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48.07% Drafted book (Deleted) / Chapter 25: A SWEET ACCIDENT


Yihwa POV:

"Ugh ! this man,


I stuffed my mouth with food in clear rage. Glancing at him going towards his room.

"Huh ! He is so rude and mean and__everything bad on a dictionary !"

I sighed and stomped the stainless chopsticks on the table making enough voice for him to hear.

Flipped my hair I thumped my foot and went towards the room which was opposite to his. Opened the door and__

"Spacious Mmm"

It was quite illuminated & well decorated actually moderately decorative, but still was beautiful.

"These rich brats !

Playing with money like this."

Pouted I went back towards the lounge, held my bag.

"Looks like I've to tow my luggage alone. Ugh Yihwa don't expect anything from that beast."

"OoWw my back."

Rolling myself like a baby on the bed I cried with pain. Turned myself upside down and like a butterfly spread my legs & hands.

"MmMm I've to work hard to get back what's mine. The payment for this simple job is quite enough I can get back it in two months. But what's the thing with this young heir ?

Why he hates woman so much despite the story his father told I believe he'd a bad experience which led him to this state. But why would a woman leave him ? I mean after all he's young, rich and handsome !"

I patted my cheeks to avoid any kind of infatuation.

"No - No Yihwa."

With a blank mind I laid there but somehow the picture of our previous meeting popped up.

His facial features, strong sculptured body and voice.

"He isn't a drunkard but__a handsome drunkard !"


I sat and blew my hair aside which were kissing my forehead. Took off my coat and locked the door though I knew he wouldn't come but still I've to keep my cover. And went for a bath.

But before reaching the shower my eyes slid into the mirror, a young handsome teenager in reflection.

"No wonder he looked at me 'that way' I'm looking__perhaps I'm an eye feast right now."

Kang' starring came into my mind and I flushed unknowingly.

"Perhaps I can use this thing to evoke love feelings into him."

Covered my face with hands I praised my appearance & the naughty idea I came up with.

Put off my T shirt and paused to stare at those bandages covered around my chest.

I wasn't that busty at all but those bandages covered my chest perfectly to give me a manly appearance.

"MmMm but my face still holds a pure feminine appearance, good enough to lure any man.

Maybe he___"

After bath I slipped myself into a long orange shirt, put on a lip balm and dried my hair. Again I stood in front of the mirror to see true myself.

"Sweet n perfect"

"Time to sleep now."

I crept under the blanket and soon found myself into a green valley surrounded with butterflies.


"Well this should be enough for now."

I was looking at myself dressed in jeans & T-shirt.

After all I was on work from today.

Kept my long silver-ash dyed hair in a tight bun and then put on a cap to hide.

"Ready to cook.

Let's go."

Pointed a victory symbol at the reflection & went

down stairs.

I was merry with my work and such a sweet day until I saw that creep working__burying his head into laptop.

"He works like a maniac."

Shrug my shoulders and walked upto him.

"Good morning what can I cook for you ?

Any special demands ?"

He didn't hear me or perhaps was being an ignorant to my voice. Which flared up my anger at once. I stretching my hand and shut his laptop.


And there came his threatening voice. Which I interrupted at once with a sarcastic smile.

"What can I cook for you sir ?"

Gritting my teeth I emphasized every single word which made him aggressive clearly.

"Whatever you like.

And from now on don't do this again otherwise__"

"Huh otherwise ?

You'll fire me ?

Haha try it if you can ."

I pat on his shoulder and left for the kitchen.


Kang'  POV:

How dare he shut my laptop, the nerve of this guy. He was making me crazy since last night. Talking to me fearlessly as if he don't care about anything. Everything about him was disturbing me greatly.

I was about to venge my anger on him when he sarcastically smiled. I'd be angry instead something stopped me perhaps his smile. To avoid all that I told him to cook whatever he wants so that he may leave me alone.

"This is too much. Get a hold of yourself Kang. He's a man, you stupid."

I was already disturbed that how could my preferences change because of this young teenage boy.

"No doubt he is handsome__the most handsome young man I've ever seen."

I was watching him cooking stupidly while sitting on the sofa opposite of the kitchen.

"Something is definitely there about him. How can he attract me more than any woman ?"

It was common for me to get lured by women but didn't attracted me. This guy was something good at it though he didn't take any step like that but still I was being drawn to him.

"Food is ready.

Come here on the table."

I was mumbling to myself when his honey voice came to my ears. Or since last night my ears had become sensitive to his voice !

But his second sentence caught me off guard, again he ordered me in his bossy tone. Though to him it was normal but why he was treating me as his friend after all I was his boss.

Nevermind I stood up and walked towards the table nook, while eating unknowingly my eyes were peeping at him.

"He's such a careless teen not to skip gluttonous too."

My mind talked to me as the sauce was covering a small portion of his cheek. While he was busy at eating carelessly.

"His skin is much better than men or most women."

I shook my head upon my stupid thoughts.

"What am I doing ?"

I stood up immediately and ordered him thinking of keeping him in place.

"I'm going to my room bring me those papers and laptop."

I was about to leave when his angered voice came.

"I'm your care taker and my work is to cook you food & clean the house. Not to help with your office work that's what your secretary should do."

I was stunned he turned down my order like nothing. How dare he do that. He was so brave since my father was supporting him and if I fired the matter will get worse and I won't be able to claim the company.

But still he was answering back then I thought of another way. My inner self smirked wickedly.

"Okey then the kitchen chores & then cleaning."

It was a normal task but looking at him___ such a frail body for being a man he would take about 4 hours to do all the things.

Swaying my head with merriment I walked upto my room smiling.


It was so quite from two hours I wondered what he was doing. Or he turned down my order like before.

I was being curious now so decided to take a look.

I looked around in the alley and it was quite, went to his room and it was quite too. Confused of where he'd go I went towards the lounge and saw him sitting there on the floor holding cell phone__chatting.

I walked towards him in order to scold but_

"Hey you, I'm not gonna pay you forrrrrrrrrr....."

The floor was wet due to fresh cleaning which I didn't notice and almost ran towards him but slipped and fell onto him.

Falling onto him was so sudden as none of us two could escape from the way.

I fell onto him with a thump and heard his voice.

"Ouch my back__you idiot can't you watch the floor is wet."

Instead of scolding him I was getting scolded now. I lifted myself a bit and saw his beautiful face.

His emerald eyes were throwing spades of anger.

My breath hitched as I leaned closer unknowingly__close to his face. As he attracted me like a magnet towards him.

I was just a few inches away from his face as my body burned for him__yearn for him. I was sure he was feeling that way too as he was shivering under me when he suddenly started to have hiccups !

He covered his mouth, pushed me back with all his force and ran towards his room.

I smiled like an idiot sitting on the floor in the lounge .

"So closeness is his weakness MmMm..."

My devil mind began to plan to control him.

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