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Chapter 3- World Explored Part 1 (old)

In the weeks that past many things have changed.

Firstly, in a single week, Drake found himself to grow to the size of an adult body and can fully change his size and shape. He sets himself to be more slightly bigger than your average human so that he can still use the equipment around him.

Secondly, he learns a lot of history that is not in the original source making this a definite fanfic. Such as:

- In the original source, it takes up to the 18th Millennium A.D to create an FTL way of travel with the Warp Drive and the Gellar Field (Which by the way is way too long for a civilization supposedly to be advanced to create FTL but whatever).

-In the current world, they develop multiple non- warp FTL travel in 2030. Which this universe humans far surpass that of the original series by leagues and magnitudes.

- The STC and the stuff that the imperial of man has been created by a single person in the 4 Millennium for being a fan of the game 'Apocalypse' which is a game about a massive civilization crumbling because a huge dark incident and things suddenly got out of hand and something devolves everything in the civilization leaving it empty. So you are tasked to help fix and create new things so that your new civilization can survive in an intergalactic system. This is the reason for all the lore and the technology that the Imperium of Man have.

-The human from this universe artificially evolute human biology with big changes from making sure that the gene can rearrange DNA to reinvent the entire biology to make themselves. This allows them to allow them to be ageless, have all sorts of powers, and do all crazy stuff. From the end of the history which for some reasons end in the late 6th Millennium become xenoversal beings.

- The universe to all of existence goes like this: universe, multiverse, xenoverse, metaverse, megaverse, hyperverse, omniverse, outerverse, and all of existence.

-These beings of power or civilizations go like this by sets of power: 3D, universal, multi-universal, multiversal, multi-multiversal, xenoversal, multi-xenoversal, metaversal, multi-metaversal, megaversal, multi-megaversal, hyperversal, multi-hyperversal, omniversal,multi-omniversal, outerversal, nigh-omnipotent.

- The True nigh-omnipotence are the Creators who are beings that create order in the Top Tiers and create and manage the system of everything.

- There is a rumor that there is an Omnipotent Being that made the Creators. However, that is not confirmed. Most of the Creators themselves don't who's their creators. For those who possibly did make contact with him or her, it doesn't really speak about his whereabouts and vaguely speaks that he exists. They just call him or her the Omnipotent One and the one who created us to create everything else. Nothing much else has been said expect that he or her just watch and sometimes have fun in the lower tiers.

-The ones who brought the knowledge to the lower tier humans were the 'Human Titans' which are being who is far greater than anyone faction working together. They accel in all aspects of development leaving everyone behind and coming from all over the xenoverse. These people are so ahead of the game compare to other people they work single or in a small group compare to the other factions.

-Now with factions of governments first consist of the universe than the multiverse then the xenoverse. These factions are not equal and are built on where you are born and what group you want to associate with. There are quite a bit of faction within the arrangement of the humans. The universe that Drake is born in has 1,243 factions alone. Scale that up to the entire xenoverse and that makes a lot of factions. Of course, each universe or even multiverse doesn't have a single human faction capable of maintaining their status quo.

-The faction that made these books and this universe is the Federation of Star Systems. Which isn't a very accurate name or a very good name. It wasn't clearly a federation but a confederation type of government. This faction seems to be one of the least technological advanced faction of the human alliance. Thus they advanced the slowest. In late 6 millennia, they barely can go to a multi-xenoversal civilization.

-Drake also found out many the War of the Heaven from both sides because the humans can apparently have a machine that can look through time. He apparently found about other aliens like the Beyonders, Ancients, Primordial, Daleks, Celestials, Time Lords, Celestialsapians, Precursors, Devs, etc. And how they change the xenoverse, multiverse, and universe individually.

-The Devs are ones who created the xenoverse are multi-xenoversal beings. They created the Ancients, Beyonders, Celestialsapians, Primordials, and Precursors. These beings shaped the xenoverse with technology, power, or even thoughts. These beings would create space and resources for the following Time Lords, Cultures, Celestials, Dalek, Forerunner, Streamers and later humans.

- All of these civilizations have a part of in shaping the xenoverse. Beyonders made the cosmic barrier that protects the multiverses from xenoverse threats. The Primordials made the multiverses themselves. The Precursors made the individual universes. The Ancients made each individual universe different. Celestialsapians created form.

- The Time Lords and Dalek have been rivals and have the Time War that expands the entire timeline and all of xenoverse. Thus they have never made past the xenoverse. The Forerunners are the least technologically advanced civilization out of these civilizations and are very greedy people who like to declare war on lower civilization and steal their ideas and technology to see if they can help advanced their own species. Cultures have helped the lower tier civilization from destruction and help them rebuild and oppose the Forerunners. Streamers are explorers and record everything in the xenoverse creating the Akashi Records for the Xenoverse. Human is the fastest-growing civilization ever and bring in higher-level technology from outside the xenoverse.

-The Realm of Souls is one cube that the Beyonders used to stuff energy into just because. As time passes on these cubes become sentient and become beings of power that are multi-multiversal in power. These beings don't care if their energy is used to go to the lower dimension and fill the dimension in between the universes.

-The power tier list goes like this: Cosmic Cube Being (Multi-Multiversal), Cosmic Square Being (Multiversal), Cosmic Single Being(Multi-Universal), Cosmic Point Being (Universal), Cosmic Spacial Being(Multi-Galaxy), Cosmic Material Being (Galaxy), Transcendental Cosmic Being (Multi-Solar System)

- This means that the 4 'Chaos Gods are not Multiversal as they proclaim but Multi-Solar System in power but almost galaxy level in influence. Their Durability surpasses their power even if one can kill one by rendering them unconscious which takes more than disfiguring their bodies. They are also the lowest level entities in the Cosmic Cube Dimension.

- This is what Drake found in the history in the 6th Millenium.

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