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25% VRmmorpg: AcornStory / Chapter 1: Registration
VRmmorpg: AcornStory VRmmorpg: AcornStory original

VRmmorpg: AcornStory

Author: Lostcattears

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Registration

[Scanning Biometrics] Scanning… Scanning…

Commencing transfer, warping... Whoosh

[Welcome to the first 100% immersion, full body virtual reality massive multiplayer online role

playing game.]


[Acornstory is where one will live out a second life, pave their own path, write their own stories,

and even create their own legends.]

[Now beginning the registration process.]

While this was cutscene was playing on in a pitch black virtual space.

"What is this?! This is unlike anything I have experienced before in my life." The participant was

hopping around, throwing punches, and gripping his hands together. Giggling like a little kid that

he is most definitely isn't.

"Oh, it is time to register."

Name: Erin L.

Age: 36 Male

Location: North America, XXX,xxxx….

Banking information: xxxxxxxxxx Pin:xxxx


[Player Information processing,.. processing... completed, verified]

The scene started changing and instrumental introduction music started playing.

[It is time for your journey to begin.]

[To your left we have your character customization options and to the right we have your player

username identification, in other words your in game name id registration.]

[To help you through the process, we have our lovely mascots from "leafstory 2", Cookie and

Cream. These two will guide you through the character customization section.]

[Not only that, we are also introducing two new mascot as well, Rich and Umami who will be

helping you register the user's in game name.]

"Oh looks like Cookie and Cream will be in the game as well, how nostalgic; these are the two

bunny girls from "leafstory 2". "Rich and Umami must have been designed for the young ladies

that are going to be playing the game" thought Erin. Chuckling as he was thinking this, Rich and

Umami these two were dressed in butler suits and instead of having bunny ears and tail like

Cookie and Cream does, these two have the ears and tail of a red panda.

"I must go register my in game name first otherwise it will be taken!" thought Erin. As he was

running past Cookie and Cream. Just as he was about to reach Rich and Umami he got

facesmack by an invisible wall. The two artificial intelligence non-playable character or "NPC",

Cookie and Cream one was smiling the other was chuckling. "Little seedling" Cream said out

loud. " You must create your character first before you can register your name."

"Oh, alright." as he said was walking back to where the two were."Hmm, I went head first into

that invisible wall and I actually recall experiencing some pain though not a lot of it, I guess this

is what it means for the game to 100% immersive. Just enough to feel like you are actually alive

in the game."

"Now that you are back we can continue." said Cookie

"Here, you can freely pick and choose the graphic art style of how you want to play the game

and do not worry you can swap it anytime even once in the game." said Cream

"You can pick between three different graphic art style Western, Eastern and Realistic all

generated by the main system's artificial intelligence." said Cookie

"We are currently on the default art Realistic style, though I much prefer the Eastern style since

that is where us sister originates from." said Cream with a smile.

"Show me the Western style first, then show me the Eastern art style. After that I will decide."

Scenes started changing, including the current body that I am currently in. After swapping

between the two for several minutes each. Erin finally decided.

"Just as you said Cream the Eastern style graphics are the best." Thinking to himself truthfully I

never liked the "World of Warbattle" graphics style that all Western mmorpg tends to copy and I

would much rather choose the Eastern anime graphics over it, though the realistic graphics

aren't that bad as well.

"Can I change my gender in this game?"

"I am sorry but you cannot, due to the initial biometric scanning process your gender has

already been set in place." Said Cookie with a sad face

"But don't worry as that, with the initial scanning, the shape of the players body is also retained

so you can freely tweak your body as much as you want and stay true to your real self as much

as possible." said Cream with a cutesy face

"Fair enough, then let's get started"

Suddenly, I was standing in front of a mirror. Staring at how I looked, I sigh. I am not the fittest

of the bunch by all means, in fact I can even be called chubby with this stomach. Though I was

not planning on changing on how I looked by much, everybody wants to look even a bit more

presentable if possible. I started by toning the shape of my body bit by bit. Removing some fat

from areas that has way to much. At the end of it all, my body looked as though as if it has lost a

lot of weight, with a seemingly well tone body and short black hair. But age still showed on the

body as though the game can't make him seem younger.

"So this is how I would actually look, if I actually had time and money to go on a diet and spend

money on a gym membership." said Erin with an awkward smile

"Now we will move on to choosing which race in the "World of Acorn" you want to be. We have 5

different races to choose from." said Cookie

"We have the Human, Beastman, Sea race , Barbarian tribe, and the Elves." said Cream

"Not only do they all have their own distinct markings, they each have their own advantages and

disadvantages as well." said Cookie

"The human race is the most balanced of all the race this will be the baseline representation of

all the race, a clean aesthetic look. No negatives and no real positives as well" said Cream.

"Beastman is a race that can be distinguished by their animal ears and tails, and you would

have hundreds of land animal options to choose from. They have a 5% higher movement speed

on land but on the downside The movement speed in the ocean decreased by an extra 5%

added onto the 5% impose on land creatures." said Cookie also adding in with a smile " That is

my race."

"The Sea race is a race that generally lives in the Ocean or by the seashore. They can be

differentiated by their blueish skin, gills on their necks and fins on their arms. When they enter

the ocean their legs transforms into a tail! In this case the advantages and disadvantages they

have are basically the opposite of the Beastman tribe. 5% movement speed increase in the

ocean and 10% decrease in speed on land." said Cream.

"The Barbarian race generally have a larger stature than humans and have piercings on their

ears, sometimes even a tattoo on their face. Due to their larger stature they have an extra 5%

physical resistance but weaker in magic resistance by 5%."said Cookie

"And last but not least we have the Elf race, distinguished by their long and pointy ears no one

would be able to mistaken them. Loved by nature, they naturally have an increased magical

resistance of 5% but with their lighter bodies are more sustainable to physical attacks thereby

have a lower physical resistance by 5%." said Cream.

"Oh my, I can't decide, besides the advantages and disadvantages they have, they all look so

amazing!" But I eventually have to choose one.

"Ok, Cookie and Cream I will just go with the most generic of the bunch the human race." That

way I will not have to think too much and just play with whatever I have.

"Now that is decided let's move onto your beginner equipment though they are just a starter set

of equipment we can't have you go into the world defenseless, now can we." said Cookie

"It doesn't matter if you are a boy or girl, tall or short, the clothes and armor will naturally take

the shape and form of your body." said Cream

Here is a selection of clothes and armor for you to choose from. They all had the same amount

defense no matter which combination of tops and bottoms their was to choose from, even the

overalls as well. I end up choosing what was most comfortable light leather jacket and cargo


"As for the weapons it is a bit more complicated heavier weapons tend to have more attack

power but slower in attack speed general and while it is the opposite for lighter weapons."said


A selection of all weapon types suddenly showed up. But for some reason they were all close

combat weapons.

"Are there any range weapons or magic staff?"

"Yes there are player Erin, after reaching level 10 you will have the option to choose your first

Class you want to change into, and there will be many more weapon options to choose from

then, as for the beginning levels since this is the first 100% immersion full body VR mmorpg, it is

dedicated to helping the players learn more about the mechanics of this world." said Cream

"In that case I will pick the wooden sword."

"Ok player, you are now all done with character customization process, now you can go register

your in game name" said Cookie and Cream

"I got to hurry up otherwise all the good names will be taken" thought Erin

Rich and Umami waved to Erin as he was running over.

"Hi, player Erin this is where you will begin registering for your in game name." said Rich

"You better hurry it up, because many players from around the world has already entered the

world already." said Umami

"What!!! How long was I customizing my character for?! Don't tell me I already lost my in game

name already" said Erin in shock

"You have been customizing your character for approximately 2 hours." said Rich

Erin just looked at them with blank eyes…

"Let's begin now!"

"Names can only be written with characters" said Umami

[Username: Dragon has been taken, you still have the option to use the name, but when people

look you up or try to add you in game it will be Dragon5481 the numbers won't show up on your

in game name"]

"No! This can't be happening I don't want people to know me as Dragon5489"

[Error: Dragon5489 taken]


Tiger2345, Kirt*3456, Narut*9964, etc etc etc…. No this can't be!

"Forget it let's just choose a name no one would go for that I would never use" thought Erin

[Username: KissyHeartLoveYoutoo taken! 4th variant available]

"What the…"

"I give up let's just keep thinking of names quickly as to not waste more time."

[Username: Vessel available] What!!! Accept! Accept it now!

Registration now complete.

The scene suddenly changed, there was now a portal swirling around in front of me.

[Before you go, little seedling "Vessel" you may choose one of the four mascots to be your guide

throughout the game. When you speak their name or message them through the in game chat

with a question or greeting they will reply back.]

Ehhh, that is a really nice touch, thought Erin.

He thought for a moment.

"I choose you Cream."

The bunny rabbit was jumping up and down. "Thank you for choosing me player Vessel." said


And with that Vessel stepped through the portal.

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