"Yes, he is." Kiki lowered her gaze to her teacup. She holds the teacup a bit tighter than before when she remembers that man.
"I think, if it is him, you can take him down, right? Your skills in combat are quite impressive for a woman." Hayden said and that makes Yuina turn a bit sour. Yes, of course, it hit her in the spot when Hayden praise Kiki about her combat skill. While she..she still cannot wield a sword like him and her archery skill need to be improved. She also did not know how to use her abilities at all even though she is supposed to be a Red Demon King reincarnation.
She had no memory at all about her past life. Let alone know how to use her abilities. She was like a baby who knew nothing about this vast world.
"It's not that easy, as he now finds a partner which is also good in combat. He's not alone. The one who is at his side has a quite skilled and very…brutal. He has a different vision and I don't understand why he does this."
"Should we talk to him?" Zane gives a suggestion. Well, this province is near the sea, and water is his source. It'd be easy if he can use his abilities in here.
"No. That is not a good idea." Kiki said and continue again. "He is not easy to find. The main problem is the drug. About him, I can deal with him later."
"Alright, we stick to the drug problem," Zane said and smile at her before he continues again.
"Where's their operation center?"
"Uh..at the border between our port and Heliodor port. There is a building where they operate this drug. It was registered as a medicine refinery. It just a facade to cover their track."
"How bad is the situation right now?" Kyra takes a turn to asks.
"Quite bad, I'd say. Almost all of healthy man in my province affected with this drug. Sometimes, they didn't even take it, but somehow it still reaches them. My informant telling me, a few bars in my town serving their drink with this drug to gain profit and use it to make money. However, I still didn't have any solid evidence. Our physician court has been full of my dying people. We still working on the antidote."
"That's..quite bad," Yuina says with sympathy.
"Erm...I can help to create an antidote, but, I need a sample of this drug. I know about herbs and I also used to be a herbalist.." Kyra said.
"Wait, what? Why I don't know about that?" Zane asks with disbelieve. No wonder she can make an ointment for Hayden and know how to treat them if they get hurt during their journey all this time.
"Ah..well, that is long ago before my brother gets kicked out from the main castle." She rolled her eyes. Not wanting to discuss her past. She is indeed the infamous herbalist and physician at Ivory tribe. But after the tragedy where her brother get kicked out, she also receives the impact from the tragedy and she was quite young at that time.
"We can try and find that thing in the bar which is served with that drug." Hayden gives a suggestion.
"Why not just barge in their factory?" Farrell who is silent all this while ask.
"We can't. That against the deal. If we were caught it'd be more trouble. After all, we are still like a ghost. People believe that me and Princess already dead. We can't just barge in and openly attacking them. Doing this from the grey side is much safer." Hayden said.
"So, your suggestion?"
"We go to the bar, take the drug sample. Give it to Kyra and let her create the antidote. Meanwhile, we can find the culprit who spread this drug and find out their motive. Like what General Kiki has done, she tries to contain this problem to not spreading to other provinces too. It'll be much damage if this drug got spread out to other provinces."
"If we got the culprit, we can use the evidence and let our new king negotiate back the deal between Zirconia and Heliodor. I believe he will do justice." Hayden looks at every one of them.
"How can you be so sure? He makes you like this and-"
"Yes, he did. But remember what he did in Emerald province? Even though his way to get the throne is wrong, but as far as I see, he does his job as a King with proper and justice. Just trust him." Hayden assures Kyra and then he looks at Yuina which is still silent and staring the floor, spacing out.
She knows what Hayden said is true. Even the way he gets the throne is wrong, but he has done his duty as a King with proper. The matter that her father neglects and turn a blind eye, he makes it right and helps them. But, maybe she was wrong..what if that is just his act to gain more supporters from the Zirconia people?
Ah…whatever it is. She needs to put it aside first. Saving this province is the first thing that she needs to do and think about him later.
"I..I agree with Hayden suggestion." Yuina finally voices out.
"I also agree. We need to save those people first." Kiki looks at Hayden with hope in her eyes.
"Well, I will not refuse. Just get me the sample and I'll do my best to create the antidote." Kyra gives in.
"Me either." Both of Zane and Farrell also agree.
"If everyone agrees, then we should start our mission the next day," Hayden said and they nod their head in agreement.
A cricket chirping sound makes Yuina lost in her train of thought about what they discuss at dinner time just now. There are so many things that she does not know about this kingdom history and current situation.
If she's not in her state where she's standing right now, there is no way that she will know about all of this. The treaty between all other kingdoms to create peace. So far, she only knew about the Onyx and Heliodor treaty and both of it has a flaw in it. How about another two kingdoms which are also aiming to conquer this kingdom? What kind of damage they might have done to this kingdom? What kind of situation that she will encounter again next time?
"Princess?" Hayden's voice makes Yuina turn her head toward the man who sits beside her.
She is currently sitting in the open hallway in front of the bedroom. In front of them is a small field which she guesses is a training courtyard for the soldier.
She smiles to him a little before she diverts her eyes back to the courtyard.
"Not sleeping yet?" He asks and looks in the same direction as her.
"No..what about you, Hayden?"
"I'm doing a patrol before switching it with Zane."
"I see."
"What are you thinking about?" Hayden turns his head to her and caresses her fringe which is a bit messy because of the night breeze.
Yuina took a deep breath before she turns her head to the man beside her. "I've been thinking, will I..no, I mean, us..be able to rule this kingdom without any damage like what my father did?"
Hayden stares her face for a moment before he suddenly curled up his lips upward. "Us? You mean..I as your king? And you as my queen?"
Yuina face suddenly turn red. She part her mouth wanting to say something, but no voice was able to come out and she shut it and open it again. "I..I...I mean-"
"Pfttt…" Hayden laughs softly and caresses her cheek with his thumb.
"I just teasing you. But, I like that option too."
"Well, if it's regarding the nation issues, true..we can't be perfect and there are always flaws in our decision. It happens to every nation. But, we can choose an option where there are fewer causalities and at the same time, we have to guarantee our people safety first."
Yuina looks at his eyes. She likes how Hayden's thinking. He always prioritizes people's safety first.
"Being a king is indeed a tough job. You can't always satisfy your desire and need to be more considerate toward the people. And that, my dear..is also a weakness for this kingdom. If you want to rule a great kingdom which will make four other kingdoms in fear and bow down to you, of course, you need to be the ruthless king, a king with no hesitation to sacrifice their people for the better future. That is what makes the greatest kingdom sturdy and strong."
Yuina feels a bit shivered with the thought of being ruthless. She wants this kingdom to be great. But she doesn't want to rule with ruthless and heartless toward the people.
"You see, my dear..the true question is..which kind of king do you want to be?"
"Umm..can I not be one of it?" Yuina holds Hayden's wrist.
"Of course you can..be my wife then?" He chuckles a bit.
"Hmm..I'll think about it." She squinted her eyes a bit.
"Whatever your decision, my princess..I'll stay beside you and protect you." He draws closer to her and without her knowing, she closes her eyes and lifts her chin a bit.
Hayden a bit surprised but then he kisses her cheek and then kisses her forehead.
"Aren't you supposed to go to bed now, after receiving my goodnight kiss?"
Yuina once again embarrassed and her face turns red again. She thought that Hayden wants to kiss her on the lips! And that is why she was ready for it. Wait! Ready for it?
"I…I.." She stands up and within a second she running back to the bedroom behind her leaving Hayden sitting alone staring at the night sky.
: )