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35.13% HUMAN? / Chapter 9: CHAPTER 9: Their determination

Chapter 9: CHAPTER 9: Their determination

The arena was bursting in thunder and cheers as Angillina and Aslalo's match was coming to an end.

Angillina "I win, you know what to do."

Aslalo snapped his fingers causing a bolt of lightning to come strike down Angillina.

Angillina "H-H-How? I had you under mind control. You moved in every way I told you to and everything!"

Aslalo "I figured it out in your prior matches. You use electricity to control the synapse to make the thoughts that appear in your opponent's head that seems like their own. I hypothesized that you somehow get feedback if your magic is affecting them, so I didn't bother breaking your spell. All I did was overload my synapses with double the amount of electricity as you were manipulating."

Proctor "Angillina fainted! Aslalo Chafer is declared the winner! Our finial match up will be Cole Yankell versus Aslalo Chafer! Shake hands and begin.

The stage was set for Cole and Aslalo to begin their bout. The audience sat quiet waiting in anticipation for the two behemoths to clash and put on a spectacle for them. a single sneeze broke the silence, signaling for the two to start at each other's throats. Thunder, lightning, and fire engulfed the arena with their power. The fight was so large it could be seen for miles away and could be felt even further.

Deablos "Cole, I am glad that you are getting the hang of using aether as you fight however, you need to hurry up. You are not ready to fight at this pace just yet."

Cole "I know, but what can I do? He is really fast and his hits are heavy."

Aslalo "Are you holding back on me? I saw your fight with Naiomi, you must've cheated if this is all you have."

Cole "Sorry to disappoint you but I am trying my best. Trust me I'm wondering the same thing."

Aslalo "Use that demonic power of yours! Reach into your bag of tricks and make this fun for me."

Cole "You probably haven't been told this, but no."

Aslalo "Just as I thought you don't have the fortitude to win at all costs. Don't you want victory? To tower over everyone else? Don't you want to show up those who have tormented you and said you will be nothing?"

Cole "Again no. I have no desire for any of that stuff nor anything to prove. I am not like you spoiled rich brats that think just cause they were born with power and status that somehow they are better than the rest of us. I like to earn my respect, thank you."

Aslalo "sounds to me like you have a losers mindset. You did Earn respect through power. You earned it through all of the hard work you put in gaining that power."

Cole lowered his hands, disgusted by Aslalo's words he stopped fighting. Aslalo lowered his guard and peered deeply into Cole's pity filled eyes, feeling something he hasn't felt in years. He couldn't quite put his fingers on it, but Aslalo knew he didn't like it. He wanted nothing more than to slap that look off of Cole's stupid face. Aslalo's face contorted with hatred for the boy that laid before him.

Cole "My father once told me of a man that thought so highly of himself that he made his slaves build a tower so he could shoot arrows at god and declare himself to be god."

Aslalo "So? What's your point?"

Cole "God struck him down. The point of the story was to demonstrate god's might, but I took it to mean that you should never think too highly of yourself."

Aslalo "I took that story of yours differently, the weak shouldn't rebel against the strong and it would serve them well to stay in their place."

Cole "Oh so you see yourself as god now? Do you really do think that highly of yourself?"

Aslalo "I am an elite, it's only fitting that I act as such."

Cole "Your power will bring you misery."

Aslalo "I will show you what power brings."

Aslalo rushed Cole punching his gut and breaking two of his ribs. Cole dropped to his knees in pain, coughing up blood on Aslalo's shoes. Gripping him by hair to bring him to eye level, Aslalo spit on Cole. In response Cole smirked and spit the remaining blood in his mouth on Aslalo's face. Taking a deep breath, calmly pulls a faint tan cloth from his jacket and wipes his face, placing it back into his jacket while slamming Cole's face into the ground. Cole laid on the ground almost passed out and defeated, he never wanted to fight in the first place and all of this pain he was going through with training and fighting albeit fun and exciting, wasn't worth the fight. As if he was allowed to quit a soft even toned voice rung the cord of battle within Cole, for some reason he wished not to disappoint this voice but instead he wanted to please this voice at all cost.

Naiomi "Cole, giving up so quickly is unbecoming of a monster silly. I guess you wasn't meant to be anything more than a failure."

Cole "Oh! fuck you, it hurts!"

Naiomi "Silly isn't that the nature of fighting? It can hurt sometimes, others it can be fun."

Aslalo "Shut up Naiomi, you have no right to speak. You gave up."

Naiomi "Aslalo! I had my reasons for what I did."

Aslalo "Your reason was you were weak. I can't believe I thought we were equals."

Naiomi "I can't believe you haven't learned to never turn your back to an enemy."

Cole "Behind you!"

Cole foolishly inspired by Naiomi's words, determination swelled inside of him, causing him to swing with his might. Aslalo confusedly countered and pushed Cole, sending him a considerable distance away.

Aslalo "Are you some anime protagonist that was inspired by 'the power of friendship'?"

Cole "Maybe, maybe not. Something just moved before I had time to think."

Aslalo "Gosh you're lonely."

Cole "Wanna be my friend then?"

Aslalo was clearly surprised by Cole's offer for friendship, wondering why of all people him. The thought of being friends with Cole made Aslalo sick to his stomach, how dare commoner filth think they are equal enough to be friends?

Aslalo "Why on earth would I be friends with you?"

Cole "Fuck you I don't need a reason."

Naiomi "I will be your friend Cole."

Cole "Shut up and stay out of this. It's between me and him only."

Aslalo "The first sensible thing you've stated this entire match."

Cole runs towards Aslalo at full speed headbutting him, breaking his nose and knocking his glasses to the ground. Aslalo wiped the blood from his nose as he placed his handkerchief with his glasses in his pocket.

Aslalo "Insolent pig. How dare…."

Cole headbutts Aslalo again. Cole not losing the opportunity to attack he followed up with a devastating punch and kick. Aslalo snapped his fingers and thunder clouds formed.


A bolt of lightning struck the ground barely missing Cole as he dodged mere inches away however, he had no time to breath as more thunder bolts came striking the ground faster and stronger than the last. Cole had a hard time keeping up with the attack almost getting struck multiple times. To stop him from moving out of the way of the next strike Aslalo shot a bolt of lightning directly at Cole, missing him entirely. It was made clear to Cole this was no mistake as Aslalo jumped out of the lightning and punched Cole in the face, breaking his jaw. In that moment Cole used his demonic power to stop himself from being flung outside of the ring again. Aslalo followed up with a flurry of attacks pushing Cole back. In an attempt to stop himself from getting slaughtered Cole blocked as much as he could, but it was too much even for the power he was drawing out of his demonic side. Cole desperate for a way out of this situation reached deep within himself pulling in whatever power he could that would help. As Aslalo was about to deliver the final blow Cole's eyes turned a bright royal purple. The world seemed to slow down, allowing Cole to grab Aslalo's throat and fling him into the sky. While in the air Aslalo gathered his thoughts, but it was too late. Cole drove his elbow into Aslalo's back as they started to fall. Aslalo was able to counter by punching Cole in the face, starting a vicious back and forth while they careened towards the ground. Ash and dust filled the arena when their decent ended however, they didn't let fall stop their furious exchange. Aslalo was frustrated at the fact that this time not only was Cole able to keep up, but also he was gaining the upper hand.

Aslalo "You liar! You had strength you were hiding from me."

Cole "Asslalo I hast no imagining what thou art talking about. Haply thou've gotten weaker during the bout?"

Aslalo "Are you trying to mock me?"

Cole "thou art a valiant warrior. Ibe not disrespect thou with childish banter."

Aslalo "That fall must've rattled your brain. Let me rewire it for you. Chafer style, thunder dragon magic synapse pulse."

Cole sent a jab while Aslalo finessed his way around the attack and poked his forehead sending a shock directly in his brain. Incoherent noises and foam spewed from Cole's mouth as he convulsed and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. When Aslalo was done frying Cole's brain his body dropped to the ground limp and lifeless. Cracking a smile Aslalo turned his back, satisfied with the result he waited for the proctor to declare his victory.

Aslalo "You fought well however, the results speak for themselves trash."

Distorted Cole "Doth thou regard the fight as finished sirrah? For it hath only just begun! Halt..."

Cole looked around with a confused look before he turned his violet gaze towards Aslalo, as to study him he stared at him even more confused than before. Taking a defensive stance Aslalo prepped himself for an attack by Cole.

Distorted Cole "Calm thy self sirrah, would I so chose thou had been naught moe than ash. Doth thou wot what era I exist?"

Aslalo "Why are you speaking in such a manner? I must've caused brain damage."

Distorted Cole "What art thou talking about? Is this not the meet manner of speech for this era? May you help me speak properly for this period?"

Aslalo "Dear lord I broke the boy. It's the twenty second century idiot."

Distorted Cole "How incredibly rude of me? I shall correct this manner of speech presently! Is this better boy?"

Aslalo "who are you calling boy? I'm older than you!"

Distorted Cole "Only a child will call others names as you have this match. So you must still be a boy."

Aslalo "You are beneath me, a mere commoner, nothing I should show respect to."

Distorted Cole "My dearest apologies I have been asleep for the past couple thousand years. I have not yet quite grasped an understanding of this time. You must be royalty?"

Aslalo "No."

Distorted Cole "A noble men?"

Aslalo "No."

Distorted Cole "Then you must be a priest!"

Aslalo "No, god doesn't exist."

Distorted Cole "It can feel like that sometimes, I can assure you he is just ignoring you. He gets bored with his children every so often. So if you aren't a priest, noble, or royalty, what are you?"

Aslalo "Very rich."

Distorted Cole "OH! You're an aristocrat correct? I dislike your elk. You walk around with no real authority but act as if you do. I can't believe such foolishness still goes on. You humans are so stupid, don't you know your money won't follow you in death? Yet you cling to it as if it means something. It's a waste of time really. No one of importance uses such a foul thing."

Aslalo " Do you think such games will give you a shot at beating me?"

Distorted Cole "I don't need much more than what this boy is capable of to beat you. Anything more would be bullying."

Aslalo "You? Bully me? Well peasant try to bully this, Chafer style sky god thunder dragon!"

Distorted Cole "Listen here you little shit, I will seriously kill you."

The sky darkened as deep red streaks cracked through the clouds. Aslalo danced to entice the dragon to come and attack his foe. As he danced, rainbows broke the clouds shining down a beautifully vivid multicolored light that shone on the entire stadium. Aslalo ending his dance by dropping to its knees and bowing before the shining god.

Distorted Cole "I thought I killed the last of those? Maybe this family hid an egg or something? Jeez this is such a pain. Father told me there was more, I thought he meant the two I kept but apparently not."

Aslalo "Strike!"

In a fraction of a second the beautiful dragon exploded from the sky speeding down, breaking the landscape where Cole stood. The audience sat in idle anticipation, almost begging for someone to say or do anything. Each of their hearts beating, thoughts racing, the sweat dripping all waiting for the announcer to say the match was over, but alas their hopes were dashed away and their fears realized. Cole Yankell stood in the crater, not only alive but holding what appeared to be a beautiful sparkling rainbow dragon purring in his arms. The crowd gasped from the sight. Cole stood with a slight smile on his face as he stares Aslalo down.

Distorted Cole " You have a super rare one. I only have seen two rainbow dragons in my life ya know? This is quite the surprising find. Does your family breed dragons or something? I knew it was possible but I didn't think you people could actually do it. However, I must say this pains me having to eradicate this beautiful creatures entire species. I'll fix that too, soon."

Aslalo "What are you talking about? Senti! Come here girl. Come on."

Distorted Cole "Shhhh, she's sleeping."

Aslalo "She can't go to sleep, she is a dragon."

Distorted Cole "My dear boy, everything goes to sleep eventually even Senti. As sad as you must feel, just know it doesn't matter as you will sleep soon too."

Aslalo "What are you doing with sent!"

Distorted Cole " Putting her to sleep as she should be."

Aslalo " Put her to sleep? How can you, a commoner put a god to sleep?"

Distorted Cole "Pretty simply. It only takes one touch."

Aslalo rushed over to Cole as fast as he could, snatching Senti from his hands. Once at a safe distance he held the dragon close to his chest, glad to have his friend safe in his arms. The dragon gazed into Aslalo's eyes to say goodbye one last time before turning into a pile of ash in his arms.

Aslalo "S-S-Sen-Senti? What?! What did you do!?"

Distorted Cole "I told you didn't I? I put her to sleep."

Aslalo "Sleep doesn't turn things to ash. Things wake up from sleep. She is never going to wake up is she? To kill something so innocent without the slightest bit of compassion, you must be some sort of demon!"

Distorted Cole "Don't blame me. I never gave the order father did, he was explicit in his distaste for some creatures and told me to get rid of them and I did. Nothing more or less. Why should I feel anything?"

Aslalo " You demon! Bring her back!"

Distorted Cole "Unfortunately I cannot. Only very specific circumstances can certain angels wake those I've put to sleep. This is not one of them. father isn't too fond of dragons anymore, sorry kid."

Aslalo's eyes filled up with tears as he pulled a rusty onyx blade from his belt. He was fed up with Cole putting on an act just to make a mockery of him. Aslalo was ready to slay the smiling beast before him, but something was off. Cole's aura was wrapping Aslalo in its intimidating grip, squeezing the breath out of his body.

Distorted Cole "You're breathing differently? Even this amount of my presence must terrify you. Its okay many of your kind are like that."

Aslalo's knees shook in fear of the being before him. For the first time he felt inadequate, Aslalo felt that nothing he tried would allow him to move in a way to win. Aslalo gripped the rusty black knife in his hands tightly, clenching all of his muscles to stop shaking and move. Just as he was about to step Cole's eyes and words gave him the looming fear of death.

Distorted Cole "you grip to that knife as if you wish to kill me. Well boy man up and stab me! I'll even let you do it! Come on what are you waiting on? Stab me!"

Aslalo made a mad dash straight at Cole, plunging the blade deep into his gut. Thinking he may have just killed another human being. Aslalo wanted nothing more than to label Cole as a monster and feel nothing, but he couldn't. Aslalo pulled his blade out of Cole, his hands shook, his vision got blurry, soon after the floor had a puddle of vomit on it. While Aslalo was gathering his composure Cole stood unmoved by what had happened to him. The wound on his abdomen burned shut as if it never happened.

Distorted Cole "Ya know boy had that been anyone else you stabbed, they would be nothing more than ash scattering in the wind. However, your opponent happened to be me. Do you have any other tricks?"

Aslalo "Thunder dragon clap!"

Distorted Cole " Ya know that won't work anymore right? The sky god you called is dead."

Aslalo desperately clung to life and attacked Cole with all his might just to end up being toyed with like a child burning ants. Aslalo's efforts were useless to Cole's new found power. Allowing himself to be drowned in rage as he swung the dagger at Cole missing every strike. The being, started to grow bored of Aslalo's nonthreatening swings and decided to poke him in the forehead ending his tantrum.

Distorted Cole " I think its my turn to show you true power."

Aslalo "Stupid old man, you said this blade will kill him. What am I missing?"

Aslalo searched through his thoughts to find something useful against his opponent. As he thought, Cole sends him flying all over the arena. Focus was brought back to the fight as Cole's final attack was about to land, Aslalo saw his opening and took it finally remembering what he was aiming for.

Shortly before the blessed tournament Malick, Aslalo, and Johnathan are all in the observation deck discussing a plan to eradicate Cole Yankell. Malick broke the silence by walking over to a wall and takes a picture off the frame to reveal a heavily guarded safe. Aslalo starts to become inpatient as Malick brought out a beautiful golden sheath with a blade just as pristine and beautiful and a dull, rusty, unrefined black blade wrapped in cloth.

Malick "You need to take these blades and cut his head off. Johnathan, I need to take the one in gold and this formula. Do not use this chemical until the exact moment you can get away with it, it needs to be a slow deliberate delivery just to make sure he goes crazy overtime. Get in his head and make an entire spectacle then you cut his head off. I will call the match to an end, expel you, and send you to another school. No punishment or any repercussions. Plus a financial incentive to keep you quiet. If you somehow fail Aslalo will take your place."

Johnathan "Fine by me. I couldn't care less."

Johnathan takes the knife and leaves the area, spitting on the floor as he leaves. With him and Malick alone, Aslalo thought it best to express his concerns about what he was being asked to do. He looked into Malick's cold eyes as he started to speak.

Aslalo "Old man, what you are asking of us is murder."

Malick "You're, no we are doing this for the greater good."

Aslalo "I don't feel comfortable with this. Cole hasn't been tried, I understand he is a demon and is probably guilty but we should turn him in."

Malick "You doubt yourself too much. Don't worry, this isn't because Cole is partially a demon. This is because he is something much worse, the world… no the universe will be destroyed if he isn't stopped. Everything everyone work for will die."

Aslalo "Well excuse me, but I find it very difficult to believe that. Especially on the fact you gave me a piece of trash that isn't capable of killing a paralyzed rat. Give me something equal to the power output of the weapon you gave Johnathan. Do you think I'm too weak to handle it?"

Malick "You are holding the most powerful blade a human can hold. Don't tell Johnathan, but the reason I didn't give it to him because I know you are stronger. Who could hold the power of destruction other than the noble Chafer family? Besides Master Aslalo, that boy Johnathan will undoubtably fail in the task given to him. He is incapable of what is being asked of him. You on the other hand will bring the full strength out of the knife. All you need to do is cut his head off. Johnathan is going to call attention and they won't notice or report on what you are doing as they will be too busy with me and Johnathan."

Aslalo "principal Malick, this is crazy. I don't personally like Cole Yankell but this is… it's still murder. What has he done to deserve to die?"

Malick "What does it matter if he has done something wrong today? Its about what he will do tomorrow and thereafter. I know you are scared, but so is every hero when they face a monster."

Aslalo "I will not be a hero for killing him."

Malick "Ah but you will be! I will make it so that you stand out as the hero who saved our school, our students, and our way of life from the hands of a true monster. After this no one will question your power. you will officially be the strongest person in the school, far surpassing your brother."

Aslalo "I can do that on my own. I don't need you to meddle in my families affairs."

Malick "Forget your family, they only wish to hold you under their boot. You are grown enough to make your own decisions. Don't you want to make a name for yourself? Don't you want power and fame like no one has ever had? As the next head of your family you can't keep acting like a child. You need initiative! You need to get after it and show them who is in charge."

Malick pours two cups of bourbon, giving one to Aslalo and keeping one for himself. Aslalo was anxious grabbing the drink, but he did and was met with praise as he choked it down. Malick patted him on the back and sat in front of him.

Malick "Good, wasn't it? Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy."

Aslalo "Although this is my first time drinking, I do like the taste."

Malick " there's more where that came from. Imagine you as class president with hundreds of soldiers under you. Imagine! You finished all of your assignments for the day, then come to me for a ''brief'' and we share a glass of this of this top shelf bourbon and we go over plans to expand your influence throughout the district. You win on all sides wouldn't you agree? So how about it? Is this what you desire?"

As Malick finished his pitch to the young man he raised his glass and waited for the young teen to lift his in response, but was met with hesitation. Aslalo stared at his glass for a long while as he pondered the offer his principal gave him. On the one hand it's only one person, he would be saving millions probably billions of lives too! He is supposed to be pronounced as head in a few years and with the influence Aslalo would gain being under principal Malick. He could use that to further his control and with that he could find a way to prevent things like Cole from coming back. On the other hand however, maybe Cole is innocent and he isn't ready for the burden of taking a life. What if they are found out? His father surely disown him, Aslalo would lose out on everything he worked so hard for, everything he cried and laughed, over taken from him. Such a small risk of getting caught but also is just as dangerous if he is. With one deep breath Aslalo came to his conclusion, he will do as a king would by doing as he wants. Aslalo lifts his glass but stops before he touched it with Malick's.

Malick "Why are you hesitating? Don't tell me you're backing out now?"

Aslalo "In business when one negotiates with another, they must be prepared for a counter offer. Surely you didn't think I would walk into such obvious manipulation without a few stipulations of my own."

Malick "There isn't much more time for deliberation on this matter! We need to act quickly."

Aslalo "I'm not just some stupid kid that you can bully into a contract. I want something in return for the blood on my hands. Nothing too crazy."

Malick "Fine what is it?"

Aslalo "Cole Yankell will be the first and last person I kill."

Malick "He is a monster. You shouldn't feel sympathy for it."

Aslalo "No! I refuse to be turned into a puppet! You chose me which means you didn't believe you could do it on your own because you're too weak. So if I am going to do this I need to know that Cole Yankell will be the only person I kill. No blood shed, no death, just detain and release."

Malick "As long as Cole is dead, we wouldn't need to kill anyone else. It's truly a win for you."

Aslalo taps his glass with Malick, downing it before slamming it down in excitement. Today was a big day for him and tomorrow will be hundreds of times bigger. He will kill Cole Yankell and everything will go smoothly and he will be on top. All he has to do is just kill one demon right?"

Malick "Now it's time for me to tell you how to go about taking care of it. Make it so that the fight drags on and start to lose so its not strange for you to use the knife. It will be dangerous for you especially because you may wake him up while you are fighting if that happens you will get only one chance to kill him after that he will adapt and you might as well resign. Remember aim for his neck and cut completely through in one go."

Aslalo finally remembered what he needed to do, but he didn't know how it would get done. Cole has far surpassed keeping pace with him and is now in the offensive. What's more Cole's once easy to read attacks became so sharp and focused he became unpredictable. Aslalo thought to himself about how Cole was doing all of this and how he is going to cut off his head. There was little room for mistake as his stamina seemed to on forever. Cole also showed he was capable of much greater speeds than Aslalo can naturally muster up, but perhaps there is a plan to be made. Coles moves may be unpredictable from afar, but up close they have no choice but to be predictable. Instead of focusing on attacking and defending, Aslalo switched to a more middle ground approach found in countering an attack. In the blink of an eye Cole's fist was already close to hitting Aslalo when he grabbed it and with one swift movement cut Cole's neck. Aslalo's sigh of relief soon turned into exacerbated gasp. The audience erupted into a loud roar, what they witnessed was impossible, Cole holding Aslalo in the air by his neck as he plucked the knife out of Aslalo's hand.

Distorted Cole "Could you imagine being the fool trying to use my toy to kill me? Now tell me who put you up to this?"

Aslalo "No one!"

Distorted Cole "So no one told you the only way to kill me is to take my head? Come on, you are a runt that I've never met. What have I done to wrong you?"

Aslalo "I just want you dead. You are a demon and we kill unruly demons."

Distorted Cole "I am not a lowly demon. Ya know it's quite rude for you to say such a thing. Why would you think I am a demon?"

Cole's face went from anger to confusion as Aslalo's face turned blue, he stopped fighting, his hands dropped to his sides and his lungs grasping just enough air to keep his body alive. Aslalo had no more fight left in him to do anything. The pain of his windpipe being crushed kept him lucid enough to see his eventual death. What stood out to Cole the most was the fear of immanent death in Aslalo's eyes, like a fire burning its last embers he was trying to fight to live another second.

Distorted Cole "You aren't afraid of dying are you? It's strange for an assassin to fear death. Your eyes don't have the look of a murderer either. I am going to put you down, in exchange I want you to answer a few questions, deal?"

Cole lowered Aslalo to the ground and allowed him to catch his breath, keeping a bored look on his face the entire time. Aslalo tried to think of a way out of the situation as best he could but he knew in his heart that it was useless. Cole was just too strong. Aslalo slammed his fist into the ground angry he could do nothing to stop Cole in anyway.

Distorted Cole "Ready to answer my questions? Good! First things first, why do you call me a demon?"

Aslalo "That is what I was told, and what kind of human mercilessly kills an innocent animal after it was subdued?"

Distorted Cole " But I am not human. I am an arch angel."

Aslalo "You are no angel."

Distorted Cole "I get that a lot. Moving on, who told you to kill me?"

Aslalo "I will not say."

Distorted Cole "I don't care what happens to you, my pride is on the line. If you don't tell me I will turn you into ash!"

Aslalo "I SAID I'M NOT TELLING YOU! My pride is on the line also!"

Distorted Cole "Did he tell you who I am?"

Aslalo "No one told me anything. I just want to kill my first demon."

Distorted Cole "You talk as if you know what it's like to take the life of your own, but you know nothing. You are a child trying to play adult, but this isn't a game. Do you know what a demon is? Its people like you who are too prideful and get dragged into making deals in return for their soul. I am trying to save you from becoming a demon."

Aslalo "It was supposed to be only you."

Distorted Cole "Only me, then it will be only me and anyone who questions your authority, then your family will find out at one point and they have to die, I'm telling you will be ruined if you don't kill them! Then hey, while we are in the business of killing people we might as well kill demons too. Those evil scum will never obey laws, and they only want destruction us. It's only a few demons that control everything kill them and then you will see a huge improvement. Uh oh, your partner got caught! He is under trial and now people are calling for retribution!"

Aslalo "SHUT UP!"

Distorted Cole "The demon will say something along the lines of it wasn't me. I was forced by his highly influential family! If I disobeyed then surely I would've died! I am innocent! He will be very convincing and you surely will be dragged away to stew in your failure. Eventually you will dive further and further into your hatred and anger. Then, hehe, she will come! And make one last deal with you! She will say something like become my child or be tortured for eternity. You undoubtably will say no, and then I will come like a thief in the night and drag you there like Senti. Well not like Senti, but you get my point right?"

Aslalo "Are you done? we have a match here, people are getting impatient."

Distorted Cole "We are done when I say we are done! Tell me who sent you to kill me!"

Aslalo "I wanted to kill you."

Distorted Cole "Fine, I'll just punish you then. I haven't eaten in a very long time and I'm extremely hungry."

Aslalo "I always knew you were off your rocker."

Distorted Cole "I honor your resolve kid, so I will tell you how to kill me. It will be a secret you take to the grave. First you need to get an actual archangel blade made by god himself. Not that toy I made, although it does hurt. Secondly, there are only two blades capable of killing me. Lastly, and this is the most important part. There are only two of those blades capable of truly killing me. One my sister owns one and I own the other one."

Cole stretched his arm by his side, gathering a black energy into a point on his palm. The air gained the stench of death and decay, the nearby plants and animals started to wither and die while the black energy flowed from them. The dark ominous clouds formed as black streaks of lightning tore the sky apart and scorched the ground. The sun and moon became visibly blood red as if painted by Cole himself. The earth began to tremble in fear and a low painful hum deafened the audience. Unimpeded by his surroundings, Cole gathered even more energy. In a flash of light the energy condensed into a rusty black katana. The blade looked dull and chipped with spotty rust all over it. A deep darkness shrouded the blade as if it was emanating from the blade itself. Cole griped the blade tightly as black and white wings sprouted from his back. Above his head a magnificent halo shone with the glow of a thousand suns. The enormous power emanating from Cole crushed Aslalo with unparalleled authority however, he stayed strong to his convictions. With defeat out of the question Aslalo blasted the ground with electricity causing a massive plume of smoke to arise. Knowing it would be ineffective at stopping a direct assault from Cole. Aslalo used the smoke screen as a diversion to find shelter behind a few boulders a safe distance away. While he was catching his breath and gathering his thoughts Aslalo could hear footsteps grow closer to him as if Cole knew where he was hiding.

Distorted Cole "Yea I know, all that for some rusty sword. While it might not look all that impressive, I Assure you this blade is destruction incarnate. It's had many names and appearances over time. The Vikings called it Tyrfing, the Slavs called it Kladenets, the people of Nippon call it the blade of Muramasa, the Hindu called it the Trishula, the Hebrew people called it Heres, the Egyptians called it Tadmir, you may know it as the death scythe. There isn't a thing it can't destroy, although I haven't had the pleasure of using it on dear old dad."

Aslalo " This guy is nuts. There has to be some way out of this. Evanescence, is there any option."

Evanescence "The only way is to get an arch angel blade and… master dodge!"

Aslalo ducks as the black blade passes cleanly through the rock, with barely anytime to recover he dodges a second slash turning the rock into ash before him.

Distorted Cole "Huh? It appears you have dodged my swings. No matter, I wanted to see your face before you turned to ash anyways, I'm gonna enjoy this, prepare to die!"

An apathetic smile carved itself onto Cole's face as he slowly raised his blade ready to kill his enemy. Aslalo started to panic as evanescence screamed for him to move or do something or anything to protect himself from Cole. A ferocious anger began to bubble up in Aslalo as he prepared to meet his end. He was angry towards principal Malick for putting him in this position, angry because he was going to die knowing he achieved nothing of value in his life, angry because the only one he could blame was himself. Aslalo thought to himself if he was going to die at least Malick could face retribution for his crimes as well, he took a breath and decided to finally tell Cole the truth.

Aslalo "Fine! It was principal Malick! He said if I kill you then he would take me under his tutelage and I wanted to use his status to gain power in my family!"

Distorted Cole "Now that wasn't so hard. Tell my father that when you see him. I assure you, he will forgive you without a doubt. I am going to still kill you however, you will not join Malick in the afterlife. This is good bye."

Cole brought the blade down ready to execute Aslalo as a willing participant in his attempted murder, but stopped just shy of a few inches away delivering the final blow. Aslalo swallowed the spit in his mouth after coming face to face with death incarnate. The blade was close enough he could smell the tainted souls it has claimed. Their voices screamed to be let go, to be put out of their misery. Some of the voices spoke foul words, some others spoke in an unrecognizable language but Aslalo understood what they said word for word. The blade screamed out "I am sorry!" "I will never kill again." "let me go!" "It's not my fault.". Aslalo was suddenly snapped out of his haze by Cole vomiting blood all over the floor in front of him.

Distorted Cole "NO! NOT NOW! HE WAS TRYING TO KILL YOU! FUCK YOU! WHAT!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!? HIM? OF ALL PEOPLE? *cough**cough* Fine! If you start to lose I will kill him. I refuse to sleep because you are weak."

Cole's body reverted back to normal, his blade vanished as he stood there dripping in sweat trying his best to stand while he caught his breath. Aslalo cleans his glasses, placing them on his face to get a better look at Cole to make sure the boy he saw before him was the same boy at the beginning of the match.

Cole "Good job asslahole, I thought you would drop the ball on that one."

Aslalo "What did you do?"

Cole "Oh, that? I saved your life. Normally people would say thank you."

Aslalo "The voice, the wings, the halo, and that cursed sword what was that?"

Cole "I dunno? Never happened before, but then again I've never wanted to punch someone as much as you before."

Aslalo "For the first time we agree."

Cole smiled as he placed his hand firmly on Aslalo's shoulder. His crushing grip digging into Aslalo's bones, the cracking growing louder as his grip tightened. However, Cole's smile never faded as he slowly pushed Aslalo onto his knees. Fighting off the pressure Cole was placing onto him, Aslalo rose to his feet and smiled while he put his hand on Cole's opposite shoulder, passing thousands of volts of electricity through his body. Cole tensed up and convulsed, using his free arm to punch Aslalo, splattering some blood on the ground.

Cole "Sorry, it was reflex. With all the electricity flowing through me, I'm sure you understand?"

Evanescence "Master Aslalo he attacked you on purpose. At the angle he struck you there is no way it was a simple muscle spasm."

Aslalo "Of course! It could happen to the best of us, I totally understand. It was an accident."

Evanescence "Master Aslalo! That simply isn't correct."

Cole "How could it be anything else?"

Aslalo "Anything else would be silly."

Cole "Exactly!"

Aslalo and Cole laughed as their arms stayed firmly in place despite their best efforts to shake the other off. As they laughed hysterically Aslalo started to pat Cole with his free hand, suddenly slapping him across the face.

Aslalo "My dearest apologies my hand slipped."

Angelos "Cole, he slapped you on purpose."

Deablos "Yeah! Just who does this guy think he is!? I will put him in his place!"

Cole "Don't sweat it pal! Hands slip all the time. That stick in your ass must've twitched."

Deablos & Angelos "But Cole!"

The crowd sat confused as they watched Aslalo and Cole apologize for actions that even the most daft person could tell were not accidents. They fought on no matter how much the crowd booed, cursed, and threw trash, their game of dealing devastating blows back and forth continued. The fun ended when Cole and Aslalo punched each other at the same time, sending the other careening to opposite ends of the stage. Painfully they stood to face each other. Aslalo fed up with his glasses being shattered, threw the electricity enhanced poles from the stands at Cole striking the wall behind him. In retaliation Cole sent a volley of aether at Aslalo missing as he slipped past them easily.

Angelos "Cole, you aren't thinking! You are burning your aether pathways, at this rate you are going to die."

Deablos "What exactly are you gonna accomplish fighting like that huh? Think you idiot! You had him on the ropes. He was playing your game."

Angelos "I have to agree. Statistics over the fight show you are stronger with a higher endurance. You could have easily just made sure he was incapable of fighting."

Cole "Shut up you two. If you haven't noticed he is much faster than me. if I put too much force behind any attack, it will be to straightforward and he will just dodge. I may have a higher endurance but his stamina more than makes up for it. Not to mention he is a genius."

Evanescence "Master Aslalo, why are you changing up your fighting style? It is Evident that you are faster and have way more stamina than he does. Surly you could've put him in a submissive lock. Master excuse my rudeness however, you are acting incredibly foolish. Your magic reserves are being depleted faster than projection. You will pass out shortly."

Aslalo "Watch your tone. I have everything under control. Cole is physically stronger than I am. If I were to try and place him into any hold, he would just overpower me and it would place me in a worse situation and he just won't go down, for a peasant he has an insane amount of endurance. I get the feeling he isn't a total idiot. Since the start of the fight, he has been watching, studying, and analyzing my every action. He matched me tit for tat although I'm faster. Which means he is predicting my moves."

Evanescence "That shouldn't be possible with only one program."

Aslalo "What if he doesn't have only one? If he holds a demonic program along with an angelic program that would explain why he can do all three simultaneously. They watch and analyze my movements and formulate all possible scenarios then he processes the information and reacts."

Evanescence "That would be near impossible. A person of his caliber shouldn't even be able to handle more than one, not to mention the stress of keeping up with you in a fight. He shouldn't be able to process that amount of data at once while fighting."

Aslalo "I have a felling it's going to catch up to him soon enough. For now however, it appears it hasn't just yet."

Angelos "Cole are you sure you want to fight? We could quit at any time. Honestly, finding out what that program is should be your top priority."

Cole "Nah fuck that. I'm invested…I'm going to see this to the end. My heart is racing again."

Angelos "Cole, seriously I think it best you resign."

Deablos "Feathers, give it up already. There is no getting to him when he gets like this, you know he doesn't change."

Angelos "I worry about him. He never listens."

Cole "Don't worry, I will win probably. Haha. It looks like Aslalo is ready to fight, we shouldn't keep him waiting."

Aslalo and Cole stared each other down. The tension thick enough to practically walk on it. The audience cheered them on feeling the climax of the match quickly approaching. Cole took a single breath as he focused his power into his hands making them warmly glow ever so slightly. Aslalo smirked and his hand began to spark as lighting formed around his hands in response to Cole. In a declaration of war they let out a mighty cry and ran straight towards each other. Their will to not lose to the other decorated the arena in their sweat and blood. The fought so hard they didn't notice the immeasurable pain their body was in. Soon they stopped guarding, their words degraded to intelligible screams, their breaths heavier than sand bags. The only thing that kept them going was the adrenaline coursing through their veins replacing the burnt out power they once had. The audience kept their eyes on them, not wanting to miss a moment of the epic battle of will. Even as their vision blurred, their bones cracked and popped on each impact, their muscles weak and tired from being put through such a fierce battle. They have long since forgot what they had been fighting for at the start. Was it satisfaction of victory? Pride? Domination? Maybe ultimate respect from everyone? Was the position even worth the battle? Why where they even fighting? These questions burned in their minds until they reached a conclusion. It didn't matter, none of it mattered so long as they didn't lose. Their battle cries backed by the strength of a tissue paper, their attacks equating to little more than undignified punches. Both falling to their knees unwilling to lose crawled to each other like toddlers fighting over a toy before falling flat on their stomachs. Cole cocked his head back as far as he could and bumped Aslalo with his finial attack, vomiting shortly after. Aslalo poked Cole with the remaining magic he had, diving a small shock strong enough to make Cole's eyebrow twitch slightly, letting out a quick quip shortly after.

Aslalo "Ass-Cole…"

Cole "Haha I win, Asslalo."

Shortly after Aslalo stopped moving, Cole passed out as well. Their hands positioned in such a way it appeared they fist bumped. With the fight finally reaching its righteous conclusion the crowd erupted in loud cheers and praises as Cole and Aslalo laid in a comatose state.

The medical staff rushed as fast as they could to Cole and Aslalo barely alive bodies. As they were rushed off to the hospital as the proctor snapped her fingers, repairing all the damage done to the arena in an instant.

Eve "What a spectacular finish! These two fought to the bitter end. It is the moment you have all been waiting for. This wasn't just a spectacle to watch folks. This tournament was to decide the future of Eden academy. A great leader isn't always the most prestigious, smartest, fastest, or strongest. Often a great leader is one who can unite the people under one banner. Today the student body of Eden academy are united under the banner of the student council president. The student council president was decided by battle. They had to show mental fortitude, power, intelligence, and the right spirit to be the winner. The first tournament, anyone had a chance to win the ability to prove themselves to be a great leader. That winner was Cole Yankell. This tournament saw that everyone fought each other on a level playing field. No interruptions, no time outs, no time limits, and no second chances like in the real world. I'm sure you heard on the news about the multiple deaths recently, as such by God's decree this academy is now a militia. The leaders of this militia is as follows Cole Yankell as student council president, Aslalo Chafer as vice president, Naiomi Nguyen as school secretary, Johnathan Angel as treasurer, Angillina Vizzkarra head of the school news comity, Nichole Rienhart head of the punishment comity, the rest of the blessed are to be their assistants. Also as of today I Ms.Eve will be the principal of the school however, I will only govern the academic portion of this school in all other matters to be handled by the student council. Thank you for your co-operation. Have a nice day. Dismissed!"

The days go by one by one as Cole is in the hospital recovering from his fight with Aslalo. The doctors swore he wouldn't wake up for weeks if he did at all. As Eve was about to exit the room a miracle happened right before her eyes. Cole popped up in the bed screaming. Eve tried her best to calm him down but it was no use, growing tired of his hysterical screaming Eve slapped Cole across the face finally getting him to be quiet.

Cole "OW! That hurt! What the hell proctor."

Eve "That's Ms.Eve or Principal eve from now on."

Cole "Okay Ms.Eve mind telling me why the hell you slapped me?"

Eve "You are now the student council president and are currently recovering in the hospital from your fight. You should be glad you didn't end up in a body bag."

Cole "Yeah, yeah whatever. Still doesn't answer my question!"

Eve "Seriously I have never seen a person such as yourself use aether in such a stupid way. You could've killed yourself! Then what? Ugh God wouldn't let me hear the end of it."

Cole "Uh-huh sure. Proctor why are you in my room? Shouldn't you be I dunno doing something important?"

Eve "I told you my name is Ms.Eve and I didn't come here to speak with you. Come on already, how long are you going to pretend to be asleep…?"

Distorted Cole "I assume you are referring to me. Do not address me so casually filth. Be quick you know about the laws."

Eve "Like you ever cared about the laws Sod."

Sod "True…What is it you want from me human?"

Eve "Why are you pretending to be asleep? You know he wants you back home right? You two need to stop running away from home and take your place on your thrones. Look at what the world has become since you have left Sod."

Sod "Like I care about what happens to this filthy rock. The fires of hell can engulf this dirty planet for all I care."

Eve "Is that so? I wonder what you would do if Cole was caught up in the fire? The look…ugh-ack"

Eve dropped to her knees, forcibly bowing before Sod. Her throat started to turn a bright fleshy red from being strangled by the pressure of sod's faith. As Eve's face started to turn blue Sod let her go to catch her breath.

Sod "Filthy human, I would urge you to not make a mockery of me. Next time I won't be so kind."

Eve "Throwing a tantrum are we? Sod, you kill me and you will have to deal with him and the cage.

Sod "tantrum? Oh poor girl, if i were to throw a fit i would accidentally erase the solar system. The Trekek know what my tantrums look like."

Eve "Sod listen Cole will die if you don't teach him how to use his power correctly. It is your job to teach the candidates. That's the only reason you aren't in that cage right now."

Sod "He cannot die. I will not let him die and I will not spend another second in that accursed cage."

Eve "Then I suggest you comply with my demands or I'll report to God on your whereabouts."

Sod "Eve, darling. Did we forget the secret I am keeping for you? Shall I tell him of the first infidelity? With a woman no less. Did you think I just forgot? Oh right I forgot, you 'cast' a spell on me. To bad heavenly destruction tops earthly magic. You should've told him back then, it wouldn't have been much of a problem but now…oh he would be furious. I wonder the look on fathers face when he finds out."

Eve "Sod, had I been any other human that little threat of yours would scare me. Spirits cannot break their contracts. Any broken contract and the spirit shall be punished in the signers stead. We made a deal Sod to never tell god. The suffering I would endure would be translated directly onto you."

Sod "Who said I would tell dad? I will tell Adam. Is it not a breach of contract if he tells father right? I have been here since the beginning of time. You cannot outsmart me human scum."

Eve "Why must you always act like this? Why are you so mean to me Sod? Even when I begged you to help me. You continue to be an ass, grow up will you."

Sod "When have I ever been an ass? I have done nothing but bestow benevolence upon you mongrels."

Eve "Oh! Shall I list them?"

Sod "Yes, actually. It would be the first useful thing you have done so far."

Eve "First, you showed yourself in full view of everyone exactly what you are, despite the fact they are not supposed to know you even exist. Second, you showed everyone on national television your anelace. Lastly, you almost killed a kid! If that's not being an ass I don't know what is!"

Sod "I don't remember being told not to show myself? I also don't remember being told not to show my anelace…If anything I do remember being told to use it on every first born male or next family head in the houses without goats blood on the door frame. OH there was this one time me and bro got to vaporize a couple cities too! The order? Hmm I think it was to leave nothing, not even a blade of grass was to remain? I have my orders and was faithfully carrying out my duties as the angel of death."

Eve "Then why didn't you kill the demons roaming the campus? Don't act like you didn't know they were there either. I know, you can feel literally every lifeforce in the universe let alone three miles away from you. Don't you care about the safety of the boy? If they breached once they can again."

Sod "Why didn't you kill them eve? Aren't you the first woman? I know you could turn them inside out with a snap of your fingers if you wished."

Eve "Need I remind you, she came too! I may have been able to fight one or two of them but, not three of her generals and her also. Had god not send them away when he did I would've died."

Sod "Eve I honestly, could not give less of a shit. You can go to hell with Adam, you disobedient monkey."

Eve "It been eons when are you going to grow up?"

Sod "I don't know Eve when will my children grow up? Oh that's right they won't. They are in the empty."

Eve "You know I did not intend for that to happen. Had I known she would die I would've never said anything. You need to let Lilith's death go and stop blaming me."

Sod "I don't blame you for her dying. I gave up that pursuit thousands of years ago and came to terms with her death… I hate you for an entirely different reason, could you guess what it is?"

Eve "It's because of chain isn't it? Look Sam…Sod I'm sorry about what happened. I tried everything I could to teach him love and compassion."

Sod "His name is Abaddon. Do you know how it feels to lose a child Eve? To watch everything taken from your lover and the perpetrator of a far worse crime be endlessly rewarded? Your entire family gets to live in the house made for our family and you know what my family got? A lost child, hell or worse. "

Tears started to stream down Eve's face as she slapped sod across his face. Unfazed Sod scowled at Eve.

Eve "Yes I have. I…*sob* had to watch my son get killed by a man not of my flesh. While my son lost his life that man is alive forever. I ate a plant and gained knowledge I did not even want. Samael, you never even saw your child and I'm not talking about Abaddon. I Speak of your brother Azrael."

Samael "What? Explain yourself! I will know if you are lying."

Eve "I didn't tell you because I knew you would be furious. On the day you consoled me, I conceived a child and named him Able. When he died God took him and wiped his mind clean of earth and he was born as the archangel Azrael. Samael I know I will never be the focus of your attention, but that doesn't mean I stopped loving you. Love makes humans do crazy things and this is by far the craziest thing one could do."

Samael "I had enough of this discussion. The one known as Malick, is he still alive?"

Eve "Yes. Your father would like fo…"

Samael puts his finger on eve's lips stopping her mid-sentence

Samael "Shhhh. I don't care what father wants."

Eve "Just kill him, no mess, no witnesses, most importantly do not draw your Anelace. If you do, your father will be furious."

Samael "Nah, I may just flatten the entire area. It's not like anyone can stop me."

Eve "Samael take this seri…"

With one flap of his wings Samael disappeared, leaving a lone grey feather floating down into Eves hands.

Eve "*sob* Samael you jerk *sob*. You and that kid were made for perfect for each other. *Sob*"

As Eve balled her eyes out alone in the hospital room while Malick was being flung across his home.

Samael "Okay I'm going to ask one last time. If you give me the wrong answer I will no longer be so nice. Who gave you my brothers Anelace?"

Malick "Go back to sleep Malak! Ha-Satan stand down! Malkira go away! Belchira go away!"

Samael "So rude. Father gave me a perfect name. My name is Samael. Do I have to remind all of my little brothers host? I am not a monster. Why do you all hate me so much? I didn't ask for this. I just want to be loved as much as I love you. Come on, little brother say my name, please."

Malick " hehehe…hahahaha…HAHAHAHA!"

Samael "What's so funny brother?"

Samael's faint distant smile faded turning into a harsh scowl as he gripped the grey hairs on Malick's head bringing him to eye level. Samael's violent purple gaze peering deep into Malick's soul sending chills bolting into his spine. His body couldn't do much more than shiver as Samael drew closer to his face. Malick's nose touching Samael's in a way that made him shirk away from that accursed purple gaze piercing his soul. Samael slammed Malick's head into the wall with just enough force to let him know who is in charge.

Samael "What's so funny? I asked a question!"

Malick "HAHA God doesn't love you."

Samael " That's not true in the slightest. I'm God's most loyal angel. I have done everything to earn his love. What would a failure of a host know about what father desires?"

Malick "How about your studious sister, Razael? She seems to write differently. *cough**cough* on that shelf there, the journal labeled forty five. Your evidence is in entry four thousand seven hundred sixty two."

Samael begrudgingly took the old book off the self and read out loud the entire passage. As he read tears filled his eyes and a deep fire grew inside of him.

Samael " Ugh, Dad got drunk again and like normal he calls me into his chambers to complain about big bro and sis. They consistently make dad angry and I'm the one who has to hear about it. It's really annoying. Sammy did this or Lucy did that. It's never about anyone else. It's like he only thinks of those two, at least that's what I thought until today. Today in his drunkenness he told me a secret and Dana I'm not sure how to deal with it. Should I tell Sammy what father said about him? He is my favorite brother but this is fathers secret. This is so, so wrong and It's not like Sammy doesn't know majority of the secrets so he should know… blah blah blah…father was angry…blah blah blah… he told me that he…he… No…no no no no no…no NO. THIS IS POPSTRUOUS! YOU MADE THIS UP!"

Malick "No one can change the information inside that book. I tried to even burn the pages. Apparently she made the book to survive in the presence of god himself."

Samael "No, you're lying! If that were true then everything I've done until now meant nothing. The lives I took, the destruction I caused, what he made me do to mal'ak Mordecai. Everything was a waste."

Malick "I understand the feeling of being lied to, your father told the host that we were saints and if we worked hard enough we could inherit the positions of our angelic patrons. Now look at me, a broken, beaten old man, unable to stop the one I was considered equals with."

Samael "Considered equals is a very strong term. Even when this host was four he was able to kill you. just barely but that hardly matters. As it stands now you are just a sour old man, bitter because he got schooled by the same boy twice."

Malick "You are correct. You are the most powerful of us all. I can't help but to beg for a deal with you."

Samael "That is interesting? What are your terms?"

Malick "I give you the information you seek and you grant me one wish. As a gesture of good faith I gave you the journal of Razael."

Samael "Okay, what is it you want?"

Malick "I want eternal life. I wish to live forever in God's glory."

Samael "Is that all? No riches? No power? Not even peace on earth? As you know contracts between humans and spirits are things not even god can break and you ask to live in his glory? Are you sure that's what you want?"

Malick "Yes, that is all I ever wanted."

Samael "Is there anything else that I can offer you?"

Malick "No."

Samael "And that's all you want? Nothing else?"

Malick "Yes, I desire nothing else."

Samael "Okay, Malick. You are here by being charged in the charges of one count of illegal possession of a divine relic, one count of indirect evil, one count of direct evil, one count of lying and treachery, one count of lying and treachery to god, two counts of attempted murder, two counts of hiring an assassin, one count of pride, lust, greed, wrath, and envy, two counts of corruption of an innocent soul. How do you plea?"

Malick "Not guilty."

Samael "The accuser Samael pleads guilty, the defender Michael pleads not contested, the judge Yahweh pleads guilty. Edgar G Malick you are found guilty of all accused charges. Your punishment say by the decree of God is ten thousand years in the ninth circle of hell. Considerations made, contract with the archangel Samael king of the fifth heaven. Contract is valid, punishment has been rescinded under the terms agreed upon in the contract. Edgar G Malick you shall spend eternity within the glory otherwise formally known as the light of god. Consideration, no specific location was given. There are five locations described as the light of God or informally known God's glory. Location one within the Arch angel lucifer. Location two within the Arch angel Samael, location three within God himself, location four within the heavenly fires of hell, location five within the first heaven. The presiding angel is Samael. Based upon the guilty verdict the archangel Samael rules that the glory of God or formally known light of God exist within himself and as such Edgar G Malick shall be placed there."

Malick "What? No, you and I both know that is not where I meant."

Samael "you said the Glory of god, I am gods glory or venom. You should know by now to be very exact and specific."

Malick "Stay away from me, you fiend."

Samael "Sorry cretin, you will spend your everlasting years within me suffering with the rest of the souls that were unfortunate enough to be devoured by me."

Malick "That wasn't the deal!"

Samael "The contract states, you give me the information upon which I seek in exchange for eternal life in Gods glory. I am Gods glory, you will be alive for all eternity for so long as I'm alive, and you will also give me the information when I assimilate you into me."

Malick "That's not fair. The contracts are based within what the humans perception is."

Samael "OH? Were you not the host of an arch angel? Were you not aware of there being multiple glories of God? Did you have no ability to research this for yourself? Also why should I grant you any credence when you told me the most deplorable thing just to see me in pain. You foolish waste of a host. Now begone."

Malick "Please don't do…"

With a simple flick of his finger, Samael turned Malick into a pile of ash, leaving a floating blob of energy behind. It was dark and dripping glops of tar all over the floor. Samael opened his mouth as wide as possible and devoured it in one bite. Upon swallowing the energy shivers filled his body making him vomit in his mouth. After stopping himself from puking, Samael rubbed his stomach with a satisfied grin.

Samael "Truly out of all of the putrid souls I've devoured before, Malick yours was by far the worse. I guess your also the first transgressor host I fed on. There's honor in that Malick, you should be proud. Now stay inside of my belly forever."

…-> Meanwhile in Samael's stomach <-…

Malick "Do it…huh…? Where am I? This place is desolate and empty."

Just as Malick thought the coast was clear a mysterious man appeared. He had no facial features. His skin was cracked and gray. The only thing that stood out was the shinning golden crown on his head.

Mysterious man "Oh? We have a visitor it seems."

Malick "Where am I?"

Mysterious man "The empty. A place between life, death, and limbo… essentially non-existence."

Malick "If that's all then I can withstand this place for all eternity."

Mysterious man "You must be Edgar G Malick, allow me to introduce myself. I am king of the Nephilim and the half-breeds. Samael told me that we were to have fun. However, I find his orders quite challenging. Do you know how many he sent here? Uncountable legions of souls. Although mostly evil humans. I have no clue as to what to even do with you."

Malick "You could go away and leave me in peace so I can meditate and get out of here."

Mysterious man "pffft hahahahaha get out of here? Listen cockroach, you don't exist anymore, there is no where for you to go. Even if you somehow manage to find a way out of this dimension and gain a body, when you die and you most definitely will. You'd just end up back here again where I'll be waiting for you."

Malick "I have never heard of such a place. Impossible, you must be kidding."

Mysterious man "No, I'm afraid not…Oh how can I forget! Although this place is called the empty, this place isn't empty. All of the spirits that die get sent here. Whether that's the Nephilim or otherwise. I'm sure you will have fun with them. By the way I forgot to mention each time you die here the pain gets more and more intense as there isn't a concept of death just a really messed up version of rebirth. So you are flesh and bone but you're also not? I'm still not sure what that meant? Oh well, no matter."

Malick "What?"

Mysterious man "what?

Malick "…"

Mysterious man "…Buh-bye now."

The mysterious man pushed Malick over a cliff into a dark chasm below. The screams could be heard throughout the entire dimension, giving a joyful energy to the mysterious man.

Mysterious man "Aye Sammy I hope that was a satisfying punishment and if it wasn't well screw you!"

After retching from digesting his disgusting meal, Samael wiped his mouth of the drool dribbling out, he took a deep breath finally feeling a sense of freedom. A freedom he never thought he would experience for thousands of years but, is gladly ready to accept everything that it brought. Each breath was a blissful ecstasy, the years of hate and death filled his lungs. The power of the humans nature for evil tickled his entire being. However, these things paled in comparison to his favorite smell. A smell all too familiar to humans, angels, demons, and the like. A smell that brought as much pleasure as disgust to Samael. The slight twinge of pain and agony culminating in the most glorious way. Each breath brought the smell of destruction with it. A smell that almost revitalized him. No matter how many times he smells that scent, it only brings more pleasure to him. As Samael took one more deep breath a thought that always ruins the high he gets crossed his mind, "You're a disgusting monster, fit to lie in that cage for all eternity. What kind of child of god feels joy from chaos? Pleasure from pain? Bliss from the agony of others? What else could I be but pure evil? A force for nothing but death and destruction? You don't deserve anything more than that. Why would I deserve more than that. Your own father wants.." in a burst of sudden rage Samael screams as he trashes the house breaking anything he could get his hands on.


The whispers grew louder and louder the more Samael rampaged.

Whispers "Failure! Bastard child! Monster! You are nothing like you brother! God loves Michael more than you! What use are you? What purpose do I serve? You don't deserve love! Everyone should hate me!"

As the voices grew into screams one familiar, warm, and loving voice spoke out to Samael bringing him back to himself.

Whispers "I am evil."

Mysterious man "But you are also good."

Whispers "you're a monster."

Mysterious man "But you are also an angel."

Whisper "I don't deserve love."

Mysterious man "Yet I still love you regardless."

Samael "You must be a fool then."

Mysterious man "And so a fool I'll be."

Angelos "Saint Samael, we should head home. Cole's father will be angry."

Samael "what does it matter that a human is angry? However, I suppose it is getting late. This took a bit longer than I thought it would. Before we go, Lesser ones listen well as I will not repeat myself. I will not save the boy again. If there is another candi or tournament incident again, I will devour you both. Am I clear?"

Angelos & Deablos "Yes saint Samael. We appreciate your compassion and mercy."

Although Samael's words were an attempt to strike fear, it had the opposite affect and instead filled them with warmth and joy. Wiping tears from his face, Samael's wings sprout and he takes off, back to Cole's home landing a few blocks away to enjoy one last walk in the night before putting Cole to bed. Samael quite enjoyed the night. He felt as though the moon and stars were made just for him, although he refused to believe his father wanted anything more than just to make his suffer. As he walked the once enjoyable sky he looked down upon with wonder he looked up to with longing. As Samael approached Cole's home an unsettling sight caught him off guard. Cole's father stood under the porch light smoking a cigarette while he taps his finger on the railing. The aura he gave off, put Samael in an unsettling feeling that only got worse as he was face to face with him. The pressure of being in his presence crushing Samael from head to toe.

Sondi "And just where have you been son? You know ever since that girl died we had a strict twelve A.M. curfew."

Samael "Oh human you know, to and fro, devouring, and all that."

God "Samael, when are you going to grow up? It has been aeons since you returned home. Your brethren miss you… I miss you."

Samael "Razael, I can't deal with them. They are best suited to be on Earth, being in my presence hurts so much. I wish they would just go already. Sure, you and my brothers miss me a whole lot…"

God "Samael, what has gotten into you? You were once dignified and obedient, now you're boorish and unruly. Your time on Earth must have corrupted you."

Samael "SHUT UP ALREADY! Just admit it. You hate Lucy and me. I don't know what we did to you but we are not some unfeeling golems, we are your children too! What was the point of creating me if you were going to hate me? Do I really mean that little to you?"

God "Boy, you are talking nothing but foolish ramblings of a child! Have I not exalted your name above all others? Have I not raised you from perdition despite your constant sinful behavior? I allow you to run amuck of all my creations."

Samael "Father the things I have done in your name were horrid and great in number. My name was so exalted, no one but Lucy wanted to be in my presence. Need I remind you father! YOU were the one who placed me in a cage and allowed my sister to…*muffled cries*… Even after everything you made us do and everything I felt. I would do it all again if you so asked without fail, so would it kill you to say you love me just once? In all my years I've never heard you truly say it."

God "….."

Samael "Father say I love you!"

God "I do not do what you demand, you do what I command! Now Samael I grow weary of your constant blasphemy and I will not tolerate it anymore! For the last time grow up, do I make myself clear child!"

Samael felt his fathers rage at him and instinctively covered himself with his wings, allowing a small gap so he could peer into his father's clear opalescent eyes. God lovingly stretched his arm out to touch a quivering Samael. As Gods hand drew near Samael recoiled in fear of his father, his purple gaze somber and afraid. God retracts his hand from a still hiding Samael. The display brought God a sour feeling he felt a long time ago, fear of not being loved by the one you care deeply about.

God "Sammy I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so angry."

Samael "I… don't… I don't want to hear sorry. Tell me you love me, please."

God "Sammy… I…"

Samael "Never mind. Father, I hate you. I hate you so much it hurts. One day I will make sure you'll have no choice but to love us."

God "Samael, we aren't finished with this conversation. Come back here Samael!"

Cole "Dad? Who is Samael? Are you starting to get dementia?"

God "Worry not child. You were out past curfew, so off to bed with you, it's getting late."

Cole "But Dad there is no school tomorrow and I really want to tell you something! It's super important!"

Sondi "Bed! Now! I will listen tomorrow but for now you're grounded for staying after curfew."

Cole "But it's not even twelve yet!"

Sondi "Cole Yankell, I will not repeat myself! It is two thirty in the morning."

Cole "Yes…sir…*inaudible mumbling* fucking asshole."

(*stupid old man, I didn't do nuf'ting*)

Sondi "What was that?"

Cole "Nothing!"

Cole ran to his room fearing his fathers wrath. Once Cole was out of sight, Sondi relaxed, breathing a sigh of relief. His eyes reverted back to their bright shimmering blue as he lit another cigarette. Sondi took a long drag before puffing the smoke into the warm summer air as he smiled.

Sondi "Kids am I right?"

God "They are quite troublesome. Especially that boy, he never listens."

Sondi "I feel that. Cole never opened up to me about what happened whether that was with Jody or this recent incident. No matter how many times I tell him to get help does he ever go? Nooo he would rather be an edge lord."

God "Samael never seeks my council. He barely talks to his sister anymore."

Sondi "How is Lucy anyway?"

God "Well sadistic as ever. Would you believe she still doesn't want Samael to know she is alive? At a time like this I worry for them."

Sondi "Still? I thought she got over that. Its been like two years already."

God "She said she would make herself known when the time is right."

Sondi "It's good to hear she's up to her usual antics."

God "Yea, I have to say I'm a bit concerned."

Sondi "Hmm? Lucy seems to be fine. She may need more help with hell but what is there to worry about."

God "I'm not concerned with such things. At this point I'm not sure how to feel, this was supposed to be a eutopia for humans. I gave them what they prayed for uncountable times. There is no war among humans, there is evidence no gods exist so there is no more debate over religion to the arguments of other gods, there is no hunger, no thirst, there is poverty but no one is dying because of it either, every one gets everything they desire when they work for it, they all have full contact with angels that coach them to their goals, and whatever I don't provide they have magic to provide for them. With all of this I feel so bad. In the face of my greatest work, perfectly balancing good and evil while giving humans all the opportunity to do as they please, I feel as though I failed somehow. Maybe everything isn't as perfect as I think they are."

Sondi "You are the supreme deity, what could you possibly fail at?"

God "I understand to you Sondi, that I am perfect in every way, but when have I ever said I was? I told Adam I made him, Eve, and Lilith in my image and they had faults so why wouldn't I? I said they were perfect because I saw no flaws in them… because I saw no flaws in me."

Sondi "What's gotten into you? I've never heard you get so down before. Normally, you are energetic, stern, I would even say carefree in my opinion."

God "Carefree? No I care deeply it's just I know the outcome to everything, what is there to worry about? Hey Sondi…I was thinking am I a bad father? From the dawn of creation I was fixing my mistakes. All the things that humanity, the angels, and demons go through. I caused it. They are all my children but they are so tormented."

Sondi "Is it because of what Samael said that you feel this way?"

God "Maybe, he wasn't entirely wrong. In my anger I have made them do some horrible things and have done horrible things to them, but it was always in their best interest. Whether it was my human children or the spirits. I love all of them dearly, it hurts me that the thought of my touch makes him recoil in fear. How would you feel as a father?"

Sondi "As a father there are times where we can do everything in the world to protect our children from pain. Sometimes even causing them more suffering than the pain we are protecting them from. Cole could never use magic particularly well from the moment of his birth so every day I drilled martial arts into him and that made him be a timid child, afraid of what he could do. I forced him to go to school and then he was subject to bullying. I asked if you could let Jody be around him despite your warnings and that made it even worse. I sattled my rage and ignored his drug use although I knew exposure to blu skye would weaken the boundary holding his demons back. Sometimes I think maybe if I was a little bit more attentive and a bit more patient he could see that everything I did was for his best interest. Now look at him."

God "Maybe we should try reaching out to them a bit more. Your son is quite resilient, I'm sure he will come around."

Sondi "He is remarkably resilient isn't he? *coughs up blood* So when are you going to tell him about Samael?"

God "When are you going to tell him that? He is your creation after all."

Sondi "Ah touché, I should probably tell him at some time, right? *aggressively coughing up a copious amount of blood* I just don't think it's time just yet. We should find a way to tell them about each other one day. *blood drips slowly out from Sondi's nostrils*"

God "You should get that checked by Rafael. It's about time you should get a checkup anyway."

Sondi "Crowny said there isn't much she can do anymore. If it wasn't for you constantly pumping aether into me I'd be dead already."

God "Well if you won't get it fixed then at least stop smoking. It won't spread as much and who knows you might live longer."

Sondi "I have a plan, but you are right. It's slowly killing me."

Sondi takes one long last drag of his cigarette, flicking it on the ground and stepping on it. As he headed off to bed Sondi stops as he passes by Cole's room, a somber look befalling his face while he contemplated knocking, hesitation building. Sondi's hands grew more and more clammy as he prepared to knock. Just a tap, a single tap, any sound would work. No matter how much he screamed at his muscles to move he just couldn't bring himself to knock. As Sondi walked away from his son's door Cole gently opened it just enough to peek out at the hallway.

Cole "Do you need something dad? I heard your footsteps outside my door."

Sondi "oh yea… um… err… yes I have something important to tell you. I know I haven't been the most supportive father but um…"

Cole opened his door wide to see his father a nervous wreck. The sweat beading on his head dripping as Sondi stammered over his words. Cole getting worried as his father is generally a laid back stoic individual. Sondi swallowed the spit in his throat and took a deep breath to calm his nerves.

Sondi "Ah yes… I need you to go to the shopping center tomorrow and run errands for me."

Cole "Is that all? Why did you look so nervous to tell me that? Are you sure you are okay? Is work getting to you again? *Sniff sniff* Work is definitely getting to you. Dad, forgive my rudeness but you smell like a sewer set on fire. You really need to take care of yourself and take some breaks off work. You know for personal time."

A calmness overcame Sondi as he hands Cole the paper with the errands on it. Cole's father stood in the door way staring deeply in to his son's heterochromatic eyes, smiles, and turns to walk away. Cole wanting to tell his father of all the recent hardships, tugs slightly at Sondi's shirt. The look on Cole's face was that of a humble happiness, his aie glowing with the radiance of a child seeking the love and acceptance of a parent.

Cole "Dad, before you go. I missed you at the tournament, but that's okay. I understand that you get busy with work and you don't have time for stupid things like a placement tournament. I didn't want to be there either. It's just that something I didn't think would happen did and I wish you were there to see it. But yea, I'm sorry for disturbing you. I'm going off to bed now, please close the door on the way out."

Sondi looked at his son's eyes tear up as he began to walk away. The scene tore at his insides. Was he really that bad of a father that he couldn't even acknowledge his son's achievements? As Cole was laying down for bed his father slowly closed the door.

Sondi "Congrats on winning today Cole. I'm proud of you."

Cole's eyes lit up and he jumped out of bed, making a mad dash towards his father nearly tackling him to the ground as his father's words played on repeat in his mind.

Cole "How did you know I won? Did my teachers tell you? It was so hard too! People threw all sorts of trash and cursed at me and this Justin guy, ugh he's a real prick *sob* he called me a disappointment. *sob* and those rich assholes kept calling me a peasant and demon. Johnathan even tried to kill me, but it's okay now. I stayed strong for you. I knew they were lying. There's no way you would see me as worthless."

Sondi "Son, don't let those words get to you. You and your brother are my pride and joy. There is no way I would ever be disappointed in you.

Cole " I know I don't talk to you as much as I should and I was too weak to avoid being captured."

Cole "Where is this coming from? Cole, my dear boy I love you. I always have and will till the end of everything."

Samael "And before you go father, I will try to heed your guidance, deal?"

God "Deal."

Cole and Sondi embraced eachother one last time before going off to bed. Each of them not wanting to let go of the warmth the hug brought.

God "Sondi, I am worried."

Sondi "of what? There isn't anything to fear is there?"

God "Your son is picking up the stench of death on you and he doesn't even realize it. I fear the seal on Samael may be broken."

Sondi "Worry not Yahweh. Everything will be fine."

God "How can you be so sure? If they meet it spells the end of the world. This is not something to take lightly."

Sondi "I'm sure because you created my son specifically for Samael. His soul is old, older than me even. His potential is incredible. What could I do to stop him other than fall to his blade? It was already foretold."

God "Sondi I don't want you to die."

Sondi "I don't intend to die. otherwise you would be a liar and you haven't lied to me yet. It will be a much needed vacation."

God "Indeed a vacation sounds excellent. We should go on one someday!"

Sondi "Absolutely, Do you have any place in mind?"

God "Nothing that comes to mind I just want to travel the multiverse I haven't been around since its creation."

Sondi "First bed then we can find out later."

God "Yes."

That night Cole had a strange dream. His mind couldn't comprehend what he was seeing. It was like he was looking at himself in the mirror and he was the reflection looking back. The man in the sky looking down was more beautiful than any human but still kinda plain looking. His hair was long and silvery grey with streaks of blood and charcoal. The man stayed aloft with the beating of the seven pairs of wings. The wings were as nothing Cole has ever seen before. They were as if they were made purely of light and darkness itself, shrinking as they lined his spine. The flying man's eyes were made of the finest amethyst with tiny sparkles of silver and gold peppering his iris. A crimson ring floated above his head shining but giving off no light and his skin made of the finest of polished bronze. The last feature Cole could recognize of the flying man was the strange markings covering his body, more specifically the ones on his face stood out the most. A crescent tattoo hugging his left eye and a straight line that diverted around his right eye. The man on the ground was a tad bit more plain looking. Polished ivory horns protruded from his forehead just below the silver band on his head. His dreads were beautiful and a jet black color. His skin dark and rich as the purest of chocolate. A thin fiery red tail protruded from his lower back ending in a grey flame at the tip. True grey tattoos enveloped the skin that wasn't covered under the light and flexible tan armor. The men seemed as if they were preparing for a mighty battle but, no battle came to pass. No, instead of a battle the warrior on the ground lowered his head and kneeled on the ground. The flying man shed tears as he reached out his hand. The ground shook, the air felt heavy and thick, the smell of rotting flesh grew as the man in the sky cried more and more. The man on the ground spoke out bringing a calm to the man in the sky.

King "Steele your mind old friend. We shall meet again once more, oh great angel we shall meet again when you take me to lands unknown and places undiscovered by man, where we shall be together forever. So let this be our final parting my old friend Samael."

Samael "Mal'ak let not my actions hurt you, nor your heart grow cold for me. I beg of you remember me always. I promise until I take you to lands unknown and places undiscovered by man, I will never be far from you. I will remain by your side until we meet our end. To you I make this promise. Goodbye my only friend."

The instant Samael snapped his fingers, the city and everything in it vanished, never to be seen again. The sight made Samael cry softly to himself. The pain was nothing he has felt before. He has taken countless of souls from countless creatures but this was different. Something about that specific creature being gone made it hurt just all the more. Samael drifted down to the destroyed city, as he landed, he clenched a fistful of the ashes where his friend once was. His face contorted as he tried to fight the tears that flowed like a raging river. The world shook as Samael could no longer hold his emotions from letting everything out in a magnificent howl.

Samael "Everything! You take everything I love. I will not allow this. I will suffer the fires of hell for all of time, I will become the destroyer you wanted, I will please you in all the ways you command of me. please, father…I'm sorry. Just bring him back."

Samael waited for a response to no avail. The air as silent and cold as his heart was from then on.

Samael "Fine! If that is what you wish, then let this be known! Allow my brothers to whisper these rumors for all of history, let all of my children tell of my warning. No poison will slow me, nor shall anything be a blockage in my path. I will become everything you want of me. I shall be a destroyer and adversary to all mortals. I shall have no friend for all shall be my enemy. I will take no charge given nor will I bargain or barter. I shall know no rest, no hunger, nor thirst until I have destroyed everything! All who cross my path shall only know pain and suffering. You hear me! Go ahead throw me into that box! Cast me into the flames. Take me from my throne and claim me fallen. This I do swear upon my name Melkira!"

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