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29.72% HUMAN? / Chapter 7: CHAPTER 7: His Ambition

Chapter 7: CHAPTER 7: His Ambition

Angelos "Cole are you ready for today?"

Cole "Not gonna lie, I'm terrified."

Deablos "Why?"

Cole "Because this is one of the most difficult times for me. Not only did I damn near kill someone but I did it in public view."

Angelos "Yeah true, but you also spared that one girl!"

Cole "After I broke her leg. People don't think like you two do. They will judge you based on the evil they perceive you may do rather than the good you have done."

Angelos "Yeah true, but humans have the wonderful capacity to forgive."

Deablos "I wouldn't be so sure. They will never forgive Jody."

Cole "Shhh it's starting"

Malick "Come one come all to the Trials of The Blessed. The trials will begin after I announce the rules. Rule one this tournament is a multi-level single elimination. The blessed will be given a number based on grades. The person with the highest grades will be number one and so on. Rule two a loss will result in the lower rank person staying at the rank, but in the event the higher rank person losses then the lower rank person will take their spot regardless of the difference in power. So if number sixteen is physically weaker but ultimately wins the match they will be number one. Rule three the killing of your opponent is not allowed. Rule four there are no out of bounds. If the fight goes outside there will be blow by blow coverage of the event through live feed. Finally the most important rule! Rule five have fun! While this event should be taken seriously, try to have fun when and where you can."

Deablos "Cole, remember how I told you that you can't take off the arm bands? You may remove them however, only when absolutely necessary okay?"

Cole "Fine, now hush I want to hear the pairings."

Malick "Now I hand the mic over to the proctor to announce the pairings."

Proctor "This tournament is for the first ballot will be hand picked, when the semi finals start the brackets will be drawn by lots. Please cheer for the competitors the school's aces Julissa Daneir and Aslalo Chafer! Contestants shake hands and begin when you are ready."

Aslalo "I won't go easy on you just because you're a girl."

Julissa "Good! I wouldn't have it any other way."

When they shook hands Aslalo sent a bolt of lightning through Julissa's body sending her to the ground.

Aslalo "Well that was quick?"

As Aslalo was about to step off stage Julissa stood up.

Julissa "Where do you think your going? The match isn't over yet."

Aslalo "OH! You're the one that has that healing ability right? I shoulda fried you then."

Julissa "Try me! I prepared for this all last night. I subjected myself to all sorts of torture, especially electricity."

Julissa ran at Aslalo as fast as she could trying her best to hit him. She threw her heart and soul into every attack, but Aslalo was too fast for her to tag.

Aslalo "You think you're the only one who spent time training? I'm the prince of Eden academy."

Julissa "Says who?"

In an instant Julissa knocked Aslalo to the ground. Without skipping a beat she followed up with a punch to his face breaking Aslalo's nose. Calmly Aslalo grabbed her arm and threw her on her back.

Aslalo "I was being nice since you're a girl, But you dare made me bleed!"

Julissa "Thought maybe you needed a reality check."

Deablos "Cole pay close attention. The match will be over soon."

Cole "Hmm? How so? It just began."

Angelos "She is right. He isn't going all out. Feel the air, it shifted ever so slightly."

Cole noticed the hairs on his arm started to stand on it's ends, sending a chill feeling down his spine.

Aslalo "Me? Need a reality check? You must not know who I am, let me inform you! I am the one that calls storms to a calm. I am the dragon that stands at the pinnacle of the Chafer bloodline. Master of the skys and lord of the land. Praise me in all of my wonders. Stand in awe of my power. Hear my call Chafer style thunder dragon!"

Julissa sprinted towards Aslalo delivering her strongest kick. As her leg reached Aslalo a bolt of lightning struck them, sending Julissa flying across the stage. The thunder clap shrouded Aslalo like a cloak of pure energy. Julissa quickly recovered preparing for a counter attack when she noticed a streak of light where Aslalo was.

Proctor "As you can see we at Eden academy have the most prestigious families in attendance. Aslalo Chafer is the oldest brother and next in line to inherit the Chafer bloodline as head of household."

Julissa turned around to see Aslalo behind her, defenseless to his attacks she was relentlessly thrashed around the stage at lightning speed. Each blow he landed sent lightning through her body.

Deablos "She won't be able to recover at this rate. Cole pay attention, this is the caliber of power you will be facing off with."

Angelos "She will not win."

Cole "Hush and watch the match. Fate isn't set in stone."

Suddenly a fierce shock wave was sent throughout the arena when Aslalo landed the final blow.

Aslalo "It's over. I told you to stand down. Learn your place, trash!"

Julissa fell from the sky crashing down on the stadium below. Barely able to move the proctor started the count down.

Julissa "It's over, what could a healer do? I was out classed from the get go. Mom, dad I'm sorry your daughter is such a failure. I wished someone believed in me, Just once. I worked so hard to be acknowledged, at least I lost to someone of some prestige."


Julissa "Is that the cursed child? Shut up. I'm a failure, I don't deserve to share the stage with him."


Julissa "Even if it's a one percent chance? Hmph such shit, but he has so much faith in me. It kinda makes me wanna try. Even if I can't win, I want to try! I WANT TO WIN!"

Julissa used every bit of strength she could muster to stand. The pain she experinced was nothing like anything she felt before, but she fought through it. Using the small reserves of magic she had she healed her injuries and smiled.

Julissa "HEY! Aslalo, it's not over yet."

Aslalo "Oh you won't make this easy will you. This is a pointless match. What is an ant to a god?"

Julissa "You walk up and down these halls thinking you are special, having people make a path for you like your some damn king just cus your rich. Hell you even have the teachers scared of your family. Well no more. I may not have the magic reserves of a normal student but I will do something only I can do."

Cole "See, you shouldn't judge too early. Just enjoy the match."

Deablos "What's this, character development? Cole are you starting to enjoy fighting?"

Cole "Deablos, very few times do I agree with you, but you may be on to something. It's definitely a good feeling. That battle of wills, isn't it the most human thing you have ever seen?"

Deablos "Most definitely."

Julissa "Secret art dazzling sun dance, scorch."

Proctor "Amazing! The sun dance is the fighting style of the Daneir family line, developed specifically for physical faith types to boost their physical abilities twenty fold. This is dangerous however, if she doesn't execute correctly she can burn her body to a crisp."

Aslalo "You think you scare me? A failure like you will break over your families weak style before you could even touch me."

Julissa "Normally you would be correct but, scorch is the perfected form of my families style. No normal Daneir has ever gotten this far. It rapidly burns calories then fat then muscle then the blood, even their bones. Everything will be lost to the flames until there is nothing left in exchange for a massive increase of power. instead of twenty fold, scorch boost my physical body to fifty fold its maximum output."

Aslalo "Ah! I get it. You're using your magic to rapidly heal the damage caused by the dance. This should be interesting."

With her body shrouded in the steam of her blood each step Julissa took melted the cement below her. Not letting her get too close Aslalo used his thunder dragon to dart around the stage, followed by Julissa at every step. The heat emitting from Julissa was intense and passionate.

Aslalo "You think keeping up with me some how puts us on the same level?"

Julissa "If it didn't why are you running?"

Aslalo "No reason in particular."

Matching Aslalo blow for blow Julissa gained confidence in herself. She felt as though she could genuinely win, but she had to hurry up. Her magic was quickly being drained from the strain of pushing her body to its utmost limits. Giving it everything she had, Julissa Landed attack after attack on Aslalo. Each blow, so hot it was like getting hit with the sun itself. Unfazed by her flurry of attacks Aslalo kept on running with Julissa close behind him. When she prepared to deliver the final blow, Julissa spewed blood all over the floor. Not letting it distract her from her target, she fought through the pain of her bones turning to ash.

Aslalo "Okay, no more games. Thunder dragon clap."

With a clap of thunder Julissa was stuck by lightning bringing her assault grinding to a hault. still not wanting to give up, Julissa tried to stand and was struck by another bolt of lightning.

Aslalo "Do you know how many times I hit you? Probably not, it was fifty times. I hoped you would get up so I could show you just how out matched you were. The thunder dragon on its own while fast isn't very powerful but, it does have a secret ability. Each strike leaves a mark on your body that calls a bolt of lightning on my command. I will not acknowledge your weak power. You will obey like the servant you are. If you so much as twitch I will strike you down. Now surrender, I wish not to cause further harm to you if I could avoid it."

Julissa "How noble of the prince, But I don't need your pity. So you can shove it prick."

Aslalo "Clap. Each bolt will get stronger and stronger, please surrender."

Julissa "Fu..."

Aslalo "Clap. Surrender!"

Julissa couldn't move anything but her eyes to give Aslalo a defiant look, as if to mock him.

Aslalo "Clap."

Each lightning strike made Julissa agonizingly spasm uncontrollably. Witnessing first hand the pain some one who is supposed to be good can do sent Cole into a fury.

Angelos "Cole you mustn't interfere. It doesn't concern you."

Cole clenched his hands so hard they started to bleed. He couldn't do anything but watch as Julissa was mercilessly struck over and over by lightning.

Aslalo "Learn your place. CLAP!"

The stage filled with light as the bolt of lightning turned into a giant dragon. Just before it struck the ground, the lightning suddenly shot past Aslalo barely missing him. To everone's surprise Cole had kicked the lightning, saving Julissa from its punishment.

Cole "What a weak style."

Aslalo "I didn't even see him move."

In a blink of an eye Cole was mere inches from punching Aslalo.

Aslalo "I can't avoid it. What do I do? Evanescence, help me."

Evanescence "The attack is unavoidable without using all of your remaining magic."

Malick grabbed Cole's arm before he made contact with Aslalo. The shock wave of his fist made Aslalo fall to the ground in fear.

Malick "Cole, it's rude to intervene in a match between two people."

Cole "Principal Malick, this is the second time you've stopped me. I'm starting to feel special."

Malick "Ohoho do you now? Then would you mind stepping down?"

Cole "Sure, Next time stop your students before I have to. It leads me to believe you want them to actually die."

Malick "I was way ahead of you."

Aslalo turned to see the proctor behind him ready to drop him at a moments notice.

Malick "Aslalo, I thought I made the rules very clear. Next time you try to kill anyone you will be disqualified."

As Julissa was being taken off the arena floor Cole's eyes met hers and for a split moment he heard her raspy voice.

Julissa "Thank you for believing in me."

Cole smiled, for the first time a classmate thanked him. It filled him with joy. Content Cole exits the arena after he gave Aslalo a dirty look.

Cole "Next time I won't miss."

Aslalo "Fool, I won't even let you get the chance."

Cole "We'll see won't we."

Proctor "With such a exciting conclusion. You can see, compared to yesterdays matches the blessed are on a totally different level. We aspire for all of our students to reach this status you see here today. On to the next match. Nichole Rienhart and Shawnte Jones. Shake and begin when you are ready!"

Nichole "This will be fun, hopefully! May Hades give you victory."

Shawnte "I hope so."

The girls shook hands and waited for the other to make a move. Neither wanting to give away their intentions stared deeply into the others eyes.

Nichole "Hades needs a sacrifice"

Shawnte "Well he will be very disappointed when it isn't me."

Nichole "I wouldn't be too sure."

Shawnte suddenly feeling nauseous started to puke all over the ground.

Nichole "Death comes to us all."

Shawnte "Ugh, weirdo."

Unable to shake the nausea Shawnte looked at her hand and saw a small black tattoo on her palm. Quickly remembering her opponents ability shawnte pulls a knife from her thigh and cuts her hand off. Creepily Nichole picks up the hand as it turned black then into ash in her hands.

Shawnte "Were you trying to kill me?"

Nichole "If that killed you, you wouldn't be a worthy sacrifice to Hades."

Shawnte "Ya know that gods ain't real right?"

Nichole "You take that back! YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"

Nichole was so infuriated with Shawnte's declaration she rushed her without thinking, but this is exactly what Shawnte wanted. Taking a small plastic pellet from her bag she made a glove to grab the incoming punch.

Shawnte "You can't do anything if you don't touch me. With this power I am as close to god as one can be you occult freak."

Growing a new hand Shawnte punches Nichole over and over. Without giving her a moments rest she tossed her to the edge of the ring. With the pain growing in her body from the abuse she just received Nichole stood up as she laughed erratically, striking fear into Shawnte's heart.

Nichole "Are you scared? Hehehe. Do I make you scared?"

Shawnte "I punched you in the kidneys, you should not be able to stand."

Shawnte frantically clapped her hands and slammed them into the ground, turning the stage where Nichole was standing into liquid rubber. Nichole laughed as she walked towards Shawnte, the rubber becoming black and fading to ash. With fear swimming in her mind Shawnte threw her entire arsenal at Nichole. Shawnte threw handfuls of pellets, raining down thousands of swords but, they all rusted to dust before they landed on her.

Nichole "Shawnte, The teacher misnamed my power. That's what you had a plan prepped for right? Death's touch. That's an ability of my true power, Purgatory."

Nichole lifted her arm to summon a massive scythe. Shawnte ran towards Nichole in hopes to stop the looming threat of death.

Shawnte "What are you doing to me?"

Nichole "Nothing. I injected you with a mild poison that makes you hallucinate. Nothing after you noticing the mark on your hand has happened. You've been going crazy bouncing on the stage throwing punches at thin air."

Shawnte "Impossible. That's beyond a normal human's ability."

Nichole "It's not my power, it belongs to lord Hades. See for yourself if you don't believe me."

Shawnte blinked as the world melted away to reveal that Nichole was right. There was no damage to the arena, her knife was never taken out, Nichole was in the same position she started at.

Nichole "See, the world is the same as it's always been."

Shawnte "So it's all fake huh? Well then I will show you the power that of a god!"

Nichole "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Shawnte attempted to throw her knife at Nichole, but fell to the ground before she could put any power behind it. Slowly Nichole walked to Shawnte picking up the knife and pricked her finger. Using the blood that came out, Nichole drew a symbol on Shawnte's forehead.

Nichole "Sleep, when you wake hopefully you praise lord Hades."

Malick "The winner is Nichole! Next match is Dexter Tronald Versus Johnathan Angel be nice and begin when you are ready!"

Dexter stretched out his hand in an attempt to shake with Johnathan, but he slapped Dexter's hand away.

Johnathan "I will shake your hand when we are equals."

Dexter "It's okay, everything is below the sun."

Johnathan "Whatever."

Dexter "How would you like to start this?"

Dexter's jet black hair started to streak bright crimson red like the fire surrounding him after being ignored by Johnathan.

Dexter "Okay! A silent match sounds fun!"

Dexter swings his arm unleashing a storm of fire raining down on Johnathan. Without much difficulty Johnathan dodges each fire ball. Not giving him an inch to get closer Dexter fires off another storm of fire. Each ball hotter than the last. Johnathan silently dodged each bit of fire that came close. Deeply furious Dexter's fire grew hotter and hotter making everyone in the stands sweat.

Dexter "If it's too hot for you I'll lower the temperature for ya."

Johnathan "I don't care either way, so can you please shut up and fight?"

Dexter rushed Johnathan with his passion set a blaze. As the heat grew closer Johnathan took a single breath waiting for the moment before Dexter made contact to release a massive gust of wind, extinguishing Dexter's flames and launching him into the stands.


Johnathan "Do you think I care? Either give up or shut up."

Dexter "Solar flame level three."

Proctor "This match is starting to heat up! The Tronalds have the ability to increase the power of their flames by releasing their solar level, I wonder what he will do next."

The flames around Dexter grew as they turned a shinning royal sapphire blue. As he walked back to the stage to face off with Johnathan the arena started to melt. The flames dissipated when he touched the arena leaving bright blue streaks in his black hair.

Dexter "The attacks I launched at you were to test how strong you are. Those flames burned around 800 degrees these will burn at 1,300 degrees."

Dexter swung his arm at Johnathan sending a barrage of flames his way. Johnathan dodged each blast, unable to get his footing he fell. Dexter didn't let this opportunity go to waste as he rushes Johnathan unleashing a fiery volley of punches and kicks. Johnathan was barely able to keep up with Dexter. Finally breaking through his defenses Dexter sent Johnathan flying into the air. Using his flames to propel himself upwards into Johnathan knocking him higher and higher into the air, eventually smashing through the ceiling of the building. With one finial attack Dexter sent Johnathan careening into the stadium. Landing next to Johnathan, Dexter felt satisfied with himself and turned his back proving to be his biggest mistake as Johnathan stood and hit him in the back of the head.

Johnathan "Don't turn your back on me, I'm just starting to get serious."

Dexter "Okay how about a wager? If you can survive my three strongest attacks I will surrender."

Johnathan "I'm not playing your games."

Dexter "Cole would be more fired up, I should have fought..."

Johnathan punched Dexter before he could finish his sentence.

Dexter "That's the spirit."

Dexter grabbed Johnathan locking him in place.

Dexter "I am Dexter, a child of the sun. Let my flames ignite in the darkness and burn all those who would dare defy my power. Allow me to shine brighter than the sun. Solar level three supernova."

Dexter started to glow a bright blue. The heat radiating off of him was enough to burn Johnathan's shirt off. Suddenly the arena was lit up by a bright flash. When the dust settled the only thing left in the area was the charred remains of Johnathan's clothes.

Dexter "Oh wow! I didn't mean to kill him, I thought he could handle it."

Johnathan fell down from the sky landing a blow on Dexter, hitting him so hard for a split second he passed out.

Angelos "Cole, pay close attention. I feel you may have to fight Johnathan."

Deablos "You see it too."

Cole "He is using the fact that wind is invisible to his advantage. I caught on when he jumped into the air. He stepped off of the sky and used his power to speed up his descent. Now he is using the wind to punch harder and faster. It just may be possible for him to hit you without contact. He's such an asshole. He isn't even going all out."

Angelos "Are you angry?"

Cole "No, Its a surprise for when I fight with him. I will make him respect me."

Dexter screamed from the pain, but he stood.

Johnathan "This is pathetic. Just give up already."

Dexter "Solar level four."

Dexter's blue streaks and aura turned a glowing white.

Dexter "No one has ever been able to pull this form out of me. I recognize your strength peasant, I'm not playing games anymore."

Johnathan "That's what you said last time."

Dexter "I am the one that scorches the sky. I am the dragon that stands at the pinnacle of the Tronald bloodline. A God of the skys and Ruler of the land. Praise me in all of my wonders. Stand in awe of my power. Hear my call Solar level four Tronald style Fire dragon!"


Dexter "Aslalo if I wanted your opinion I would've asked for it. Stay quiet, and learn your place."

Aslalo "Yes sir."

Cole "Hey Aslalo! What's going on?"

Aslalo "Shut up."

Cole "Aw man don't be like that. I may be fighting him in the secondary brackets. Please, If you tell me I will give you a good match."

Cole dropped to his knees and bowed. Blushing, not wanting people to see Aslalo made Cole stand back up.

Aslalo "Okay just promise to keep your mouth shut."

Cole "I promise."

Aslalo " He is my older brother on my mother's side."

Cole "But the Proctor said you were the oldest?"

Aslalo "Yes and no. I am the oldest Chafer not the oldest in my family. If I defy him I will be punished beyond the beating that girl got."

Cole "That's wild, you're stronger than him."

Aslalo "As if. My spell is a derivative of the fire dragon style. If I was a king he is a god."

Cole "So what got you all scared? I mean you just got slightly faster."

Aslalo "It's not the spell itself. It's the solar level, at that level he cam heat the air up to cause nuclear fusion like a star, In essence he has become a star itself. If he makes one single mistake he could set the world itself on fire."

Cole "Wow, don't worry he is making the air around him colder. Your older brother is pretty cool."

Aslalo "Yea he is awesome."

Cole "But you will surpass him. You'll see."

Johnathan prepared for an incoming attack but was struck from behind. As Johnathan tried to stand Dexter knocked him down and placed his shoes on his head.

Dexter learn your place. You think a peasant like you could really defeat me? Such trash, surrender before I get really serious."

Johnathan "How many times must I tell you to shut up?"

Johnathan expelled all the breath he had in his lungs, pushing as hard as he could to lift himself from below Dexter's foot.

Johnathan "Breath of the wind spirit number seven, subsection tango."

Johnathan kept inhaling and exhaling over and over until a tornado formed, lifting Dexter into the air. Quick on his feet Dexter used the tornado to his advantage by sending a barrage of fire balls down the eye of the storm. when the dust settled Johnathan stood across from Dexter.

Dexter "You have managed to get up, now fight me."

Johnathan using his wind ran at Dexter delivering a fierce combination attack. the hits that he landed sent shock waves throughout the arena. Having enough of the punishment Johnathan was giving him, Dexter countered by punching Johnathan's fist. The ensuing explosion blew the roof off of the stadium to the shock and awe of the audience the two continued their bout, each delivering a fierce attack to the other. Neither one letting the other gain any advantage.

Dexter "That's what I'm talking about! Yes! You are keeping up with me. All I wanted was for you to show passion in battle. To enjoy the thrills of a good fight. Show these up tight posers that even a commoner can do great things!"

Johnathan "Breath of the wind spirit number two, burning air."

Dexter stood still smiling as a wall of flaming wind approached him. The flames circled him, getting closer and closer. Dexter just calmly took a breath and absorbed them.

Dexter "Thanks for the faith! It was rather pleasant."

Johnathan "Breath of the wind spirit number two subsection bravo."

Suddenly Dexter started to cough up blood. His insides felt as if he was being torn apart cell by cell. He dropped to his knees in pain spitting up a small pearl, finally stopping the pain.

Dexter "Oh I get it. This was a two layered attack. First the flames to disguise the winds that were actually gathering in my lungs cutting me at a cellular level. Nice man. Nice but, it's time for my final attack. Solar level seven. This will be my final attack, after this i will not be able to continue this tournament, hopefully you survive."

Dexter's hair, eyes and nails turned a deep jet black as if to pull all light into himself. There was no heat radiating from him he appeared to be nothing but a point of darkness. Johnathan felt himself being pulled towards Dexter. The closer he got the harder it was to pull away.

Johnathan "Breath of the wind number ten subsection papa."

A gust of wind started to push Johnathan away from Dexter, but try as he might he was getting pulled closer and closer. Dexter Pushed his hands together, forming a small black dot that began to grow as it consumed the surrounding area. The audience held on to everything that they could. When the black dot reached critical mass Dexter aimed it at Johnathan. Johnathan turned pale with fear. He was slightly able to keep up with Dexter before but this is a whole new level, something he has never hoped to reach in his entire life. Just as he was about to say he gave up. Dexter cracked a smile and fell to the ground, using his remaining strength to point the ball of darkness towards the sky. A beam of pure light erupted from the sphere cracking the sky above. The air grew heavy and the sky darkened, water started to pour in. The drops hit Johnathan over and over, unable to move from the sheer amount of fear he was in. He knew in his soul, that if the beam had hit him he would've died.

Malick "Umm errr well, this was quite unexpected. Dexter passed out due to a lack of magic I guess? Johnathan is the winner! Please visit the healing station and prepare for you next fight!"

Cole "Hey, Hey Aslalo. Aslalo? Bud, can you explain that?"

Aslalo "I told you we aren't friends."

Just before Dexter was taken off stage Johnathan, grabbed his hand shaking it. Dexter faintly smiled one last time before he completely passed out.

Proctor "Um okay! next match! Camille Rivera vs Claude Rivera!"

Camille "Brother I don't want to fight."

Claude "Neither do I."

Camille "What should we do?"

Claude "Rock, paper, scissors? The loser resigns."

Camille "Okay!"

Claude & Camille "Rock! Paper! Scissors!"

Claude "YES! I knew I should have thrown out rock!"


Proctor "Camille losses by resignation! What a boring match! Jesse Hicks versus Dianne Trand! Please make this match Interesting, Shake hands and begin!"

Dianne pulled a gun from her hip and shot Jesse.

Jesse "OWW! What the hell that hurts!"

Dianne "Should'a been quicker to the draw partner."

Jesse "You have a gun. Proctor isn't that cheating?"

Proctor "Demons will attack with all sorts of weapons. Get used to it, and no weapons are allowed as long as the user doesn't kill another person in this match."

Jesse "That's so not fair."

Dianne shot Jesse in the thigh and foot.

Dianne "Quit yur yappin'! We ain't got the time for that."

Jesse "This is so not cool."

Jesse crossed her arms and pouted. Seeing it as another opportunity to take Jesse out. Dianne fired five more shots missing all of them. Deeply frustrated she kept shooting at Jesse until the recoil broke her wrist.

Jesse "Tell someone before you start shooting, that was super loud."


Jesse "*sigh* This is so ugh."

Dianne was felt weak in her knees, her vision started to blur and distort. She clenched her chest with a vice grip. The pain made her fall to her knees gasping for air.

Jesse "Proctor the match is totes over!"

Dianne lifted her gun to shoot one more shot but passed out before she could.

Proctor "Jesse hicks is the winner! Next match...."

Jesse "WAIT! Before you announce the next match I would like to thank my followers Laffy plat and on wonder world. Thank you all for supporting me. I would also like to thank my mom and dad for giving birth to the most beautiful daughter they ever had. I will...."


Jesse "That's awfully rude of you!"

Cole "Get of stage!"

Proctor "The next match will be Naiomi Nguyen versus Joshua Dewell! Shake and begin!"

Naiomi "Proctor the match is over."

Proctor "It hasn't even been a minuet yet."

Naiomi "Time is quite relative. For you a minute has passed for him in that condensed expanded space it has been a few hours. By the time he reaches me he would've died of old age, but its more likely that dehydration or starvation would get to him first. I will not stop the time space until you declare me the winner."

Joshua started to slowly action as if he was jumping. His actions were as if he is moving in slow motion. Not wanting to Further delay the testing process the proctor raised her hand and the match ended. This didn't settle with Cole, frustrated he grabbed Naimoi's hand as she was exiting the arena.

Cole "You should put more effort into respecting your opponent."

Naiomi "Let go of my hand. You with no formal training would never understand a battle between two trained fighters."

Cole "How am I supposed to understand without seeing it first hand?"

Naiomi "Hows about I show you?"

Cole "People like you really piss me off! Always looking down on those weaker than you. Disgusting."

Naiomi, although angered by Cole's words, saw no ill intent in them. He wasn't saying it to hurt her feelings but out of genuine concern for a fair match. his eye's showed no sign of wavering or a desire to deceive, but instead they showed her a naive and honest young man. It lit a spark within her soul she had long forgotten was even there. Trying to hide her blushing with stern contempt Naiomi gently removed Cole's hand and smiled.

Naiomi "How about you show me how a warrior is supposed to act? It will be a fun experiment."

Cole "Sure, just don't whine when you lose."

Naiomi Pat Cole on the head and gave him an innocent smile "I will try not to."

Cole turned his head to see the next fight was already over.


Deablos "Should've spent less time jaw jacking and more time watching. Now if you fight there's no way to know what their powers are prior."

Angelos "I'm inclined to agree, it was a foolish action of you."

Proctor "Next match! Justin Vadoo versus Cole Yankell! Shake And Begin!"

Cole "I'm pleased to meet you. I hope that you will forgive any harm I cause you."

Deablos "Cole, It is time. It's your turn to fight. Are you ready?"

Cole "No, not at all. No matter how much I enjoy the spectacle, being in the ring makes my heart race. I feel my nerves burning and I want to run away."

Angelos "Cole, calm your breathing. Steady yourself and get ready. You Are going to be thrown into the fight whether you want to or not."

Justin "I'm not so pleased to have a demon enter my sights and be allowed to draw breath."

Cole "That's impolite of you. I have done no wrong."

Justin "Done no wrong? None? What so ever? How about the scores of people sent to the hospital after yesterday? How about all those who have to live in fear that you will lose control and lash out on them like you did to the teacher?"

Cole "Shut up... I'm warning you."

Justin "Or what? You will drag me to hell with you?"



Justin's insults sent Cole into a frenzy his eyes glowing a bright red, Cole charged Justin without a second thought. Throwing his all into his punch Justin stopped it with one finger.

Justin "I know of your father, he must be so disappointing in having raised a weak son. He isn't even in the stands."

Cole "He was busy with work stuff aight! JUST SHUT UP!"

Justin blocking Cole at every turn with a tired and dreary face, almost as if he wasn't even trying. No matter what attack Cole threw at him, It was as if he shouldn't have even been there.

Justin "It's not so fun being picked on is it? To be the weak one. How does it feel to know that no matter how much strength you think you've gained it means nothing in the sight of true power?"

Cole "It feels like shit. I know first hand what it's like to be weak! To utterly be crushed underneath a stronger kid or be out done by someone smarter, I am trying to fix that."

Justin "Why don't you just start by killing a demon? Show people that you feel sorry and want to atone for what you've done."

Cole "Point me in the direction of one and I will send them to oblivion."

Justin points at Cole looking him in his bright red eye "Start with that one in your left eye. Just kill yourself for being possessed in the first place."

Cole stopped his assault and knelled in front of Justin. He waited for death to come as he stared into Justin's pity filled eyes. The world around Cole faded to black, when a knife fell in front of him. Slowly he picked it up. While he presses it to his abdomen a crowd surrounds Cole, shouting all sorts of obscenities at him.

Cole "*pffft* HAHAHAHAHA like I would actually kill myself. Come on man get real."

Justin "Just end it already. Die, you worthless pile of shit. It's not like anyone cares about you."

Cole "You are totally wrong. Jody loved me deeply, Angelos and Deablos as much as they annoy me love me, Jasmine became my friend when no one else would. Even though I'm weak, even though I'm a demon, even when everyone else abandoned me they never have hated me not once. They stayed by my side no matter what I have done and I will not let those feelings be in vain. If that makes me the ultimate evil THEN SO BE IT!!!!!!"

Cole launched at Justin delivering a fierce headbutt shocking the entire arena. Like a Colosseum cheering on the commoner about to be devoured by a lion, the crowd roared in excitement.

Cole "Shut up with your values. I am Cole Yankell, and I will never falter!"

Justin "We shall see won't we."

Justin waved his arm and launched hundreds of fire balls at Cole. as they approached him, Cole's legs started to shake. They were speeding towards him barely able to keep up, Cole dodged as much as he could before getting caught by one, burning his leg severely.

Deablos "Cole, focus aether into your eyes. You should see a small cross hairs appear, It will make them appear slower. These are called the eyes of god and it comes in three distinct forms. Basic, advanced, and true. Each one is exponentially more powerful than the last."

Cole "Is right now the time for teaching? I'm in the middle of a fight!"

Cole faithfully followed his teachers advice and within an instant the once speedy fireballs slowed down to a crawl allowing Cole to easily dodge them.

Justin "Oh? You can handle that huh? Try dodging this. In the wasteland of frost. I stand alone, all shall scream from the stinging of the frozen air. Icicle palace."

Thousands fast ice shards fell from the sky, crashing into the ground where Cole stood. Justin walked to the giant icicles sticking out of the ground expecting a bloodied body and a victory was surprised to find nothing, not even a shred of clothing.

Justin "Oh, Would ya look at that. I killed my first demon."

Cole "I wouldn't say killed, pissed off maybe."

Cole punched through the ice sending Justin careening into the wall. Enraged Justin launched another round of fire then another round of ice. While Cole was distracted by the attack Justin grabbed his arm leaving a weird looking tattoo on Cole's hand. Confused Cole threw Justin away from him with a swing of his arm. Not letting up one bit Cole followed him sending out a wave of devastating attacks, by the time Cole had finished Justin was covered Head to toe in bruises.

Cole "Just give up. I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have. It's really not fun."

Justin "Shut up, I'm not done with you yet."

The bruises on Justin vanished almost as quickly as they appeared. Cole prepared for another attack but was blindsided from behind, knocking him to his knees. Before Cole could recover Justin Kicked him over and over, Beating him into the ground.

Justin "Come on! I want to beat you at your full strength! Let's see what that demon can do! Come on show yourself you demonic fuck!"

Cole "NO!"

Justin "Fine, then you will just die."

Deablos "Calm down and remember your training. Breathe, get in a ready stance, and prepare for the attack. Right now, would be a perfect time to use what I taught you the other day."

Cole " I'm not confident in the external use of aether just yet though."

Angelos "Don't worry, Deablos is a good teacher. I trust her, just do what she said."

Justin " This is my most powerful original attack. how about that for a cheap knockoff?"

Cole "I dunno man, still sounds like you're unoriginal to me."

Justin "My power is for all. All power is for me. In me it is one. Above all I stand as the original. All else is mere copies. Ethereal magic song one verse seven original copy."

The tattoo on Coles hand grew up his arm burning as it dug into his body. Justin descended from the sky as calm as a pond on a gentle summer day. Unwavering and unmoved by what surrounded him he took the same fighting stance as Cole.

Cole "Even your original attack is just being a fake."

Justin "Ethereal magic has no form or shape. It couldn't affect the physical environment no matter how hard I tried, but it can mimic the effects of others. This move however not only can affect the physical environment, but it can also copy the original to exact detail. A one hundred percent replica of my opponent's ability and adds a multiplier to it."

Cole "One hundred percent replica? I could see how that would be dangerous to anyone else, but in my case I would seriously recommend that you use something else."

Justin "Oh scared are we?"

Cole "No just trying to save you a hospital visit."

Justin cracked a smile and launched at Cole using the martial art Deablos taught him. His movements were sharper than a knife. The faster Cole became to avoid getting hit the faster Justin became. Before long Justin was landing solid blows on Cole breaking his jaw and several ribs.

Deablos "See how effective kicking down like that is? Why can't you be like that? Damn I should'a taught him instead."

Cole "Oh screw you. I'm trying my best. It's uncanny how exact his power is. It's like he downloaded my body."

Angelos "The ink in the tattoo seems like nanotechnology that is directly wired to your brain through the blood pathways. Whatever you know he does also. However, it seems like Deablos' instinctual fighting skills are being used. So, it's quite possible he isn't thinking about what he is doing."

Cole "Interesting. I think I have an idea."

Cole stopped dodging and started to counter Justin. Even if it was futile Cole pushed onward to the best he could.

Justin "How's the taste of your own power? Your physical strength and speed is awesome. It kinda pisses me off you were holding back our entire fight. This could've easily been over."

Cole "I don't like to fight. I was forced to do this. If not I wouldn't have even attempted to learn this."

Justin "Like any other weakling."

Cole "Okay, breathe. Draw the energy from outside in and pull the energy from inside out. Focus on what you want and the output ratio and push!"

Suddenly a blast of energy shot by Justin missing by mere centimeters. Cole fired shot after shot to keep Justin off his feet and at a distance. Feeling more confident he focused as hard as he could drawing a large amount of energy into the palms of his hands.

Angelos "Yes! YES! Cole repeat after me."

Cole "Angelic forge. Materialize Steel. Hammer, fold, hammer, fold, hammer, fold, hammer. Heat, and cool to temper. Heat, hammer, hammer, hammer. Quench in oil. Angelic enchantment attunement flame."

Justin "Is that your sorry attempt at using magic you crippled demon? I can do that too ya know?"

As Cole stretched out his arm the air cracked as if the very fabric of space and time fractured for him. With a slight tug he pulls out a flaming sword.

Cole "Come forth my angelic blade. Sword of flame."

With one swing of his sword a surge of crimson carved through the air. Justin easily dodging the attack chuckled. Cole stared blankly at his hands disappointed with his attack.

Justin "What was that? It was so slow I didn't even need to use your eyes to dodge."

Cole "Really not appreciating the name calling."

Justin, pleased with himself laughed at Cole as the roof of the gymnasium slowly slid off, crashing into the ground. Justin looked up in shock, as a warm wet feeling slid down his body in various parts.

Justin " There's no way that one slash cut the roof off and me at the same time. He did something. Giorna replay my memories."

Justin focused on Cole in his memories. To his horror he saw Cole cut six times in all directions before he slashed at him.

Justin "Did he move faster than I could see? No, I have a times twenty multiplier on his physical output he shouldn't even be able to move that fast. He must be using magic. So, If I use his ability then at the current multiplier I should be able to outdo him. I should hurry up. I'm almost out of magic. Giorna focus all remaining magic in copying what he just did."

Giorna "Sir I don't think that..."

Justin "You don't think! You just do! What's with you? How are you even able to be unsure? How are you even able to think freely? It must be this weirdos brain messing with your programming. Whatever I don't care what you think, do as I demanded!"

Giorna "As you wish sir."

Justin "Angelic forge. Materialize Steel. Hammer, fold, hammer, fold, hammer, fold, hammer. Heat, and cool to temper. Heat, hammer, hammer, hammer. Quench in oil. Angelic enchantment attunement flame. Come forth my angelic blade. Sword of flame."

Justin stretched his arm out mimicking Cole's earlier movements and pulled out a flaming sword. The power that flowed through him sent shivers down his spine.

Justin "So this is his magical output? But I don't feel magic. I don't feel anything coming from this sword. The weight, shine, every detail is accurate, it's as if it was an actual sword. That's impossible, you can't make something from nothing. How did he do it."

Giorna "Sir seriously, that boys angelic program has broken the taboo. No human can just touch divine weapons. You should reconsider fighting."

Justin "I said shut up!"

Justin swung his sword at Cole sending his crimson blade down on his neck. The sparks flew as the metal pinged off each other. The flames scorched the ground where they stood. Each swing cut cleanly into the ground below. The clashing of their blades were symbols in the band of battle. Neither side giving an inch to the other. When Justin looked into Cole's passionate and pain filled eyes for the first time the entire match he felt that Cole truly didn't want to fight. Maybe it was because he stole his abilities, but he felt it. Cole's nonexistent battle sense. He felt it every time they clashed. There was absolutely no malice in Cole's blade, no hatred in his eyes, no intent to kill or to even do harm in his attacks. It was akin to fighting thin air on a calm day or a void of nothingness. Unlike the others Cole fought who found honor in the humble warrior known as Cole Yankell, Justin was infuriated, getting more and more aggressive. The look in Justin's eyes were full of hatred. Each of his attacks were becoming wild and feral as the flames of wrath grew in his heart. All the work he put in to perfect his ultimate attack. The tears he shed for hours, the pain of sweat entering his eyes, the blood he coughed up from pushing past his limits. He wasn't blessed due to natural talent like the rest he worked hard day in and day out no matter the weather, the pain he endured, the ridicule he faced. It was nothing if it meant he was able to perfect his magic. Just when he thought he had reached the top. Just when he had grasped the sun it was nothing but a mere mirage. A pipe dream that this good for nothing demon stole from him. Justin started to growl as his eyes shifted red. Tears of blood streaming down his face, his hair grew, his teeth and nails grew and sharpened. Barely able to hold his sword anymore Justin slammed down as hard as he could sending Cole crashing into the ground below.

Cole "Justin, trust me when I say I know what you are feeling right now. The embarrassment of losing, the fear of dying, the agony of trying as hard as you can and still not being able to touch the hair of someone else. I fully understand what it means to be weak and the desire to be accepted even if it's by one person. I just want you to know. I accept you. I accept everything you are and everything that you will be. If it means I have to die in order for you to feel the same way then so be it."

Cole moved his blade from in front of him opening himself up to be stabbed by Justin. Lost in his rage Justin caught a glimpse of his blood red eyes in the brake of the fire surrounding Cole's blade. In a moment's hesitation the backlash of Cole's power kicked in, sending him howling to the ground in torment. It was as if he was being set on fire and ripped apart at the cellular level. While Justin was writhing in pain Cole stood up and dusted himself off.

Cole "I guess I was right."

Angelos "How did you know?"

Cole "It was a gamble. Either his magic mimics or mirrors his opponents. At first I thought he simply mimicked me because he didn't have any aether being built up but he was keeping pace with me. Then he built the sword. That's when I knew he mirrors and it's an exact copy. He would have to use aether in order to copy me. It was only a matter of time before the improper mixture took effect. When his heart wavered, his brain stopped unconsciously mixing them in a fifty/fifty mix. The wolf application didn't help as it just raised his heart rate forcing all the aether around his body to run wild and since I don't know how to control aether in that state yet, he didn't either making it further spiral out of control. Truly my own intelligence scares me."

Deablos "No part of that was intellect! That was a pure guess! If you were wrong, you would have died! Cole if you die and I break my promise there will not only be hell to pay but I wouldn't forgive myself. Don't put yourself at risk like that again!"

Angelos "I didn't want to say anything, but she is right. Cole what would you have done if you were wrong? He lost all sensibility. You really would've died!"

Cole "And? It's not like he was wrong. I am evil and nothing I do will ever change that. So, if I die then that's one less demon in the world."

Deablos "Replaced by another because of his own hatred that turned him."

Cole "We should probably fix that."

Deablos "Don't you ignore me, we aren't done talking yet."

Cole "Yeah, yeah. I get it don't risk my life on dumb guesses. Fine, can we fix him?"

Deablos "As long as you understand that. To fix him just place your hand on him and pull the aether out. He was merely copying you, so the full demonic malfunction hasn't taken hold yet."

Cole placed his hand on Justin's chest. Gripping tightly Cole pulled a small ball of light out of Justin and swallowed it. Within seconds Justin's eyes turned blue and he reverted back to his normal appearance. With Justin lying unconscious on the ground Cole started to walk off stage assuming he had won.

Giorna "Hey Justin? Are you okay? Get up. It's not just Cole who believes in you. Get up!"

Justin "His martial art is similar to the one you taught me. Gio, you broke the taboo too didn't you? It's okay you don't have to say it. You're right, we didn't work this hard to just give up! Not here! NOT NOW! grrraaaaah!!!!!"

With every bit of strength, he could muster Justin stood up and punched at Cole. He put everything on this one punch. If it could reach him, just touch the hairs on his chin that would be enough. It would be enough for Justin to know he isn't a failure. That there is something to work towards still. That his goal is still within his grasp. He can reach out and grab the sun. As Justin's fist quickly approached him Cole felt that it didn't have enough force to do anything to him. With a simple smile Cole turned and allowed himself to be punched. For a split second Justin saw something strange. He saw a brimming shining light surrounding Cole. Cole's energy was nothing like Justin's instead of dark and ominous it was warm and loving. It was like a passionate fire burning all the hate and darkness in his heart away. Just before he fainted Justin smiled slightly and faintly spoke to Cole.

Justin "Next time, I'll kill you for sure."

Cole "Next time bud but, I'll be much stronger then."

Before Justin could touch the ground Cole caught him, letting him down to rest as gently as he could.

Proctor "A-A-Astounding folks Cole Yankell pulls out a once in a lifetime victory and advances to the next round! Mr. Malick do you have any words?"

Malick " Actually yes I do. I would like to thank everyone here for showing up and our students for putting on an amazing show. Each of them win or lose put in incredible amounts of effort each day, striving to be the best they possibly can be. As a graduate of this fine academy I can say these are some of the strongest freshmen I've ever seen, and I couldn't express in words how proud I am of all of them. The next round will be a power rating match up. The maximum power output will be matched with someone of similar ability and skill. We will also be taking a short break to recover from injuries and to replenish magic. You all have one hour to return before we start the next match ups. Alright dismissed."

Proctor "Can we get all the winners to the stage, we have to put out important information before the next round."

The crowd dispersed leaving none in the broken down gymnasium but the contestants. Patiently they waited as their injuries were being healed by the medics. For Cole this treatment was rather shocking. He normally is treated like filth on the sidewalk but now he is being catered to. The healing magic of the medics shone a therapeutic beige, removing all wounds as if it never happened.

Cole "Hey man, thanks! This feels great, like I'm being massaged all over! What's your name? Mine is Cole Yankell but you can call me Cole.

Mordicai "Mine is Mordicai Merrachi. It is an honor to heal you Mr. Yankell."

Cole "Mordicai was it? Don't worry about the formalities dude. We are all equals here."

Mordicai "No, no surly not. I'm a lowly medic not even the best in the room. Surly someone as strong as you is easily above me."

Cole "Mordicai don't beat yourself up. I can tell hard work when I see it. Your soul shines differently than the other medics. It's much, much larger. You must've trained really hard to get where you're at."

Mordicai "No not nearly enough. I can't do much more than heal basic injuries. The others can heal all matters of illnesses."

Cole "Learn to take a compliment damn it!"

Mordicai "Thank you sir..."

Cole " I told you call me Cole."

Mordicai "Cole, we are all rooting for you. There are those who doubt you, but for people like me, y-y-you've given me hope that I can be better even if I'm a cursed child! If a cursed childlike yourself is this strong then maybe I could be too one day. I and many others believe in you."

Cole turned to face the medic with a broken smile and tears streaming down his face. Try as he might to fight the tears, it was too late. Before Mordicai could react Cole hugged him and gripped so tight his back cracked. Not wanting others to see him Cole buried his face in Mordicai's shoulder and silently let his emotions surface. Mordicai placed his hand on Cole's back gently petting him in support. They shared the same pain and burden.

Cole "Thank you. Thank you so much. I needed to hear that."

Mordicai "It's kinda embarrassing since I have a few years on you, but we have all been there Cole. It's okay to not be okay."

Cole " Thank you. I'll do my best and not let your faith in me go to waste."

Proctor "Now that your injuries have healed, we have to discuss the elephant in the room. Look! Just because you were told not to hold back doesn't mean you can just tear down the building all willy nilly we get limited funding for repairs. LIMITED! Do you have any idea how much that will cost? Any more damage and you'll be paying for it."

Cole "You would think that a bunch of magic users could fix a roof."

Proctor "What was that?"

Cole "Nothing!"

Malick "Proctor leave the kids alone. I'll pay for the damage. They are still learning, growing and testing their limits. Let them have a little fun. Anyway, you kids have managed to make it to the semi-finals. First I would like to say congratulations. Secondly whatever is said from now on is only for your ears as it hasn't been announced to the public just yet. You are now a specialized unit that will keep the good order and discipline in this school. The only people who will out rank you are me and the Proctor. The student council will make the rules and I will approve them if they are within reason. From now on you have the responsibility of assigning missions to the students and teachers. The student council president has the final word on all matters within this school regarding the student body."

Jesse "Woah, woah don't you think this is totally unfair. Like we are mostly only what fifteen?"

Malick "Jesse dear, it wasn't told to the public but there are reports of demonic programs professing their loyalty to the Lucifer program and are searching for something. We don't know what just yet, but they are killing people. So far there are fifty dead with indications of demonic attack. As such we are going on the offensive there are not enough forces to protect all of Eden right now. That's why they are making us do this. I fought in the war fifty years ago and let me tell you demons don't care. They will rip you apart for fun. They don't care if you were in their way, if you helped them, if you pledged your loyalty. They will cannibalize their own for a bit of power. Please understand if we could stop you from going into battle we would but this comes from the A.I. above all itself. It's orders are absolute."

Aslalo "If the God A.I. is getting involved it must be serious."

Johnathan "Then just kick the red eyed fucks out. They are a dredge on society anyway. We can start with the halfling over there."

Cole "I don't have a good grip on my power just yet, but I will defend myself."

Johnathan "Don't be so sure of yourself! I will kill all of you red eyed fucks. That girl will pay for what she did."

Cole "You touch a hair on her head an I'll..."

Malick "ENOUGH! Johnathan I like your energy but it's not as simple as that. They are humans to some degree."

Proctor "Not to mention the fact that they are hiding in plain sight. There is a street drug that is going around in secret called blu Skye. In normal people it makes them euphoric and docile so their programs can be corrupted easier or eaten. It's highly addictive and will make people defend the demon that supplies them. It also has the bonus affect or turning a demons A.I.E blue. While the drug is in effect there is no way to tell the difference between an angelic and demonic program. Besides not everyone with a demonic program sympathize with their cause and never harmed anyone."

Malick "Be careful they get hundreds of times stronger right after a fresh meal. They can retain a portion of that strength if they have fed multiple times, recently we found if they have devoured a particularly strong opponent then they will gain equal knowledge of the person they devoured. Magic and all."

Cole "OOOO scary!"

Malick "sarcasm aside, you are the people who will be apart of the main student body, so this information doesn't leave this room understood? Good! We must begin the matches. The predetermined list is Nichole versus Johnathan, Naiomi versus Cole, Dianne versus Angillina, and Aslalo versus Claude. Any questions?"

Johnathan "Why am I the first one up?"

Malick "That is purely based on your laziness, if you showed more effort in your matches then we would have placed you higher. Stop being so spoiled."

The crowd shuffled into the gymnasium with a silent roar, bellies filled from the concession stands and fresh from the rest rooms ready to sit and cheer on their favorite fighters. The proud parents and honored guess of the blessed children pulled their recording devices out to capture their child's proudest moments or to collect embarrassing moments for future family events. The contestants smiled and waved at their parents as they left the stage except for Cole, he hung his head in disappointment and awkwardness. Cole had searched high and low but neither of his parents were found. The tears stinging his eyes as he held them back, not letting a single one moisten his cheek.

Naiomi "You are quite the sensitive one aren't you?"

Cole "Shut up! You don't know anything."

Naiomi "That's not right? I'm pretty sure I've been watching you for a while."

Cole "That's so creepy, weirdo."

Naiomi "You are correct it is quite a strange behavior. However, we are kindred spirits no?"

Cole "No! I want no part of you."

Naiomi "Don't say such mean things. It isn't very noble of you."

Cole "I'm not noble, I'm an evil demon so just leave me alone."

Naiomi "The lies we tell ourselves."

Cole "It isn't a lie! Look at my eyes! One is bright red. See demon! I'm evil."

Naiomi "I also see one blue, filled with angelic kindness and a lot of pain."

Cole "Ugh, whatever."

Naiomi took a bow in front of Cole, taking him back a few steps.

Naiomi "My name is Naiomi Nguyen. Pleasure to finally meet you Cole Yankell. I hope you enjoy our match and don't cry when you lose."

Cole in a fit of rage grabbed Naiomi by her hair lifting her onto the tip of her toes and tossed her onto the ground.

Cole "I am not noble, I am not kind, I am not in any pain, and I most definitely will not lose! Stay away from me weirdo."

Naiomi brushed the dirt off of her skirt, walking silently to the opposite corner of the arena with a smile and stared at Cole. When Cole caught Naiomi staring he flipped her off making her blush and look away.

The energy on the stage dead and vacant, similar to a graveyard but not quite. The proctor grabbed the microphone banging her knuckle against it to break the silence.

Proctor "Welcome back everyone to the second round of the blessed tournament! We will be starting off our matches with Nichole Rienhart versus Johnathan angel! Remember you two you are being graded so make sure you go all out! When you are ready shake hands and BEGIN!!!"

Nichole reached her hand out to shake with Johnathan as the proctor asked. Johnathan reluctantly stretched his hand out to shake with Nichole as he noticed a very faint but potent purple haze emanating from her hand. Johnathan lowered his and stared deeply into her eyes with hatred mixed with disgust.

Johnathan "Is this how you won your other match? I thought something was strange when she swung wildly at the air."

Nichole "Whatever do you mean? Lord Hades gave me that win fair and square as a blessing! If his will is as such I will get this win too."

Johnathan "Reality is often disappointing."

Nichole "Yes it often is.."

Johnathan Launched himself into the sky and gathered as much wind into his body as he could, to the point his lungs started to tear from the cycling blade of wind.

Johnathan "Breath of the wind spirit number one section bravo. Wind scythe."

Nichole "Dark arts ghastly illusions hehe."

Nichole disappeared in a purple haze as the wind blades sliced right through her. Everywhere she appeared Johnathan sliced through her time and time again to no avail.

Johnathan "The same trick wont work on me twice. Breath of the wind spirit number four section Echo."

Johnathan stepped off of the air, crashing into the ground with a deafening boom of wind, dispelling the Purple haze coating the arena. Nichole panicked as this was the first time anyone was able to counter her powers. She wasn't very physically strong and as an emission type she couldn't bolster her strength in order face Johnathan in a direct one on one, with little options she ran away from Johnathan praying desperately for her god to save her from her attacker.

Nichole "Lord Hades, this is your daughter wishing to speak with your majesty. I am in need of your assistance, please allow Cerberus to devour this mean bully! Dark arts animal summon hell hound master Cerberus."

The ground began to shake as a large hole ripped through the arena. Brightly glowing magma and foul smelling sludge burst out from the ground. Fire and the screams of the damned souls violently screamed out as it formed it's shape into that of a three headed demon dog. Johnathan assumed this was another one of Nichole's idiotic attempts at deceiving him, blasted it with a powerful gust of ripping winds. To his dismay not only was it an actual beast it was also pissed and locked onto Johnathan. Gnarling as it charged at Johnathan and gripping him with its teeth, seemingly ripping him to shreds, Nichole sighed a breath of relief as she patted its head and gave it a chunk of meat from her pouch sending him to dig into the ground and disappear. Just as the proctor was ready to disqualify Nichole for killing someone Johnathan suddenly appeared before her placing his hand on her mouth.

Johnathan "You aren't the only one who can create illusions. This match is over."

Nichole "Says who? My god is on my side. Dark arts magical summon magicians staff."

Nichole reached her hand out to grasp a plain wooden stick. It didn't look like much but an old tattered staff with a beautiful but very ominously glowing black gem at the top. Nichole firmly gripping the staff with both hands letting out a demonic roar, her A.I.E. turning red briefly catching Cole's once vacant attention. She not only was in control of her eyes, but it was as if she used it as a temporary boost to her abilities. With a child like wonder Cole watched as she slammed the staff into the ground releasing a large cloud of purple smoke and her eyes turn blue before she disappeared from his view. Johnathan gripped her tightly in the smoke, being struck the instant Nichole realized it. With a puff of purple smoke Johnathan disappeared, appearing in multiple places all at once. Nichole's knees felt weak, her arms heavy dropping to her arms to her side as all the Johnathans turned into smoke left her alone in a black void with a dark ominous figure with glowing red eyes. Nichole dropped to her knees in fear of this figures wrath, begging for mercy.

Nichole "Master! Lord Hades! I am so sorry. I will do my best to bring you more lives to serve you for eternity, I just promise! Please forgive me."

The dark figure spoke to Nichole. As they conversed the audience waited confused as what they saw was Nichole bowing on both knees to Johnathan, spouting non-sense to a nonexistent god. To Nichole it was very real. She was face to face with her perceived benevolent god, speaking with him, and he with her.

Johnathan "There are no gods in this world. If there were humans wouldn't suffer, grow old, and eventually tragically… die like filth on the side of the road begging for salvation!"

Nichole "My lord, with my dearest apologies I must say that you are wrong. You surly exist. You are before me."

Nichole's fear and anxiety grew every passing second. The panic and despair of failing her god clouded her mind all the while Johnathan felt nothing but pity for the girl before him. To him Nichole, was a fool to believe in the supernatural. They amounted to nothing more than childish fairy tales and empty promises by people who had zero understanding of reality.

Patt_toon07 Patt_toon07

Hey guy's RDS here, for my new readers I would like to welcome you to the Red dragon nation(RDN). To my old readers I am sorry I posted sporadically over the course of this tale. My life has been equally chaotic and I know that is no excuse, but I wanted to make sure I put out the best story I can for you guys and girls! However there is very good news! the hiatus is over, I will also try to have a consistent upload schedule. Thank you so much for your support!

STAY SAFE! I don't want any readers falling ill during this trying times.

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