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24.32% HUMAN? / Chapter 5: CHAPTER 5: Revival

Chapter 5: CHAPTER 5: Revival

Angelos "Cole, wake up. It's your first day of school today."

Deablos "Wake up asshole you got shit to do."

Cole "Do you have to be a bitch?"

Deablos "Why thank you, I try. "

Cole "Shut up and tell me what's on the schedule for today. "

Angelos "You have breakfast in ten minutes. School from eight to three, and you have to study when you get home from four to five, and six is time for dinner."

Cole sat down to eat breakfast. He ate the same thing every morning. Seven strips of bacon, four pancakes, three scrambled eggs with hot sauce pepper and a pinch of salt, a cup of water and a cup of apple juice. He always finished at the same time and did the same thing each day. The only way cole felt he had any control of his life was to stick to the same routine the same way every day. This is the dreaded day, the start of his senior year. Cole ran out the door he thought to himself how long until he can be anti-social again. He had peace even though it was short lived.

When Cole arrived at school, it was the same. He could even tell the next line out of a couple's mouth before they even spoke. He could also tell when a teacher would come to scream at late students. To Cole, each day was just a cycle of bullshit. The same thing the same way over and over and over.

Angelos "Cole don't be down. New year new you. "

Deablos "Fuck that, those people are all fucked in the head worse than you. "

Cole "Fuck off, both of you."

Cole did his best to ignore their arguing. When class started, Cole sat down and waited.

Mr.Grolo "Okay class, let's go around the room and introduce ourselves. I'm Mr.Grolo, and I'll be teaching you to use your programs properly as your homeroom teacher. I eat a cheeseburger once a month, and a fascinating fact is I was a river dancer. "

One by one, the class went until it was Cole's turn. He stood quiet for a bit.

Cole took a deep breath and spoke as confidently as he could "Hi, my name is cole Yankell, and I have two A.I.E programs. The red one was gifted to me by a friend that passed away. I haven't been in a classroom in a long time, so I hope I don't come across as rude and I look forward to being friends with all of you."

Mr.Grolo "Why? "

Cole "Why what?"

Mr.Grolo "Why do you have one red and one blue? By all means, it should turn blue."

Cole "I don't feel comfortable answering that question. I'll answer any other one you have."

Mr.Grolo "Mr.Yankell you are in my class, so when I ask a question, I expect an answer. I will ask again. Why do you have one red and one blue?"

Cole "And I'll say again I don't feel comfortable answering that question. There is no need for an answer to that."

Mr.Grolo "The need is the safety of my classroom. Now answer my question!"

Cole "My friend, chocking on her own blood gave it to me as a last request, and I took it. I was told it stays red because of the trauma I went through and still am going through."

The class sat in sympathetic silence, fearful that Cole may lash out if they reacted in any other way. Cole looked around and hated the fact they felt that way. He felt the rage burn like the inferno of hell. How dare they pity him, look down on him as if he was someone who needed their help. Just before he spoke a girl from the back of the class stood up.

Jasmine "All of you are utter trash bags. Thanks for sharing Cole but your little sob story won't get any sympathy from me."

Mr.Grolo "Jasmine that is rude. Don't you feel anything for his loss?"

Jasmine "No, no, I don't. Maybe if he came to me and actually wanted to talk about it, I would hear him out but now no. You people act so sophisticated, with your A.I. as if you're any better than Nazis."

Mr.Grolo "That's nonsense, how is looking after the best interest of my class the equal to a Nazi?"

Jasmine "The fact you can't see it is proof of your privilege of not facing a trauma."

Cole "Can I take my seat now?"

Mr.Grolo "Yes you can. Cole let me know if you need anything."

Cole turned to look at Mr.Grolo, for a split second, his eyes shifting completely red.

Deablos "Lose that pitiful look you have towards me, and we will be fine."

Angelos "Sorry for being rude."

Mr.Grolo "I understand."

cole sits in his seat, putting his head down from the embarrassment.

Cole "You need to stop that."

Deablos "Whatever do you mean?"

Cole "Cut the shit. You know exactly what im talking about."

Angelos "I'm sorry. I will try not to do that again."

Cole "Which reminds me. How in the fuck did you do it?"

Angelos "I stole control from her."

Cole "That's just...just stop taking over my brain."

Deablos "No promises."

Cole felt something familiar, staring at him as if it wanted to devour him. Cole peers over to see Jasmine staring him down. Cole locked eyes with her. To his surprise, she bore a striking resemblance to Jody. her hair long and silver, her eyes just as fiery red, and her urge to kill. Flustered by the newfound situation, Cole ran out of class to the bathroom.

Deablos "Cole, what is wrong with you?"

Cole "I don't know."

Angelos "Why did you get so excited?"

Cole "I don't know. She looked like jody for a second."

Jasmine "Hey, are you ok?"

Cole "Hey, is for horses. my name is cole yankell, what's your name?"

Jasmine "Jasmine Noceil is my name. People like you are my game."

Cole "What are you talking about?"

Jasmine "You have evil inside of you. It's not only in that A.I.E of yours."

Cole "This A.I.E was a gift. I have no evil in me. I've never even had sex."

Jasmine "That A.I.E wouldn't work without some sort of evil in you. It feeds on it."

Cole "What determines evil?"

Jasmine "No, Cole you misunderstand me. I don't wish to get into a philosophical debate honestly. I could care less about what you got going on. I want to make you an offer I can temporarily make your eyes blue."

Cole "How? Tell me!"

Jasmine "Nuh-uh, a girl gotta have some secrets."

Cole "Fine, keep your secrets."

Jasmine pulls in close to Cole whispering in his ear "I'll show you my secrets."

Cole jumps back, embarrassed he turns tail and runs.

Jasmine "Hey! Where you going, it was only... a... joke. Damn it."

Cole arrives home just in time for dinner.

Jasmine "Hi Cole."

Cole "How did you.....You were just...Get out."

Jasmine "But Cole."

Cole "Out!"

Jasmine "Okay, but can I..."

Cole points to the door signaling the intruder to leave. Jasmine angrily flips cole off and storms out.

Cole "There's something off about her."

Deablos "You're telling me."

Cole "Search every database for her."

Deablos "I can't find anything on her."

Angelos "I can't find anything on her either."

Cole "Who is she?"

Angelos "Maybe be her friend to get closer."

Cole "I can't do that."

Deablos "Why not."

Cole "The only people of the female verity I had a conversation with is my mother and Jody. Neither of which I never had a choice in the relationship."

Deablos "Let me talk for you then."

Angelos "She seems to know more about the A.I.Es than you or even we do. This could help you figure out who killed Jody."

Deablos "All the payment is you letting me possess you a'lil."

Angelos "Think about it befo.."

Cole "Fine."

Angelos "I think you should think it over. Are you sure you want that?"

Cole "On one condition, you can only do it when I talk to Jasmine."

Deablos jumped on Cole screaming "Eeeeiiiiii you don't have to tell me twice! I accept every single part."

Cole tried to shove her off of him.

Cole "Get off me."

Deablos "No, you're nice and warm."

Angelos pulls her off "Come on, off."

Cole "I'm going to bed, wake me up at the same time. We will start watching her every move tomorrow."

Four months pass before Cole spotted Jasmine walking home a different way than normal, for someone that followed her routine so closely to suddenly change up struck a cord with Cole. Feeling uneasy, he followed Jasmine on her way home. Unsure if she was on to him, he hid his presence as best he could.

Cole "Yes! finally something!"

Deablos "Gotta give it to ya kid. You are determined."

Angelos "Ah! Praise be to the one above all for his fortune smiles on us."

Deablos "She's getting away. Hurry!"

Cole follows Jasmine five miles into the woods that surrounded her home. they come upon a dusty run down shack, a shell of what used to be a mansion. cole wondered why she came here. cole followed her in. the inside was beautiful. Pillars of ivory with gold accents, a bright, vibrant red carpet stretched throughout the house. Each and every piece of art and decoration was stunning.

Deablos "Are those her panties!?"

Angelos "And that's her bra, shirt, and socks."

cole" I don't even want to know why she stripped."

Cole looked around like a lost puppy.

Jasmine "Hey, are you just gonna stand there looking lost, or are you going to continue following me?"

Angelos "I don't think it's safe, She is not like jody. She might actually kill you."

Deablos "Or or, what if she has a sex dungeon?"

Cole "Eww Deablos stop, that's so gross. Angelos, I feel its gonna be fine."

Jasmine "You can't scan in my basement, all signal that's not mine from leaving or entering. All they can do right now is talk."

Deablos "She's not wrong."

Angelos "I can't see past the doorway. If we go in there, there's no telling what or who is down there."

Jasmine "I can see you're nervous. Guess you just have to trust me."

The descent down into the basement was long. work lights lining the walls all the way down. The more they walked, the more Cole's stomach churned, afraid of what was waiting for him down below. Each step he took his heart raced more and more.

Jasmine "Calm down, Cole. I'm not gonna rape you, geez!"

He looked into her A.I.Es as they shifted from an ocean blue to a blood red.


Cole looked around at it. Red, yellow, green, and blue Christmas lights hung all over the place. A sloppy pile of dirty clothes crawled up a corner of the room. In the center of the room was a beaten wooden table littered with trash and loose tobacco. a red ashtray buried under ash and butts with burn marks around it stood out to Cole. the whole room looked dirty but organized.

Jasmine "So this is where I live. This is my living room, upstairs is my bathroom, and over there is where I sleep and here under here is my computers."

Jasmine pulled a hidden door up, and they descended deeper into the basement.

Cole "It's awfully tight down here."

Jasmine "Yeah, duh! its meant for one person. if you want to move in, I'll make it a bit bigger."

Cole "No."

Jasmine "Ok that's fine. I'll three questions that you can ask and I'll answer them honestly."

Cole "Can we get out of here?"

Jasmine "Sure two questions left."

Cole "How did you know I was following you?"

Jasmine "You were really obvious about it. At first I didn't notice, but eventually, you popped up on my scanner at places I was at after about four or five minutes I left. Your A.I.Es are good at putting a delay. Five minutes would be impressive, although with both, it should have been hours or even a day."

Deablos "I'm sorry, cole. I tried to make it longer. Feathers and I aren't compatible."

Cole "It's fine."

Jasmine "Last question."

Cole "I still have two."

Jasmine "No, you asked if we could leave the computer room."

Cole "That's not fair."

Jasmine "Life's not fair. Last one."

Cole "Who are you?"

Jasmine "I'm Jasmine Angelina Sonaillia. The owner of the Sonaillia fortune and manor."

Cole "Why lie about your name?"

Jasmine "Because you're so adorable. I'm showing you this because im interested in the Jody case. A family dies then a little girl gets stabbed with the same knife moments later for the only video of it to skip, and you appear seemingly out of nowhere. It's interesting, to say the least."

Cole "What do you know?"

Jasmine "That's enough questions. I'll only answer more after you eat this."

Jasmine hands Cole an orange pill and a glass of water. Cole cautiously played along with her request.

Cole "Eew, it's sour."

Jasmine "Yea, it's citrus flavored."

Cole "Gross, I hate sour foods."

Jasmine "Hmmm, is that so? I thought you'd like it, well at least more than the alternative."

Jasmine hands Cole a mirror. he looked at himself in shock. his A.I.Es were both blue. He couldn't believe it. Jasmine gave him a gift that he never thought he would have again.

Cole "How?"

Jasmine "Well you see that pill suppresses the evil within. more like the chemicals that make us evil. In the past, it was used as a way to treat some types of mental illness. Unfortunately, I can't get rid of the demonic program entirely."

Cole "Deablos, are you ok? your signal is weak. "

Deablos "I'm fine, just hungry."

Cole "How do you even know what hunger is? You're an A.I."

Deablos "Cole I know I'm hungry. I want to eat."

Jasmine "What is she saying?"

Cole "She's going complaining that she's hungry."

Jasmine "Good! Means its working. Has she tempted you to do anything?"

Cole "She always does that."

Jasmine "No, not like her normal temptations. something more direct. It could be anything at all. Anything that would bring her program out. As long as you resist those impulses, you should be blue-eyed for a week or two."

Cole "Why aren't you, blue-eyed?"

Jasmine "I don't care about what people think about me."

Cole "So you're saying all I have to do is not do a wrong thing."

Jasmine "Yep even so as much as an impure thought and it will fade. The effect drastically decreases for some reason."

Cole "So what were you thinking of when we came here? You're eyes changed."

Jasmine "Taking your v-card. You're so innocent and pure. I want to be the first one to stain you."

Cole "The last person that said that I told them no."

Jasmine "Come on. If you do it with me, I can give you a lifetime supply of those pills."

Cole "No, it's fine. I'll find a way of paying for it."

Jasmine "Its one-hundred and fifty dollars per pill."

Cole "That's insane! I can't afford that."

Jasmine "If that's the case have sex with me. the only way to pay for something you'll never get back is to give something indefinitely."

Deablos "Hey Cole...It wouldn't be a terribly bad idea. She obviously wants to. Look at her, smell her, her skin looks so soft. It's there for the taking."

Angelos "Cole don't let your mind wander. This is an opportunity that doesn't come by too often for you."

Deablos "Stay out of it! It has nothing to do with you! Cole take the deal. Do you want to be a virgin forever? Come on. It will be the best thing ever."

Jasmine "Your hearts beating fast. She must be tempting you."

Cole "I got to go."

Jasmine "You just got here. At least eat dinner with me!"

Cole "No no I have to go home. Thanks for everything."

Cole runs away as fast as he could. Given a second chance he didn't want to mess up he vowed to himself that he would do no wrong."

Folcohn "Jasmine, you know it's going to drive him absolutely insane."

Jasmine "Yes, yes I do know the side effects, but that's what I want."

Folcohn "Why? That's not the mission we were assigned."

Jasmine "Oh my dear A.I. ...Folcohn you have so much to learn. We can't kill him if he hasn't done wrong. Besides I have no loyalty to them. they took everything from us."

Folcohn "I understand that, but it could end up biting us in the behind."

Jasmine "I want tea. Earl grey preferably, maybe with some cookies."

Folcohn "Yes ma'am, I'll get right on that."

Back at Cole's house was full of the same monotony. His dad, reading the paper, mom feeding the baby, Gavin playing with his food. Unable to contain his excitement Cole screamed.

Cole "!!!!!! They are blue. My A.I.Es are blue again!"

Jonah "That's great son. I bet your dad would love to hear all about it."


Sondi takes a bit of a closer look at Cole's A.I.Es."

Sondi "I'm glad son. This calls for a dinner. I hope you're no longer depressed."

Cole "Yeah! I'm gonna stuff my face."

Jonah "Any ideas for the menu?"

Cole and his father excitedly yell "STEAK! STEAK! STEAK!"

Jonah "But of course. I'll make sure we have a big meal for you."

Cole runs outside to enjoy his new found lease on life.

Sondi's phone rings shortly after Cole left.

Sondi "Yes Michael he has taken the pills. No I don't have that information at this moment. Yes dragon sonaillia is currently tracking him. Micheal she is keeping close tabs on him, make sure you unfreeze her assets. Micheal fret not, we will not let the Lucifer program return. I will call you after I call them."

Sondi had a look that spoke for itself. It was the look of pain. Pain in the sacrifice of his son for the greater good.

While Sondi was pondering over his choice, Cole went out on the town.

Angelos "Cole I'm happy for you. I really am, but I feel something is off. Those pills are strange. They have a chemical compound that makes you more likely to..."

Cole "Shush I'm happy. That's all that matters to me."

Deablos "I can make you really happy. Please ill do anything. Cole stop taking those pills, I beg you."

Cole "No, I like the way I am now. It makes me feel better. Be real who likes to feel like an outcast? I'm not evil I don't deserve to be treated in such a way."

Deablos "Cole I have never had anything but your best interest in mind. Even when I was with Jody, it was me who stopped her from slitting your throat. It was me who stopped her from killing your friend when he pissed her off. I want you to be free and live as best you can. Unrestricted by any morals but your own."

Cole "And your point is? I should just do what I want when I want to with no regard to how I affect others. No, I will not submit myself to the evil within."

Deablos "Yea Cole, not a bit of evil within you. That's why I and many others care for you so much, but the way you are talking now makes you a hypocrite and a liar."

Cole "Fuck you!"

Cole angrily walks into a store ignoring his demonic program.

Angelos "Hey Cole, something is off. Oh! It's your blood sugar. Buy a candy bar, we wouldn't want to spoil dinner."

Cole grabs the first thing he sees and walks up to the counter and waits to be rang up.

Deablos "Cole you weren't seen on any camera. walk out, why spend the little bit of money you have."

Cole "Are you asking me to steal it? Quite hypocritical of you to say that."

Deablos "No no no, you misunderstand. I'm asking you to walk outside the door. Come on, what's the worst that could happen?"

Angelos "He has a 42% chance to get caught."

Deablos "I said stay the fuck out of it. It has nothing to do with you."

Cole "It's only a dollar."

Cole walks up to the counter. The cashier, a gorgeous young lady with fiery pink and red streaks in her hair and her eyes was a blue like no other, her skin was brown like a penny. simply she was perfect. Cole was almost nervous about paying for a candy bar.

Candi "Hey yo, Just one candy bar?"

Cole "Yes, it's kinda funny. I'm buying candy from Candi."

Candi "Yep my moms named me this cuz I'm so sweet."

Angelos "Cole, she seems to be flirting with you. You should flirt back. say..."

Deablos "It would be sweet to get your number."

Cole "No I can't say that. It's rude."

Candi "I bet you want my number."

Cole "Yea I would actually."

Candi slides him a paper.

Candi "Meet me here at four o'clock."

Angelos "Look at that! You did it. Maybe if you play your cards right you could go on a date."

Deablos "Cole...Don't go."

Angelos "Oh! What do you know?"

Deablos "That pill is putting me to sleep, I won't be able to protect you."

Angelos "That's what I'm here for. Rest, I'll wake you if we need you. Right cole?"

Cole "Yeah, I'ma go with Angelos on this one."

Deablos "It's not sa..."

Cole "Shut up! You're the one always telling me to talk to girls. I'll come to you if I need help."

Deablos "Cole, baby I'm fading I might not be there to help you."

Cole "Then it doesn't really matter does it?"

Cole eats his candy bar and walks around until four to meet candi at her address. As he was sitting on the curb a man walks up.

Floyd "Hey kid you lost?"

Cole "I'm waiting for someone."

Floyd "Who?"

Cole "A girl I met today. She is beautiful, I think I may have a chance."

Floyd "I'm Floyd by the way."

Cole "Hi Floyd. my name is cole yankell."

Floyd "Are you waiting for Candi?"

Cole "Yes why...wait!"

Before cole could sense the danger coming his way he had already been knocked out. When he woke up in what looked like a basement, Cole tried his best to escape but he was chained to the floor.

Candi "Hi sweetie!"

Cole "What where am I?"

Floyd "Don't worry about it. You're right where you should be."

Angelos "Cole you seem to be in some sort of basement."

Cole "Please let me go."

Candi "Please let me go. Please let me go."

Floyd "You ain't goin anywhere for a long long time."

Cole "I will give you whatever you want. Just please!"

Candi "Please what? Let you go? No problem all you have to do is die."

Cole "No please, please don't kill me."

Candi rolled her eyes. Cole knew no matter what he said they wouldn't let him go. Cole felt it in his soul that he wasn't going to leave unless it was in a body bag. Cole panicked hoping, praying that someone or something would save him from his situation. He called his dad over and over, the only answer he got was a voice mail.

Cole "Your A.I.Es aren't even red."

Candi "Red eyed people like you are evil. We are ridding the world of them. So why would we be evil silly?"


Candi "I'll admit you're strange both red and blue. It's the first time I've ever seen it."

Floyd "True! We should take a picture."

They strip cole naked and take picture after picture. When they were done Candi spun a wheel on the wall. The needle landed on a fist. Realizing what it was they beat him till he beat him until he coughed up blood. Candi excitedly spun the wheel again, this time the needle landed on a stick on fire. Floyd sang a tune as he pushed a red hot iron rod into Cole's thighs and feet. It was his personal hell. Cole tried to close his eyes and sleep.

Floyd "It's only been a few hours. I'm not done with you yet."

Floyd picks cole up and bends him over a dusty old table and chained him down.

Candi "If you be a good boy I'll make it nice and easy for you. Are you going to be a good boy?"

Cole nods his head. Candi puts on a latex glove and spread a cold gooey liquid on his butt.

Candi "If you push, it hurts less."

Cole's eyes widened with fear.

Cole "No, please don't. Please anything else please. I don't"

Candi "I thought you were going to be a good boy. Now shut the fuck up!"

cole struggled as much as he could to overpower Floyd. Angrily Candi slaps him. Cole used every fiber of his being to resist. Candi slams his head into the table breaking his nose.

Candi "That oughta keep you calm. Baby the camera is set up."

Floyd nods and rams Cole. Over and over he slammed him into the table. Cole felt something warm roll down his legs. Feeling weak his eyes went blank and he shut down.

Floyd "Candi make sure you get this, he's bleeding. Fuck yea. I'm tearing him in two. Hell yea! You like that! Yea you're my bitch! Say something you bitch!"

Candi "I think you broke him."

Cole went limp. With no more strength to fight, he shed a single pain filled tear.

Deablos "Cole baby, I love you. You're finally seeing it from my perspective. The hate you feel woke me up."

Cole "Then go back to sleep. I don't need you."

Deablos "That's not what I'm seeing. Let me help you."

Cole "It'll be fine. I will be ok. I deserve this for being so fucking dumb. Who would love me?"

Deablos "Cole sweetie, it's not your fault. It will never be your fault. no matter how tainted you get I will always love you. Just take my help. It's okay, I'm here for you."

Cole "No I can't. I can't be evil. Jody wouldn't want that. She would tell me to stay strong."

With one last thrust Floyd lets his DNA flow into Cole. Deablos was right Cole hated him, but he hated himself thousands of times more. The fact that he was so weak and dumb that he got himself raped and tortured. That was his life for days. each day the wheel would spin and he would face a new punishment, each worse than the last. He sat under the table that he was inseminated at crying after each day. After all that he went through he gave in. He accepted the darkness within and called out to the only one to come to his aid.

Cole "Okay...okay I give up.... Deablos...Help me."

Angelos "Cole think about this. There's no going back."

Cole "And what have you done? Nothing! What do you know? I've been down here for nine days. No sign from dad. No call from mom. Jasmine hasn't answered a single call of mine. I tried it your way. What could she do that's any worse?"

Angelos "I know, I just wanted to make sure this is what you wanted. I was the one who woke her up and I made a program to help you with the little bit of power I have. Deablos would you please."

Deablos "Downloading wolf program. Cole they are going to give you what you need to get away from the hell you live in."

Cole "At what cost?"

Deablos "A smile when it's over."

A few hours later Floyd walked downstairs with plastic sheets and knives.

Floyd "I wish I could fuck you some more but Candi wants a new toy."

He laid cole on the sheet and placed a single black strip on his chest marking where to stab Cole.

Floyd "CANDIII!!!! IT'S TIME!!!"

Within seconds Candi flew down the stairs with a camera in tote.

Candi "Okay, ready!"

Floyd drew a knife from the table. The closer the knife got Cole's heart beat faster and faster.

Deablos "Wolf program activated. Say hi to yin and yang."

All of a sudden Cole felt a surge of strength like lighting bolts striking his every atom.

Cole "No! I will not die today!"

Cole grabs the knife and starts to bend it. Cole growls as his A.I.Es went from an ocean blue to a blood river red. His teeth and nails grew and sharpened. He had transformed into a beast like no other.

Cole "Bad man hurt Cole. Badman rape Cole. Cole kill bad man so he can't hurt anyone again."

Floyd in fear grabbed cole and flings him into a nearby wall.

Floyd "Die you little shit!"

Cole safely lands on the wall and jumps off it at Floyd. With one swing Cole broke Floyd's neck. Cole didn't stop, even though what he was hitting was a corpse he kept hitting him over and over until his head was a pool of blood and brains all over the cement floor.

Cole "No food. Now you're food."

He bit chunks off of Floyd until there was nothing but bones.

Cole "Still hungry. I want Candi! She smell sweet."

Candi tried to run but Cole was to fast and blocked off the exit. In a desperate attempt to survive Candi grabs a knife off of the table and lunges at Cole.

Candi "You sick fuck."

Cole tackles her to the ground. The knife flew from her hands. Candi laid there in fear, is today the day? The day she dies. Cole smells her.

Cole "Candi smells sweet. I want Candi! Candi! Candi!"

As Cole sunk his teeth into her she let out a blood-curdling screech. No matter how much she yelled and pleaded, it fell upon deaf ears as he kept feeding. He ate until he had his fill. The floor, drenched in blood. What remained of the corpses laid there limp and lifeless. never to harm another again. Cole wipes his face as he hears someone banging on the door.

Jasmine "Cole! I hope I'm not too late! Cole, can you hear me?"

Cole "Jas...mine? Jasmine, I'm hungry."

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