Since the time I was a little kid I was socially awkward and had no success in making friends, so I gave up and holed myself in my room except for the days I went to school. Around that time I started reading manga and watching anime and found out I really enjoyed it, then I got into video games as well and that is how 10 years of my life passed. Guess what though I had one more flaw in my character, getting bored easily, so after 10 years I was bored of my otaku life and decided that it was time I ended it all by suiciding.
Here I am on top of a rooftop in a remote place ready to fall to the ground. SO I jumped and while I was falling I was thinking of how boring my life was and wondering whether there is an afterlife, well I will never know because I was not even scratched from the fall.
So am I immortal? That was the question that came to my mind and decided to let time pass and see whether I can die from old age or not while trying to find knowledge about any similar events that may have happened to other people through the ages.
Like that 100 years passed and I never aged at all so I believe it is safe to assume that I am immortal. What am I gonna do then to alleviate my boredom, what would happen in similar cases in novels or anime? Of course, the mc would seek knowledge and try to travel to other worlds so that is what I am gonna do.
For 1000 years I studied everything mankind achieved and while also travelling to other planets to gain more knowledge as humans managed to find and colonize planets that are human-friendly. Still, I could not find a way to travel to other worlds or parallel universes if u may call it, but I found an interesting fact. Humans were not from this universe but came from an already destroyed one.
I considered this as a clue and came to the conclusion that I can visit other universes only if the previous one is already destroyed(at least with my current powers). So I started plotting wars across the vast universe and after another 500 years all resources were depleted and the universe started crumbling apart. That's when I saw it, a purple portal big enough to put the sun to shame and there where swirls at its core. I got mesmerized by it and decided to get inside it.
So this is my first novel and I wrote it for fun,I won't be posting chapters for some time cuz of real life but if I see a positive response to my novel I will come back again in the near future if not I will just delete it,so plz comment whether you liked the idea of my novel
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