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Chapter 23: AN OFFER


"Ugh ! This damn sun comes out so early."

I rubbed my eyes and turned over to avoid the sun rays which were kissing my face hungrily.

Yes I'm a light sleeper that's why always yawning  !

I was about to dive into the valley of sleep again when my alarm clock banged.

"Aaannn I want to die !"

Irritated and annoyed I thumped my hand onto it to shut it's screaming.

Lift my cover onto face but snapped open my eyes upon a reminder.

"Oh shoot I've an interview at the cafe !"

Immediately I sat as my dumb brain reminded. Rushed towards the washroom. Hurriedly brushed my teeth, tied hair in two tails and put on my glasses.

"It's no time to change now Yihwa, you've to reach on time."

I glanced at my appearance and rushed towards the lounge when came across that man who was still sleeping soundly.

"That bastard is still here !"

I cringed upon the thought of a man in my apartment.

It was just a wastage to spend my precious moments on him for now.

I leaped towards the door opened it and___

"Oouch !"

My head bumped into something or someone.

"Are you alright young lady ?"

The man asked me with an expressionless face.

"Ne - Oppa."

I was about to leave when he held me by wrist and called out again.

"I've an important matter to discuss actually want to ask you something. Have you seen a man like XXXX"

I listened towards the description carefully, I'd to as that middle aged man was holding my wrist so sternly. According to the description the man in my apartment was upto it.

"Yes actually sir yesterday a man bumped into my apartment. The description you told me fits on him."

I was so annoyed by his deeds last day so whispered in the ear of that middle aged man.

"That drunkard is still in my apartment sir. Firstly I thought a hooligan of him but he's sleeping inside. Here's the keys sir if you're here to help me then drag that man outside. And leave the keys under door mat."

I ran handing him keys and pointed him towards the door mat and left for the cafe.

"One problem is solved now. Other remains. Hope I'll reach early."

I started running towards the cafe which was two blocks away from my apartment.



"Sir ?

Young master ?"

I heard someone calling my name when shifted my position comfortably on the sofa.

"Huh ?"

I turned back and faced the man who was standing in black suit close to my sofa.

"Stewart where were you last night ?"

I asked him raising my voice, in an attempt to get up I was about to fell off but Stewart manged to hold me.

"Be careful sir."

"Ugh my head !"

The whole view was spining before me as I threw myself in the sofa again.

"Where were you last night ? You're supposed to be with me 24/7 !"

I demanded an explanation while clutching my head.

"I'm sorry sir but big boss called me yesterday to ask your whereabouts."

He bowed obediently and placed the explanation.

"So what you offered ?"

"I didn't told him sir.

Upon this he fired me."

Stewart was with me from the past two years. The only man I'd call my buddy and now dad fired him. Because he refused to obey. I left my house to escape the marriage as he's been lining up girls for me to select which I don't want to.


But how ?

He can't do this."

"I'm afraid sir he can. As you aren't married & he still holds the authority. Moreover he's given me some days until he finds you through me."

He stated the fact which I couldn't stand. As dad's utmost wish is to see me getting married so that he'll transfer the whole authority of the company to me, of which I hold 50% until now.

"I know.

I know Stewart.

But what should I do now ?

I don't want to get marry you know it."

I raked through my hair and pushed my back.

"I don't know sir but we'll figure it out soon."

He assured me. And I knew he'll find out something soon. But then I looked the surroundings as my stomach grumbled.

"Where am I ?"

I panicked and asked him to which he replied calmly.

"Actually sir yesterday you barged into this apartment being drunk. It's right besides yours so you mistook it for yourself."

"Does the owner know ?"

A sudden thought came across that maybe he/she recognised me.

"I guess not sir. But do you remember anything from last night about the owner ?"

"Aniyo - I don't know. Only I'd remember is....."

I tucked my hand below chin in a thinking posture.

"Emerald eyes and sound of hiccups. I don't remember anything else but I guess it was a woman."

"Ohkey sir.

Now I think you'd move to your apartment as I just met the owner outside in a very aggressive mood."

He proposed me and I stood up to leave.

Stewart locked the door and placed the keys beneath the door mat.

I stepped in my apartment and went for a bath. As Stewart prepared me breakfast.

"That girl__she was something__amazing."

Though I hate woman not because I'd a bad experience but I've seen many relationships around me slipping & ending on divorce. Either those woman toyed with my friends or they're gold diggers. Love wasn't present maybe it's just a mere thing only in books.

I sighed while shampooing hair and my thoughts slipped again upon the blurry memory from last night. Those eyes and hiccups.

The only guy who found his love was my friend Eduardo. Though he too faced many obstacles as his beloved lost love emotions but finally he won her back.

"It's isn't necessary that same thing will happen with me. But you haven't tried yet Kang. You've built many fences around you. You're nothing but a coward mess, afraid of love."

The inner me mocked as I was standing in front the mirror. But shook the head and put on the clothes.

"I'm fine with living alone rather than being hurt by love !"


"Big boss I've an idea."

Stewart informed over the phone while cooking for Kang. Though he was Kang's bodyguard, PA but also his best friend and friends want best.

He was trying to pursue Kang for marriage which wasn't working now came up with an idea.

[A few hours later]

"So that's the plan boss."

He was sitting in the car with Kang's father who was wondering upon the idea proposed by Stewart.

"It is good but what if anything went wrong ?

Or are you sure that girl can handle my son ?"

He sure was jumping over conclusions.

"Yes boss I'm sure as young master said she scolded him last night even threatened him with a knife. Our young master exactly needs someone who'd boss him around."

As Kang doesn't remember clearly but his blurry memory was enough to recall some important things which were surprising to himself.

"All we've to do is ask her and make her dress up like a man in order to place her close to young master. As he won't stand a woman besides him. We just want him to feel love n soft emotions. And it's isn't dangerous if he'll fall in love with "him" as she'll be a girl, right sir ?"

He was speaking with planning the whole show.

"Mmm sounds good Stewart. Now let's meet that girl."

The big boss Qi Min ho suggested.

"Yes boss I've found everything about her. Her name is Yihwa and has no one left in this world. Recently shifted here & currently looking for a job."

He stated an out line which he could have in such a short time period.

"Okey then I think she'll agree to this as we'll take responsibility of her."

Big boss was assured.


The car stopped in front of the cafe as Mr. Stewart strode in to look for Yihwa.

"Ms. Yihwa ?"

Yihwa turned back with confusing expressions. But immediately recalled about him.

"Oh it's you sir.

Are you done with that drunkard ?"

Mr. Stewart smiled and nodded.

"Yes Ms.

But I'd like you to meet someone."

He pointed out towards the car from the glass full wall Window.

"Who is it ?"

She knew no one would come to meet her. As she has no one left.

"Well you'd find it yourself. I assure you that you'll have a benefit."

She found Mr Stewart serious. Moreover for sure he was quite decent looking. So she went over.

"Get in Miss."

He spoke politely.

"Annyeong - Miss Yihwa."

Big boss greeted.

To which she bowed.

"Joh--eun-achim sir."

Her expressions were confused which made big boss amused. As he was expecting her to get intimidate by such protocol.

But to his surprise she wasn't instead confused.

"I'm aware that you must be wondering about all this Miss Yihwa. Before coming to the point I'll introduce myself I'm Qi Min Ho."

Big boss stated.

"The one ruling over Qi group ?"

Her eyes widened but maintained her 'no so easy to hunt' composure.

"What do you want from me sir ?"

"Yes yes that very famous old business man. Young lady I want a favour from you. The man from yesterday who barged into your apartment was my son Qi Kang Min."

"Oowh !"

Now she was all ears.


(Joesonghamnida) ff - for calling him a drunkard and___"

She got embarrassed upon her previous sayings, covered mouth with one hand & squeezed her eyes.

"Anniyo - no need to young lady. Actually my son is running away from  marriage. You see I'm quite old now and as a father I want to see my son getting married but due to some bad experiences happened with his friends he's afraid to love or to get marry."

He paused to see her expressions.

"And what you want from me sir ?"

She still was unable to understand.

"Don't get me wrong Miss Yihwa I want to appoint you as his PA, house cleaner. But that's not your true job you've to make him feel love once again."

"And why will I do this stupid job ?"

She was flared up.

"I know that there's no one left to support you Miss Yihwa. And if you agree to do this job I'll support you for the rest of your life along with paying you every month."

She was stunned with the offer it was a turning point for her to live the best and not to forget her freedom.

"Okey I'll buy that."

She didn't wanted to let go of this jumbo offer.

"Very well young lady.

But there's one more thing you've to dress up as a man in order to stay with him. As my son is annoyed with woman. You're free to enjoy your private life n to live in your apartment separately. But our plan will work more smooth if you'll live with him."

"Okey sir I got that.

I'll shift right away & try not to blow my cover."

She raised her fist being energetic for the adventure.

"Very well young lady. Here's the contract for one year of service. And my other deal is also placed in it."

Mr. Qi placed the papers in front of her which she signed immediately.

"Good day Miss Yihwa."

"Good day Mr Qi."

She bowed to him after getting off the car & with a satisfactory smile stepped towards the cafe.

"Boss don't you think she'll seduce young master for money and will try to become his wife to secure her future ?"

Stewart forgot to think from this aspect.

"You dumb man___now the contract is signed. Can't you use your all brain cells before ?"

Mr. Qi scolded him.

"But I don't think so she'll do that. She's so simple and decent lady & that typical sparkle which usually occur in woman after listening about money was absent. Now it's done let's see what happens. But even if she'd do that I'll let her. She's quite nice & to be honest I've started to see her as my daughter in law !"

"Aiyego ! You ain't serious, right ?"

Stewart cried in shock.

"Yes I am."

Mr Qi frowned raising his voice with an annoying tone.

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