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Finishing Unresolved Issues

Stunned, Edward could only stare at her. She glared with equal ferocity. She marched towards him, eyes raging. She stopped when she reached few feet from him.

"You know what is wrong between us Edward? There's too much mockery that separates you to me." Angela seethed angrily.

"There was no us to begin with, why ask for it. You knew from the start where the both of us stood. Yet you are demanding for emotions I cannot give. You brought this upon yourself!" Edward pointed out.

"Remember, this relationship was supposed to be in name only, but you changed the terms on the day of our wedding by bringing a real minister and by marrying me in reality, by God and by law. I was so secure with my position as your decoration but you changed my status without even asking my opinion about it. Was I wrong for expecting?"

"You remembered I changed the terms way before the wedding Angela. Remember that time when you fainted in my yacht. You were informed that this marriage will be for truth and that we should come to mate in order to have a child. I never lied to you. You assumed otherwise."

Angela shivered as she remembered everything all too clearly. Why was she expecting so much? Realization dawned on her. Because the moment she knew she loved him, she expected too much.

Tears welled her eyes, knowing all along she had expected for nothing and she was so wrong for imposing the fault to him. So dramatic of her to demand. Words were lost and she backed away from him. Slowly she turned away, ashamed, humiliated, hurt and was filled with regrets.

When she reached the door, she turned slowly, and faced him. "I'm sorry for all of this." Then she turned away.

"Angela, wait!"

She heard him called after her but she did not heed his call. She was too ashamed, too hurt and too self-conscious to stop and listen. Guilt washed over her like cold water. Everything happened because she allowed it, because she chose for it to happen.

"Drat!" She muttered angrily to herself.

Not knowing what else to do, she went to the garden, found herself a swing by the far end where frangipanis bloom its sweet smelling flowers filled her senses. She picked one beautiful pink flower and inhaled its sweet scent.

Tears glistened her face. Regrets and guilt are two forces that could bring anyone down like what she was feeling right now. How many times had she run away from her decisions?

"Here you are. I thought I lost you." Edward must have followed her when she left.

"Please leave. I want to be alone." Her voice cracked painfully.

"I'm not leaving and for the love of God please never again run away when you are faced with a problem." Edward admonished lightly.

"What do you want me to say? I already told you I'm sorry."

"Yes but that's not what I wanted to hear." He sighed deeply.

"Then tell me what do you want to hear so I can say it then we can move our separate ways."

"Damn you Angela! Is it so hard to understand never to run away from your problems?"

"I am not running away!" She seethed angrily. "I am making it bearable for me Edward."

"No! You are running away. When we have a fight you always leave me hanging. Can we not finish our argument? You have so many unresolved issues with me. Deal with it!"

Angela knew and understood him perfectly. She had so many unresolved issues. She had issues with John and she left him hanging without closing. She divorced Edward with issues still unresolved and now she had the burden of guilt then blamed him for it and then turned away.

Since when did she learn to walk away from her problem instead of facing it? Was it when everyone turned away from her? Another wave of pain assaulted her bringing fresh tears to her eyes.

"Yes you are right. Now let us finish this and be done with it. Answer me truthfully so I may find my rest." She pleaded with her eyes.

"Ask me."

"Please be honest with me, tell me everything about Erin."

Edward looked at her and she saw pain crossed his eyes. But it was gone before he could show it in his face. His voice was hoarse when he spoke.

"Erin was my first love."

Angela was shocked to hear it. So he really loves that woman. "Then marry her!"

"She supported me when no one else believed in me. I wouldn't be where I am not if not for her. She used her connections so I can get to where I am right now. Now you understand why I couldn't simply turn my back on her."

"Go and marry her." She told him impishly.

"I won't and never again tell me to marry her."


"She maybe the woman who helped me, she might be my first love, but that was long ago. I realized that every time she helped me, she uses her body to get what she want and then blackmail me for it. Imagine my disgust for her. I go out with her because I am used to having her around and she is very easy to go with. She had her ways with men. She knew how to play them. And I let her play me." Edward bent to pick up a stone then throw it as far away as his arms could swing. He pushed his hands in his pocket and stood with his other leg.

"You had a baby with her."

"I don't know if the baby was mine. When she gave birth, I didn't have the chance to see the baby. She said it doesn't look like me."


Edward smiled painfully. "Yes, it hurts when she told you upfront that the baby never resembled me. That's when I decided that she is too wicked to become my wife."

"Why me? I mean why did you marry me? You could have every woman in the world."

"I tried. But every time I am close to professing my so called tender feelings, I would suddenly turn cold. Like there's a fear she might leave me for another man."

Angela looked guilty for a moment. She left Edward, just as he feared. How awful was it for him to get dumped by the woman he thought would not do it?

"Erin is not leaving you as I can see it."

"Because the man she preferred over me was already married and she can't have him so she used me as a shield to get to her man." He laughed bitterly.

"I'm sorry for the divorced."

Edward suddenly stood straight and looked at her. "Oh that. We are not divorced."

"What?" Angela's shock was evident. She stood immediately her hands clinched on her side.

"After I signed the divorced paper, Chris took it for subsequent submission to the Civil Affairs Office. But before he could take it, I took the papers from him and burned it."

"You what?"

Angela did not know how to react. Should she be happy that she is still married to him or should she be angry not being informed of her pending divorce? Why did Chris hid this information from her?

"I made Chris swore not to tell you about it. His conviction was amplified when your contract forbid you from making decisions like ending your marriage with me. He realized you'd be facing a lawsuit if that ever happened."

"But he should have told me!"

"Don't blame him. I have tried to tell you but you are having a hard time understanding my words."

"But that….."

Before she could talk, Edward's lips found hers. Angela closed her eyes and tasted him. His strong lips devouring her making her missed him and love him more. She immediately melted into his arms, no more guilt of making out with anyone. He is still her husband and this felt right.

When the kiss ended, Angela's tongue traced her lips sensuously and she found him looking at the sensuous movement.

"Don't ever do that again because you are turning me on."

Unable to contain her emotions, she tiptoed and kissed him bringing his face in her hands. Before she realized what they were doing, Edward carried her in his arms and laid her gently on the ground. She was about to protest but he silenced her. She tried to look around maybe servants would come and marched on them it would be a scandal.

"We should get inside." She suggested sweetly.

"No time. The magic will be lost."


Edward stood and pulled her up. Together they went inside to their room and made love.

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