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Chapter 50: When Weakness Turns Into Strength

James already acquired a new mode which is the Divine Break Mode and he is determined to beat Illidan at this point of their battle. Meanwhile, Ian was still on the process of rejuvenating his own strength.

"I can sense that James became way stronger now at this time. I wish I could help him with his battles with the Titans." Ian said.

"You'll have your time to fight the last three strongest Titans Master. For now, you should focus on how the beat Vandrix. You can easily beat him with your full strength but Draco and Kratos are much stronger than him. You should not be overconfident." Eros said.

"Vandrix is my husband when we were still mortals but we lost our son when Zeo stole him to us. How I wish I could beat the hell out of that supreme God. Please beat Vandrix and together, we will be unstoppable facing Draco and Kratos." Vyrella said.

"It has been a quite exciting journey for me to be with you Ian, I can definitely recall my battle with James and he was totally remarkable! I believe he can beat the three Titans he will going to face after Illidan but he should be very careful to his next opponent. He is known to be the Punisher." Xerath said.

"I am very honored that my powers are very useful to you and James, Ian. I chose you because I can sense the spark of pure light with you because you've got no weakness. You're the simplest and the strongest being now and you've got the potential to bring Zeo down. I will do my best just to help you with your battles." Mindrax said.

"I'll protect you with my life Ian. You mean so much to me. Just be careful with your battles okay? You're mine now so you must take good care of yourself." Samantha said.

"It's my great pleasure to be a part of your team Ian. I never thought we are going to be this far facing and beating Titans. I really admire you and James with your ability to fight." Bavery said.

"I'm very thankful for your support everyone. I know nothing can stop us if we work together to beat all the odds." Ian replied while embracing Samantha.

"We are good to go after the fight of James and Illidan, we must extend our help to James with his next fight Master." Eros said.

The battle between James and Illidan got intensified as James continually attack Illidan with his sun abilities but Illidan still got the advantage because of the Blood Manipulation Spell.

"I still got you James." Illidan said.

"This takes a lot of time now and it's draining my energy, I need to find a way to unlink myself from his Blood Manipulation Spell." James thought.

Illidan casted the Blood Rage Spell, this spell created blood claws and he relentlessly attacked James. His attacks were very effective as it wounded James because his Blood Manipulation is still very active because of James' weakness. Illidan casted the Blood Rupture Grip again but it doesn't effect James because of his Divine Break Mode. James powered up again by fusing the Divine Break Mode to Super Sacred Phoenix-Dragon Mode while using the Pyroclast.

"This battle is the most insane I had with you James. Me and Zexerav will do our very best to support you." Draven said.

"I didn't imagine in my wildest imagination that Illidan is this strong, he can match the Top 6 Titan at this point." Zexerav said.

"Master, fuse Draven and Zexerav's flames with the Divine Flare to cast the Divine Stellar Flare! You still can't use the offensive power of your Divine Break Mode, you can only use it for defense." Heat said.

The Blood Rage Spell is still active along with the Blood Manipulation Spell, so Illidan still have a very accurate anticipation for James' every move. He continually dodged the super powered attacks of James but his powers also don't have any effect on James anymore. They shifted their battle into battle of physical strength.

"Our magic power couldn't do any damage to the both of us now James! Let's see who's stronger between us without magic." Illidan said.

"Let's settle this with fist then Illidan!" James shouted.

Illidan's Blood Manipulation doesn't have any effect on James anymore because it can only affect him when he uses magic. James started to attack Illidan with punches and kicks. Illidan is just dodging and blocking his attacks. Illidan delivered a knee kick right into James' ribs, he felt the kick but retaliated with a strong punch, they were both on their knees. Illidan can't believe that a mortal like James can match a Titan in a physical battle.

"You are really awesome James, I didn't expect you to be this strong without magic but I guess it is time to end this." Illidan said.

"I admire you for your strength Illidan. You truly belong to the elites." James complimented Illidan.

"You have passed James. There's no point of continuing this battle. I just bought some time for you to really learn that your weakness is your ultimate strength and not a hindrance during battle. You have showed me excellent endurance, courage and skills. You truly deserve my power. I will lend you and Ian my power now but all I want is to be killed by a pure Blood-attuned wizard. You will have my power but I will give Vladimir my greatest weapon, the Book of Blood Wolf." Illidan decided to lend his power to James and Ian and he chose James as his soul's body joining Zexerav and Draven.

Illidan instructed King Vladimir on how to use the Book of Blood Wolf "there are limitless blood spells in there including the Blood Contract Magic Replenisher. You can use Blood Contract Magic 20 times without offering your own life. You can even kill sun and moon attuned beings with it. The great thing about that is you can kill gods and titans with it so that's why I chose you to kill me. It is my ultimate desire to put an end to Zeo and that book will be a great help to you in your upcoming war with the gods. You can enchant one Blood Contract to kill me. ErythroPlasmaBlast is also there so you can use it over and over again if you're in grave danger. Use that book only if needed Vladimir."

"I will treasure this book with full of gratitude Lord Illidan." King Vladimir responded in full appreciation.

Ian, Samantha and Bavery arrived to their battlefield and Illidan acknowledged Ian.

"Your power is overwhelming Ian. I know and predicted that you will defeat Kratos in battle, you will have my power as well as you are one with James. I will just be on James' body." Illidan said.

"Are you sure you don't want to join us here Illidan?" Vyrella asked.

"I'm still with you Vyrella, we can still fight alongside each other." Illidan answered.

"I can't wait to put an end to Zeo and Thalos but we still have a long way here." Mindrax said.

"You're right Mindrax, we are only halfway through so far, so everything is still not secured." Ian replied.

"Cast the Blood Contract Magic now Vladimir, that's the only spell which can kill me instantly but be aware that you have 19 left after you use it to me. I can't wait to join you in battle James, Vladimir and Ian." Illidan ordered King Vladimir.

King Vladimir casted the Blood Contract Magic to kill Illidan and his insignia formed under Draven's insignia on James' arm. Ian and James have already 3 Titans each in them. Ian has Mindrax, Xerath and Vyrella while James has Zexerav, Draven and Illidan. Their chance of defeating all the Titans increased to 50% now as for Bavery's calculation.

"Your chances now rose to 50%. I'm really happy to find you Ian. I can't wait to get out from this place and go home." Bavery said.

"The next Titan will be my bestfriend James, he is the Top 6 Titan. We can handle him. He is known to be the Punisher and his ultimate beast is Eagle. be very cautious with his abilities because he is known to be the Titan of Wind and Thunder combined." Illidan warned James for their next battle.

Meanwhile, Kratos sensed the Grand Soul Gem is about to be destroyed and the return of the Baron is nearly approaching.

"What will we do now Kratos?" Draco asked.

"We'll wait for the Master of Titans here Draco. We need him to complete his training. He is our final shot of stopping this curse. I need to destroy Zeo as soon as possible." Kratos said.

"Are you planning of uniting with him Kratos? We can still have our bodies and fight Zeo." Draco replied.

"No Draco, we can't afford to lose to Zeo as the fate of the universe is at hand. We can't let the Soul-attuned Almighty totally eradicate the Disciples of Jax. It would mean eternal darkness." Kratos said.

What plan does Kratos have in mind to beat Zeo?

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