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54.05% HUMAN? / Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Demons in the capitol

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Demons in the capitol

Cole "Ya know. The capitol is pretty nice. Nice views, great people, good food. Just least until we got captured."

Aslalo "Shut up we wouldn't even be in this mess if not for you!"

Cole "Me?!?!?! What did I do?"

Aslalo "What did you do? How about kidnap me?"

Naiomi "Also not showing your security badge. Really that's the main issue."

Cole "Aren't you like a commander? Can't you get us through?"

Naiomi "My badge expired…"

Cole "See...not totally my fault."

Jasmine "It's not liked it mattered. The capital has a different security requirement. I told you we should have snuck in."

Aslalo "So sneaking in was an option?"

Cole "Yea...but actually no…everything has a reason."

Aslalo "Need I remind you, WE ARE ON A TIME LIMIT!?!?!?!"

Cole "Hush someone is coming."

The group gets quiet as the door slowly swings open. A tall man with blond hair and blue eyes walks in and sits on a metal chair. Without saying a word, the man snaps his fingers and guards come to take Naiomi, Aslalo, and Jasmine into different rooms. Once alone, the tall man sighed a breath of relief.

Delton "Hello, my name is Eric Von Delton. I'm sure you're confused as to what happened last night."

Cole "Nah, I want to punch you in the face."

Delton "Excuse me, I don't quite understand why you are so rude? A chief of the heavenly host shouldn't talk in such a way."

Cole "Hmm? Listen dude...I would like to speak with my father. His name is Sondi Yankell, rank sargent major, special force unit 1 division 1. Could you hurry up? I don't have much time."

Delton "I don't think you know what position you're in?"

Cole "I will only talk to Sondi Yankell, rank sergeant major, special force unit one division one."

Delton "I see...he taught you well. However, I would like to talk to the other one."

Samael "You must mean me. How's it going lil bro? Think you could tell dad to come."

Delton "Samael, you live with him. Why didn't you just ask him when he got home?"

Samael "What can i not visit my brothers and sisters?"

Delton "We aren't family."

Samael "You are right...may I speak to Michael?"

Micheal "Make it brief, Malkira."

Samael "AWWWEEE love you too lil bro."

Micheal "What is it that you want?"

Samael "I wanted to send a warning. Tell dad, thank you for the host. Him and I will be glad to see him soon."

Micheal "You know, you're going to lose again right?"

Samael "Lil bro, there is something you should know. There are things not even father knows."

Micheal "Sounds like fun. See you at the top traitor."

Samael slams Cole's hands on the table filling the room with ash and dust. The loud crash followed by alarms and the screaming of guards. The building started to shake as it sunk into the ground. MIcheal, already knowing what his brother was doing used his magic to hold the building up. Samael smiled as he took his servants and faded into the ash.

Guard "Saint Micheal! Should we follow?"

Micheal "No… Father is rather amused by his actions...My, my big brother, just what are you planning?"

The group took shelter in an alleyway not too far from the falling building. A moment of peace befell the group as they were able to finally catch their breaths. Once they collected themselves they headed off into a beautiful city. The floor was paved with a silver and gold alloy, the sky was permanently stuck in a dazzling golden orange twilight, all of the buildings radiated pure elegance and efficiency from their sleek design.

Naiomi "Wow! It's beautiful. I can't believe we snuck in the capitol!"

Cole "Yea, it is pretty."

Aslalo "Enough taking in the sights we are criminals now! What is the plan?"

Cole "I dunno? Uh we have to find a base of operations."

Aslalo "Just how long do you plan on staying here?"

Cole "I dunno, but I have a feeling we need to stay."

Naiomi "So the plan?"

Cole "Hmmm...We have a full fledged demon, an arch angel, a thunder prince, time queen, and a half demon. Jasmine find us somewhere to hold up, aslalo go with naiomi and find supplies."

Aslalo "You mean pay for them."

Cole "Yea and? You're rich, it's not breaking the bank."

Aslalo "And just what do you plan on doing?"

Cole "I'm going to scout out the area. Something is strange here. Usually they would let me sneak in and out without a problem but for some reason they won't let me see father."

Aslalo "We could have gone anywhere else but you chose the capitol."

Cole "Do you want to be stronger or not? Father is a general of the first division special forces. If anyone could train us to take down the 'demon queen', he could. I know it's not the best option and hell it's probably a long shot but we don't have much of a choice."

Aslalo "Fine! Be careful. We can't afford your capture."

Cole "Awe you worried about me?"

Aslalo "NO I'M NOT!"

Cole "Whatever, team Eden! Head out!"

Jasmine "Team Eden?"

Cole "Yea, all teams need a cool name."

Aslalo "Pretty lame if you ask me. Haha"

Cole "Well me and Naiomi think it's cool."

Naiomi "Uhhh...sure!"

Cole "Screw ya, I think it's cool. We will all meet in three hours at whatever location Jasmine points out."

The group nods to each other and heads off to complete their mission. Cole ran off to the north, Jasmine to the east, Naiomi and Aslalo to the south. As team Eden prepared for their upcoming struggles, a darkness was overcoming the school.

Angillina "UGH guards! GUARDS!"

Guards "Yes, Queen Angillina?"

Angillina "It's been a day or so since I became queen of the school, but no one has came to visit me. No one brings their problems to me or anything like that. Isn't a queen supposed to like, do stuff?"

Guard 1 "Um my queen, you ordered everyone to leave you alone. Would you like for us to find a troubled student?"

Angillina "Yes! Send me some troubled ones."

The guards salute, leave, and a few moments later toss in a few students on the floor in front of Angillina.

Angillina "Hi my royal subjects. What is it your wonderful queen can help you with today?"

Cecilia "Um my grades are slipping and my mom is super pissed."

Angillina "Done, tell the teachers to give you an A. Next!"

Slade "Well the school water fountain is broken. We've called maintenance about it but they don't seem to care."

Angillina snapped her fingers, fixing the water fountain instantly.

Angillina "Is that all you guys have? Petty issues? Where is all the politics? The suffering? Bullies? This is so boring!"

Guard "Well, most students were terrified of Cole and just before he left he set in place a rule of non violence and respect for each other as equals."

Angillina "He was in power for two days. There is no way he could have done that."

Guard "Yes, but he also is the strongest student."

Angillina "He is the what?"

Guard "The stro...on…"

Angillina "I am the strongest. I'm done granting requests. From now on, you are all to do as you please so long you listen to me. Cole will grant you nothing but suffering so i will grant you freedom. Demon students are only second to me. Now begone all of you. Leave my chambers. I wish to be alone. Oh and i guess i have to punish you for disrespect."

With a snap of her fingers bugs started to crawl out of the guard's orifices devouring each part of his exposed flesh. Satisfied Angillina sat upon her throne pulling her phone out to take a picture. As she held the camera up to her face, angillina saw herself grow old and decrepit. Hurriedly Angillina wipes her face, revealing a normal one again.

Angillina "I must be seeing things."

Lucifer "I thought you looked beautiful."

Angillina "Who are you?"

Lucifer "Drink cole's blood to become the demon queen."

Angillina "Master? I do apologize for not recognizing your voice."

Lucifer "Don't apologize. I don't expect a human to recognize me."

Angillina "Master, I am no longer human...Which means our deal has come to an end...GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"

Lucifer "HAHAHAHAHA you think I'm done with you just because YOU got what you wanted? Last I checked Cole is in HEAVEN AND NOT DEAD IN HELL WITH ME!"

Angillina "You call me a stupid human, but like I totally did research on you. Get thee behind me Satan, I am a child of God and you have no power over me."

Lucifer "You do know god doesn't care for you."

Angillina "Probably but you aren't allowed to touch humans."

Lucifer "But are you human?"

Angillina "I am!"

Lucifer "Really? 'I am a goddess!' I suggest you watch your mouth."

Angillina "Get thee behind me satan! I am protected by the armour of God!"

Lucifer "Fine, but we had a deal. You have one month bring me Cole's head."

Angillina "If i don't?"

Lucifer "Well...I'm not allowed to touch you, but I doubt I need to. Seems like you are already on the decline."

Angillina wipes her nose to see blood on her hands.

Angillina "What did you do to me?"

Lucifer "I only gave you what you wanted. Honestly you did it to yourself."

Angillina threw her mirror onto the ground screaming curses and foul words. Composing herself, Angillina sits upon her throne wondering what the devil meant.

Angillina "Hmmm she obviously is saying the power is going to kill me. Wait...blood! That's it! I just need to keep drinking blood. If I drink blood I can revitalize myself. Duh that's obviously the only thing it could be. I haven't been drinking enough blood. Guards...Come in for a bit."

As Naiomi and Aslalo walked through the market making purchases of supplies, Naiomi spotted a little girl whining to her mom, the trees were as if each leaf was perfectly placed, the pavement had every brick perfectly laid down step by step with the perfect amount of cement holding it.

Naiomi "This place is rather beautiful…*SNIFF SNIFF* The food is just too great. This place is even better than the aristo district."

Aslalo "It is rather beautiful huh? Almost like it's too good to be true."

Naiomi "Well it's the capitol. It must be amazing!"

Aslalo "I wouldn't speak so fast."

Naiomi "Why can't you ever be pos…"

Angel guard "I said get on the ground!"

Child "Mommy! I want my mommy!"

Mother "Sir what did she do?"

Angel guard "She was caught consorting with a demon!"

Naiomi "Lady run! Crono stasis!"

Aslalo "Godspeed!"

Cole "Hell flame!"

Aslalo "I knew you'd get caught!"

Cole "I didn't, I just got here ass!"

Aslalo "Who else would be caught?"

Cole "I don't know! Jasmine come in!"

Jasmine "Team Eden, Jasmine reporting in. Meet me twelve clicks west. Red and gold building. Fourth floor. Jasmine out."

Cole "Heavenly ash: Cloudy sky!"

Cole grabbed the mother and child, leaving them halfway to their destination before disappearing into the light of the sun. Upon arriving at the randevu point, the team walked inside the dingy run down apartment building. The smell of mildew making Naiomi gag, the dust forcing a cough from Aslalo, but to Cole it wasn't much worse than what his father did to him. Cole shrugged his shoulders and started setting up his cot.

Aslalo "What are you doing?"

Cole "UH setting up my bed? What does it look like?"

Aslalo "Do you not see the room? The floor can barely support you."

Cole "Yea, slept in worse. Pretty shag digs here to be honest."

Aslalo "What is wrong with you?"

Cole "I'm sorry we all didn't have lavish training rooms and private servants to wipe our balls after training."

Aslalo "There is mold literally growing on the walls."

Cole "And there are literally thousands of highly trained soldiers looking for us. Get used to it. We are gonna be here for the next couple of weeks. Six thirty wake up. I'll brief you on my findings then."

Aslalo "There is no way I can sleep here!"

Cole "Nice, you got first watch then. Good night."

Jasmine "Ah shit! Thanks for volunteering."

Naiomi "I'll take third shift."

Aslalo "You can't be serious."

Jasmine "As a heart attack. Night."

As the rest of the team bunked down on whatever spot was the cleanest Aslalo began to check around the tiny apartment. Upon turning on the faucets brown sludge splashed all over his shirt. The toilets wouldn't flush and roaches would periodically scurry past Aslalo, his screams held back from the vomit in his throat from the smell of a rotting corpse.

Aslalo "I can't believe they dragged me into this."

Evanescence "Oh master, it's not that bad. We only have to stay here for a month."

Aslalo "Not that bad? The capitol was described as a bastion compared to the outer districts. Look at this."

Evanescence "Well it's my home. Specifically this plot. It's been a while since i've been home."

Aslalo "You lived in this filth?"

Evanescence "Heavens no, it was once a place filled with laughter and joy. My mother would cook our meals here and thats where my friends would fly in to play."

Aslalo "If this place was so great why did you leave?"

Evanescence "Many families were relocated...elsewhere. God said so."

Aslalo "Where?"

Evanescence "A very it doesn't matter that was in the past."

Aslalo "Aren't we partners? You know everything about me. I guess it would do me some good to know about you."

Evanescence "I really like pickled seaweed rice balls. Haha…"

Aslalo "I'm curious. You claim to be an actual angel, so what could have been so bad you had to relocate."

Samael "*sigh* you won't let it go will you? What made us relocate was the rebellion. Many children including your program lost their parents, homes, and innocence."

Aslalo "A rebellion?"

Samael "Yes, some time ago our family had a falling out. I had to watch my children die and 'Evanescence' had to watch her parents die on the front lines."

Aslalo "God sent children to war? What a monster."

Evanescence "Watch your mouth. That is my father."

Samael "We are soldiers before we are individuals. If anything she is really hyping it up. It wasn't that bad."

Evanescence "How could you say that when you ki…"


Evanescence "Right...My apologies brother."

Aslalo "Samael what did you do?"

Samael "Nothing of note. Dad just had to kick some unruly children out. I spoke out and got sent to my room for a few millennium, nothing of concern. It's Cole's turn to take watch."

Aslalo "It's been a few minutes."

Samael "Yea well, some of the younger ones can't keep their mouth shut so others have to suffer."

Evanescence "Saint Samael, he is going to find out eventually and you need to forgive yourself."

Samael "The only thing i need to forgive is insubordination. Didn't Michael say it never happened? That's what I thought. Go to bed, little one."

Aslalo begrudgingly set up his cot and laid down for the night.

Cole "Hey, I don't expect you to talk about it but I'm here."

Samael "*sniff* What are you talking about?*sniff* I'm fine. Peachy actually."

Cole "Sure...heaven sure is a shit hole."

Samael "Yea, it is. Glad I moved out."

Cole "Yea, probably should fix that leaky ceiling. It's annoying how it keeps leaking on our face."

Samael "It is, isn't it? Should probably fix that."

Cole "Yea…"

Samael "Hey Cole, thank…"

Cole "Damn, now the floorboards are creaking, but at least the leaking stopped right?"

Samael "For now it seems it has. Never know when it will start again though."

Cole "It's okay. We will fix it time we'll have better tools, and it will just be us."

Samael "Of course. How else would we get to the root of the leak?"

Aslalo "The roof wasn't leaking."

Cole "Sure it was. Been leaking since we saw Micheal. I put a band-aid on it but i'm sure it'll start leaking again. Go to bed before the ceiling starts leaking when you have to get up."

Aslalo "Oh yea, you are right. Wouldn't want that."

Samael "Think he knows?"

Cole "About the leaky roof? Yea we all do. Man It's been leaking since you woke me up for the shift. Maybe even since you woke up. It wasn't exactly hidden. It's a leaky roof. It's kinda noticeable."

Patt_toon07 Patt_toon07

Hey guys! I know this chapter is super late...sorry about that especially if you actually enjoy my story. Life has just been hitting me very hard and back to back. It's really hard writing when the inner critic starts talking, BUT IM BACK IN ACTION!!! For now at least. I love all the support I've been getting while I've been out too. THANK YOU FOR READING AND SHARING THIS STORY!!! It means alot to me so don't stop. Nothing can bring the nation down!

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