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Red Dragon vs Devil Dovahkiin cat loli...oh and also Adelar...

Rose & Adelar: A dragon!?

both them and me didnt believe what we were that a f*cking Red Dragon?? wasnt that an abandoned idea?? there were plans of adding such a mob when Notch was still a part of Mojang but this idea was forgotten and as a result never added.

but if thats the case what is this thing doing here!? is this a coincidence and its just a mod that i missed when searching in the store??

the dragon roared and landed on the ground somewhere in the middle of the village. the weight of the beast connecting with the earth caused the ground to shake and destroyed some houses around its area

the dragon then proceeded to walk to where the animals are...or rather were...there was no more it eat the last ones, last night...

Rose and Adelar jumped from the roof of Steve house and, landed on a random villager house that was nearby.

Rose was just using her speed and strength to do it but Adelar used a strengthening spell to do it. the super soldier serum that Rose injected in him did wonders for the guy but it was not enough to jump from building to building like a ninja... well maybe if the houses were closer to each other he wouldnt have any problem but the ones in this village had a rather large gap between them.

Rose: remember what you have to do??

Adelar: yup! (i'm going to die...)

Rose: ok! lets do this!

and like that Rose jumped into another direction while Adelar was still jumping towards the dragon

Adelar: (how big is this village??)

he jumped like 30 houses already wtf?? ehh he was somewhat close to the dragon he send a Air slash towards it with the help of his sword. normaly he would use fire but he doubted that fire will do anything to a dragon...these things f*cking breathe fire!

the dragon felt the compressed air hitting him in the back of the head and to Adelar surprise it did manage to damage its scales! he managed to scratched it! was a scratch but it made Adelar proud! its a felling similar to that of punching your big bro as a kid hard enough for him to feel it! (A/N: to all big brothers out there F*CK you!)

the dragon turned his head at Adelar, angry that this lowly creature disturbed him he opened his mouth and roared as at the same time a stream of fire was shoot toward Adelar

Adelar: ....oh sh*t....

he quickly used his mutant power and created a barrier around him, the barrier made a bunch of screeching noises as the heat of the flames was slowly making it crack. but before that happened the wooden roof of the house that Adelar was standing in, collapsed and Adelar fell into the house. without any second thought he got up and literally burst out of the door just in time as the dragon crushed it with his...Foot? hand? claw?...he just crushed it...

he send another Air slash toward the dragon again hitting him in the head and irritating him even more. the oversized reptile looked at Adelar clearly pissed off and Adelar started to run away.

the dragon chased after him and spew fire at him from time to time but Adelar either jumped away or created a barrier sometimes both.

he continued launching Air slashed at the dragon irritating the dragon further and making sure that it attention was on him

---somewhere in the distance---

Villager: look!!

Villager2: what?

Villager: its a giant mouse!

Villager2: *looks at the dragon* its not a mouse! ...its a dog!

Vallager: its a mouse!

Villager2: is a dog!

Villager: Mouse!!

Villager2: DOG!!

they continued like this for a month...

---back to the fight---

this time it was Adelar time to be irritated...he send a bunch of air slashed but none other than the first scratched the dragon...he knew that it was not important but it was just bugging him

Adelar: (closer and closer to the village gate...)

when he was close enough he saw Rose who was sitting on a three branch waiting calmly for him...

Adelar: (how can she be so calm!!)

finnaly when they were outside the village Adelar stopped and stood in front of the dragon, only to see it was charging another fire blast. however it didnt manage to finish it as Rose jumped into action!

Rose: Qo! Thul! Suleyk! (translation: lighting! thunder! power!) (A/N: or at least its what the Thu'um translator its telling me)

a large thiccc (yes with 3 "c" 's) blue lightning hit the side of its body making him fall to the side, Adelar didnt wait for the dragon to get up so he used the moment and jumped onto the Dragon head, the next action he took was to stab the dragon in the eye.

he didnt manage to push the blade fully into its eyeball as the Dragon shake him off but it did manage to blind his right eye

Rose quickly took out a random enchanted sword and tossed it to Adelar who grabbed it and went charged at the beast yet again.

the Dragon tried to swoop away Adelar with its wing but Rose acted fast and grabbed one of the dragon legs lifting it and then pulling it making the dragon lose its balance and missing Adelar.

Adelar jumped on top of the dragon wing and started to make as many holes in the wing membrane as he could. now thank's to Adelar the Dragon was not able to fly away....or fly at all for that matter

the Dragon was pissed off beyond belief the mere fact that he didnt manage to hit at least once these "weaklings" managed to make him feel such anger that, he went into a full berserk mode

he started to trash around tossing Adelar away and making Rose back off as she didnt want to be hit by the dragon.

when it stopped trashing around the dragon charged a fire blast and started to set the whole surroundings on fire

<hes angry...>

'i can see that!'

<hes spewing fire everywhere>

'i can see that too!'

<we need to at least damage 2 of his legs before we can toss him safely into the hole>

'are you going to state the obvious or help me?'

<use the thunder breath to get to him>

'...oh i forgot i had that...'

she backed off a little and got into a stance...she exhaled all the air in her lungs and then took a deep breath in, all normal but the way she exhaled the air after this was weird

the exhaled air made a weird noise and moment later she declared

Rose: [Thunder Breathing Technique First Form: thunderclap slash]

with that said she used the full power of her Speed stats and the thunder breathing technique and launched herself at the dragon. a thunderclap could be heard in the area as Rose disappeared from the place she was standing and re-appeared some distance away with a bloodied "Death" (her sword) in her hands and lightning still dancing around her body

the dragon from right leg was not chopped off...not that it noticed the thing happened so fast that he had no way of reacting to it...the dragon noticed the missing limb only when he tried to take a step only to fall to the ground head first

Adelar: *in the distance* Now?!!?

she didnt was still somewhat able to move...true with some problems but it could still move...F*ck it! she had enough of this guy already!

she then created a large ring portal under the beast and, and the dragon was quickly swallowed by a portal...

---Steve POV---

Steve: Roll for charisma

*dragon falls from the portal into the hole*

Steve: *flick three levers*

TNT cannons/ machine guns/ potion dispensers: *start working*

Painter: 1...

Steve: you tell a shameful bad fart joke, Inadvertently insult a crippled man, and soil yourself before walking off

Painter: oh come on!!

Steve: hey not my fault you rolled a one!

Dragon: *cries of agony*

as this was happening both Rose and Adelar came trough the portal as they wanted to help but what they saw baffled them


Steve: well i thought "why not make the cannons and guns also automatic?" and when i made them automatic with some redstone we started playing

Adelar: so when we were fighting a were playing a game...?




all the terraria NPC's:






Steve: want to play?

Rose & Adelar:

Steve: we got Cola?

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