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18.18% The New Hero Academia: Tales Of Hiashi Midoriya / Chapter 1: chapter 1: Kidnapped?!

Chapter 1: chapter 1: Kidnapped?!

Hiashi trained hard every morning with his father, from running 10km to sparring. Then he would shower, eat breakfast and go to school, this was the typical morning routine for the young Midoriya.

Hiashi yawned scratching through his spiky brown hair as he made his way to school, the same school that his father and the pro hero, Ground Zero, or as his father calls him, Kacchan, attended. The school was rather rundown looking, it was a four story, white, tall school surrounded by a cement and brick walls. Many of the students here were part of the 80%, with a few of the 20% of the population strung in.

Hiashi smiled seeing his group of classmates that were all aiming for UA high just like him, there were the bakugou twins, Misaki and Hiro, both full of energy like their father. Misaki stood at five foot three, long blonde hair with silver bangs and tips that went to her mid-back, hazel eyes that mirrored her mother's, and as any boy would she, she possessed the "perfect" body with her hourglass figure. Hiro stood at five foot seven, he had spiky hair like his father but it was silver like his mother, crimson eyes, and he was well toned, though you couldn't tell under the uniform.

They would walk to class together, as they had grown up together and were all close. As he walked up to them, he greeted them with tired green eyes and his left hand up as a greeting. "Hiashi were you training with your dad again?" Misaki asked looking at her friend. "Uh-huh, he says that I need to be highly fit in order to even pass the UA entrance exam, and to get through the Hero course. " Hiashi said tiredly.

"Our dad says that too, but mom tells him to zip it and not push us so hard." Misaki said as she thought about her parents, Hiro simply rolling his eyes as he thought about the pair bickering.

As they entered the 3-A classroom, Hiashi was mobbed by female students asking if he could get them autographs from his father. Hiashi sighed, "If I do that for you, then I have to do that for everyone and that's a bother." he said as he pushed past them to get to his seat. The teacher walked in shortly after the bell and was looking at all the students, especially Hiashi and the Bakugou twins.

"Good morning class today we will be reviewing for your test. Now remember, this is a very important test for you third years." The teacher explained as she was writing on the board, some students were taking notes while others just listened or wandered in their own lands within their minds. Hiashi took light notes, occasionally drifting off in his own thoughts. He thought about soon getting One for all. Then he would secretly become the next pro hero to be a symbol of peace.


Today felt different than normal, something inside him was screaming to not go to school. Despite this he got up, dressed, and headed to school like any other normal school day. Ghe closer he got to the school, the more his stomach churned and squeezed making him feel nauseous. He continued to ignore it; he got to school heading to their classroom on the first floor. He took his seat, female classmates greeted him like normal. He figured that there was a possibility that he was simply catching a cold.

He entered class. Students talking about where they were going to be applying to go to high school, Shiketsu high, Yuuei (UA), and others were mentioned. He yawned tiredly as the bell Rang and the teacher walked in holding papers in his right hand down by his side, he then set the papers on the desk at the front of the class,

"As third year students, it is time for all of you think of your future and what exactly you plan to do with your lives. I could pass out a career aptitude test... But why bother?" the teacher started some students growled feeling the teacher was calling them failures.

"Ha, I know you all want to go on the Hero track!" The teacher announced throwing the aptitude test sheets into the air while the class cheered happily. Hiro was watching as his classmates as they cheered. "Why cheer you haven't started your training yet?" That simple phrase stopped the class, as the class looked at Hiro. He found himself looking at the wall that lead to the outside world, at first nothing seemed to be a miss. Until suddenly the wall exploded and debris came flying in, but it appeared he and the bakugou twins were the only ones who noticed.

'What? Why is everyone just sitting there?! Get up!' Hiashi thought as his gaze shifted between his classmates then to the cloud of black smoke and small blue flames from the explosion.

"Oh darn, the debris missed... Guess I'll have to take you out personally. " A woman's voice spoke with a small giggle at the end, the woman was five foot two, about the same age, long black hair with bright yellow eyes, sharp fangs, pale ivory skin, and she was in a middle school uniform but Hiashi couldn't tell from where. Beside her was a a few boys. One boy had bright blonde hair, pale skin, with orange crimson eyes wearing headphones in jeans and a plain tee. He was looking at the class paying no mind to the three students that could see him. Another was tall, about six feet to be exact. He had shaggy brown hair with hazel, cat-like eyes, warm ivory skin, and a dark smirk playing on his lips. He was in a white tank and black jeans with plain sneakers.

The final man had messy brown hair, crimson eyes, standing at five foot ten, pale skin, bat like appendages (wings), and he had demon horns. He was in black skinny jeans with a black v-neck tee shirt and a black over shirt. The four were smirking darkly at Hiashi, Misaki, and Hiro. The villain with shaggy brown hair smirked stepping to the front lines, "You can call me Commando." he said as he activated his quirk causing his muscles to significantly increase, he rushed toward Misaki first. The girl squealed in surprise and she snapped her middle and thumb causing the shadows within the classroom to rush him and explode.

Hiashi coughed as smoke was filling the room as an aftermath effect from her explosion. In the midst of the smoke, Hiashi and Hiro started to try and move the classmates out of the way .Hiashi had Misaki and Hiro moving students while he kept the villains distracted, he knew full well that using his quirks was against the law. However if it came down to it he would. He picked up a piece of debris, throwing it at the blonde haired villain. He clocked the guy on the right temple, luckily knocking him out cold. Then turning his attention to the man calling himself Commando he got ready to fight.

Commando charged toward him, and he braced himself for impact. But the impact never came, he heard an explosion and his eyes shot open to see Hiro standing in front of him. His right hand outstretched, his fingers were ready to snap again to set off another explosion. Hiro stood lazily with his left hand stuffed into the pocket if his uniform slacks, a bored expression on his soft features. Commando had been shot backwards from the explosion, he stood up and growled in anger, his brown eyes locked on Hiro.

"Bud out of this boy" Commando snarled enraged. "Why don't you come over here and say that to my face..." Hiro said in a monotone. Hiashi took this to use his zero gravity quirk to make debris float creating shadows for Misaki to use as he had caught on to Hiro's plan. Commando snarled again and began racing toward Hiro who launched back, Misaki activated her quirk causing the shadows he passed through to explode. After the fourth one, he stopped and dropped to one knee. Hiashi took this moment to release his quirk causing the debris to rain down.

Behind the woman was a man with spiked black hair, pale skin and Teal eyes. He stood roughly six feet, and with a blink of an eye, Hiashi lost sight of him. The man reappeared behind Hiashi and muttered. "Freeze his movements." Hiashi fell to the ground unable to move, just as the last piece of debris fell. Commando was posted and stormed up to Hiashi launching an enraged attack on the helpless teen. Another female came into view of Hiro and Misaki. "Hello Bakugou twins!" She said giggling her long white hair flowing to mid-back, her red Fox eyes locked into them.The twins eyes her with pure confusion, causing the girl to groan and her expression to darken.

"That's how it is? I'm not good enough for you to remember?" She all but snarled the words out, Hiashi struggled trying to move but Commando snatched him from the ground. "You're coming with us Midoriya..."

" The fuck he is. " Hiro snarled setting an explosion off near Commando, but the spiky black haired male pipes up from behind him, "Floor collapse." Suddenly the floor collapsed under Hiro sending him down into the basement, he groaned in pain with the hard fall. "What the hell kind of quirk is that?!" Hiashi managed to get out.

But no one answered as the first woman spoke up. "We need to leave now before Deku and other heroes arrive." Misaki ran at the group of villains leaving with her friend, she was about to send shadows after them. The man with spiked black hair looked back at her, a bored expression on his face. "Blast her into the wall." A gust of wind threw her against the farthest wall where she collapsed from the pain, she winced watching them quickly exit the classroom from where they had entered then a black and red portal appeared and with that Hiashi was gone.

Hiashi struggled in Commando's grip and at one point, was punched in the stomach, which halted his escape attempts for roughly ten minutes.The portal had led to a ran down looking building, where the villains chained Hiashi to a chair. A small fragile looking woman came into the light of the large room. She stood at about five foot one, if she was luck. Short blue hair with blue-purple eyes, pale skin. She was in a black long sleeved shirt with blue jeans and black flats. She watched Hiashi for several moments before uttering a single word, which made Hiashi extremely uncomfortable.

"Hello Hiashi, welcome to the league of villains..." She started with slow careful words. Hiashi said nothing, he only glared but she ignored the glared and continued on with talking. "Let's get to the fun shall we? Tell us everything about your father." She said her blue-purple eyes watching his every move as he sat chained to the chair in front of her. "You're not getting a word out of me." Hiashi nodded watching her with narrowed emerald green eyes, the woman merely chuckled as if he had made a joke. "Oh honey, you'll talk...In time" she said grinning darkly as she looked at Commando, "Hit him."

Commando grinned, "With pleasure Aurmora." He said storming to Hiashi decking him in the face, Hiashi winced and looked at her.


The students had all gathered in the field, a few panicking because three classmates were missing. But to their relief Hiro and Misaki, injured but safe came to the group of students and their teacher. "Where is Midoriya?" The teacher asked hurrying to them, Hiro only growled in response and his twin sister teared up and looked away. "Is he-" the teacher started but Hiro interrupted. "No, not dead... Kidnapped. He was who they were after..." Hiro said with a snarl, he was furious with himself for not being able to save his classmate and friend.

Soon after Deku, Ground Zero, Nature's shadow, Medic and Uravity all arrived. Deku and uravity noticed that their son was not among his classmates, Uravity looked at Deku with a worried look on her face. Deku went to Hiro. "What happened here? Where is Hiashi?" Hiro looked up at Deku, while pro hero Medic was tending to his wounds.

"There was five or six villains. One had a Hallucination quirk so only Misaki, Hiashi and I saw the villains. Another one had blue flames, one looked like a fox, well her eyes and ears....And there was a super strength guy. One with some type of manipulation quirk. But they only took Hiashi." He said obviously still frustrated that he failed to save his friend.

Deku nodded, "Thank you Hiro for the information. Don't beat yourself up about this, you were outnumbered and did your best." Deku said smiling softly before going to the rest of the pro heroes."So where is he, Deku?" Uravity said nervously. "This was a planned attack, five of six villains. Sounds like Dabi's daughter was one of them. They took Hiashi when they left." Deku said frowning. "So the new League of Villains, this was their first sign of being active right?" Nature's Shadow said, she crossed her arms narrowing her eyes.


Hiashi was hit again, he spat out some blood from his mouth and he glared at Aurmora who simply watched him with a dark smirk. "Your lasting longer than I would like to admit," Aurmora said with annoyance obvious in her tone, she turned walking to a table that was just barely in the shadows. She came back with a hunting knife. "You know Hiashi, you are making this much more difficult than it needs to be." She said as she walked toward him. He watched her with angry green eyes. "You don't scare me....Aurmora" he said as he was watching her near him with a hunting knife, a dark grin present on her face.

"I don't care if you're scared of me or not, I just want information on Deku, the symbol of peace. " She said as she rested the knife against Hiashi's face, Hiashi said nothing but spit blood into her face causing her to back away from him. "Go rot in hell." Hiashi snapped angrily to her, she growled and hit him herself with her fist. "They'll never find you Hiashi. I will get the information from you, one way or another. I don't care if I kill you in the process." She snarled enraged.

Hiashi watched her narrowing his eyes. "Then kill me, I'm not going to say a word about my father to you." He spat with venom dripping from his words.

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