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90.9% Peak Human In An Anime World / Chapter 10: The Literature Club

Chapter 10: The Literature Club

Miu didn't take long to come back and from the ecstatic smile on her face, the Gymnastics Club had accepted her. When I saw Miu enjoy being in a club, it warmed my heart but it also made me wonder; How would the Literature Club be when I got there? Would they even like me?

Thinking stuff like this, I knew I had my work cut out for me. Part of me was worried while the other side was nonchalant - it was quite annoying, so I decided to not worry about it anymore and just keep a calm head.

Neither Miu nor I got a chance to talk as lessons soon started once again. Just like before Hiratsuka-sensei was giving me the stink eye but I could tell she wasn't actually annoyed with me or was more like she was worried?

Focusing on this instead of the other worrisome Club thoughts, I wondered about what could be making this headstrong woman worry.

Could it be she's realized her immoral love for me, her student, and wishes to confess but because of the taboo of her feelings, she can't~?

...Nah, probably not. Though I do wish it was so.

While I was thinking, the lesson carried on. I would answer absentmindedly whenever I was called upon; Thank God (or me for making the wish) for my brain which was unnaturally retentive and just absorbed information, even if I wasn't actively listening.

The next few lessons finished and Miu hurriedly said goodbye before rushing off for her introduction to the rest of the Gymnastics team. But before she left, we agreed to meet up at the Dojo; I had training after all.

When I was about to leave, I felt a hand clamped down on my shoulder. Even with my dense bones and muscles, the hand felt like an Iron Clamp. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle but it was definitely something I didn't want to have to put up with if I could help it.

Turning to the person who was holding me in place, I saw my beloved sensei.

"What does my wonderful sensei need with little ol' me~?" putting on my most innocent smile, I looked down at the black haired woman looking up at me with a dark expression.

Hearing me, she smiled, but it wasn't a beautiful one. More like a sly and scheming smile.

It was honestly quite scary...but also surprisingly hot.

...Do I have a problem or something? Or have I just ascended as a playboy?

"Well, my obedient student, I need you to join a club for me."

Hearing her I remembered the club from her original anime, and it made me flinch slightly "I don't want to."

"But you have to, otherwise I'll mess with your end of year tests and make you redo your second year~" although I knew it was most likely a bluff, her sly smile showed me that would be the least of my problems if I denied her right now.

"I'm already joining a club though, Hiratsuka-sensei," trying not to annoy her, I tried logic to deter her ideas of forcibly adding me to her club.

Now, don't go hating her, I know she was just trying to help the problem children in the club. Or she was calling me a problem child. Either one is possible and the latter isn't without evidence I guess.

Her eyes squinted at me, "What club are you planning to join?"

"The Literature Club," I saw a ray of hope that she'd let me live my life without having to join the Service Club but she had other ideas.

"Ah, I thought it was going to be a Sports Club - You'd need to spend a lot of time training, so I'd have to let you go. But now," she smiled a joyful smile and I felt a serious amount of danger, "You can join the Service Club and the Literature Club!"

"Wait wait wait, sensei!" she began to drag me, so I finally decided to put my foot down. Using my immense strength, I grounded myself and used my unnatural weight to help, stopping both myself and Hiratsuka, "I said wait, sensei. I'm going to join the Literature Club, and that's the end of it. I can't join two clubs either."

I couldn't afford to join two clubs, not that it was allowed anyway. I had one club full of problems to sort out, let alone the Service Club which is full of problem children with their own problems.

Hiratsuka stopped and looked at me. First with surprise and then with a tender look.

"This is why I want you to join the Service Club. Don't think I don't know why you want to join the Literature Club; Those girls are troubled and you want to help them,*" she let what she said sink in before carrying on, "So why not help others as well?" her voice was filled with a bit more hope and enthusiasm but I only shook my head, deflating her.

(*A/N - It's realistic to think Hiratsuka, someone who helps people with problems, could see the problems of the girls from DDLC. They're pretty obvious problems if you pay enough attention and Hiratsuka would pay that attention to the students of her school.)

"Sensei, I'm only helping the people of the Literature Club for my own selfish reasons. I'm not such a nice person that I'd go out of my way to help someone. I only help people if it seems I'll get something from it or it would be fun and interesting to help," letting out a sigh, I smiled at my sensei before carrying on, "But if I were to join both Clubs, how would it work? Would I go to The Literature Club on Monday, then the Service Club on Tuesday and keep switching them out? Explain it to me, sensei."

She seemed stumped for a moment before she resolved herself and looked up at me, "You could be a pseudo-member for the Service Club and just drop by every now and then. I just need you there to help the club members...they're not very social at times and having someone like you would help a ton, Kurosawa-kun," her eyes looked pleadingly up at me and I felt a twitch in my heart:

This teacher really is too cute.

"I'll do it on one condition, sensei," putting on a serious expression I locked eyes with her and she did the same, goading me on to say my condition with her unwavering eyes.

I waited for as long as I could and before I could put an end to her wait, Hiratsuka looked at me and spat out her annoyance, "Hurry up and tell me the condition!" her eyes were firm and quite ferocious on this matter. I could see that the wait was killing her.

"My condition is..." her eyes widened with a weird expectation which even she was confused with and I smirked at the sight; it's time to catch her off guard! "...Spar with me!"

Her face went from serious to blank with a mild bit of disappointment. She looked at me with a 'Are you serious?' kind of face and I knew I'd gained a slight upper hand on her.

Grinning at her, I innocently tilted my head to the side, "Eh? Why do you look so disappointed, sensei? Did you want something else? Maybe a date--!" before I could finish my words, I leaned myself backward with my back bent and my face looking up at the ceiling.

A fist rocketed past my face, barely missing my nose and I could feel the wind harshly scrape against my face.

It hurt and I could instantly tell the power in that punch wasn't something I could allow myself to get hit by. I had to up my evaluation of Hiratsuka from Expert Martial Artist who's a bit away from becoming a Master, to a Genius Expert Martial Artist who's a hairs length away from being a Master.

Before I could make a snarky quip, a blur appeared at my side and I lifted my hand to cover my face and catch the elbow slicing down at me.

Spreading my feet a little more and placing them more directly underneath my bent backward body, I caught the elbow and stopped it from going an inch further resulting in a bang of air.

Luckily all of the students in the classroom had gone by now, they saw that Hiratsuka wanted a chat with me and respected that privacy. I was glad, as explaining this would be a lot of effort.

I tried to keep as much of the force inside of me, to avoid damaging the floor but my feet still sunk a bit into the stone floor, sending cracks outward from my feet.

I could tell at that moment that I had the upper hand physically, while she had much more battle experience and raw technique.

Looking up at Hiratsuka's eyes, I saw the grey orbs glaring down at me. But I wasn't scared of her, more excited if anything.

"Now now, sensei, you shouldn't be hitting your students; that's child abuse and horrible negligence of your duties as a teacher~" smiling happily, I pushed against her elbow as I straightened out my body.

She tried to keep me down but my higher physical strength allowed for me to slowly but surely stand up again, her elbow held above her and in my hand.

Seeing the outcome, Hiratsuka gnashed her teeth at me, "I'm your teacher, you idiot, I wouldn't have to hit you if you showed me some respect instead of trying to tease me!"

Feeling her trying to pull her elbow away, I suddenly released it, making her stumble backward a bit before she recovered her balance. After she regained her balance, she went back to going to admonish me but must've stopped when she saw the serious look in my eyes.

"I'm sorry if it really offended you that much, sensei. If I'd have known having a date with me was such an abhorrent thought for you, I wouldn't have said it," pausing for a moment, I walked past her and only stopped when I was at the door, turned around and spoke to her, "I'll be in the Literature Club, either send someone over to pick me up in 20-ish minutes or come get me yourself."

And with that, I left. I wasn't really that hurt by her getting angry, I was just annoyed with her. Did she have to react so aggressively to that? If she'd calmly told me to shut up, that my teasing was annoying or something, I would have stopped. Her getting angry was just...annoying.

Maybe I'm in the wrong, maybe she's in the wrong or maybe both of us are in the wrong. The fact is - Both of us need to calm down.

I went on my way, pushing such thoughts out of my head. I felt a bit of excitement building up in my stomach as I approached the Literature Club room:

I was really about to meet them!

Finally, I was in front of the door to the club room and I could hear multiple voices speaking behind the door. Two of which seemed familiar...One of them is definitely Monika, but who is the second voice?

Shrugging off such thoughts, I slowly opened the door and walked inside, all the noise dying down as I felt multiple pairs of eyes focus on me.

Five people were staring...wait. Five?

I quickly scanned over the people in front of me. First was, of course, Monika, her emerald eyes lighting up when she saw me.

The second was a short and thin girl, who was around 4'11", with pink hair and pink eyes: She was unimaginably cute. I just wanted to pat her on her cute little head. But she wasn't without feminine charm - her chest bulged slightly and her hips widened from her hips as well, making for a tight little ass. I knew her as Natsuki, the cute but feisty Literature Club member.

The third was a girl who seemed to be a bundle of energy. She had peach-colored hair and deep blue eyes like me. If my hair was lighter colored (and not blood red) this girl and I would most definitely look like siblings. She seemed to be the middle between Monika and the Natsuki in terms of body development - she wasn't as developed as Monika but she had much more development than Natsuki who barely had a chest. She was also taller than Natsuki but shorter than Monika, this girl was around 5'2", while Monika was around 5'3".

The last of the girls who were supposed to be here was Yuri my second favorite character in the game, just behind Monika.

Yuri was the tallest of the lot, around 5'5" or 5'6", and she was by far the most...developed. Her chest, hips and everything about her gave off a mature air - she was unimaginably curvy. But she also gave off a bookish air, and she refused to meet my eyes, showing off her classic Yuri shy and bashful nature. She has long straight dark purple hair and light purple eyes. The eyes, though they wouldn't look directly at me, kept curiously glancing at me, particularly my lips which were spread in a wide and happy smile.

Before I could look at the last person, they became a blur and threw themselves at me.

...Oh god, it's her.

"Oh, it's you! Hi~!" lifting an arm up, I blocked the roundhouse kick aimed at my face, all while hearing the ecstatic voice practically screaming to everyone around us that the person speaking was very happy. Though her actions would tell you otherwise.

Haah~ Crazy chicks, man. And why do I seem to only know aggressive chicks? I've been threatened with violence twice in the past few minutes!

Thinking about how life was 'unfair', I made eye contact with the girl who tried to kick me.

It was obviously Kure Karla.

"Ah, it's you," speaking with a deadpan expression, I looked down at the beauty in front of me, "Can you not try and kick and/or hurt me whenever you see me?"

I looked over at the others and saw the utter shock on their face. Monika had a pretty indifferent face, however. I took note of that. But she also looked oddly angry - I guess she didn't want her newest club member to get beat up?

As for the others, Sayori seemed excited, Natsuki seemed shocked that Karla could move so quickly and Yuri just seemed flustered and slightly...scared? Why was she scared?

Interrupting my thoughts, I heard Karla squeal, "Kyaaa~ You blocked my kick! You're pretty strong, you handsome man!" she ignored my request and seemed in her own little world.

I swear I could also see her pupils turn into love hearts as well. It was intense and quite honestly scary.

Sighing, I frowned at her, "What do you want?"

Hearing what I said, Karla went still and just looked up at me. Moments later, a wide and deranged smile spread across her beautiful face, distorting and twisting it in her obsession. Her leg rotated and the back of her knee was facing me while her calf wrapped around the back of my neck.

Before I could react, she grabbed my school shirt and blazer and pulled me toward her crazy face.

Groaning inside my head, I knew what was coming. I'd literally walked myself into it, so I had to deal with the situation. It didn't make what was about to happen any less embarrassing. Especially in front of Monika and the other members of the club.

When our faces were dangerously close together, Karla's eyes darted between my eyes and my lips as she licked her own lips but in the end, she just locked eyes with me and started to speak.

(A/N - <--- This is what she did in the original~)

6 words. S I X words. But they were quite...tyrannical, should we say?

"I want to have your babies!*"

(*A/N - She literally says this in the original series. Honestly, she's crazy as hell...But it's what makes her cute, I guess? Haah~ I don't know, I'm just trying to justify why she's a romantic interest.)

The room went completely quiet. All I could hear was Karla's breathing and the sigh I released the second she said what she said. I could also here someone else in the room grinding their teeth in, what I assume to be, annoyance.

Closing my eyes, I fully stood up, lifting Karla off the ground with me. She misunderstood this and wrapped her other leg around my waist, even going as far as to grind up against me slightly with her youthful body. This action was very, uhh, stimulating, is what I'd have to say about it.

Practically having to tear her off of me, I put her on the floor, using every bit of willpower in every single one of my cells to not just accept her advances. If we were anywhere else, we'd probably be doing the 'business' right now, but we were in front of the club members so I had to show some restraint.

But it did start a not-so-small fire in me, and I knew I'd have to find someone to rid myself of these base instinctive needs of mine.

She looked up at me with a confused expression on her face and I just pat her head, as I would Miu, before looking down at her.

"Let's get to know one another before you go saying stuff like that. If we can get to that stage, I won't stop you like I just did," stepping back a bit, I looked at both Karla and the other club members, "Now, let me introduce myself, my name is Hiroki Kurosawa, I'm here to join the Literature Club," finishing it off with a bow and a polite smile, I looked up to see the varying expressions of the other members.

Monika looked annoyed, but not at me, at Karla. Sayori was looking between Karla, Monika and I with shiny eyes, like a girl who was watching a Romance TV show. Yuri was looking between Karla and I, just like Sayori, but her eyes were full of suspicion and cautiousness.

I wasn't sure whether it was because of her shy nature or because of something we did. It could just be because what just happened made her uncomfortable and made her think of us as weird people...though I didn't do anything, Karla's the weird person.

Natsuki tried to look unperturbed but I could see the underlying worry. Knowing where it was from - her fear of being outshone by others and being left behind and forgotten - I resolved myself to solve it quickly.

But for now, I'd let them do their introductions.

They realized it was their turn to reciprocate the greeting and hurried got to it instead of staring at me. Karla hurriedly rushed for the chance to do just that.

"I'll accept your challenge, Hiroki-senpai, so just you wait, I'll make you fall for me soon!" putting her hands on her hips, she pushed out her chest with a proud look on her face, "My name's Kure Karla!"

Seeing her act like this, I felt that she was a pretty cute kouhai and couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face. She may be a bit bipolar but she's a good person at heart...right?

The other introductions went okay: Natsuki was feisty and harsh-mouthed with me, just like in the game, Sayori was cheery and welcoming, and Yuri was shy and pretty much receded into her own shell.

At some point, Yuri and Natsuki started arguing about whether Manga counted as literature and I found myself basking in the atmosphere of the club.

This was going to be a fun adventure.

DevourerOfBooks DevourerOfBooks

I still haven't figured out the new Inkstone website. To make this chapter I had to go through my laptop history and find the novel list URL for the site. It was a right p.iss take.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter. There will be a big(ish) change within the next few chapters~

One little(actually, a massive) hint: Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism. Ah sh*t, that's not a hint, I've just given it away~

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