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The Ancient Hexian Weapon: The Solaris Igneous

Jack surpassed the 1st stage of the Hexian trial conquering and defeating 20 sea monsters with the help of his Djinn, Zeus. They are now on the 2nd stage, which is much more difficult than the 1st one. Upon entering the 2nd stage's arena, he was tackled by a humungous bear-like creature with claws pounding on the ground.

"Those creatures are way beyond stronger than the monsters on the 1st stage. Be really careful and cautious." Pola warned Jack as he was struggling on dodging the bear-like monsters' attacks.

Jack used his weapon and formed it into a sword. "Can you lend me your power, Zeus?" Jack requested Zeus.

"You can use the Lock and Load master but it's not easy to gather them into one place because they are attacking alternately one at a time, maybe we could think for another strategy." Zeus suggested.

"Okay Zeus, I'll try to beat them one at a time but they're just too strong and tough to handle. I really need magic to surpass this stage." Jack said.

The monsters keep attacking relentlessly and Jack keeps on dodging their attacks. He tried to strike with his sword but his attacks doesn't even hurt them until one of the monters attack hit Jack and he was knocked down. There are five of them and Jack has nothing to do but to keep on dodging. He then changed his weapon to bow and arrow to try long-range assaults but the monsters are too tough for his arrows. He change it again and again, however, none of his attacks worked.

"I think it's time for you to execute my 2nd super spell master. My Lock and Load can only take down one. There are five of them so I think your stamina couldn't handle this spell repeatedly." Zeus said.

"Just bring it on, Zeus, I need your support." Jack replied. Zeus lend his 2nd super thunder spell, The Halberg Thunder Spear. The electricity of Zeus formed a spear on Jack's free hand. Jack released the thunder spear straight to one of the bear-like monsters. The thunder spear annihilated the monster into pieces. "That was amazing Zeus!" Jack said.

"You can form the Halberg Thunder spell into whatever weapon do you wish to use Master. It will become more powerful if you already know how to combine it with the Lock and Load." Zeus instructed JackSpark.

"Okay then, let's try it out." Jack replied. The bear-like monsters retreated and merged into one very strong bear-like super monster with 4 elements (Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire).

"If you happen to beat that super monster, you have the highest chance to wield the Solaris Igneous." Pola told JackSpark.

"What kind of legendary weapon is that?" JackSpark asked Pola.

"You'll know the details after you beat not one but 2 super monsters." Pola answered. All of a sudden, there is a huge dragon monster who land heavily on the land where JackSpark stands. Jack was nearly hit by the super dragon monster. The super bear monster rushed to Jack by using wind magic and execute the super flame burst, which exploded right after it hit JackSpark. The super dragon monster flew really high and delivered the stardust breath to annihilate and destroy the wide area of their battlefield. Pola was worried if Jack survived that onslaught.

After the smoke runs out, Jack was nowhere to be found but instead, he appeared on the back of the super bear monster and executed the Halberg Thunder Sword with Lock and Load coated on the electrical sword. Jack already activated the 3rd super thunder spell of Zeus which is called the Halberg Thunder Charge, which enhanced his speed 100 times than his ordinary speed. He swayed his thunder sword and the super bear monster's body was cut into two pieces, coated with electricity and the wind expands because of the great impact. Pola and Supreme Kai Janus were really amazed of what they are witnessing at the moment.

"I think he can wield our supreme weapon finely." Supreme Kai Janus said.

"I believe in him Grand Priest." Pola replied.

There's only one super monster left. The super dragon monster turned into the Stardust Dragon and attacked Jack with all it's might. Jack prepared for his final attack as he casted the Halberg Thunder Shield while casting the Super Charged Lock in Load into his Sword. He charged to attack the super dragon monster. They clashed with a thunderous impact but the Stardust dragon overpowered him. Jack was plummeted back to the ground really hard and he was really hurt.

"What can we do now Zeus? That dragon is way stronger as I've expected." Jack asked Zeus.

"Use my final Super Thunder Spell Master! Now!" Zeus replied.

Jack picked his sword and by the time the Stardust Dragon reached JackSpark to finish him off, the Dragon was destroyed into pieces. Supreme Kai Janus and Pola couldn't believe of what they just saw from Jack. Supreme Kai Janus clapped his hands in awe while Pola cheered on JackSpark as he was sprinkled by the dragon's stardust.

"Even the Stardust Dragon couldn't stop him Pola. We have a huge chance that someone might wield our ultimate weapon." Supreme Kai Janus said.

"Congratulations Jack! You have the right to try to wield the Solaris." Pola said.

"Now, can you tell me what kind of weapon is this Solaris?" Jack asked Pola.

"Tell us how did you beat the stardust dragon first before we proceed on wielding the Solaris. We're really curious and amazed at the same time." Pola said to Jack.

"I used the final super spell of my Djinn, the Halberg Eternal Spark. It gave my ordinary weapon the ability to instantly kill the Stardust Dragon." Jack explained.

"Well, you are truly amazing Jack." Pola praised JackSpark.

Supreme Kai Janus handed the Solaris Igneous to Jack as a sign of respect and triumph over the Stardust Dragon. "JackSpark of Earth, you are entitled to be the Hexian Champion from now on as you are the only one who destroyed and survived the Stardust Dragon. You have the right to wield our ultimate Hexian weapon, the Solaris Igneous, and not only that, we will become your allies. We are blessed to be graced with such mighty allies from Earth." Supreme Kai Janus gave respect to Jack's triumphant victory.

"I can sense great power in this weapon Zeus, this is really amazing." Jack mentally communicated to Zeus.

"Yes Master. I'm really excited to aide you with my power along with this weapon. We can protect our allies from now on Master." Zeus said.

"The Solaris Igneous is the ultimate weapon created by our ultimate Hexian warrior Draco the dark Panther. It is the weapon used by Draco to slay the top tier Gods during the war between mortals and Gods in ancient times. The Gods defeated the mortals as expected and they became superior beings than mortals after the war. There are good Gods but their era were long gone since all Gods in this era committed themselves to the darkness because of Zeo, the dark Almighty. Before Photon died, he graced Draco to create a weapon to defend not only our race but all of the mortals from Gods who are trying to eradicate us. That's the time when the Solaris Igneous was made. Draco became a Titan and entrusted his weapon to us in order to defend ourselves but unfortunately, no one could properly wield it from our race. We have travelled almost all over the universe to search for the one who can wield it. The one who is chosen to use it's power flawlessly. Up until now, we don't know what power it can create as it is just an ordinary sword to others with ordinary physical attribute. You have the highest chance to wield that weapon because you are the only one who defeated the two super monsters with your own ability." Supreme Kai Janus explained the origin of the Solaris Igneous to Jack.

Jack tried to coat it with Lock and Load and it sparked brightly like a magma heating up from the inside of it's structure but Jack didn't feel the heat. It seemed like it is stuckin Jack's hand.

"I feel incredibly strong with this Supreme Kai. I haven't think in my wildest thought that I could wield this weapon." Jack Said.

"There are legendary weapons in the entire universe. One of them is the Solaris Igneous. We plan to search for those weapons with your comrades. We believe that Earthians are the destined warriors to wield these weapons. Would you come with us?" Supreme Kai Janus requested JackSpark.

"We don't have the final say with this one Supreme Kai. Will you come to us at our Queen's palace and discuss this one to them?" Jack requested Supreme Kai Janus.

"I would be very glad Jack." Supreme Kai Janus replied.

"I will go with you Grand Priest. I want to see Earth." Pola said.

"I would be glad to be your tour guide Pola." Jack said to Pola.

Pola bloomed when Jack acknowledged her. "Well then, let's make all of our time worthwhile and stop wasting every bits of it. Show us the way Jack." Supreme Kai Janus said.

Jack, Supreme Kai Janus, and Pola went out of the spaceship and the Archadians are waiting for Jack.

"Looks like you settled it peacefully Jack. Well done!" Karen praised Jack.

"It's alright Karen. No harm done. I would like you all to meet Supreme Kai Janus and Pola. They are Hexians. They have something to discuss to all of us. Did you already informed Hacker about our situation here?" Jack introduced Supreme Kai Janus and Pola to the Archadians.

"Believe me Captain, he already knew it without us reporting to him." Stephanie said.

"Looks like you know him really well already, Stephanie. I wish you both great luck with your relationship." JackSpark teased ShadowGirl.

"I'm still thinking if I will answer him already. I'm still assessing my feelings up until now, but honestly, he's cute." ShadowGirl said while blushing obviously.

Everyone laughed on their way back to the palace.

Meanwhile, On Gaia, Adeath was tasked to substitute King Vladimir when he is stlll on the Forbes Wasteland. He went to the secret room and changed his form to shadow. "I haven't been in this attunement for a long time. Now's the time to destroy Lara's family."

Is Adeath one of the Shadow attuned wizard? Is he really an ally? Or is he the one who will bring the Stanford clan down?

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