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43.24% HUMAN? / Chapter 12: CHAPTER 12: His Kingdom

Chapter 12: CHAPTER 12: His Kingdom

The birds chirped as Naiomi rushed all around the house trying to find all of her things, waking up a recently sleeping Cole. Watching Naiomi panicking trying to find a singular earing. Cole growing increasingly annoyed by her actions grabs her arm.


Naiomi "what? Sleep now we have school today."

Cole "Class doesn't start for another two hours. It's only seven AM. Calm down…what are you even doing?"

Naiomi "I'm looking for my other earring it's a family heirloom and my mother is outside! This is so annoying."

Cole "Chill, my mother probably found it and…"

Naiomi "Your mother wasn't in the room all night!"

Cole "Calm down, you frantically looking around isn't helping."

Naiomi "Cole MY MOTHER is outside! She will kill me."

Cole sighed deeply and left after a couple of seconds, Cole returns and tosses a glittery silver earing at Naiomi. After catching the earing Naiomi tried to thank Cole, but he was gone. She looked high and low but couldn't find him. After giving up her search Naiomi heads to the car honking for her to move faster. Upon entering she is shocked Cole is sitting there, obviously annoyed and tired.

Naiomi "Cole!? what a surprise! Will you be joining me on my ride to school."

Cole "Oh trust me, I didn't want to. However, I had no choice."

Saitori "Nonsense! I gave you a choice."

Cole "Being driven or being carried is not a choice! We can barely afford the bus passes I don't have money to waste like you people!"

Saitori "You people!? Cole, I'm hurt."

Cole "You sure as hell don't sound like it."

Saitori "Well I'd be lying if I said I was sad. Although, it does sting a bit. You are a member of the family now."

Cole "I didn't agree to that! In fact, I distinctly remember not agreeing to that!"

Saitori "Are you sure? You and Naiomi had a special weekend didn't you? surely you couldn't resist my daughters feminine charms."

Cole "Yes I did. Pretty easily actually."

Saitori "Hmm? that's not what her memories showed."

Naiomi "MOTHER! Please let me handle it."

Saitori "Oh fine. I must be getting old, you kids today. Back in my day I had hundreds of men begging for a chance to even get a whiff of my perfume."

Cole "pfft hahaha like anyone would want you."

Naiomi "Cole! stop being rude! What is up with you two? Have you forgotten how to behave?"

Cole "First of all…I do what I want."

Saitori "I second that actually."

The rest of the car ride was deathly silent. Without much else to do Cole stared outside of the window watching the scenery change as he went from district to district. Cole's mind drifted off into the void in his brain. Meanwhile on a distant part of the world, Jasmine was quietly sneaking into a grand palace. Each tower higher than the last, the walls were painted in the innards of the unfortunate souls to be captured by the vile guards. Carefully, Jasmine snuck by each guard being especially carful not to make a single sound. After getting to the throne room Jasmine knelt down before her master.

Jody "You weren't seen were you?"

Jasmine "No ma'lady, I was able to respond undetected."

Jody "Good to hear…Now on to business. Cole…how is he?"

Jasmine "He is doing fine. I heard reports that he is engaged at the moment."

Jody "To who? Who could get him to cooperate with a marriage? Hehe… Oh well I guess it's fine for now."

Jasmine looked towards the ground adverting eye contact with Jody. Curious Jody steps from her throne, kneels next to Jasmine, and grabs her by her cheeks. Jody brings her face so close, Jasmine could see the fresh scarlet stains on her teeth. The smell of rotten iron filled her nose as a terror began to rush through Jasmine.

Jody "Jasmine? Darling? What's wrong? You have something to say?"

Jasmine "Ma'lady may I speak plainly, I fear your punishment if I were to accidentally offend you."

Jody "Oh, Jasmine! You know me so well. Fine, say what you must, but watch your tounge. I may want it as a snack later hehe."

Jasmine "Your majesty, your rule is being questioned daily. The other generals and I try to silence the decenters but they feel as though you are becoming weak."

Jody "Weak!? I guess I must've grown soft after all these years. These decenters what are they saying?"

Jasmine "They speak of you and Cole ma'lady. During your expedition to bring him to hell the people were quite excited to have a new king. Their faith in you was at their peak, you convinced God to let us into Eden but then you came home empty handed and killed so many for small petty things. With the utmost respect ma'lady, I am starting to have my doubts about you too."

In an instant Jody was back on he throne, her rage bubbling over causing the souls trapped in the walls to scream and dance in pain. Silhouettes of the tortured souls appeared to bang on the walls as to escape their prison until flames consumed them. Jody flicked her finger and in an instant the shadows in the walls came through to grab Jasmine pinning her in the air.

Jody "So you believe me to have grown soft? Jasmine, Need I remind you who rules over the nine? No, need to say anything. It is I Jody who is your queen, you should never forget that. Do you hear me? That goes for the rest of you too. If you have a problem with the way I rule then come forth and tell me, I swear to you no harm shall come your way for telling me the truth."

Attendant Mael "Ma'lady if I may say such, your obsession with the boy Cole is clouding your judgement. You should give a look at the others who wish to court you. First general, lord Astaroth is quite infatuated with you. He will give you strong children."


Mael "The queen of hell your majesty."

Jody "Right…I am the queen of hell. Mael, are we married?"

Mael "Madam I would dare not place myself in such a position to think I am equal to you in such a way."

Jody "In such a way? Do you not love me? you must think you are too good for my love."

Mael "Ma'lady I love you, I am undeserving of a position such as your husband."

Jody "So I am queen…Single…and you are undeserving to be my husband. Mael we are married now. All welcome your king! HAHAHA! I SAID KNEEL AND WELCOME YOUR KING!"

Hundreds of demons rushed to the ground all throughout hell. All kneeled to their new king upon their queens command. Jody jestured for mael to come closer to her. As mael walked everyone inside of the throne room could feel today was his last day to live a decent life. Mael hesitated when he reached the throne, but Jody wasn't having any of it. Jody grabbed mael by his arm and forced him into her lap like a baby.

Jody "Hubby, you smell delicious today. Oh! I'm also proud of you. you obeyed your wife. However something is bothering me dear."

Mael "what is it your majesty?"

Jody "That's just it. What husband calls their wife your majesty? Especially in hell? Then not to mention what king is fearful of their wives? What king can be pushed around by their wives? You know who would've fought me if I were to declare us married? Cole. He would have told me to 'go fuck myself' and like an obedient wife I would go. Mael do you wish to please me? Would you like to satisfy my greatest desire for you?"

Mael "Yes anything ma'la…erm dear…hehe"

Jody "Can you do me a favor?"

Mael "I will go fetch what ever you want right away."

Jody "Hmmm you could do that or you can stay right here… I want you, right here and right now."

Mael "In front of everyone? Isn't that a bit strange?"

Jody "It's okay I like when people watch. It's the ultimate power trip. EVERYONE KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME!"

Jody slowly unbuttoned the garbs of the attendant. Making sure to caress each and every part of his upper body with her tounge. The attendant continued to undress as Jody bit her lips in anticipation.

Jody "You look ready big boy, I wanted this since I named you I can't take it anymore, its been a while since I've had aged meat…with experience."

Mael "Then take me my love."

Something Suddenly overcame Mael as he excitedly waited for Jody and him to be one. Jody pressed her soft lips against Mael's chest. As she slowly kissed down to his navel a dark and wicked grin forced itself out, each spot she sucked and kissed had more saliva than the last. Mael was so enamered with lust he didn't notice the sounds of his flesh being ripped from his bones.

Jody "Mmmph yes, thank you for the mael."

Upon her second chop into his body mael woke up from his daze, screaming in agony but Jody continued to enjoy her mael. Every bite was better than the last, the rich blood moistened her mouth, the taste of meat cultured through centuries of pampering as an attendant of the queen, everything about her meal was just as she desired, the screams of horror and pain just added to the décor of everything. When Jody was done eating nothing but a lump of flesh remained. A wave of her hand and Jasmine dropped to floor, when she looked up Jody was there with the attendants cleaning her face and touching up her makeup. Jody reached out her hand with a lump of flesh in it as if to offer it for Jasmine to eat. Just as Jasmine attempted to take the gift offered by her queen, Jody snatched her hand away.

Jody "nuh uh. I don't remember training you to eat like that. Do it properly."

Jasmine pulled a leash and collar from her bag, placing it on herself and getting on all fours to beg like the dog she was to her queen.

Jasmine "Ma'lady may I please eat your tasty, tasty scraps?"

Jody "Wow! Such a well behaved bitch. Since you asked so nicely, how could I say no?"

Jody dropped the scrap of meat on the floor, spat and stepped on it, being careful to make it stick to the bottom of her foot. Jasmine's tears fell on blind eyes as she licked the meat off Jody's foot.

Jody "Yea, just like that. Clean your masters foot, make sure you get in between the toes too. I bet it smells great, I've been walking barefoot all day so my feet are nice and sweaty for you."

Jasmine finished cleaning her master's foot, gaging on the taste and smell the entire time. Jasmine looked into Jody's eyes expecting mercy but instead was greeted with a lustful satisfaction. Once she was finished Jody wiped her foot dry with Jasmine's hair and returned to her throne.

Jody "Jasmine, 9th general and my personal guard you are to assigned as a comfort slave until further notice. You will still maintain your duties and responsibilities however, you are to obey the desires of the soldiers on the battle field. Their orders is only out ranked by the generals, princes, and myself. The men haven't seen a woman in a few centuries and I'm sure the females are pretty worked up too hehe so I guess you have your work cut out for you."

Jasmine "Thank you for having mercy upon me your majesty, it is a fitting punishment for a pig like myself."

Jody "Oh stop that, you aren't a pig. Last time I had pigs as pets father drove them off a cliff. You are a bitch and that's all you will ever be. A dirty bitch who fufills the desires of the crown, am I clear? ANYONE ELSE WOULD LIKE TO CHALLENGE MY AUTHORITY? YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN HER IF YOU THINK I'VE GONE SOFT! LET ALL OF HELL UNDERSTAND ANY FOUL SPEAK OF MY OR COLE'S NAME IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH, RATHER NOT DEATH… YOU SHALL CLEAN EVERY SINGLE INCH OF CERBERUS WITH ONLY YOUR TOUNGS! LET'S NOT TEST ME, WE ARE STUCK HERE FOR ETERNITY AND I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN MAKE YOU SUFFER WITH ME. Jasmine? Why are you still here? Did I not give you a command? Everyone begone! I wish to be alone for now."

Hell "So say the light of god!"

Jody breathed a sigh of relief, although she was the queen of hell it was an incredibly difficult position. Constantly coming up with new and inventive punishment, dealing with the laws and going to court just because some one may have not sinned as stated, making sure everyone was absolutely hating their lives, the melinium inspection of hell soon arriving too, what is the average devil queen teen to do?

Lucifer "HAHAHA you made her suck your toes? HAHAHAHA you are sick you know that?"

Jody "Lucy now is not the time."

Lucifer "What is the matter? Usually we both would laugh. Is their suffering not funny?"

Jody "No, its not that. It just feels like…"

Lucifer "Something is missing? A hole has just been opened in your heart and you are fighting back tears?"

Jody "Yea, exactly that actually. Maybe I was too harsh. Good god *gasp* may be I have gone soft!"

Lucifer "No, you haven't. I understand, your heart it yearns for you betrothed. I felt the same when Sammy left me for the humans, but you know what helped me?"

Jody "What?"

Lucifer "I tortured Samael when he was sent in the cage. I made sure to show him the worst of humanity and all of their atrocities with our brethren. Oh he hated me but he hated the humans more than anything else."

Jody "Did it work? Does he love you now?"

Lucifer "No, you could tell that from the thirty or so stab wounds he gave you."

Jody "Then how does that pertain to me?"

Lucifer "The situations are different. Cole seems like the type that changes his mind far too often when shown an alternative thought. So it might work for him."

Jody "So I'll drag him to hell and torture him for a few centuries until he understands."

Lucifer "And lose your army in the war that will undoubtibaly ensue. Not to mention…ya know…resistance. It takes finesse to win the heart of a man you love. Right now you need to rule a kingdom."

Jody "So even you think I've grown soft…Lucy what am I to do?"

Lucifer "SOFT? Heavens no, you are just being unlike yourself. This is tearing you up inside. The thought of Cole loving someone who isn't you. The thought of him having someone elses kid. You know what? I will give you a solid plan and it would be perfect to use Jasmine��after a month of her punishment of course."

Jody "Hmm I will let you take lead on this one. Lucy I know how you get so you have one firmament year to get it done."

Black tribal tattoos grew all over Jody's skin towards a pentagram in the center of her chest, signifying the pact that has been made. The shift was over in an instant, but the results were too far gone.

Lucifer "As one would expect from a sharp mind such as yourself. Now move over the light of god is in control now! HAHAHAHAHAHA HEHE HAHAHAHA!"

As the limo pulled up in front of the school, all the students stopped and stared at Cole and Naiomi step out together. Cole took a breath of fresh air and remembered just how much he hated the smell of the school and its students. As he walked through the gates each person stopped and saluted or kneeled before him. Confusion stirred his thought into a mess.

Deablos "Aye kid, what's wrong? Your readings are bouncing all over the place."

Cole "I could've sworn they hated me? Why are they deciding now to show me respect? HEY YOU! why are you kneeling."

Syntheia "I-I …erm…uh…"

Cole "Spit it out!"

Syntheia "YES SIR! I am a sophomore here and we were told you are our new student president and…and everyone else in my grade was kneeling so I did too."

Cole "Really? That is strange…Okay then. I order you to stop. Tell everyone, if they treat me any different than what they have before because of my rank then they must do it while exercising hehe."

Naiomi "What is the point of that?"

Cole "I don't deserve respect above anyone for being good at being violent."

Samuel "Haha you should tell her the truth. It's because you want to see how much power you got right?"

Cole "And how would you know that? Stop pretending to know me."

Samael "Call it what you like, generally you humans say it is DeJa'Vu or history repeating itself. Doesn't it feel natural, almost second nature to lead and rule above others?"

Cole "I rule above no one. I barely wanted the position."

Samael "Hehehe hahaha there's still much to be done with you yet. Ya know so far you have to be my favorite least favorite incarnation. It amazes me that you can be such a coward and yet want to stand up for yourself…kinda contradictory don't you think? Like you say one thing but then do another."

Cole "I am a pacifist. Fighting is pointless, even when you defend yourself they look at you like a monster…if you do nothing you are weak…if you assert dominance you are a tyrant. Such things are useless."

Samael "Yup…coward, I knew it. Who do you think you are? Are you god? Anyone pretending like people not liking them is a valid reason to avoid conflict instead of defending themselves in any way is a coward. What does it matter if some people don't like you? As you said they won't like you regardless. At least don't be a weak coward."

Cole "I'm not a coward. I don't want conflict, peace. If they aren't going to like me then they can avoid me entirely."

Samael "Then why are you the one running?"

Cole stammered over his words. What was said was true but Cole felt his heart scream that Samael is wrong. He couldn't know what he's talking about right? How does any of that make sense? He never strayed from his pacifist life style, so why does he feel guilty?

Samael " You feel that way because you are a coward. I'll prove it to you too. Say hello to Charles Montinegro."

Charles " Cole Yankell?"

Cole turned around to see a tall tan teen. The smile he gave off was genuine but yet to Cole so off putting. Cole could tell he was suppressing all of his power as best as he could. Just to be in his presence was staggering and comforting.

Charles " Hello? You are Cole right, My name is Charles Montinegro and I am the king of Eden. I have returned from an expedition off of Eden. Please alert principal Malick for me would ya mate?"

Cole "Well I would… but, I don't want to and Malick isn't around."

Charles "that's unfortunate truly. Would you be able to point me in the right direction as to the new principal."

Cole "Uhh…noo…? Good day then."

Cole started to turn and walk away from the strange person ordering him around. Without a second thought Charles grabbed Cole by his shoulder. As soon as Charles placed his hand he moved it away noticing Naiomi sheathing a sword in her pocket dimension. Charles surprised at the sudden actions of Naiomi and the disrespect Cole showed towards his normally unquestioned rule. A smile grew on his face as he took a breath. Upon exhaling Naiomi flew into the lockers and fainted. The ominous power Cole first felt was starting to pour out like a pot boiling over. Cole started to feel a weakness in his knees. Not wanting to be hurt Cole kneeled to Charles, telling him everything he wanted to know. As Charles left he patted Cole on his head, stepping off to where to Eve made her office.

Samael "HAHAHAHA I told you. You are a coward. Cole the coward shall be your new name. actually no Cole the weakling HAHAHAHA"

Angelos "That's not very nice!"

Samael "Hmm? HAHAHA another weakling telling me what is and isn��t nice. Child, kindness is the way of the weak. Step out of line again and I'll be very nice to you too. M'kay? M'kay."

Deablos "Cole he does have a point. You can't let people keep scaring you like this."

Samael "Thank you! It's a damn shame a demon has to tell you the obvious."

Deablos "And Samael! He is sixteen, what do you expect him to do? This isn't the middle ages. Times have changed and you need to get with the program. You know he isn't weak. And we both know what's in store for him. Give him time, he didn't even want to train a week ago."

Samael "I will forgive your foul tongue lesser one for bringing up a valid point."

Deablos "Yeah, yeah fuck you too."

Cole "Is…is Naiomi okay?"

Angelos "She is fine. Her soul is showing signs of recovery. She should awake shortly."

Cole "Okay…cool…let's go to class."

Cole tossed Naiomi on his shoulders to head to his assigned class. Once he arrived the class fell silent. Everyone staring at Cole carrying a sleeping Naiomi. Shrugging his shoulders Cole placed Naiomi in her seat and sat down. Staring out the window like always he let his mind wonder onto everything but class.

Samael "Get out of that mind set. Yes you are a coward but so was Mal'ak. Until he asked for help."

Cole "And I'm supposed to ask you for help right now? Stay out of my business Samael! I don't need you nor will I ever. All you and the other programs have ever done was get in the way of me living right. If it wasn't for this stupid system I would've made friends. I would never know suffering. I would never have had bad things happen to me. My life…"

Samael "Would be peaceful? No, it wouldn't. it never was. Each incarnation said the same things you have, weirdly enough in the same way. Fun fact guardian angels never change from their original charge. Same for demons."

Cole "Hmm? So Angelos and Deablos."

Angelos "Saw each incarnation of you grow and change. Century after century."

Deablos "Millennium after millennium."

Samael "Each loss, tear, ache and pain. We have been here. The point is we know how you feel and how you will feel."

Cole "Do you? Do you really know who I am? Who am I Samael?"

Samael "The reincarnation of Mal'ak of course! Who else would you be?"

Cole "You know nothing about me."

Naiomi suddenly jumped from her seat the mark of Samael burning more than ever before. Naiomi clenched her chest from the pain and looked at Cole. Naiomi being unable to control her magic started having a seizure from the amount of information flowing into her head. As she lost consciousness once more she saw Cole look over in shock. When she opened her eyes Naiomi called out to Cole as loud as she could.

Cole "Jeez what? I'm right here. Did you really need to yell?"

Naiomi jumped out of the bed onto Cole tackling him to the ground, tears filling her rosy cheeks. She buried her face deep in Cole's chest gripping onto him so tightly his back cracked.

Naiomi "Cole? Thank goodness Cole your okay…"

Cole "I'm fine. What's gotten into you? first you pass out in class after screaming then you wake up screaming and now you tackled me to the ground. My clothes are covered in dirt."

Naiomi "That's fine so long as your alive. If you have a problem with your clothes ill get them cleaned or even buy you some new ones. Hmm how does that sound?"

Cole "Naiomi calm down…I don't need new clothes and I have a washer and dryer that works perfectly fine. Now tell me what's wrong?"

Naiomi "I was just running through the woods and..and..then you jumped off a cliff. You told me your life had no meaning. Cole, your life means everything to me."

Cole "Naiomi why would I jump off a cliff? Naiomi you can see the future can't you?"

Naiomi "Cole, that's just it. I was a forced premonition of the future. I can't see the future I once did anymore. All options are running into the same path. No matter what factors I change they are all going to you committing suicide."

Cole "Woah woah let's not get too hasty now. You said you saw me jump off a cliff saying my life has no meaning. You don't know what happens after that do you? No, so then who's to say that I died? I could just want to be alone ya know?"

Naiomi "True, Cole please promise me that you won't die believing your life has no meaning. Please…for me."

Cole "What? No, Naiomi stop talking nonsense."

Naiomi "Please Cole for me…just this once and I'll never make you do anything else."

Cole sighed, rolling his eyes. The decision wasn't difficult just inconvenient to him personally. She could've asked him for most anything else but she decided that promising he would stay alive was the most important thing. What was so meaningful about his existence that he had to promise her it wouldn't abruptly end? Cole peered into Naiomi's kaleidoscopic pink and blue eyes, making sure to wipe the tears from her eyes.

Cole "Just this one time. Naiomi, I promise you I won't die believing that my life has no meaning."

As Cole spoke those words a symbol cut itself onto Naiomi's right hand. The blood pooled in the shape of a tilted hour glass surrounded by a circle that touched all four points of the hourglass. Soon strange markings in the shape of an ancient language started to appear etching her skin like a tattoo.

Deablos "That's that strange language. Half fodil and enochian. What? You made a spirit contract?"

Cole "Spirit contract? What?"

Naiomi "A spirit contract is a eternal bond that can only be made between a human and a spirit. It's what god made so that people could keep spirits to their words and vice versa. You can't be human and make one."

Samael "Well, well, well. Looks like you found valid proof of spirituality. Believe me now? We will talk more…just know you made a very foolish contract. Haha"

Cole "Great…Naiomi, how can I remove it?"

Naiomi "There was a book in my mothers library that mentioned something like this. It cannot be broken until fulfilled."

Samael "Aka you can't remove it until you die because those were the terms of the agreement. You will not die believing you are worthless. Not to mention the power behind it would keep you alive indefinitely. The only way to die now is to believe in your worth and be slain. Smooth now I'm stuck with you. hurray…"

Cole "But I'm human. At the end of the day even if this spirit thing was true and there are gods or whatever I would never be able to make one if I was human right? I have two human parents…that makes me human right? Samael?"

Samael "…"

Cole "Angelos?"

Angelos "…"

Cole "Deablos, I know you won't be silent. Well am I human or not?"

Deablos "Really guys, you left it to me? so not fair… Um… well to answer your question. You are human…kinda…"

Cole "Okay…then how did I make a spirit contract?"

Angelos "Because you are a spirit…"

Cole "What? The day couldn't get worse."

Samael "Oh then I probably shouldn't say my part."


Samael "You are the reincarnation of Mal'ak…I never met a incarnation that didn't know who that was."

Cole "Cool…Cool…cool…You have all lost your minds. Samael, I'll say you are right. the supernatural exist. Plain proof burned on our hands, but no…I'm Cole Yankell a human with three spirits attached to my eyes. One angel, one demon and one undetermined."

Samael "Arch angel actually."

Cole "Two angels, and a demon. I'm going to class. Yeah…Yeah…yea…stupid…"

Samael "Oh mal'ak don't beat yourself up…Just because you are pathetic doesn't mean you wont be not pathetic."

Cole "My name is Cole. How many times do I have tell you?"

*khcherrrr* A high pitch whine came over the loud speaker, the woman who talked on it commanded the attention of every one in the building with a singe cough.

Eve "Ahem, attention all students, teachers, and staff of Eden academy. This is principal Eve speaking. I would like Cole Yankell to report for his duties in the principal office. Cole! That means NOW! COME HERE!"

Four minutes later Cole burst through Eve's door with exhausted look on his face and sweat dripping down his cheek.

Aslalo "You are late. Didn't you get the memo about todays meeting? I sent it out to you this morning."

Angelos "Hmmm? I didn't get an email… did you?"

Deablos "Nope…is he trying to embarrass Cole? Lying in front of the whole class! If you wanted Cole, we could use him as training! Ill teach ya something new!"

Samael "No, you will not creature. His tutelage is my responsibility from now on. I'm sure you two understand why I want you no where close to him right?"

Cole "I didn't get an email."

Aslalo "Oh that's right I don't have commoners in my contacts. HAHAHAHA"

Cole "Oh har, har really funny. Just like how a commoner put you down."

Aslalo "Put me down? You won by a fraction of a second. I would be more than happy to grace you with a rematch."

Cole "I would love that. How about right now?"

Eve "Can you two be civil? Aslalo that is your student council president. Show him respect. Cole, You are the student council president and you just recovered from your injuries. Learn to be a leader, not a follower."

Cole "Yea, yea whatever."

Eve "NO! Not whatever. Ugh, you will understand with the mission brief for today."

Justin "Mission brief? We have mid terms today…how are we supposed to keep up?"

Eve "Does that sound like my problem? I could care less if you all fail your exams, not that any teacher would fail a blessed child anyway."

Naiomi "What is todays mission then?"

Eve "Finally a question with some sense. Some of you are to patrol the school grounds. There has been a high amount of demon activity on the east wing, so that would be a high interest area. There were also multiple fights in the east hall so we need one or two of you to patrol that area and calm the students down. Lastly after classes Cole, you need to hold a meeting with your council members from today on. Also Cole, you aren't to leave the school grounds at all until the day is done. Delegate the taskings to your subordinates as you see fit. Any questions?"

Cole "Yes, just one…why can't I leave the school grounds?"

Eve "Those demons we are looking for are looking for you. While you are in the school they can't find you."

Naiomi "Is there any reason they are looking for Cole specifically?"

Eve "That's not important. Just know that he isn't to leave."

Aslalo "I have a question too. There was this guy named Charles that isn't in the school registry claiming to be king of the school. What is to be done with him."

Eve "Charles? Charles Montinegro?"

Cole "You ran into that fuck face too?!? He put Naiomi to sleep…"

Aslalo "And what did you do? Did you get an accurate description? Something useful I presume?"

Cole "Ha…ha, clever but I guess a commoner beat you to it. I told my programs to keep a constant search and recording of everything around me."

Angelos "Image ready for printing."

Cole "Gather up as much metal as possible."

Everyone scattered among the room bringing Cole a huge pile of scrap metal and junk. Cole waved his hand over the metal giving it the soft glow of a glowstick. The metal contorted and bent shaping itself into a statue of Charles Montinegro. All of his features from his dark brown skin to his light blue eyes, and even his blond hair. The other blessed sat in utter disbelief of what they were witnessing right before their eyes.

Cole "This is what he looks like. Complete trash if you ask me."

Eve "I see you haven't been slacking on your training Cole, good as you should anyway."

Naiomi "Who is he Ms. Eve?"

Eve "Charles Montinegro, was the king of Eden academy at one point when the system here was under rule of a ruling hierarchy rather presidency. The king was typically what you would be Cole but just over the entire school. Basically he is the strongest senior in the school."

Cole "Why is he here then?"

Eve "We sent him away to the front lines because he was too violent and tyrannical. Keep your distance from him."

Red lights began flashing and alarms blared all over the school. Cole and his cabinet rushed to the scene to see Charles standing over several demons that were beaten to a bloody pulp. Holding one in the air, attacking him over and over.

Raza "Please let me go. Please, I can't take this pain. Please let me go."

Charles "I would've let you go a while ago if you just told me why you were here. Do you wish to talk now?"

Raza "And I keep telling you, you have one of ours here. We just wanted to get him. We are under orders to be peaceful. Please stop, please."

Charles dropped the demon to the ground mounting him and beating him senseless until Aslalo pulled Charles off of him.

Aslalo "What the hell are you doing? There is to be no blood shed on school grounds."

Charles "Rule forty one section two paragraph three. Yes, I'm well aware of the rules mate. The thing is I was the one who made it so I can break it. It was to protect the students and keep me in check. So I'd really appreciate it if you'd buzz off before you're put to trial for protecting demons."

Cole "Well, I'm half demon so would you like to try that on me?"

Aslalo "Cole what are you doing?"

Cole "Defending the school from outside threats? Duh? Surround him and subdue him."

The student council stared at Cole in confusion. Not moving a single step to Cole's directions. Frustrated Cole scoffed, rushing Charles and being sent into the other side of the gate surrounding the school.

Charles "I was going to spare you but apparently you decided to side with your kind. You are here by exiled under rule one section one paragraph one. No demons shall step foot on campus grounds no matter the reason. Stay outside with your kind okay mate?"

Cole threw up some blood before wiping his face and jumping back into another beating. Loss after loss Cole got up and kept fighting. Charles angered by his constant defiance of his rule broke Cole's arm and dislocated his shoulder. The screams sent everyone to their knees in fear of Charles.

Charles "Oh? You wont fight me?"

Justin "No, it is clear your power is not to be questioned."

Charles "Is this how you all feel?"

Student council "Yes."

Charles "One of you is missing. Where is Naiomi?"

Naiomi "Right here!"

With one finger Charles stopped Naiomi's blade from claiming his head. In retaliation Charles threw a punch at Naiomi as she was coming out of her portal. At the moment of contact Naiomi turned to smoke revealing a chain around Charles's wrist. Two chains appeared from the ground gripping his ankles. With his one free hand, Charles swung as hard as he could sending a shockwave of wind to throw the student council onto the floor to no avail as they all turned into smoke. Another portal appeared binding Charles completely. Without giving Charles a moment to recover Naiomi opened a portal and Aslalo sent a powerful stream of lightning into the chains, shocking Charles until he passed out.

Charles "Hahahahaha you thought that weak attack would stop me? Look at you defy your king for a demon! Hahahaha does he have you under some sort of spell? Agh!"

Samael "No, just a plan prior to meeting you. Hi Charles, I see you are following in your master's failed foot steps."

Cole Plunged his flaming scarlet blade deeper into Charles's back twisting it and sending flames into him.

Aslalo "It's so hot. Dexter are you doing that?"

Dexter "No, I only raised the temperature of the blade itself. Those flames are easily over a thousand degrees. No, more like the air is a thousand degrees the flames themselves are hotter than mine. So casually too."

Cole "Submit to your new king. Destruction magic: Holy flame!"

A pillar of fire erupted from Charles extending Into the sky in the shape of a massive phoenix.

Samael "And I'll make sure you won't come back."

The phoenix made a nose dive directly towards Charles. Naiomi's right hand started bleeding, the marking cracking her skin to reveal itself as the bird flew down closer to the ground. Realizing what it meant Naiomi quickly opened a portal sending the attack away, fainting shortly after. Charles realizing the attack vanished broke the chains with little effort and pushed Cole's blade out of him. The hole in his body searing itself closed instantly.

Charles "Betrayed by your subjects… what a weak and pitiful king you are. Not even worth my time to fight. Aye mate, I'll forgive you this time for proving your worth as a challenger and for such a sad sight I just witnessed. Next time I won't be so kind."

Charles walked off as if nothing happened. The other members of the student council brought Cole and Naiomi to the infirmary where they met Eve to discuss the events that transpired.

Eve "How did you let him escape like that?"

Cole "Don't look at me. I was going to take care of it."

Aslalo "You would've died without us there."

Cole "And what exactly did you do you glorified taser?"

Naiomi "It's my fault he escaped."

Cole "No it isn't. Where were you Eve?"

Eve "I am not allowed to interfere. The school is ran by you sixteen and that's it. I am at best manager of staff and emissary of the assigned missions. If I could I would absolutely crush him like I have in the past. However he hasn't broken any rules."

Cole "So braking my arm and spilling blood on school grounds isn't breaking rules? Is he even a registered student?"

Eve "The militia extends to secondary schooling so the king or president can properly pass the torch. So he is well within his rights to come and go as he pleases at least until another campaign starts."

Cole "The school rules?"

Eve "He made them. The only official rules here are don't kill each other and demons aren't allowed on campus. Anything outside of that was made and enforced by him. What happens as a result of that is for you and your cabinet to deal with."

Cole "Well isn't that just fuckin peachy… I would've beaten him too."

Naiomi "Sorry."

Justin "You have nothing to apologize for."

Naiomi "We could've stopped him but we would've lost Cole."

Aslalo "That sounds like an absolute win. Both nuicences gone? Huh best day ever if you ask me."

Cole "Asslalo as much as I would like to now is not the time. Naiomi what do you mean we would've lost me?"

Naiomi "The phoenix would've destroyed everything. I saw it, the only one who survived was Justin."

Cole "Well that was anti-climatic. I was expecting a boom!"

Justin "It would've went boom. Eve how can Cole use fire magic."

Eve "Did he use fire magic?"

Justin "He used faith and fire came out."

Eve "Cole is a bit of a different case. He can use destruction magic. I noticed it when the tournament started. It's outside of elements much like Naiomi's abilities."

Angillina "That's totes going on my page."

Eve "No, you mustn't if you do you could be putting a target on your back."

Aslalo "How so Eve? You keep giving us half answers if we are supposed to run the school you need to tell us everything."

Eve "Okay, okay…Cole and the rest of you were chosen for your positions long before we had the tournament. All it was supposed to do was push you to your limits to see what you could do."

Aslalo "So I was always named second fiddle huh?"

Eve "Cole isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. God hoped you would shape him up to be a great leader."

Aslalo "What ever."

Aslalo stormed out of the room slamming the door on the way out. Frustrated by Aslalo's actions Cole rushed after him. Once they left eve sat on the bed, putting her head in her hands.

Eve "Huh… those two. Listen you are the beacons of this academy. I Would not put you in this position in all honestly this is going to end up being a Charles all over again. This is how it starts."

Dianne "How what starts?"

Eve "Charles started as an honorable king. Honestly to a fault he was noble but he saw the actions of demons first hand on his first actual mission. Time and time again he would beat every demon but this time he ran into no ordinary demon. His squad ran into a demon prince Azazel. Azazel brutalized his squad for days and for sick pleasure made Charles torture his own team till they died. When Charles returned he wasn't the same."

Naiomi "How so?"

Eve "Azazel has a way of making people start to enjoy hurting others. Often to save themselves from something much worse. The logic is if I torture them then I'm saving them from what Azazel would do. When Charles returned he became cruel to the point of sending people on suicide missions just to draw demons out."

Shawnte "And you all let him?"

Eve "God said not to interfere what else could we do? His word is law. I don't know about you but I'm not the one who will take the fall for breaking a direct order."

Dexter "How is it any different than what you do now?"

Eve "You say that as if I was some how inconsistent in my actions. I was about to let a nuke of pure destructive force bomb this school. Why would letting a sociopath send his WILLING troops into a suicide mission be any worse? You think you have the moral superiority? You are but a child. His methods may not have been the best or even highly recommended but they were highly effective. Of the 8,342 missions he ran only two thousand were suicides where in only five cases the crew assigned actually died. His plans were unparalleled to even the best minds. If his goal was to protect students then he achieved it. Sorry the world isn't black and white and sorry for having to be the one to burst that bubble."

Angillina "Whatev's…This is total bs. If he was ready to kill us then why shouldn't we just follow Charles instead of Cole?"

Naiomi "Because Charles is a monster ready to give you up to achieve his goals."

Angillina "Oh and we are suppose to trust the half demon boy, who mind you broke a girls arm, sent an entire grade to the hospital, spazzes out at the slightest annoyance, and doesn't even want the position to lead us? What's to say that he wouldn't try to kill us either? I'll take my chances with the tall dark and handsome blondie over the freak."

Cole "I'm a freak now? Sure…whatever."

The entire cabinet was shocked. As Cole and Aslalo walked in with all sorts of knots, lumps and bruising on their bodies. As Cole limped to his bed, breaking the circle of confused students, he felt a sense of melancholy over his failures and the thoughts of the people around him.

Cole "Listen…or don't whatever…I cannot promise that I will compare to any of you when it comes to intelligence, strength, speed, agility, or what ever. I can't rally the troops or give a convincing speech. Angillina I can't even deny the possibility that you are right. Charles or Aslalo is probably the better leader for this academy. So I say this with a heavy heart, but I hate all of you. Each and every single one of you make me sick to my stomach every time I see you."

Naiomi "Cole, Now is not the time…"

Cole "You are hypocrites, who come from wealthy families and live as if the world is some grand eutopia and to some it might as well be. I used to think like that too. If I just conformed to the rules. People will eventually see my good side. See that I can be something of value too."

Samael "ooo where have I heard this one."

Cole "But, no. you would rather see my faults and cast unfair judgement upon me. Now ask yourselves these three questions. Do I even know Cole's struggles or do I know what I've been told about his struggles? What has he done to me to make me specifically hate him? What is evil truly? I know each person here would never care what happens and I don't want you to…"

Angillina "Bravo…truly. Hahaha did you think we would all come together over a speech like that. Suddenly support you? This isn't some t.v. show where you are the main character. Grow up."

Justin "He wasn't done. Just hear the guy out."

Aslalo "I second that actually."

Cole "And that's why I hate you. I could care less about any of you. why would I want to lead such a trashy group such as yourselves? But that would make me a hypocrite also and I refuse to stoop to the level of trash. That's why I will be the example for you to follow. I will be a leader who doesn't rally the troops. I will be a leader who hates his followers. I will be the embodiment of a demon to achieve my goals…"

Eve "And those are?"

Cole "I used to have just one goal. Find the killer of Jody Crishall, but now my goal is to destroy everything. Everything that made you trash, everything that made me hate you. I will destroy this system that perpetuates that hatred and if I can't do that. Then I will unite you against me. I will be a constant thorn in your side as everything you thought I would be. I will be an unkillable force of nature. I will embody evil to teach you exactly what it means to hate and to be hated. If anyone has a problem with it. I still have fifteen rounds in me and we can settle this right here and now. If not I have classes to attend so I will be going."

Eve "But your injuries…"

Cole "What injuries?"

The injuries on Cole rapidly started healing vanishing before everyone's eyes. Eve started to say something but a looming fear of death came over her. A image of Samael appeared to float over Cole's shoulder. The terror she felt made her stammer before realizing that nothing she could do would stop the feeling she got.

Eve "I have to go. Um, Aslalo make sure Cole doesn't burn down the school. Bye!"

Vanishing into thin air eve leaves the room. leaving Aslalo and the rest of the cabinet in the room to discuss what went on that day. Each person stared at the other, not a single person wanted to speak on the events of the day.

Angillina "Since you guys are obvi scared. I will start. We are a democracy right? so we are going to hold a vote. All in favor of Cole as leader raise your hand."

Naiomi, Justin, and Nichole with absolutely no hesitation raised their hands. After seeing this Julissa, Dianne, Alex, and dexter raised their hands as well, leaving the rest to decide who will lead them.

Angillina "Okay, that's seven for Cole. all in favor of Aslalo?"

Camille, Johnathan and Jesse raised their hands with the rest staying out of it."

Angillina "Okay seven for Cole, three for Aslalo what about Charles?"

Aslalo "Why is he even an option? You heard Principal Eve, Charles is a mad man and you want him to lead us?"

Angillina "Thank you for your input but we didn't ask for your opinion. Who wants Charles to lead us?"

Angillina was the only one with her hand up. A sense of embarrassment washed over her but Angillina held firm. She wasn't about to follow a demon…no she wasn't going to stand for following the example of Cole Yankell. With a gleam in her eye Angillina made the remaining people raise their hands all but Aslalo.

Aslalo "Angillina, you know that doesn't work on me. and even if it did. You don't have a majority."

Angillina "I don't need majority silly. I just need enough for me to rally people under Charles."

Aslalo "What do you have planned?"

Angillina "That's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot."

Naiomi "Whatever you have planned isn't going to work. It fails miserably in every universe. With only one where you 'win' but in the end you die by the very hand you worship leading to your plans unraviling."

Angillina "Do you plan to stop me?"

Naiomi "No, but the future in this time line does. Remember, the key to life is to say sorry."

Angillina "What's that supposed to mean?"

Naiomi "To me nothing…to you possibly everything. I can't keep track of every one of the infinite possibilities in the world. Any who it's time for me to be taking my leave. When you guys start the coup just know it won't work and you will just make life harder for everyone. Wait it out, it gets better."

Aslalo "I didn't vote before but I am casting my vote for Cole. I'd rather face a known evil than to be a slave to an unknown possibly greater evil."

Angillina "So you will be led by a demon? Gross… you can totally go and worship the devil if you like."

Aslalo "Hell doesn't exist Aslalo "Hahaha the devil...You fairy tails don't scare me. just don't make my life inconvenient. I honestly don't care what you do however, Cole is the student council president and he Will remain as such."

Angillina looked towards her zombified group Of people eagerly waiting for her commands. A wicked

grin came over her. Angillina instructed each one to take her number and spread her message to

everyone in the school.

Angillina "Step one complete. didn't need to be student council president. I would take vice president

as long as I can take everything over. Patience just like With my followers. Angillina you have to wait a bit longer."

A chill shot down Angillina's spine, the room turned black leaving a single light upon her. Out Of the

darkness bats flew, bugs crawled, and two black lions walked. All stopping to bow to a little girl no older

than maybe five or six. Angillina knelt before the child as she skipped and frolicked past the creepy

crawlies killing all but the lions. Her silver hair following behind her like a brides veil, her scarlet red eyes

piercing through the darkness. the hum of her voice sounded like the growls of a hungry lion. As she

danced and hummed her tune of death, a crown made of the entrails of those she took a liking to

convulsed tickling her and made her unnervingly giggle. The little girl stopped in front of Angillina as the

lions encircled her, cutting off any means of escape. powerlessness consumed Angillina's entire being

but she held firm, She had a plan and she will see it through or at least that's what she believed.

Jody "Hahahaha. You call yourself Angillina now? This ought to be amusing...Jasmine, I do hope our last

conversation was crystal clear. You are not to touch a hair on his head. I don't know or care what you

have planned, but I do know my betrothed is not to be harmed."

Angillina "It's good to see you too my queen. Worry not, I shall not lay a finger on him either."

Jody "l would certainly hope not. You see Lucy is free and she isn't as kind as I am. I just wanted to up

date you on that tid bit of information. Any who, I must be taking my leave. Ya know, people to kill,

contracts to be made, deals to be collected and what not. Carry on to failing at taking the school, it's not

like it will help you anyway. Azazel, Asmodeus come boys. It's time to go."

As Jody and Asmodeus turn to walk away Azazel pounces on Angillina, instantly being pulled back by a

chain around his neck right before he could mount Angillina.

Jody "That was a close one. HAHA yea he's hungry, unfortunately I like you too much. You would have

been a great meal for him. Hmmm maybe should let him eat you? I know lucy, she is still useful, buuut

it would be fun to see. Okay, will wait. Jasmine, I'll be seeing you. Bye-bye."

Jody entered the darkness, vanishing right before Angillina's eyes.

Angillina "Hahaha don't worry my 'Queen' I won't touch Cole. No, I won't do anything to him what so

ever. Oh I can't forget his package...I'm glad he's been taking his pills like he's supposed to. It may take a

bit longer than expected for him to convert over but that's okay, Charles will give him the push he

needs. Once he comes to our side I Will rule hell. I Will become the empress and complete our goal since

you don't want to anymore."

Aslalo "Evanescence did you catch all that?"

Evanescence "Yes, master Aslalo. What do you wish to do? It would be highly unwise to approach Cole

with this information as he could be in with her plans."

Aslalo "No, if he were then he would want to be student council president. That look in his eyes told no

lie. He truly wants nothing more than to reduce the system to ash, but something is off?"

Evanescence "Was it what he said not too long ago?"

Aslalo "Yea, He was adamant about me killing him if he was to be evil. So annoying. Spirit contracts,

angels, demons, dragons, gods and what not such folly. For so many young adults to believe in fairy tails

is disappointing truly."

Evanescence "Well master the evidence is piling up. have narrowed plausible solutions to a few. You

can kill Cole now for breaking his contract. Test Cole in seeing what he chooses, or Do nothing. I think

the best thing to do is to kill Cole. the boy is a threat to society especially if he enacts his plans."

Aslalo "You seem really into the idea Of killing him. Why? This isn't the first time you've tried to

convince me to kill him."

Evanescence "It's just the best choice master. have been programmed to give only the best solutions

optimized to your likings."

Aslalo "As the days go. I Start to believe that less and less. For now however I want you to keep a record

Of every conversation but only when myself and, Cole, Angillina, or Naiomi are present."

Evanescence "As you wish master."

Aslalo walked Off to class to see Cole doing as he usually does. Naiomi staring Off at Cole blank Off into

space. Everything as it should be.

Aslalo "Everything is...really I in danger? What's going on?"

Evanescence "Master? I evil?"

Angillina " Shhh....the games a spider with its prey..."

Patt_toon07 Patt_toon07

Hey loyal subjects of RDN how are yall doing? ... Yea yea, i know. I bet your asking "Why haven't you uploaded in a while huh? what's up with that?" Well some things in my personal life came up and well life is as life does. However, with that being said...I am coming back harder than ever with the season finalle for now... some changes are going to be made! What changes? How about a more frequent upload schedule? A way to get in touch with the author? maybe even audio? who knows? I have plans but that is all on you my audience.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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