I squinted my eyes and gave my best friend a stern look. The so-called best friend apparently decided that staring me had become his latest and newest hobby. Abashedly, he had been on it for almost half an hour. I diverted my gaze when I realized that my stern look had no expected effect on Meng. We were at the biggest canteen out of three canteens this huge school had. Our school had been dismissed two hours ago, but there were still some high-school students at the campus. We were two of them. We just finished our club activities and changed our sport clothes back to our uniforms. I had to wait for Megan since her club activity had not yet finished, thus I dragged Meng along to accompany me. Bad decision, because he was suddenly into this staring mode just straight after we were seated down with our beverages.
"Don't you get tired staring at me like that? Because I do," I finally asked, more because he bored me stiff and started to get on my nerve. "Look, I will meet Megan in five minutes. So, if you want to keep doing this, go ahead. I'll be going first..."
Meng grabbed my arms to stop me leaving.
"That's it! That's exactly it. I wanted to hear you tell me honestly about the nature of your relationship with Megan. What exactly is going on with you two?"
I raised an eyebrow, suddenly understood the reason of his weird action. I felt stupid since I should've been able to guess it since beginning. Moreover, because of his childhood friend, Kencana, also had been breathing on our neck lately, kept asking Megan and I about our relationship. What was so hard for them to understand? I could feel my irritation start to gulp down my self-control.
"Everything D'. I don't understand everything."
Meng brought his face closer to me, staring directly to my eyes, imitating my style when I use my power. "Tell me you love Megan."
My eyebrows shot up. "Which part of I love Megan that become your business?!!"
"So, you do not love her."
I snorted, tried to compose myself very hard. If only this creature in front of me was not Meng, not my one and only best friend, my fist surely would have been stamped on his jaw.
"What the hell are you trying to proof, Meng?"
"D'," Meng's expression grew serious. "I know you so well, man. You are not the kind of person who could fall in love so quickly with someone. You said it yourself you have this trust issue. Do you remember how long did it take you to like and finally accept Irene to be part of your life? Now, only in a week, you have been head over heels for Megan. To be honest, that freaks me out! I don't want you to get hurt again, D'. I know that, even if you are denying it, Irene did hurt you to some extent. I really don't want you to experience it again with Megan because you are so recklessly, literally, throw yourself at her!"
I dropped silent from Meng's word. Frankly, deep down, I was no less anxious about my own feeling toward Megan. Was it true that I love her? Or, I didn't actually love her and only using her as diversion? However, I did have a very strong feeling for that girl, and it wasn't something that I only imagine. That feeling had seeped and planted itself in my heart so rapidly. Yet, I didn't know myself how to call that feeling.
"D'!" I ignored my best friend screaming my name after I decided to leave him.
Megan and I agreed to meet up at the parking lot. I swung my feet to that direction, taking big steps to cross the hallways and corridors to reach that place. I needed to see Megan, I wanted to see her badly. For what I cared, my conversation with Meng made me miss her even more. I didn't care anymore; I didn't care if my feelings for her would (as Meng said) hurt me. The one thing that I knew was I yearned for her so bad. Yes, for that I could be certain. I wanted her.
"Are you crazy?!" A familiar voice was glaring from one of the corners I passed by. Not far from where I was, I saw Kencana yell at a poor soul from her cells. She stuck her free hand on waist, frowning. Her beautiful face looked baleful, was clearly being infuriated by the other speaker. "How could you ever come out with that kind of strategy to ensure Megan's safety?!"
That name made me in full stop. I hid myself behind a pillar before Kencana notice me, decided to eaves dropping.
"I don't care even if The Princess agreed to it. No! You tell her, I do not like this plan!"
"What if they found out?! You cannot execute this plan without asking Megan's permission first! What the hell are you thinking, to make her fall in love with a guy she just met?!"
I felt a knot tighten in my stomach, clenching my insides while my heart drumming in my throat. I was pretty sure that the guy she meant was me. I became even more eager to listen to the conversation. However, Kencana had severed the connection harshly. She seemed still clouded by anger and channelled it out by punching one of the pillars on her side.
"Was it about me?" I decided to walk out from my hidings.
Kencana turned her body and stared at me startled. Her reaction gave me confirmation that I was right. It was about me. She needed another second to compose herself and returned to her usual, bitchy self.
"None of your business!" She said.
My hand stretched out to grab her arms, so hard, that she squealed in pain. I ignored her. There was one thing I wanted to know and I would get it no matter how. I pinned her to the wall before she could fight back, and forced her to look at my eyes. I let my power out.
"Tell me, what was that conversation about?"
Kencana's hazel eyes lost their glimpse, as her mouth opened to answer my question.
"Megan...," she whispered.
"What about Megan?"
"Who are 'we'?"
"M...me, Seth, and Jasmine Markelli, t-the princess. The three of us are obliged to protect Megan..."
"Protect her from what?"
"We...we don't know yet... We just know that they were sorcerers that responsible for Balin phenomena and who had murdered Megan's older brother..."
I scowled when some alien words came into my ears. "What is Balin?"
"They are zombies. Some sorcerers resurrected dead bodies by planting a crystal catalyst in their chest, in replacement of their original died heart. This catalyst was infused with magical power and the Balins's memory from previous lifetime."
The explanation made my head dizzy, thus, I passed that part.
"What did they do to Megan and her family?"
"They stole Megan's crystals and resurrected her deceased brother as Balin. Then, they shut him dead once more. They also wanted to kidnap Megan for her talent as a Master Alchemist who could create high-grade catalyst."
Master Alchemist? I frowned even more for all these seemed nonsense information. If only I did not know about people with 'power' and 'ability', I surely would take all of these as mere bullshits. "What exactly are you?"
"We...we are witches of Trevelyan Order, one of the five strongest orders in sorcery community. Megan's brother was a warlock and our former leader. However, with his death, other orders wanted to occupy our territory and steal our authority, made us involve in battles. Now, from our seven covens, there are only three covens left: Nimra and the Markellis, and of course Megan."
"And what is it exactly about your plan that involving me?"
"Seth..., Jasmine's brother, he is a schemer, an Esper who could manipulate people's mind. He could scheme current of events to make someone could get what they're wishing for..."
"What had he done to us?"
"He said he got your wish to have someone who's honest and loves you. He also got Megan's wish to have a man to depend on, like she to her brother. Seth and his sister agreed to use Seth's power and make you and Megan fall in love with each other. They think you could protect Megan better than I could."
I smiled after hearing Kencana's last words. But, at the same time, I also felt some kind of uneasiness about her information regarding other kind of power users besides me and Meng. What made it even worse was, they were using their power on me.
"This Seth..., where could I meet him?"
"I don't know... Princess and Seth are always protecting us from remote place. We can't meet them freely and could only communicate via our cells. Don't you think I don't want to find him myself and give him a piece of my mind? I'll kick his ass myself if I know his whereabouts!"
That made sense. I finally let go of my grip toward Kencana. She needed few seconds to regain her consciousness.
"Wh-what do you want?!" She glared when she saw me standing so close to her. Clearly, she didn't realize what I had done inside her head.
I cracked a sly smile. "Nothing. I got what I want..."
I didn't explain further and walk away toward the parking lot. I saw Megan stand next to my white CBR with a pastel-blue helmet in her arms. I smiled when I recognized the helmet as the one that I bought for her. My smile grew wider when she took her gaze off her shoes, pointed it to me now and flashing me the sweetest smile I'd ever seen.
I felt my chest was stormed with warmth and I paced up to reach for her faster. After I did, I couldn't help myself not to hug her. She seemed bashful at first, but returned the hug nevertheless. For a couple of minutes, we cared only to enjoy the warmth of each other's body. It was in that very moment, I decided to protect her with my might. I did love her, and I would do anything to keep her safe. I knew I could do that better than anyone else, not because some guy put their power to influence me to do so.
Megan's apartment was located at the Western part of J City, forty-five minutes driving distance from school. It was one of the high-end apartments in the city and it had better security system than Abel's apartment. Without the owner's pass card, it would be impossible to go up and visit one of the rooms. It was understandable since many of diplomats and important people's families resided here. I didn't think too much of it at first, but now that I understood Megan's situation, I started to think that this was one of the precautions made by the Markellis.
I dropped Megan in front of the lobby. I helped her to get off my bike and was about to say good-bye to her when she suddenly looked troubled. She diverted her gaze from mine again, feeling that her shoes were better looking than me. She bit her bottom lips adoringly, slightly shaking my self-control for not kissing her in this very spot. After a few silent beats, she finally raised her head and looked at me.
"D-do you wanted to go up?" She asked.
A shiver came down on my spine when I heard the invitation. I wasn't ready for this, especially that I knew she was living by herself up there. She told me this the first time I sent her home, but didn't elaborate the reason to me. I didn't pursue it more from her either. I always believed she would tell me herself if she was ready.
"Can I?" I asked back. To invite someone to your home was never be something that was easy to do for me. My home was my safe haven and I would never bring someone I did not trust home.
She nodded. "I have something I wanted to talk to you."
Now I became intrigued. What was she possibly wanted to talk to me about? Would she tell me everything about her family, her community, and her past? Would she entrust all of these stories to me in such short period of time we knew each other? But, I knew I should not pass this chance. At least, I wanted to confess my feelings to her and ask her to go out with me properly. Therefore, I nodded and parked my motorcycle.
I followed her inside. She passed a courtesy smile to the door attendant who looked at me suspiciously. Megan acknowledged that look of him and wrapped her arms on mine to make a statement. The door attendant cleared his throat and made a faint nod. She smiled once more and pulled me to the rows of elevators. She swiped her pass card on the scanner beneath the numbers pad and pressed five. So, she lived on the fifth floor. We were silent during our elevator ride and the silent continued when we were walking down the hallway, up to when Megan finally stopped at one of the doors. 505, I put the number in my memory. This was her home. She swiped her card once more to open the door and invited me in.
Her room was a studio-sized apartment room and styled with feminine tone. The dominant colours were baby-pink and pale-yellow. Her living room was connected directly with the bedroom and her kitchen was on the opposite direction of the bathroom. The place was quite spacious, almost as big as our apartment. And the view, well, it had great view of the city, as great as a fifth story could offer.
"It's a great place," I commended, as I walked around the place and tried my best to avert my eyes from the queen-sized bed, where its pink sheets looked very inviting. "Did you buy it or rent it?"
"A family friend rents it for me," was her reply. She sat nervously on the red bar stool. The bar, from the looked of it, also functioned as dining table, the way we also used it at home. I smiled and took my seat leisurely on the white couch adorned with yellow stripes and baby-pink cushion. I tapped the empty side next to me and looked at Megan. "Won't you sit next to me? I won't bite..."
Megan flushed by the invitation, but seated herself next to me nonetheless. She grabbed one of the cushions, faced forward and looking at her socks now (we had taken off our shoes at the entrance). I reached for her hands, made her jolt and turn her head at me.
"You said you wanted to talk about something with me?" I reminded her. Better to get down to business before I lost my self-control by watching her flustered self. She seemed had no idea how cute she could be when she do that.
She looked surprise, before nodding. "Y-yes..., I mean... I don't know..."
I chuckled. "Well I couldn't help you there, if you don't know about it yourself..." Well, I could actually, but that would be an invasion to her privacy and I did not want that.
"No-no... I, I know I have to ask you about this. I just don't know how..." Rosy cheeks started to bloom on her. "It's just Ken, she...keeps bugging me about it...B-but I also wanted to know..."
I finally understood where this conversation would go. "Do you want to talk about us?"
She nodded hesitantly, flustered even more. "Ken recently always asks whether we...we..."
"Whether we are together as in dating?"
She nodded again. I smiled gently to her, my hand reached for her chin and I looked deeply at her cognac eyes. "Do you want to? Be my girlfriend, I mean..."
She blinked rapidly and looked at me sheepishly. Her inviting full-lips opened as she tried to make some words, but closed again faster than when they were opened. After some heavy intake of breaths and hesitation, Megan eventually managed to muster her courage to reply for my proposal.
"I... I want to. But..."
I frowned. My heart thumping loudly inside my chest, wondering what made her hesitate? I knew she like me. She never denied my affection and never pushed me away. My heart beat faster as my anxiety building up. "But?"
"You don't know the real me...," she finally said. Now she looked at me as she blinked her tears back. "What if you disappointed with the real me?" She murmured.
I didn't wait for her to continue her words and silenced her with a gentle kiss. Megan jolted a bit, but like always, she did not push me away. She even returned the kiss hesitantly, made me smile between the kiss. Her lips were as soft as I thought they would be. And they were as sweet as honey. I hungrily tasted them and only pulled away after some minutes.
"Tell me, then...," I told her. "Tell me everything about you, so I'll know the real you. I wanted to know everything about you Megan, because I think...I think I've fallen for you."
Megan's dark eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks, she stared at me in disbelief. "You...have fallen for me? You love me?"
I chuckled, laughing for myself. "Yeah..., I know it's hard to believe. We barely knew each other and we've only known each other for a week. I also quite surprise with the fact, since I always have this trust issue. Even when I was with Irene, sorry to bring her up, I needed a couple of months to start liking her. With you, it was so easy and effortless..." Of course, now that I knew, I had some guy's scheming power that I had to take into account, but I was pretty sure the biggest part of my feelings to Megan was genuine, and it definitely wasn't one-sided. That guy power was only boosting things a little bit.
Megan was flustered once more, but she still had this hesitation to reveal her true self. "You may not love me anymore if you get to know the real me."
Who on earth had beat confidence out of this gorgeous and remarkable girl, that she resented herself to this extent? I took Megan's hands and squeezed it gently. "Megan, for heaven's sake, you don't know how adorable you are and what kind of effect you have on me. Just tell me one thing. Do you like me too?"
With a blush, Megan nodded.
"Will you have faith on me, then? Faith that I will love you the way you are, however or whatever you are?"
"But Danzel, you may not believe me even if I tell you about the real me..."
I sighed desperately. Now I knew what was holding her. I was right; she wanted to tell me that she was a witch and afraid I won't able to chew on the fact. Well, I guessed I need to confess about my power first to her; hopefully she would be motivated to tell her story if she knew that I was also a power user.
"I also have something I needed to tell you." Megan tilted her head. Curiosity had replaced the anxiety in her eyes. I took a deep breath. I never liked it when I had to expose myself to others. However, in order to get this girl's trust and confident, I had no other way. "I was raised in an orphanage. I never knew my real parents or siblings, until these past two years when my brother finally found me and took me in. During my stay at that orphanage, I learned a lot about human's character, mostly the shadiest part of it. I was lied to and betrayed for so many times that I lost count of it. Eventually, I lost faith on humanity due to it. To me, people are liars and hypocrites. I learnt to use them for my personal gain, but never wanted to have real connection with them. When I was in my first year of middle school, I learned that I have power to detect if someone was lying to me. It made my life easier, because I don't need to do any mind-chess anymore. I could just tell if someone was lying and reciprocate to them.
On my second year of middle school, Meng's group came visiting our orphanage for some school project. That was the first time I met him. I was cynical to him when we were first introduced, but it came as a surprise to me that I never found him lying to me, or to others. That was the first time I could lower down my guard to another person and start real connection with him. That's also why, he is my one and only best friend. In all of my life, I only have two people I trust with all of my heart and they never lie to me. One is Meng and the other is my older brother, Abel. I hope..., I hope you can be the third one, Meg. I assure you, I can chew on any kind of fact, as long as it's not a lie. In fact, that's the only thing I'd like to ask from you. If you ever have true feelings for me, will you promise to never lie to me? If you have something that you don't want to tell me about, just say so. But never lie to me, because I will know if you did. For me, lying is an act of betrayal. So, no matter what reason you do that for, I will never forgive you if you ever done it to me."
Tears stormed down Megan's chubby cheeks like pouring rain. She hugged me once I finished my story and cried on my chest. "Oh, my Danzel..., my poor Danzel..."
I never liked it when someone took pity of me after they heard my story. That was also why I never tell anyone about it, if I could. But, I could only feel my chest warm upon seeing Megan's reaction. A smile even breached my face when I heard her call me her Danzel. She cried for me. No one ever done it for me before. I guessed she would be the death of me and I certainly would blame that schemer Markelli for this. If I ever got a chance to meet that Schemer, I would make sure to drill a square on his jaw. But now, I let myself to indulge in Megan's affection. I carded her long hair with my fingers, enjoying the silkiness of the textures and planted kisses on it, until she finally collected herself. Megan straight herself up and wiped dry her tears with apologetic smile.
"You said...you will know if someone's lying to you?" She asserted.
"That's my power. Now I even able to dig out the truth out of someone's head if I want to," I added, and smiled smugly to her. "So, Megan Lukas, don't make me even more curious. Otherwise, I'll make a way into that pretty head of yours myself to find what exactly you are trying to tell me."
Megan pouted. "Don't you dare~!"
"Don't tempt me then," I said, and leaned forward to brush my lips to hers. I was planning to tease her only, but when I was there, with her lips opened to my ministration, we eventually making out again.
"S-so..., you're a Schemer..." She said when she pulled away to breathe.
I frowned. "Never understand about that. No one knows about my power except Meng and you."
She finally laughed. "I don't really understand about that too, only knew that it's one type of Esper powers that had something to do with the brain. But I know someone who's an Esper. I'll introduce you to him one day and he could explain it to you better than I could."
"Can't wait for it," I grinned. Oh yeah, I certainly couldn't wait, since I knew the 'someone' she meant was that Markelli boy. "So, if you also have power, I surely will believe you."
Megan beamed. Her eyes lit up so beautifully. She suddenly stood up. "I'll show you, but I need to change first," she said. "Will you wait for a bit? Oh right, where's my manner..., what do you want for drink, Danzel?"
I smiled to her enthusiasm. See, she was prettier when she was full of confident. "I'm fine with anything..."
Megan hastily checked her fridge and took out two cans of orange juice. She set the two cans on the coffee table in front of me. She then dashed to her room, grabbed one of her clothes from the cupboard and shut herself in the bathroom. I waited for her to finish changing by skimming through collection of newspapers she had, skim-read the headlines and took a sip of my orange juice. I almost choked on it when Megan went out from the bathroom in a ridiculously short, sleeveless, spring-green, mini-dress. She might be small and petite, but I knew her body was all curves with remarkable good proportion. Now, that particular mini-dress had certainly confirmed it.
"Megan Lukas!" I groaned and moved to grab a wipe from the table to wipe the juice I spilled. "Do you want to seduce me with it?"
Megan's face flushed as red as tomato. She stared down bemusedly to check her dress. "What? No! W-what are you thinking?"
"Well, I'm sorry! I'm a healthy and normal seventeen-year old boy, what do you expect me to react when you decided to wear that? Even to sit here just with you alone has required all self-control I ever have, Missy. And I'll tell you up front, I don't really have a lot of it."
My girlfriend reached for the cushion and hit my arms with it, then used it to cover her thighs. She still flustered heavily. "I just grab this with no other reason than this is the only sleeveless dress I have, because I wanted you to see my secret clearly."
"I see that alright..."
"Oh, shut up, Danzel!" Megan hit me again. "Do all boys always thinking about that?"
I wiggled my eyebrows playfully. "I think it's normal, especially when the other party is the one we love." I laughed when her cheeks got even redder. "Okay, I'll stop teasing you, at least until you show me what you wanted to show me."
Megan straightened up her body, being reminded what she should've been doing. She turned her body to me and said, "Watch closely."
She did not have to ask me twice, because I had started to ogle her obnoxiously and shamelessly. She had the most beautiful ivory-white skin I ever seen in my life, a great combination with her jet-black long hair, and I ... Holy-shit! My train of thought was suddenly stopped when I saw circle-shaped tattoos suddenly emerge on both of her upper arms, back of her hands and on the middle of her chest, just under her collarbones. The circles had different patterns and curves on it, with something looked like some kinds of script surrounding each one of them. I unconsciously raised my hand and touched one of the tattoos on her upper arms. I could feel Megan was shivering when I traced its patterns with my fingers.
"I-is it ugly?" She sounded like she was about to choke on her own words. I tilted my head and looked at her gently.
I never gave much thought about girls in tattoo, but after seeing Megan in them, I was thinking it was kind of hot. Hence, I told her that and awarded by heavier blush on her cheeks.
"Really?" She asserted.
I cupped her face in my hands. "Megs, you really have to be more confident about yourself. You are a far cry from ugly. You are beautiful, flawless. Okay?"
She nodded and flashed a smile. "Now, will you tell me about these tattoos? Do they have any meaning? And how do they suddenly emerge on your skin?"
She smiled once more. "They are always on my skin, but I use veil spell to cover it from layman's eyes. I just took down the spell so you could see it. They are my power, Danzel. They are my signifier. I'm a witch. An alchemist, to be exact. I could make magical instruments with my spells."
"I thought witches carry wands for their power," I commented, drew a pleasant laugh from my girlfriend.
"Maybe they used to. But as far as I know, nowadays sorcerers always tattooed their strongest spells on their body; hands, arms, back and chest, mostly."
"All of you did?" Megan nodded to my question. I traced her other tattoos again, made her shiver once more. "I think they are beautiful, Megs," I commended sincerely.
Megan beamed. She reached my face and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you, Danzel..."
I smiled. "So, does your family also have magic?"
Her beaming face promptly turned gloomy, made me want to slap myself for asking question that drawn that kind of reaction out of her. But, on the other hand, I also really wanted to know everything about her. Megan needed few more seconds before she finally found back her words.
"Had," she whispered. "My parents died when I was still a kid, so I don't remember much about them. My brother practically raised me, but then he died from illness four years ago."
"Megs, I-I'm sorry. I don't mean to...," Darn it, Danzel, did you have to spoil this moment with your stupid question? I cursed myself harshly.
She shook her head and squeezed my hands that I placed on top of hers. "It's okay. I'm okay now. It's just I missed my brother sometimes, but I'm okay. And..., one thing I need to tell you. My real name is not Megan Lukas. It's Megan Aramanth. Megan Lucille Aramanth..."
Aramanth..., I repeated it silently as if it was a chant.
"My brother was a warlock, the leader of our Trevelyan Order from Western Europe. After his demised, our Order was shattered because other Orders invaded our territories and stripped us out of our authority. We used to be one of the five biggest Orders in sorcery community, but now it's only has three out of its seven Covens left. The family friend I mentioned to you previously, the same one who rented this place for me, Jasmine Markelli, is the new leader of our Order. She's my brother's best friend and she loves me like her real sister. She and her brother are the ones who're protecting me."
"Protecting you? From the other Orders' attack?"
"Not only them." Megan paused. Shed of bitterness was in her eyes, her lips pursed tightly and slightly trembling. "We still don't know who, but there are people, also sorcerers, who wanted to use my talent in alchemy for their own evil merit. They tried to kidnap me in the ruckus of battle when the other Orders tried to occupy our territories, but Ken and the Markellis saved me. They brought me here because they think this archipelago is quite safe and far from those people's reach. The archipelago also has a lot of Shamans who protect various sacred spots here. Shamans are people who could summon sacred spirits as their guardian and as the guardian of a community. They are powerful because their power came from supernatural realm, so no sorcerer would be crazy enough to put down a tantrum here. If they do, the Shaman community will certainly unleash the hell out of them to reciprocate. There was this pact, you know, between the two communities, which no sorcerer could access lands that Shaman community considered as sacred. And we all silently acknowledge that Shaman's power is slightly above us. That's why, Jasmine took this chance. However, they're still keeping me under the radar and allowing me to go to school only. Not that I mind, since I'm more of a house rat, fortunately, so I'm fine with the arrangement."
I frowned with the familiar tern. Meng was a shaman and I had certain understanding about shaman community more than what I knew about the sorcery community. Meng's family considered me as one of their own and taught me a lot of thing about Shaman culture. Meng told me that Shamans and sorcerers were natural enemies, because sorcerers often altered elements of nature for their personal objectives, while one of Shamans' duties was to maintain the stability and the harmonious state of the natural and preternatural realm. Shamans considered the sorcerers' power was filthy, whereas the sorcerers considered Shamans as hypocrites. That's why, they could hardly stand the presence of each other. But, they also agreed to a pact, as Megan described, a pact for not invading each other's territory.
"Is that why you use fake name and have Kencana by your side all the time?"
Megan nodded. "Ken has taken an oath to protect me with her life. She's my sentry, the head bodyguard, in laymen's term. That's why, she's always protective about me. She offended you for doing so, right? I'm sorry..."
I stroked her head gently. "No worries. If she's gone too far, I'll just kick her ass. She's also a witch right, so she could defend herself?"
"She could, but I hope the two of you can get along. The two of you are very important to me, you know?"
I sighed. "Okay, I'll try to be more behave..."
Megan smiled appreciatively and leaned her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my hand around her shoulders and rested my head on top of hers. "Thank you, Danzel," she whispered.
"I want to protect you too, Megs."
My girlfriend tilted her head and stared deeply to my eyes. "I don't want to drag you into my problems..."
"It's my call, Megan. Anyway, it's too late now. I've become your boyfriend, so I certainly will put your safety as priority. I think I can protect you with my own power," I insisted.
"Your power...how is it feel like to be in someone's head?"
I shrugged. "That would not be a nice experience, if I could say. Human are complicated and most of the times they are obscene. If I use my power to people like that, their dark thoughts and nasty experiences would be playing in my head too, it would become part of me too. That's also why I don't use my power too often to dig out other's skeleton from their closet. I only use it at the upmost necessary time. I also took an oath to Meng before, which I will take one for you too. I would never get into the head of people who're never lie to me. I'll respect their integrity and trust their word. That's why, never lie to me, Megan. I really don't want to invade your privacy like that."
Her cognac eyes stared at me so beautifully. She stroked my cheeks gently and then placed a gentle kiss on my lips, which I gratefully welcomed. We were kissing again, even gentler than ever, longer, and more intoxicating.
"I promise to stay true to you forever, because I love you, Danzel Lee," she whispered when we broke the kiss.
"I love you too," I replied and kissed her again.
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