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Chapter 1

Amixniara School for Supernatural beings, it's a dream high school for the inhumanly creatures. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, witches and wizards all sorts of creatures come here for the best education.

Fourth year finals are nearing to the students. Everyone is busy studying whereas some are still fooling around. Cole is an average student here, but he's famous for his family background. He's a half blood vampire, tormented by the school hunk Lawrence. He's tired of all the attention and fake friendships he had since he joined the school. He had no family, he was an orphan.

"Lawson, Lawson and Lawson! No one speaks of anyone else! Everything he has ever done was just by luck!" Lawrence babbled around while tying his shoe lace and getting ready for the breakfast in the main hall. "Well he did defeat that mad monster at start of this year on his own didn't he?" Raymond chirped in and Royce nodded. They were straight cut fools, simply tools who plays on the palms of Lawrence Godfrey, the famous Pure blood family in the history. They are nonetheless known for their snobbishness and lack of judgments. They believe purebloods shouldn't mingle with the filthy half bloods or anyone like that. Unfortunately his own godfather is half blood.

"How many times did I tell you two fat arses that not to cut me when I'm ranting! Moreover about Lawson!" Yes that's true, do anything but never interrupt him while ranting.

"Will you three dimwits stop arguing in the morning!" Gloria finally shouted out, and everyone fell silent. She's the school's worst 'bitch' you can say. But once you peel off her tough skin, she isn't half bad as she shows others. She'll do anything to help her friends in need.

"Shut up Gloria! You don't understand!" Lawrence retorted. "I need to teach a lesson to that Lawson no matter what!"

"Hmm... let's think of something that no one has ever done before. A prank that'll make us famous in the school's prank history. What do you say?" she smirked at Lawrence.

"What can we do? I've got no ideas left in my brain" "Don't worry I've one....The plan to seduce Lawson and make him a laughing stock!" Gloria chortled.

"Great idea Glo but-----who'll seduce him?" Royce joined in. "You're the only girl in our group" Raymond stated.

"Eww don't THINK about it! I'll not seduce that filthy half blood in my seven lives!" Gloria retorted. " about you Lawrence? You'll be worth a try!"

"Shut up Gloria! The last thing I'd imagine is Lawson being gay!" Lawrence hyped up.

"We don't know yet, do we? We're young and there's no harm in trying different things out, is there?" Gloria suggested.

"But think! What if my father finds out about this!? He'll kill me, cut into pieces and feed them to the werewolves!" Lawrence's face paled.

"Don't worry uncle won't find out. It's a prank after all. It's not like you're really falling in love with him right?" Gloria smirked.

"Fine! Just for the sake of the prank!" Lawrence agreed but he didn't knew that the outcomes of the prank will backfire himself. Alas naive teenagers.

After finishing their 'plan' they walked down the hall for their breakfast. Gloria sat beside Lawrence as usual.

"Okay so we've to start the plan from now only!" saying she nudged Lawrence. He wobbled and his bowl of soup fell on the table. Gloria laughed out loud seeing his sudden clumsiness. "What you're seeing stars as soon as you entered the hall?" she said.

Cole entered with rapid footsteps in the hall. His face was sketched with the lines of worry, anxiety and stress, probably due to the finals coming.

"Look! It's Lawson! We've to start working on it" Gloria whispered. "Okay so when he lifts his head up, Lawrence stare at him hard, but not like you're going to kill him. Give him a longing stare. Show your want for him"

He gave her a face of disgust but immediately put up his mask. He did as she said. When Cole looked up he was astonished to see Lawrence staring at him with longing eyes. He tried to look away but it was uncomfortable to death. When he looked at him again. Lawrence bit his lips lightly and looked down at once. Cole now lost his mind. He excused himself from his 'friends' and ran away towards his dorm which he shared with his best friend Alfred.

"How amazing was that!? Did you see his face! What a moron!" Lawrence snorted and laughed.

"This isn't the end, you've to do more things. Like occasionally run into him while he's late for classes, or hesitate while talking to him. Things like this!" Gloria rattled on.

"Enough! I'm not doing anything else today! I already feel weird after that much staring. I'm going back to my form now. See you soon." Lawrence left, he felt a weird sensation in his heart, as if it's going to burst out due to....what? He couldn't understand.

Out of curiosity he went to look for Cole, where he saw him chatting with his friend Emily. He felt a weird feeling, he wanted to push her away from him.

Thinking this he slapped himself twice, "What the hell are you even thinking Lawrence!" he shrugged and left with an unexplained uneasiness in his stomach pit.

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