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Chapter 101: preparation for the battle!

Steve: You know how enchanting works right?

Adelar: get close to the book pick an enchantment and use it on an item

yea...enchanting in minecraft is really easy almost no work at all to be honest

(Author: *gets flashback's of farming EXP to get one enchantment* u f*cking wot mate?)

Steve: exactly! now go and enchant our armor and weapons!

Adelar: and what are you going to do?

Steve: well i will build some TNT cannons and give this hole a layer of obsidian...yeah take some Obsidian from my house also...i dont think the one i have will be enough...

he said as he looked around at the MASSIVE hole that he dig up...thankfully with the help of enchanted pickaxe's a beacon and all the NPC's from terraria he managed to make a big enough for the plan...

Adelar: speaking of TNT i should tell the Demolitionist (A/N: i dont want to give them names) that we will need more know how the saying goes right? "beter safe then sorry?"

Steve: wise word's...okay but you should move, after all we have time only until night

Adelar then got up from the hole thanks to the ladder that they placed when digging down...after all they didnt want to be stuck here...

as Steve looked around him he saw how much work he has and took out all the obsidian blocks that he had in his inventory out, and then used both his hands and telekinesis to put the layer of obsidian on the bottom of the didnt took much time thanks to his telekinesis so now he needed to do is to build the TNT cannons

Rose: what in the name of the nether are you doing?

Steve: *jumps a little* Jesus! dont scare me like that! where did you even come from?

Rose: teleport

Steve: oh yea, i forgot you can do that...

Rose: so can you answer the question?

Steve: we are preparing for battle, also can you teleport me to the top?

she created a portal for Steve and as she entered it after him she asked

Rose: battle? what battle?

she asked totally confused. she got here a couple of minutes ago and used a location spell to see where Steve is but when she teleported to him all she suddenly is in a large hole just behind the village and he is placing obsidian on the bottom of it...needless to say, she had questiones

Steve: apparently shortly after our last visit here some kind of monster was visiting the village every night.

Rose: any idea what it is?

Steve: no idea...the villagers and towns folk (A/N: terraria NPC) said that it was "big, red and breathing fire" the first night it killed all the animals- oh...

Rose: what?

Steve: you see...*sigh* how do i say this...

Rose: just spit it out!

Steve: Joergen...he's-...he's dead Rose...

Rose: *falls on her knees* may you rest in peace...god speed you magnificent bastard...

while she took the news rather calm a certain Swedish boy by the name of Felix sensed a disturbance in the force and soon it hit him...this feeling...he knew this feeling...he screamed in pain as his cries of sadness were powerful enough to travel across many worlds and many that day heard the screams of pain of the man

Pewdiepie: *in the distance* JOERGEN NOOOOO!!!!

Rose: *get's on her feat* i will avenge you my friend...*looks at Steve* how do i help?

Steve: go and craft as much bullets as humanely possible, while your at it tell someone to create as much Potions of harming and poison as they can

Rose: you can count on me mate, we shall make that beast suffer for what it has done to our village!

with that statement she teleported herself out of the hole and into the village, and started to work as fast as she could.

meanwhile when she was doing that, I was thinking about the description that Steve gave her...

<"big, red and breathing fire"....>

is it a mod?? Rose can buy a mod and "install it" into the world but she didnt bought any...but there are a couple installed even without her buying it like the "aether mode" which is also a way to get into heaven...hmmm

i quickly check the mods that were installed in the "store" but none of them would bring such a monster into this world...

maybe it was not a minecraft mod but a terraria mod? i quickly looked into the terraria section of the store but there was nothing there as well...


as i was trying to solve this mystery Rose and the rest of the terraria NPC together with Adelar and Steve were trying to complete the work before night would come...

---time skip---

the hole was now covered by a layer of obsidian and had 4 TNT automatic TNT cannons around it together with a bunch of stationary guns beside them and for the final touch there were also some automatic dispensers that will throw the harmful potions into the hole...the bottom of the hole was covered in slime to make it sticky making whatever falls there stuck to the bottom...if something goes down there then it will die for sure...

Rose: does everybody know the plan?

asked Rose as Steve, Adelar and all the terraria NPC's were around her

Steve: you together with Adelar get the beast here, and when its in the hole we unleash hell on it

Rose: a simplified version, but yes

Gunner: okay lets do this!

Everybody: YEA!

everybody got into position and then waited as both Rose and Adelar went to the village and waited for the monster to come and start it nightly routine of destroying the village.

they were both on the highest building of the Village which happened to be Steve house (of course it was) and then started to wait...they were both in their armors and their dominant hand was grabbing the hilt of their weapons...

Adelar: oddly quiet

Rose: think it took a break tonight?

Adelar: i dont know...maybe?

Rose: if we did all that! *gestures in the direction of the hole* for nothing then i will be pissed!


sudently a mighty roar filled the sky both Rose and Adelar snapped their head toward the direction of the sound and what they saw was a large and red...

Rose&Adelar: a DRAGON!?!? (O_O)

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