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45.94% HUMAN? / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Am I a demon?

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Am I a demon?

Angillina "Hehehe did you think i wouldn't notice?"

Aslalo "No, I'm not so foolish. What I can't figure out is why you let me walk away?"

Angillina "I let you walk away? Hmm? Are you sure? Maybe you should look around again. You're totes crazy."

The world melted away revealing Aslalo laying on the hospital bed, Cole staring at him confused.

Aslalo "What are you looking at weirdo?"

Cole "The guy who passed out in the middle of the doorway. First Naiomi now you? I swear, the air must have something in it."

Angillina "Hahahaha...that's the first person that came to your mind? Cole? Really? You want him to save you? Weirdo…"

Aslalo "Shut up!"

Cole "Who are you talking to?"

Angillina "Yea who are you talking to?"

Aslalo "You're not real, get away from me."

Angillina "Are you sure about that? What is reality? Aslalo Where are you?"

Aslalo "Chafer style: thunderbird.���

Hundreds of birds flew from Aslalo striking everyone in the class to include himself. Shocking everyone into submission.


Aslalo "You're not real. Get away from me."

Naiomi "Aslalo what's the matter?"

Aslalo "Blue jay thunder."

Aslalo in his derangement attacked Naiomi with deadly accurate attacks while the sigil on Cole's back started to burn through his clothes. The more Aslalo fought Naiomi the more Cole was burned. The council members rushed over to aslalo, appearing to him as different demons trying to kill him. Suddenly Cole burst into flames in front of everyone.

Angillina "Perfect just as I planned. The more he fights the more Cole burns. I couldn't orchestrate a better demise for him."

Cole reached out to Aslalo as he burned, the sigil growing to fully engulf his body. Cole tried to drag his flaming body to the rest of the students to tell them to stop.

Angillina "Hehe that won't work. They don't even know you're here."

Cole "This pain. Stop please Angillina."

Angillina "Stop what? I'm not doing anything to you. You did it to yourself. They are all going to hate you. Look while you burn, they fight. It's pointless…"

Cole "Stop these flames."

Angillina "Only you can stop them. Destroy your contracts. All of them."

Cole "I can't, you know that!"

Angillina "I do, please die so my queen can have a proper suitor."

Angillina's eyes slowly faded from a brimming blue to red As a wicked smile grew on her face. The power she was gaining from dominating Cole filled her with so much joy she danced around, before suddenly stopping as if she realized something. Angillina frantically searched her pockets, finally pulling out a pill bottle. Shaking out a handful of blue pills. Carefully taking one and reaching to give cole the rest. The smell it had a slightly citrus twinge reminding cole of his pills. But how could angillina have the pills he had?

Cole "They weren't here to attack was resupply."

Angillina "Ding ding ding! Ow...that fire is hot. Here this should help you out a bit. Master said you were taking too long to turn. Become one of us Cole, Give up on the illusion of being a good person."

Angillina forced the pills into Cole's mouth. unable to fight back, cole swallowed each one. Suddenly the flames went out and aslalo calmed down. The energy in the room shifted from panic to a still calm. The sigil on Cole's back shrunk to it's original size.

Naiomi "Thank goodness...Wait what? The timeline changed."

Angillina "Changed? No, no's gone."

Naiomi "Not possible. I would know if a timeline just vanished."

Aslalo "It's her! Angillina is doing something! She is in my head."

Naiomi "She shouldn't be strong enough to do that yet. What? I can't read the future."

Alarms started to go off all over the school, the doors locked while giant metal walls dropped closing all the windows and cutting off any route of escape."

Angillina "I have a question for you all. Do you believe in god?"

Shawnte "God isn't real! Angillina what's going on? If this is a joke stop it. It's not funny."

Angillina "Joke? What joke?"

Justin "Flame god purity flame."

Justin blasted angillina with flames to no avail. It did nothing, not even burn her clothes.

Justin "what? That's not possible."

Angillina "Shhhh...If you keep causing a ruckus god will come. You need to be very very calm."

Aslalo "What are you up to?"

Angillina "God is coming! He is going to save us from hell. I'm doing us all a favor. I deserve to live. I want to live."

Naiomi "What are you talking about? There was only one time line where you die. If you would've stopped you would live a good life."

Justin "Naiomi, Did you see any of this in any timeline?"

Naiomi "No, I never saw this. Something impossible is happening."

Angillina "It's not impossible. God will save us. We just have to sacrifice the false god. The failed king."

Charles "Angelic slice."

Charles bursted through the hole he cut into the wall.

Charles "What happened? I was gone for an hour. The school is in lockdown, and everyone is safe...all but you guys. "

Aslalo "Great. We don't need you here."

Charles "Oh mate, trust me you'll be glad i came. I haven't been completely honest on why I have returned. Sorry 'bout that eh."

Naiomi "What do you mean? Do you know what's happening?"

Charles "Malick for all intensive purposes wasn't the beacon of goodness we all thought him to be. He was a bitter old man."

Aslalo "Okay tell us something we don't know."

Charles "The one who made him that way was that boy."

Naiomi "Cole how?"

Charles "So you couldn't even see that far into his past huh? What I'm about to tell you doesn't leave this area. Cole isn't exactly human. By all means he has a physical body but he is more or less an abomination."

Aslalo "What? Spit it out."

Charles "There are some things I don't know, but what I do know Cole is a nephilim not just any ole nephilim, but their king reborn rather remade into a human by god himself. Two Malick was scared to death of him. Just being in his presence was enough for him to cry at night. Three if malick was to ever die i was to make sure cole was eliminated at all cost. Such my duties as a potential virtue."

Dexter "Cole? The cripple...I know he is strong but to scare malick? He can't be that strong."

Charles "Let me brake it down easy eh mate. He could level this planet as he is now. Just be happy he doesn't know that."

Naiomi Drew drew a sword on charles, pressing the tip into his neck.

Naiomi "Are you going to kill cole? You should know I don't care what he is. I will kill you."

Charles carefully pushed the blade from his throat trying his best to calm everyone down."

Charles "Remember when angillina said to calm down? Yea, please do. I can't afford to die here. I am under orders, thus my return. God said he felt as though malick was going rouge since his removal as an archangel. So after he fired me for being in plans with him, he said I could redeem myself and my position if I trained cole. He told me why this school was built and what exactly was to happen. You probably can't even lift that blade normally right?"

Naiomi "How did you know?"

Charles "Because Cole doesn't need magic to activate his power and since his mind was last on surviving he is eating all the power he can. That means he is using your faith as a battery to heal himself. Once he heals from breaking the contract he will be fine. So long we don't feed him negativity...stay as calm as possible."

Aslalo "You are saying to stay calm as we have a demon and a nuke sitting there waiting for us."

Charles "Okay mate, look at the alternative. You don't listen and now we have to fight a demon, An archangel and the king of nephilim...which do you prefer?"

Aslalo "Point taken. You said archangel? None of them are here."

Charles "Sheesh you ask a lot of questions don't you mate?"

Aslalo "We have time as we wait right?"

Charles "So, this school...They say it's a malitia training camp right? You guys are starting the 'brand new' malitia? It's a trial run? Well it's all a lie. This school is a prison. It's the physical manifestation of a cage specifically designed to hold a being… i believe you fought him. Does the name samael ring a bell?"

Aslalo "Yes he said something of that he was an angel of destruction. Such folly fairy tails. Cole simply got drunk off his power. There is no legitimate proof of angels, demons, and such."

Charles "Well the proof is in front of your eye's and from what I can tell mate, burned onto your back."

Aslalo "It's a spell to ensure his honesty."

Charles " i bet he said 'This spell will kill me if i break it.'"

Aslalo "Something like that...Your point."

Charles "Cole is an idiot is my point. That wasn't a spell, it was a spirit contract. Simply put Cole bound his soul to that promise."

Naiomi "And...if it is broken he dies leaving the body empty."

Charles "Some one is catching on."

Jullisa "Mind filling us in genius?"

Naiomi "Yes, samael in text is the angel of destruction. If cole is dead then that means the end of the world. Samael will take his body and go on a rampage until nothing is left."

Jullisa "The end of the world?"

Naiomi "More specifically this universe. If i'm gauging charles correctly then cole is samaels perfect vessel correct? Then when Cole dies samael would have full access to Cole's being. He would gain a power that is never ending. Him being in all timeline simultaneously he would be able to exact revenge. He could kill god himself… there would be no future to see as it never existed to begin with."

Charles "Exactly, Malick knew this but fucked up the plan. He was just to be a warden and make sure the plan was executed to specifications. Do you remember what the contract says? Please every detail too."

Aslalo "the terms were he was to never fall into being a demon and he would keep everyone safe and in exchange i would help him to destroy this system of things."

Charles "And you agreed? That's all that was stated? Nothing else?"

Aslalo "Yes, a small clause that came with the initial document before we set the terms."

Naiomi "What was it?"

Aslalo "I had to kill angillina. It was dumb so i beat the crap out of him and we had a minor fight."

Naiomi "Samael was trying to warn you dumb ass!"

Aslalo "If I had known this would be the outcome i never would agree."

While Naiomi and Aslalo argued, Cole was in his own fight. The beast stood above mountains, it's scales dipped in the blood of all who fell to it. The dragon was an unrelenting force, Burning and destroying all around it. Cole tired and exhausted ran to hide behind boulders placed by the monster destroying the lands around it. Each breath cole took felt like needles stabbing his lungs, his skin was singed from the dragon's breath, the power was staggering. All cole had to defend himself was the clothes on his back and whatever strength he had before he woke up there. Without skipping a beat the monster spotted cole, giving him no time to rest the dragon tried to devour him entirely.

Cole "Damn it what the hell is this!"

Angelos "Cole dodge!"

Deablos "Left...LEFT!"

Cole "This is so dumb! Fucking dumb! Fucking Aslalo doing stupid shit! Fucking angillina shoving pills down my throat. Damn it! Angelos activate fight plan seven. Deablos Keep track of it's movements! Where the hell is samael? I need his magic right now!"

Deablos "He isn't responding. I've been calling him since the dragon appeared."

Cole "And fuck him too. This is the shit I'm talking about...why? Why do I always have to battle alone?"

Angelos "We are here fighting with you. Keep going! The class is alone with angillina right now."

Deablos "Get your head in the game! We are going to get through this."

Cole "No...I don't want to fight anymore. I just want everything to vanish. I'm tired of this."

Dragon "Everything I touch I RUIN!"

Cole "Yeah no shit sherlock. Heavenly flame! Phoenix drop!"

Dragon "I'm so alone! Why won't anyone be my friend?"

Cole "Probably because your shit and destroy everything. Eh? Come I'm here! We can go, fall to my blade. Heavenly forge sword of angelic flame. Demonic smith sword of eternal frost!"

Deablos "Cool names, really sets the mood. Can't see how it helps with the dragon but ya know to each their own."

Dragon "They hate me! I should just burn them all! WHY DO THEY HATE ME? I LOVE THEM."

Cole "If you love them so much then take them! Zero slash!"

Cole hacked into the dragon's flesh temporarily giving him time to breath. As Cole was catching his breath the dragon's blood leaked out slowly, black as night, smelling oddly like lemons and oranges. Upon closer inspection the black liquid began to flow back into the dragon. The wound healed instantly allowing the beast to let out a mighty roar. As if cole did nothing, the dragon continued it's unrelenting pursuit towards Cole trying to devour him.

Cole "It's blood smelled funny? Like oranges…"

Angelos "Maybe it has somethi…"

Cole "Hmm? Angelos? Deablos? Hello? Where did you guys go?"

Dragon "I'm not evil! I want to love! I want to be loved!"

Cole "Shut up no one cares! Who do you think you are that you get to demand affection from people? Disgusting beast! Look at you! You want love but you hurt everyone you see! You are a trash hypocrite!"

Dragon "They are all trash! Eat them! Suffer like me!"


Cole mustered up the last bit of strength he could before feeling a sharp pain in his back dropping him to the ground. Fully at the mercy to the beast will. The dragon came face to face with Cole, it's foul citrus breath filling Cole's nostrils. With no other options left Cole screamed incantation after incantation to try and destroy the monster seemingly doing nothing, at first cole fought with everything he had. All his love, all his pain, leaving nothing but fear. Fear is what that beast wanted and cole gave it. Cole fought for his life, scared he stared at the beast in it's red and blue eyes before passing out and being swallowed whole. When he woke he was floating above his body trying to get attention from the others in the room. Not able to get anyone's attention, Cole Looked around finding his body laying lifeless with Naiomi on top and her blade going through them both. Cole started to panic when he could hear voices speaking as if they were talking through water. Cole screamed, getting the attention of Nichole who in her distraction was taken out by Angillina stabbing her leg. Cole started to feel like he was drowning in pain. He was there but he was unable to do anything to stop it. That's when he heard it...a statement he should have never heard, had he been stronger would've never heard.

Angillina "Praise the lord! He gives life and he will save you too. Aslalo, Pray to god before you end up like these sinners. Sacrifices to the lord. I can only save one and I intended it to be charles but he seems against the idea."

Aslalo "I will not bow before any god!"

Angillina "The situation is hopeless. Don't bow to any god. All you have to do is say Cole is a worthless demon."

Aslalo "He isn't a demon."

Angillina "But he is worthless…"

Aslalo "I didn't say that."

Angillina "I'll make it even easier for you. What is Cole to you?"

Aslalo "Cole? Nothing. He is nothing but a peasant…"

Cole's heart sank as all of the colors faded to darkness.

Dragon "Liar! They are all liars."

Cole "Liar, he said he was my friend."

Dragon "Kill! Kill them all! Rip them apart."

Cole "Kill them all. Rip and tear."

Dragon "They will never care about me."

Cole "They will never care about me."

Dragon "I will kill them all."

Cole "Every last one!"

Dragon "What am I?"

Cole "What are we?"

Dragon "Am I a MonSter?"

Cole "No, I am a demon. Hehehe hahahah ha! I KNOW WHAT I AM. FUCK THIS WORLD AND EVERYONE IN IT! I AM A DEMON!"

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