October 6, 2012
D D,
Chemistry sucks. Our teacher answers questions vaguely and we have only discussed the basic elements so far. I don't know how I feel about the subject yet.
But here's the most exciting part of the week:
Last Wednesday, Karen, Myra and I continued our spy mission. Karen's still nagging though; she really think it was a total waste of time. Ha! Anyway, we're still stalking Bryan, that handsome dude with grayish blue eyes, and we've just found out he's dating this ugly senior. He's in a relationship with her on Facebook!
So what we did (credit goes to Myra's expensive brain), we made a new Facebook account with a fake name, googled a random photo using the keywords "junior high pretty face girl" and uploaded the image as public photo. And then, we added up as many school mates and strangers as we could to make it look real. It's so fun you know. We kept on giggling on the bleachers that late afternoon.
Then, we added Bryan as friend. He may had been offline that time; he didn't respond to the request. Until we got extremely bored and finally went home after almost an hour of waiting.
The next day, during our second period, Bryan popped out on Myra's notification bar. She's an expert on switching between accounts. That girl has a bright future in con-artistry I tell you!
He approved it! 'Bryan Mosling approved your request.'
We bursted laughing like cows at Math class when Mr. Porter went out for a while.
We're still planning our next move. Wish us luck.
Til next time, D.
I'm sexy and I know it,
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October 25, 2012
D D,
I think my parents are not in good terms again. They're barely speaking earlier at dinner. It was just a bunch of "please pass the chicken", "water please", "thank you" and so on. Me and my older brother Jon decided to ignore it, pretending everything's normal. Oh well, I guess that's what adults do-- fight and make up and fight again. But I'm 100% confident they're not gonna end up in divorce, unlike Karen's parents.
Mom and pops are obviously head over heels to one another. Since college, they're glued together, a bond so strong that's impossible to break. Whenever they argue, they always find a way to patch things up. Just like last month.
Pops went home super duper drunk and mom was super duper, very angry. I heard it was about his job that he went out to drink with his friends. It took nearly a week before they spoke to each other again. Then, they're back to kissing and cuddling like hormonal teenagers.
That's why I'm sure this fight they're having right now is just part of their sweet and spicy relationship.
I love them both so much!
I'm sleepy. Goodnight, D.
I'm sexy and I know it,