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Chapter 14: one year laterScratch that CANCELED

Its been over a year since everything that happened has come to pass now that i have settled in i suppose i can recount and file away a brief and short summary of the on goings on the world.

while words cannot describe the amount of comfort and joy i have come to experience with the quirky avengers, i will with out further ado begin.


Being introduced to the avengers was fairly quick they introduced themselves

Ive been unable to write at all recently like I have about 100 maybe less or more Differnt stories some are like similar to others but I just wasn't satisfied with the first version so like I created a different version basically another dimension or parallel universe or even alternate universe.

any way over nearly a year hon I've been reading a shit ton playing games and just experiencing a bunch of shit.

i can honestly say at one point I felt like I could do this continually but I can't get the small conversations written out I can more or less create a basic outline or start it off but real writing skills have a deeper view of how shit plays out.

i have to see and embody every character I write.

being Richtofen was cool if not insane, lol especially practicing his lines in public I was at a teen court thing waiting for my shit to start when I was just like making a chapter for one of my niveles about Rictofen in marvel I believe ya I remember now cause the most recent one that's not published is Richtofen well a version of him kinds like the marvel one except a bit different can't remember lol well one main difference is he's in The DC universe god what a great idea.

the beginning is rough cause like it seems overly used like I use it to much and like it's just been used by others quite a bit but fuck it's hard to be original in a when everything is technically already unoriginal cause someone else has already thought of it.

alrite so let me see fuck school my writing and grammar obviously suck and I'm a waste of space.

hmmm sounds about right .

people keep telling me shit about life and how to live it or that I'm not living it but obviously I am I'm just living it isolated from b.u.l.l.s.h..I.t.

hmmm F...U..C..K... Can't someone else just replace me and please take all of my ideas and write a decent f..Uc..king story .

im bored ..I even tried writing a life is strange 2 fanfic ughhhh it's a good game with bullshit mechanics that are merely an illusion most of the shit you do hardly affects the game I wish it impacted it a lot more like stealing the tent and kicking dúchee... bag in face.

so I'm here to turn in my formal slash informally typed letter of resignation.

like I don't know I'll probs get back into it.

its just I hate letting people down so I'll probably stock pile as many chapters as I can of a story that I can hopefully create more than a few bull shit chapters.

nit gonna lie I did this shit the hard way I searched up a shit ton of halo lore and got overloaded doing the same thing with Marvel and DC lore it's just a lot.

then I was like wait do I wanna follow the story exactly the same chronologically or do I wanna like splinter off and do some crazy shit.

its a lot to think about.

i hope if anyone does decide to adopt my ideas I hope you send me a message or something cause I'd really f..Uc..king love to read some more shit.

remember to get your shit in order before posting also um try to plan out when you can make time to write.

its hard when you just wanna watch something or read something instead of invest time in creating your own shit.

anyway peeps um I've had a blast all of you where real fucking champs so how about one last half assed chapter just to like kill this story cause I could come back and fix it later probs but this novel deserves to be left alone so I can come back and admire all the shit and comments.

spartan 118 was sitting in front of a TV Screen comfortably resting his ass on some nice leather couch opcivered in bed sheets cause like they comfy as .f.u.c.k.

when suddenly the world around him froze and the screen turned black.

then green letters started appearing.


So could have been better it's just I got irritated with all the tapping.

then I figured out I could copy and past sigh.............................what ever love ya guys hope you enjoyed glimpsing into a unstable mind such as myself I'll be here all day....probably not...all night?...ya no I'll be here when ever the f.u.c.k my crazy ass gets in the mood or remembers too log in to check for comments.

im serious though y'all need to step your fanfic game up I expect to see some doom fanfics some terminator, bio shock, mafia, saints row, life is strange 2, mud runner and all kinds of

stories ain't got to be about OP CHARTERS Like it could be a story like mud runner system in DC so you pick you start off with cheap ass Jeep then slowly progress to better vehicles by either completing missions or finding them in parts of the world.

you know like bust out some good story driven shit regular stories our characters don't have to be to fuc.king great because the real us are human who have lost more times than we can count.

In the end it's all up to you. You wonderful people who share a similar interest as myself.

Also no harem XD ha I'm with you I'll still read it I'd like to see a story though with a character only engaging in intercourse with a partner he's really emotionally committed to.

a partner for life like settling down having kids and shit lol.

in the end it's up to y'all I hope to see many more authors please hit me up with snap my username is ussronaldregan

lol is my bro's idea and I was like meh I'll take it.

dang I curse a lot lol had to go back and put random periods so that they don't censore my profanity.

peace y'all Neoptolemus Melanthios out.

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