Through the fog, Du Wei finally manages to see the so-called "secret chamber".
It's neither as magical nor as expected of a place storing a 'king's sword". What it really was is a boring and somewhat cold cave.
The only difference is that this cave is holding a very large and bulky stone coffin... Well, at least from a modeling point of view, this thing was very much like a coffin!
"You are finally here? A lot slower than I thought."
As he carefully studied the place, what he saw was very difficult for him to stomach. Just the size alone was very small. Comparing it to the bedroom in his home, this cave was even smaller by a few inches. Looking around, it doesn't seem like there is any place to hide anything. All it takes is a glance to see the entire cave.
But Du Wei was completely shocked at suddenly having a voice sneaking up on him!
"Who the hell is it?" Du Wei bitterly asked as he looked around: "Think it's funny taking in the darkness?"
"Very funny." This voice sounded a little odd, but the most important thing is that the voice sounded somewhat familiar: "Because seeing your face like that is very interesting…. Are you scared?"
Then a shadow started to emerge from the walls of the cave, and bit by bit, the figure slowly walked out from the mountain rocks.
"It's you?" Du Wei frowns, surprised at seeing the person in front of him. In a low voice: "Your kind was always so prideful, but to see the patriarch of the dragons to break his own oath."
The one to come out of the mountain walls did in fact look like the dragon patriarch with a broken horn!
"I broke the oath?" The Dragon patriarch sneered as he came out, and then just sat on top of the stone coffin in the middle of the room. Acting all carefree, he even waved his hand at Du Wei to come forward: "Come over here. I have been waiting a long time for this day!"
Carefully controlling his emotions, Du Wei knew very well he had no ability to provoke the might of this dragon chief. Even the old magician standing outside is no match for this guy, so Du Wei thought it was for the best to show some respect towards him as well.
"Well then….. You should at least tell me why you're here." Du Wei's tone was much milder now.
The Dragon chief raised his head with a hint of slyness in his eyes: "Aragon, I promised him I would help keep this thing safe until someone with the aura of the devil comes along. Other than such a person, no others are allowed to open the thing that he left behind!"
"I see, so why did you come in?" Du Wei sighed.
"Because this place is my land. This whole mountain is my territory and I can come and go as I please, including this secret room. Also, it states in our agreement that other than his inheritor, no one else are allowed open this thing, this includes me. Although I've been dying of curiosity all these years, I have never once sneaked a look at what he left behind, but…." With an open grin, the chief started laughing: "But in the agreement, there are no prohibitions stating I cannot stand beside you to observe, right?"
Spending a moment in thought, Du Wei smiled wryly: "You mean you can't touch his things, but you can watch from the sidelines as I open this and see what's inside? Strictly speaking, you did not break your vow then."
"That's right." The Dragon Chief answered very simply
"This guy is gifted with the talent of being a politician." Du Wei stomached this thought.
But as it stands, he was in the other party's place and also the other party can easily destroy him with a flick of a finger. It would be wise to yield when he didn't have any strength to stand up for himself.
"If you want to see, then so be it." Du Wei curled his lips. And besides, in his heart, he really didn't give a shit about this so called destiny and life mission… Also, there is some psychological resistance inside him.
"Are you really the inheritor of Aragon's legacy?" The Dragons Chief looked at Du Wei with great interest: "There is a big difference between you and the guy outside."
"Who, the old magician? The undying old fool?" Anyways, since that guy is not around, Du We didn't need to continue being so polite. After enduring his anger for such a long time, he could finally release all his pent of steam.
"Yes, he respected Aragon like a God." The Dragon Chief smiled: "But you, it's like you do not take any of this to heart."
"What you said is not wrong." Du Wei nodded, making no effort to hide the thoughts in his heart: "Aragon being great is his thing. No matter how great a person is, I wouldn't want to suddenly one day have some random guy show up at my doorsteps, and then force me to give up my own life at great risk and danger. All this just to complete some life mission, not to mention it has been a millennium since Aragon's death."
Dragon Chief paused for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Good words! But I have to correct you on one point. Aragon is not some really great person, he is a despicable villain!"
Du Wei said nothing, although he was reluctant to inherit Aragon's legacy, but to say Aragon is a lowlife... Du Wei thought it was probably the dragon chief's heart still feeling sour over losing to Aragon.
"You don't believe me?" A hint of anger could be seen in the dragon chief as he laughed coldly: "Then look at me right now, strange right? Don't you think so? For a great dragon patriarch, why must I look like a human?"
"This... You didn't turn out like this because you transformed?" Du Wei carefully asked.
"You think this is funny?" The Dragon chief spoke coldly: "Do you think I like looking like a human... Well, I do like to do so now and then because I can then slide into the human world unnoticed to travel, but that doesn't mean I like to let my body turn into a mere human! I am of the Dragon race, a Dragon!"
This guy suddenly blew up in rage as he continued speaking. Standing up, he lets out a loud Growl, jarring Du Wei to the point of losing his stability: "I'm telling you, since Aragon laid his poisonous hands on me, I have only been able to stay in this form!! Now, I can no longer restore my body to its original form! This is the only form I can take on now!"
Du Wei was speechless. Spending a moment in thought, he suddenly thought of something!
Could it be... The fountain of youth? The water will permanently solidify any transformed form. That fountain of youth?"
After poor Gargamel drank from the fountain of youth, he is forever stuck in his mouse form.
The dragon patriarch...
After all, Du Wei knew that Aragorn did in fact locate the fountain of youth!
"In those days, when that despicable person found his way here, I was still in my dragon form! He never could have beaten me! When he first came here, he said he is only here to challenge me! He started lying to me, saying he is only here for the challenge and to prove his status as the continents strongest expert! In the end, I accepted his challenge and we fought for three days and three nights. Humph, what strongest under the stars! These are all titles given by you humans. Even Aragon, the strongest of your kind cannot defeat me! After three days and three nights, we came to a draw….. But that was when he started to enact his trickery!"
Listening to the roars of anger from the dragon chief, Du Wei couldn't help but sigh: "And then what? When he took advantage of you in your human form, did he trick you into drinking some kind of spring water?"
"That guy, he couldn't beat me, so he used words to offend me, saying, I am a Dragon and that we had God's gift. The body of the dragon race was originally stronger than that of humans, so even if we fought to a draw, it was because I took advantage of the difference between our bodies…. So out of anger, I transformed into that of a human and continued to fight with him!"
"What was the result?" Du Wei asked using a pitying tone.
Result, no question need because from the look on the dragon patriarch's face, it was obvious he lost.
"I did in fact lose to him after taking on the form of a human." The dragon chief clenched his teeth:
"But he lied to me into drinking this spring water! In this way, I can no longer restore my body to its original form! In the end, I couldn't match his power! He threatened me if I refused his request, he will wipe out all of my dragon kind! He is indeed very strong, and after I took on this form, I could no longer compete with him….. For my people, I can only reluctantly accept a contract with that bastard!! If I didn't drink that water, the proud dragon clan would never tolerate being used by a human for a thousand years just to guard some secret room!" The dragon patriarch's voice was definitely angry now as he looked at Du Wei with an expression ready to swallow him whole: "And clearly knowing he is a believer in the devil, how can our dragon clan help him do something like that when we are so faithful to God! He used trickery to weaken my strength, and then he threatened me by force, leaving me no choice but to accept such a contract! This despicable person!"
For such a thing to happen….
While not willing to believe, but reality is spread out in front of him!!
Also, watching the dragon chief in front of him with his murderous aura, Du Wei suddenly thought of something horrifying!!
Sure enough.
"And now, thank you for coming, the matter can finally be finished." Without hiding his intent, the dragon chief stared at Du Wei with his cruel and murderous smile: "The contract that I signed was a promise that I would help keep his stuff safe until one day the qualified person shows up to take it away…. But….."
The dragon patriarch gently pinches his fingers as he smiled: "However, as long as you open this thing here, my contract is finished!! Aragon no longer has anything to restrain me! I'll kill you and your companions! All the guys outside the door, I'll kill them all! And…. This is not a breach of the contract!"
Looking at the dragon patriarch's grin, Du Wei realized that he had encountered a seriously big problem!
Forcing himself to smile, his mind was thinking up strategies at lightning speed: "So, you have to watch me open this thing here and then kill me, this includes my companions outside?"
"That's right." Nodding, the dragon chief is definitely not kidding: "There is nothing stated in the contract that after it is finished, I cannot kill you. After everything Aragon has done to me, it is time for retribution!"
Du Wei suddenly felt very wronged!
He even wanted to join the dragon chief in his swearing and say: "Fucking Aragon!"
In order to threaten the dragon clan to sign the contract you insulted these prideful beings! Now, they want me dead to vent their anger?"
Aragon, oh Aragon, you thought of everything but one, now you are going to get me killed!
"Come on, poor kid." The dragon chief laughed in a cruelly cold manner: "Hurry and open this thing, I'm getting impatient."
With that said, he lifted a finger. From it, a cold and frosty air surrounded the tip of the finger and gently formed into an icy cold blade. From the looks alone, it was reflecting a razor sharp aura….
Du Wei is certain, if he was to be cut by that ice blade, it would be very painful….
Already standing beside Du Wei, the look from the dragon chief was just like a predator looking a lost little lamb, ready to be slaughtered: "Come on, do it."
Du Wei was in chaos, desperately trying to think up strategies, but in the face of such an immense strength and foreign place, what other idea could he possibly come up with?"
Under the killing eyes of the Dragon Chief, Du Wei wanted to regret ever meeting the old magician, regret ever coming to this place, regret why he ever blackmailed Vivian, and regret going south instead of staying in the castle!
Back then if he didn't take the others south to play, then he would never have met Vivian. If he had never met Vivian, then he would never have met Joanna, then he would never have met the old magician. If all of this never happened, there was no chance he would have received the devil's horn and be kidnapped to the Frozen Forest…..
Finally, he wouldn't be in this secret room and be at the mercy of this dragon patriarch that wants to butcher him with a knife!
But is it not too late to regret now?
His hands already resting on top of the stone coffin, it should easily be open with a little push. But Du Wei was struggling inside, as if Hamlet's classic question is reverberating inside his heart.
Open, or not to open…. This is a problem.
In addition, there is a very serious request that he wanted to ask his majesty.
If there is a chance to meet Aragon face to face, Du Wei really wanted to ask him one thing: Can I fuck your mother? (Not what I expected from the author)
Open or not to open?
Du Wei's hands are already placed on top of the sarcophagus, and the dragon chief stood beside him with awe inspiring eyes.
Suddenly sighing, Du Wei then retracts his hands and even took a step backwards. With a straight back, he turned his head towards the dragon patriarch and smiled: "I suddenly changed my mind."
"What are you talking about?" The Patriarch looked gloomy.
"I said I had changed my mind." Referring to himself by pointing at his own nose: "I am a human and no more than 14 years old at that. The life span of a human has always been shorter than a dragon. The most I would probably live is at best a hundred years. With such a short amount of time, I still have many things I want to do, many things I need to complete, and many things to achieve in my life… So I don't want to die yet – I haven't lived long enough yet."
"HA!" The Dragon chief laughed coldly: "If everyone can live by simply not wanting to die, then in this world, there wouldn't be dead people…. Boy, just resign yourself to your fate. Aragon's debt must be repaid by someone."
"I'm not stupid." Du Wei's tone was tougher: "At least for now, before the unfinished business is complete, I am still under the protection of the contract signed by Aragon and the dragon clan! You can't kill me! Just like two hundred years ago, you can't kill that undying old foolish magician, right?! Until the unfinished business is completed, you can't kill me… Otherwise; it is a breach of the contract! This way of doing things doesn't match your usual proud way of doing things, right?" Speaking up to this point, Du Wei swirled his eyeball around, intentionally catching a glimpse of the dragon patriarch and deliberately stalling for time: "I heard the Dragons are a race that values their tradition very highly."
Still holding the frosty knife in hand, the Dragon chief was shocked with amazement and doesn't seem to know what to do.
"This problem is simple." Pointing to the sarcophagus, "I open it and I die immediately. If I don't open it, I won't die immediately. Even an idiot knows how to choose."
"But you will eventually have to open it."
"Just wait then." Du Wei casually perched himself on top of the coffin: "I'm in no hurry, not in a hurry at all."
The Dragon chief looked like he was about to rage, but then a flash of thought crossed his eyes. In a sneering tone: "Then am I in a hurry? I have been waiting for nearly a millennium; giving it a bit more time doesn't matter. Listen up, now that you are in this secret chamber, don't even think about getting out unless you open this thing! You are merely a human and your strength is so pitifully weak. How long do you expect to last without food and water? For two days? Three days? The taste of starving to death is not a welcoming experience."
Not conceding even an inch: "Then I could at least live a few more days. For a dying person, even a few extra moments are good enough, not to mention two or three extra days!"
With an amiable smile on his face, Du Wei spoke in a subtle manner: "But what if I ended up starving to death here….. Oh respected chieftain, think about it. The destined person ended up starving to death because of you, although this isn't a breach of the contract, but... In the future, no one would be able to open this thing anymore! Unless you are willing to forgo your pride and break the contract…. Otherwise, the contract can never be completed! Even if you were to wait another thousand years, or even ten thousand years! Your dragon clan will forever be burdened with this contract…. Don't you think this choice is very wonderful?"
Du Wei sneered with cold eyes at the dragon chief.
Not opening it, then so be it, piss you off to the death! Want my life? All right! After this little master passes away, there will never be the day for your dragon clan to complete this contract!!
"You..." Du Wei has truly incurred the patriarch's wrath, a burning light shined in the dragon chief's eyes: "You opening it or what! If you don't open it now, I'll kill you now!"
"You will then violate the contract and throw away the Dragon clan's tradition, pride and dignity!" Du Wei held his head high.
"YOU!" The dragon chief was absolutely enraged. Suddenly palm striking the wall beside him, the noise oscillating back towards them was so powerful that it reached the entire mountain. From the single palm strike, the terrifying force it released was enough to create several small cracks in the mountain walls. Just the echoing noise vibrating back towards Du Wei is enough to make him dizzy.
"You'll starve to death here!" The Patriarch continued to intimidate him.
"Then your Dragon race will carry this burden forever!" Clenching his teeth, Du Wei hanged on.
"!! " Cornered, the dragon chief suddenly yelled out loud in some language he couldn't understand—presumably some kind of swearing word in Draconic tongue, Du Wei maliciously speculated
The chief's face changed colors a few times, then stretching out his hands; he aimed his fingers at Du Wei and gently slashed at him a few times. After hearing a few sharp sounds in the air, all of the clothing on Du Wei's body burst apart, leaving only his skin exposed.
Du Wei barely managed to keep his calm as he laughed in a 'Ha Ha manner: "What are you doing? I'm not even a woman, what good will it do by taking off my clothes? Could it be the dragon chief likes the tune of it?"
Seeing all of the clothes on Du Wei's body getting shredded into fragments, the dragon chief lets out a humph sound before waving his sleeves at Du Wei's naked body. From the small gust of wind created by the dragon chief, Du Wei could immediately felt a biting cold invading his body. Not even a moment had passed before a subtle 'Ka Ka' noise could be heard from under him. Starting from under his feet, countless ice crystals started to appear and very soon, everything below his knee was enveloped in ice!
"Are you going to open it or not! Your human body is fragile, if you continue to insist, then after a little while; your leg below your knee will be lost forever. Even after it is defrosted, you can only amputate it!" The dragon chief clenched his teeth.
"One can still live without a leg, it is still better than not living at all."
Du Wei clenched his teeth. While his legs are frozen in ice, the sensation he was getting is just like having numerous thorns subtly piercing into him. The numbness and pain alone are enough to cause the muscles on his face to stiffen.
"See how long you can last!" Coldly smiling, the Dragon chief then gently lifts his hand into the air. From the movement of his hand, the ice under Du Wei's knee once again started to spread, reaching all the way up to his waist: "If you still don't yield, then you will freeze! Not only will you lose your legs, I fear you won't even be able to perform the duty of a man!"
Du Wei finally opened his mouth.
He did not yield…. Instead, he began to curse!!
"You're a lizard with horns on his head and a face like a rat, bitch! Your ancestor curses your pimples to rot and fester! You are a narrow minded, perverted old lizard! Fuck, you are nothing more than a big footed snake! You lacked motherly and fatherly love when you are a child. Psychopath!! Even when you are small, you like to peek at your mother bathing, and peek at your father masturbating!
(Oh man I had a strong urge to change this part, but in the end I didn't. Not sure if it was wise or not.)
The sequence of continuous insults sent the old dragon hitting the ceiling in anger, even the veins on his face popped!
The dragon chief did indeed travel through the human world before, but never once did he hear of such nasty cursing words?
You need to know, in this world, the street cursing slangs usually revolves around something simple like 'jerk' 'shit' 'bitch' and stuff, but who is Du Wei? He is someone that has inherited five thousand years of swearing knowledge from his previous world. When it comes to the diversity of swearing, the language of the east can easily take first place in the world! None of this can possibly be imagined by the people of this world.
Du Wei was cursing all the way from "spicy block mother" to "you are a turtle's son" and even brought out "bang your godmother" to "kick your ass".... From ancient times to modern to china, the 'essence' of every dialect was extracted into his curses. From when the old dragon was still in his egg, to how he peeked at his own bathing daughter at five hundred years old...
Du Wei was almost frozen to death as half his body was already submerged in ice. Due to the poor blood flow, his breathing was becoming weaker and his body was so numb, he could barely feel any pain. Even his face was starting to turn pale green, but the more he swore, the more he was mentally awake. As he continued to talk, his spit was flying all over the place and some even hit the old dragon in the face.
"You are an old dragon with rotten sores and a pus butt! If you dare then kill me, then for the exchange of my one life, your dragon clan will never shake off this burden! It's worth it! Come on! Come on! Come on!!"
What kind of status is this dragon chief? Every person he encountered in his life would either be respectful or revere him. Anyone capable of meeting him would either be extremely powerful or of status, there is no way they would act in such a manner like what Du Wei is doing right now.
Du Wei was also on his last straw. The only reason he dared to spew such insults was because he knew the dragon elder can't kill him. With this certainty, he would rather enrage the old dragon with the hope of him dying of anger.
"You! Boy, I'm dying of anger!!!"
Finally, a raging howl came rumbling out of the Holy Mountain. This noise pierced straight into the sky, and even the oscillating echoes were enough to cause the mountain to tremble in shock. Back inside the mountain caves, cracks along the walls were collapsing like caving hills. Even the old magician and the others standing outside the secret chamber turned pale at the sudden noise, unsure of what is happening…..
Being in such close proximity to the dragon chief, Du Wei immediately sprayed out a mouthful of blood upon listening to the raging howl. Within moments, his organs fell victim to extreme pain, causing him to black out completely.
Unsure of how long the time has passed, Du Wei faintly woke up to his surroundings. The only thing he could keep his mind focused on was the haunting pain of his upper and lower body. No longer encased in ice, he quickly came to the realization that he was currently lying on top of the stone coffin. Turning his body around, he somehow managed to get up before spitting out another mouthful of blood. Standing beside him, the Dragon chief was breathing very heavily and eyeing him like a predator wanting to skin him alive and swallow him whole.
"You old... Fuck, you are not a Dragon! You old bastard! You coward! If you have the ability, then go look for Aragon and duke it out to the death with him, why flaunt your shit down here! **, Fuck you..." Du Wei regained his composure in one single breath. Seeing the other party didn't dare kill him and even went as far as to remove the ice encasing his lower body, he now even more certain the other party didn't dare to harm him in any way. He must continue cursing while he can.
You! Haven't you cursed enough yet?!" The old dragon was breathing so heavily who knows if he had heart problems. If he did, then he would be the first dragon in a thousand years to die of a heart attack.
"Enough? Of course, it's not enough!" Du Wei was also very tired, but his blood continued to boil inside his chest despite shivering in the cold: "Too bad little master here can't beat you, otherwise, I'll skin your mother and rip out your veins!"
Seeing the tenacious will of Du Wei, the elder dragon helplessly shouted: "You can keep swearing in this place alone! Let's see how long your lips will last before giving in!"
With that said he turned into the wind and disappeared, leaving only Du Wei alone in the secret chamber. Stiff from the cold, Du Wei sat there in the middle of the room wanting to scream out in agony at his own suffering.
It was at this time, a gust of wind swept past his flank and the red robed Semel appeared in front of him. With a horrified expression, she looked at Du Wei's stuttering mouth: "The..... The dragon clan's strength is so overwhelming!"
Du Wei grunted a glance at Semel: "Of course they are strong, otherwise, how can he be Aragon's opponent? Crap, I'm going to freeze to death, hurry and lend me a hand."
Semel nodded and with a flick of her fingers, all of his clothing was restored to its original state. Although Du Wei was currently naked as he hurried to redress, but life was at stake here so he didn't care how he looked in front of Semel. After he is finished putting on his clothes, he spoke in a whispering tone: "We don't know when that old bastard will return, hurry and go warn the old fool outside. Make sure they leave this place immediately!"
Semel paused for a moment and Du Wei was somber as he spoke: "What are you looking at! That old bastard is not someone we can deal with! If they don't go, then everyone will die here! Although I'm not a good man, but I'm stuck in here already! There's no need to let them die in vain here with me! Go, go!"
Semel is after all a smart person, spending only a moment in thought, she immediately saw through Du Wei's intent: "Ah! You did it on purpose! You intentionally trashed the old dragon away, knowing I will come out afterwards! Isn't it?"
Du Wei smiled grimly: "Waste of words!! If I didn't get him to leave, how can I possibly talk to you under his surveillance! Quickly now, go out and tell the others! The old dragon is not a fool, once his temper cools down, he will come looking for me! Now is the only chance to escape! Go, go!"
Semel lets out a long sighing sound before stealthily leaving him in the secret chamber. Not knowing how the situation was proceeding, Du Wei simply knew his body was far too cold and he could barely put up with the chest and abdominal pain. Struggling to stand upright, Du Wei carefully performed a couple of the Star Dou Qi movement routines to warm up his body.
Empty from all four walls, the only thing of notice was the stone coffin under him. Just by looking at it, he couldn't stop himself from wanting to get a peek…..
It was at this moment, a sudden small voice quietly whispered into his heart.
(Open it! I have a way to deal with him!)
Surprised by the sudden voice, he cried out: "What stuff! AHA, you old dragon, you want to scare me into opening this thing eh?! Puff, like hell I would fall for such thing!"
The voice echoed in his heart again.
(I'm not that old bastard. I am right under your butt!)
These words fell into the very core of his heart. Du Wei was really scared now!
Jumping right off the sarcophagus, he looked at the thing in front of him with utter shock!
The thing inside is talking and not the old dragon messing around to fool him! At least with all his pride, the old dragon would never call himself 'old bastard'; he was certain of this at least!"
In the sarcophagus... What the hell!?
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