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Our First Quest

"Umm, Teresa is what quests do you think we should take?"

"I would say a hunting quest but your magic is off the charts, and you don't seem like you can control it-"

"HEY!" Erika yelled puffing put her cheeks," I'll have you know I just started!"

"Ok, ok," Teresa gave up slightly afraid, "let's take a gathering Quest."

"Alright, how about these three? Earth chives, water lilies, and emerald wind grass? Basic and common but I'll need to learn somewhere!" Erika declared confidently.

"Alright let's go!" Teresa replied then she said," Miss we'll take these the quests."

"Understood, hands over your badges. Their repeatable and counted in batches of 5 chive stalks, 1 Lily flower, and 10 blades of grass."

They briskly walked through town and were briefly stopped at the gate for identification. They continued on their way afterward and then stopped in a field near a lake where the 3 hens were common.

Erika closed her eyes to sense where the strongest magic concentrations were.

Teresa however interrupted asking, "What are you doing?"

"I'm searching for the highest concentration of mana," Erika said, irritated.

Soon, Erika, had all the locations pinpointed and they gathered all the herbs for a grand total of 257 chives, 134 lilies, and 612 blades of grass.

"I think we went overboard, we'll never be able to carry all this back!" Teresa lamented.

Erika however laughed and summoned her wind deer and viridian wolves," You were saying?" She snickered.

"What, you're a summoner!"

"In a sense I suppose."


After Teresa calmed down they loaded the herbs onto the beasts' backs and tied them on. Then, they went back to the Guild and cashed it all in splitting the rewards evenly. ________________

"Nana, I'm home."

"Welcome back, dearest. What did you do today?"

"Well, I went to the library and meet up with my new friends Teresa. Then one thing led to another and we were registering at the Adventures Guild. I have perfect talent in all attributes by the way!..." Erika continued telling Nana about her day for a good while.

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