bit better though.Back to today IM AT CEMEVI - a religious place for alevi's well not that religious actually we all dress normally and just chat - i might go watch a movie with my cousins devran and Keyan but i'm not really sure. ill edit this later and add what happens next ....
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