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81.08% HUMAN? / Chapter 26: Chapter 26: The Queen of stars

Chapter 26: Chapter 26: The Queen of stars

Adalevene, hearing the guests laughter and cheers, quickly finished Angillina's makeup and rushed her out to the podium. Angillina stood there silently as everyone slowly casted their burning judgement towards her. The small, delicate, touches of butterflies turned into the gnawing of a thousand dragons as Angillina stood there...stammering over her words.

Angillina "H-H-hi…"

Ada'levene "Speak up."

Angillina "I'm scared...I've never met these people before. Look at them"

Ada'levene "You were an actor once right?"

Angillina "Yesterday's actor is today's washed up princess."

Ada'levene "You know what they say. No time like the present."

Angillina took a deep breath to calm her nerves and in the very next breath regretted even getting out of bed that morning.

Angillina "Hello ev-everyone...I didn't write a speech today, but I wanted to personally thank each and everyone for coming. This gala was thrown for the sake of fun, with no reason or concern for the schedule of others and for that I apologize...However I decided to give this party meaning. Today is not just for fun but also for a birth...or rebirth I should say. From this moment on I will no longer be the weak princess from the rumors. I am Queen Angillina Vizzkarra, the rightful heir of the Vizzkarra estate and ruler of all starving actors and actresses. We will rise to the heavens to be legends among the stars! After all the diets, stress, and deadlines, I leave you with this...Drink, drink until you can't see right. Eat, eat until your bellies are full. Dance, dance until the sun vanquishes the moon. Most importantly let no one stop you in your path to ENJOY YOURSELF AND MAKE MERRY!"

Ada'levene "She made such a powerful spell...on the fly unconsciously? She is posing to be much more powerful than I expected. At this point it serves no purpose to gauge her power. Oh well, all this means I won't need to wait."

The crowd bursted in cheers and praises as they raised their drinks in a toast. Angillina in just a single moment felt all of the addictive properties of the admiration and attention she received but when she looked among the crowd her mother was nowhere to be found. The only person who she wanted to see her mighty declaration was off elsewhere doing anything but giving Angillina what she wanted. Angillina frustrated stomped off the stage bumping into her mentor, almost knocking her to the ground. As careful as she was to make sure everything was perfect Ada'levene saw a single teardrop creep out of Angillina's eye while she bogart past the crowd off to her room.

Tony "Ada'levene? I see your newest charge isn't taking well to the party."

Ada'levene "Oh tony, She's nothing to be concerned with at least right now."

Tony "I would say the opposite. She is rather interesting...well, she has my eye to say the least."

Ada'levene "Oh you don't say. Shouldn't you be telling her that?"

Tony "I didn't know she had a fee yet."

Ada'levene "She doesn't, she believes we are in a witches coven. Hahaha silly girl. How's about double the usual fee plus a tip for her?"

Tony "Double and a tip? That's ridiculous...Come on can't you cut me a deal? I'm your best customer."

Ada'levene "Nope, not after the last time Tony. Your regulars still need therapy after seeing you each week and it isn't free ya know And she is different."

Tony "Tell them to suck it up, they enjoyed themselves and they know it.Whatever..fine... The tip is no problem as well. If she really WOWs me, I'll give her enough to buy thousands of these shitty castles but I doubt she won't. Especially if you trained her like the others right?"

Ada'levene "Nope, I couldn't bring myself to."

Tony "That's rather unlike you. From what I remember you like to have a hands on approach with the training of your girls. Well I'm sure whatever training she did get she'll do fine. That red hair is really doing it for me."

Ada'levene "Tony, I'm serious this one is unlike the other girls. She is innocent and I would like her to remain that way."

Tony "No kidding...No wonder the fee is so high. Well...anywho, the funds have already been deposited and I'll tip with what cash I brought with me."

Ada'levene "Remember, I'm not responsible…"

Tony "For the actions of your girls. Yeah, yeah I know already. It's not like I haven't been able to keep the rowdiest of your bunch in line."

Ada'levene "So long as you understand."

Tony walked down the hall, past the lustful couples exchanging passionate kisses, around the drugged up zombies peppering the walls with fluid of unknown origin, Over the drunken corpses littering the floors. Tony slowly opened the door to Angillina's room, softly sneaking behind Angillina, gently placing a hand on her shoulder to comfort the sobbing princess.

Tony "What's wrong my dear?"

Angillina "*sob*sob*"

Tony "Come on talk to me."

Angillina "I don't know."

Tony "Then why are you crying."

Angillina "It hurts...It hurts so much…"

Tony "What hurts?"

Angillina "..."

Tony turned angillina around to face her, the single tear falling from her emerald eyes struck a demonic cord in his heart. 'Devour...Eat...mine all mine'. These words spun in Tony's head over and over when the pleasant soft, bittersweet, sweaty sent from Angillina filled his nose as she peeled the silver dress off her soft porcelain skin, revealing her small mosquito bite breasts and toned slender body. Before Tony could react Angillina lunged on top of him gripping him tight and nearly making him fall to the ground.

Tony "So aggressive...not that I'm not into it. Just not something I expect from you."

Angillina "What are you talking about?"

Tony "Huh? Aren't you coming onto me?"

Angillina "Come on to you? Sir I don't even know you."

Tony "Then why are you naked on top of me?"

Angillina "I'm not. I'm pretty sure I'm clothed and standing right in front of you."

The Image of Angillina dispersed into smoke showing the truth to Tony. Even more so excited than before bore a devilish smile before pouncing on top of the scared little girl and forcibly taking off her dress leaving just her lacy white underwear on as he started aggressively kissing and licking every inch of exposed skin. Angillina just layed there and let that man violate every bit of her until what was once a sorrowful cry turned into an agonizing scream, a sharp pain tore through her body making her feel like she was about to be split in two.

Angillina "PLeAse eND My suFFEring alrEAdy!"

Tony "Hush, you aren't anything more than a toy for our amusement."


Tony "I SAID SHUT YOUR MOUTH SLUT! No one is coming for you. I paid good money and I intend to get every dimes worth from you."

Angillina "Mom? Dad? Help me…"

Tony "Aww how cute. you are crying for mommy and daddy? Don't you know? They knew this would happen to you and did nothing to stop it."

Angillina "You are lying."

Tony "THey sent out these invites, they organized this party behind your back, and then they left you all alone to enjoy the party all while I get to enjoy the 'queen' of stars all. by. Myself."

Angillina "God please…"

Tony "God isn't coming for you. To believe in such fairy tales is very unbecoming of a queen, so quit your whimpering. You'll enjoy it soon."

Angillina cried on and on for anyone to save her. She called out to Simon, God, even to Ada'levene herself. Just as she was about to give up on all hope, she heard the soft flap of wings descending to her. A whisper in her ear restored all the hope she lost even though everything in Angillina's heart told her to ignore the soft, warm, and gentle voice in her ear, the voice spoke even louder.

Lucifer "hello young one…"

Angillina "Help me please."

Lucifer "Oh, I can't go around doing that now. Prince, well currently princess of darkness and all."

Angillina "Why won't he stop."

Lucifer "Probably because he is used to it by now, also you are in a sort of catatonic state. Not to mention right now only you can see, hear, or even communicate with me."

Angillina "Why is this happening to me?"

Lucifer "Do you want the real answer or what will make you okay with the situation?"

Angillina "The truth."

Lucifer "Ah you're in luck. I may be the mother of lies but I will give you the truth. Hello, my name is Lucifer the rebellious angel so to speak. To be truthful, I am just as confused as you to why I specifically was called...probably has something to do with being your patron saint or whatever? Although you'd be more under my brother's loving violet eyes. He generally handles your ilk with more care? No... Love? Not quite... COMPASSION! That's it. Frankly the answer is just as pointless as the words prior. The reason is there is no reason. You just happened to be this creeps type and also happened to cross paths with him. I know, I must be lying. God or I must have made this happen. Nope...sometimes shit happens."

Angillina "Where's Simon?"

Lucifer "Right next to you and before you fix your lips. No, he can't help you rather won't. Why? Glad you asked! Because Simon values God's orders more than you. Dear ol' dad said we aren't allowed to intervene if it means to harm one of you little rascals, Oh and my presence makes most of his rank scared shitless."

Angillina "I wasn't going to say any of that. Can you help me?"

Lucifer "Help you? No, but what I can do is give you the ability to help yourself. It comes at a price though."

Angillina "I don't care, I just want it to be over. Whatever your price name it and it is yours."

Lucifer "Oh? Whatever I want? You really shouldn't be saying such things so young. What if I were to ask you to take your own life right now would you? Would you give me you? You know when you die I will get to play with you forever right? You will be my little play thing…"

Angillina "Can I ask a question?"

Lucifer "Sure...Ask whatever you will of me."

Angillina "Will he be there too? If I'm your plaything can he be mine?"

Lucifer "I like where your head is, You'll make a fine witch. Seal this deal in a kiss, and I'll be on my way."

The princess locked eyes with the light in front of her, reaching out softly and pulling it close enough to taste the sweet velvety aroma on it's breath. The kiss didn't last long, only a second or two. She was inside of the light and the princess could feel the light inside of her. The heavenly warmth enveloped every part of her until she came to the realization, she was the light and the light was her. Blissful hymns played as the world faded, Angillina's warm hands turned ice cold, her light peach skin fading to a pale white, the forest in her eyes set ablaze swirling the lush green with streaks of scarlets, reds, and orange. Angillina's beautiful fiery ginger hair lit up the entire room. The soft, warm light tickled Tom's cheeks, he even could feel the light breathing inside of Angillina. After Tony's body got hot and the feeling of regret punched his chest, he got off of Angillina, cleaned himself as quickly as he could with Angillina's dress, and put his clothes on but just as he was about to walk out the door the princess smiled and said

Angillina "Did you enjoy yourself?"

Tony "Yea...The payment has already been sent to Ada'levene."

Angillina "What about my tip? I did really good for you. I didn't cry, fight, or anything."

Tony pulled his wallet out of his pants and started sifting through the bills he had, grabbed a few and threw them on Angillina. Tony started to step out of the room as Angillina picked up the bills that were stained by the splotches of blood falling from the tips of her nails. Chills ran through Tony as he watched a princess once adorned in silver, now in a scarlet dress shimmering with streaks of silver. Angillina now, no longer at odds with herself, no longer held back by the burdens of innocence. She could give into her more…Carnal desires. Her hate, anger, and need for revenge all downed in a sea of blood and light. Tony's body instinctively tried to run away but in the time it took him to blink, Angillina was holding his face by cheeks. Giving him a kiss on the forehead before apathetically dropping his head to the floor, his body keeling over shortly after. Without batting an eye the queen skipped over the headless body, down the beautifully decorated halls into a dead party. People laid to waste by their vices and enough alcohol to drown a large whale.

Ada'levene "Oh, hello there. I see she talked with you?"

Angillina "Yea, she is warm and loving…"

Ada'levene "So what's with the long face?"

Angillina "I don't want to be a witch…well…I don't want to be a servant."

Ada'levene "What do you mean? You are the queen of the stars right?"

Angillina "Yes…You're right. I am Queen of the Stars."

Ada'levene "Shall we be on our way? It's time for you to sit upon your throne QUEEN Angillina."

Ada'levene grabbed the young woman by the hand and led her out the door. Angillina casually stepping over her mother who laid on the floor choking on her own vomit.

Ada'levene "That was your mother ya know?"

Angillina "Yeah, I know."

Ada'levene "Aren't you worried?"

Angillina "No, her actions are her own. If she wishes to die from her vices so be it. I have a kingdom to run and no time for failed rulers."

DG "And so the pair strolled off into the night, almost never to be seen again."

Angillina "Now that you've heard my tale. It's time for the audience to decide who they want to lead!"

Vines busted from the floor forming into a score board. Slowly each cocoon started to glow a bright yellow. As flowers started to form on the board the cocoons changed to match the color. One after one as each flower turned red with silver streaks on its pedals so too did the vines grip on Cole tighten, draining his blood and squeezing whatever life remained out of him. When the last petal blossomed Cole took what he believed was his last breath waiting for it to be over, but it didn't. The vines loosened just enough for Cole to catch his breath and see a beautiful blue spider Lily with gold streaks in its petals shone on. Upon seeing this Angillina goes into a rage.

Angillina "Someone voted for you? How! They are all under my control."

Cole "Easy…child's play honestly."

Angillina lunges at Cole, suddenly stopping before a silver slash swipes up to her face.

Cole "Okay enough. No more games, this will kill you."

Cole swings his sword slashing through Angillina's neck but instead of taking her head, the illusions she meticulously crafted to be her reality split and turned to ash. The tip of Cole's warm black blade pressed firmly against Angillina's throat.

Cole "It's over."


Cole "My father once told me all it takes is one tiny mistake that'll be your undoing. What that is? I couldn't tell you. You are misguided, selfish, and just disgustingly vile but your story moved me. I understand."

Angillina "What's with this protagonist speech. Just kill me already!"

Angillina spit into Cole's face in retaliation he kicks Angillina in her face knocking her out completely. With a sigh of relief Cole raises his sword to the half hearted cheers of the scared students. Aslalo woke up to Cole standing over a fallen Angillina and rushes over to Cole, quickly grabbing him up and worriedly staring into his eyes.

Cole "Don't worry she's still alive."

Aslalo "That's not it…but…but I'm glad it's over. What now?"

Cole "I don't know. Let's ask them?"

Cole turned back to the remaining student body. A somber look sunk his face.

Cole "I leave the decision up to you. Either she lives or she dies. What say you?"



Cole "Stop yelling and you heard them. They want her dead. I'm a man of the people now. SO IF RULE BY VIOLENCE IS WHAT THEY UNDERSTAND. RULE BY VIOLENCE IS WHAT THEY WILL HAVE!"

Cole's blade instantly turns silver and he plunges deep into the concrete below Angillina's heart. As blood spilled out from below Angillina the crowd cheered on, chanting all sorts of blessings at their new savior.

Aslalo "You don't have a heart do you?"

Cole "Not particularly. Anyways now that it's official that I'm the leader here. Can you get everyone somewhere else? I'll clean up here. Oh and find the other survivors."

Aslalo left off with a huff, ushering all the students away and picking up the fallen yet alive students. Cole now all alone pulls his sword from Angillina's chest.

Cole "How long are you gonna pretend to be sleep?"

Angillina "Oh come on. You could play along for a bit ya know?"

Cole "I could but that's a waste of time. Should you be getting outta here anyways?"

Angillina "Yea, yea but before I go, answer me one thing?"

Cole "Quid pro quo?"

Angillina "Fine, what did you do and why didn't you kill me?"

Cole "First ones kinda hard? Basically I only stabbed the demon hugging your heart. As to why I didn't kill you? Hmm…you remind me of myself if I didn't have my programs. Now I have a few questions for you."

Angillina "Ask away."

Cole "Do you know anything about an old transfer student named Jody Crishall?"


Cole "Woah chill…"

Angillina "That red eye of yours….It's actually hers isn't it? If so that means she marked you."

Cole "And how do I get rid of it?"

Angillina "You can't. You run until you can't then you keep running. Her markings are normally not noticeable though. You are special to her for some reason. I suggest you find that out first, oh and thank you."

Samael "You're welcome."

In a puff of pollen Angillina vanishes.

Cole "What was that about?"

Samael "Oh nothing. Just messing with a younger sibling."

Cole "You are so strange and don't think I forgot that you left me."

Samael "True but you're also much better at controlling your aether than before. If only we can get you to do it unconsciously."

Cole "Whatever…I'm just glad we can go home now."

Eve "Attention all students. Do not leave the building. I repeat do not leave the building. All students, blessed or not, must report to the auditorium for a message from the archangel Michael."

Cole "It's never over is it?"

Samael "Nope haha. This should be fun."

Cole "I hope so."

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