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55.67% The Fake Wife

Chapter 54: Giving His Name for the Baby

Angela could almost choke on her tongue. Did he just confess to her he did not love Erin?

"And the baby?"

"I don't know what happened to the baby. I think you should ask Edward. I haven't seen Erin gave birth to a baby. And I haven't heard Edward talked about it either."


"Only the two of them knows the truth." Helen took Angela's hand to hers and stared at her earnestly. "When I heard him told me he was getting married with you, I know he had moved on with Erin. And I hope you won't take it against him."

"Thank you for telling me all these." Angela felt guilty for not telling Helen the whole truth. But she had been through a lot and she couldn't bring herself to tell her about her and Edward.

"This baby will change Edward for sure. Take good care of it for me. I might not be here when you give birth but I do hope I can still hold this baby in my arms."

Guilt stricken, Angela shed tears. She had no idea how to tell Helen about her dilemma but her words had changed her view about the baby.

"Please promise me you will take good care of this baby." Helen pleaded earnestly.

Unable to contend the sudden burst of emotion, Angela stood to embrace the old woman. She nodded between sobs and silently vowed to keep the baby no matter what comes her way.

"Well I guess we need to get inside now. They must be waiting for us." Helen urged Angela to the house.

She pushed Helen's chair and headed back to the house. Helen was bubbling about her flowers telling her every story to every flower they passed by. Angela could only smile or laugh to her story hiding the turmoil inside her.

Once inside, Manny immediately assumed the task of pushing the wheelchair towards the dining room. Everyone had been in their place. Angela took her place in the table and joined the group noticing Edward's chair to be empty.

"Is Edward around?" She asked unable to contain her curiosity.

"Yes he is and he said he needed to finish his video conferencing. He will be here shortly once he finished." Manny replied politely.

"Oh okay."

Helen said the grace for the meal then they started eating. Angela took some loaves of bread and put eggs and cheese. She poured herself a cup of coffee.

"You shouldn't have poured yourself a coffee. It's not good for the baby." Helen admonished her kindly. "Manny take that coffee away from her."

Before Manny could stand to do what Helen ordered him, Edward appeared in the table and took the coffee himself. He poured another cup of hot milk and gave it to her. She accepted the beverage from him murmuring her word of thanks. Edward only had a quick breakfast then went with his work once again. Angela felt bereft without him and she wondered.

"Missing him already?" Helen taunted her.

Angela only smiled and get on with her breakfast. After her hearty breakfast, she went to her room to freshen up. She found her clothes on top of the bed, clean and pressed. She went to the bathroom and freshen up with a long clean bath.

Refreshed and dressed, she went to seek Edward. She knew he made the library his temporary office since yesterday so she went straight inside. The library was massive. Compared to the room where she stayed, the library could swallow up all the spaces in her room. The walls were lined with gigantic shelves for humongous volumes of books.

On the left side of the wall, stood huge shelves encasing a massive painting which dominated the whole wall. The right wall was occupied with smaller shelves for smaller books and volumes. The front wall was made of huge windows allowing more natural light into the room. A sliding stair was attached on the shelves allowing easy access.

A huge table with a table lamp stood at the center of the library. Edward was sitting on a swivel chair at the table in front of his laptop. A couch stood next to the table facing on a smaller table at its center where magazines, newspapers and catalogues of the latest fashion were stacked methodically. Angela settled on the couch. She picked an old magazine to read flipping through the pages.

"We will discuss that matter the moment I get back." Edward replied to David's query.

"Sir I have a matter to discuss with Miss Lee." David said on the video. Immediately Angela looked up and she met Edward's eyes.

"What about it?"

"Well, I tried to contact her but she wasn't answering."

Angela took her phone and checked. There were several calls of unknown number.

"Speak. What is it that you want to talk to her about?"

"It's about the resort. We had already pulled out all the broken pipes and replaced it with new ones. The engineer found another problem with the pool."

"What is it that he found?"

"The filter sir is no longer working. It seemed like we needed to change the whole mechanism and it means additional cost of the project. We also found some infestations at the buildings."

"What kind of infestation?"

"The rooms were infested with bedbugs. There were so many bedbugs in every room that we found. At the basement, we opened the entire wall and noticed the rotting portion of the foundation. There were termites in most of the foundation post sir."

"If we redo all the foundations and post columns, how much will be added to the cost?"

"It's huge sir. We have to redo the entire building because we need to tear down their colony. We also need exterminators to exterminate the bedbugs and the termites. I would say an additional of four per cent of the total cost."

"Do it."

"Sir? I beg your pardon sir, but Miss Lee might not agree to it." David protested.

"Do you think Miss Lee would agree to building apartments on rotting foundations?"

"No sir."

"Very well, then do as I say. What about the timeline?"

"Our timeline will be moved. Exterminators needed one week to fully exterminate the termites and bedbugs."

"Why that long?"

"They will not only kills termites and exterminate their colonies. They also needed to treat the soil. Then there is the matter of additional week since we are not renovating the main building but doing it all over again."

"Give me a timeline." Edward was stern.

"A month."

Angela cringed at the idea of an additional one month to their timeline. Already she was so excited for their soft opening in two weeks and yet they will be extending for a month!

She was about to protest but Edward held his hand.

"Do it. Make sure we will pass all the standards in building construction."

"How would Miss Lee react to this sir, would she disagree to our decision?" David was sounding worried.

"Believe me she won't."

"What made you so sure about that sir?"

"Because she is sitting right in front of me." Then he turned the laptop that it faced her.

Angela had no choice but to smile and wave to David. "It's okay David, I understand."

"Oh hi Miss Lee, I did not expect you to be there."

Edward turned the laptop back to him before she could assure him that it was okay. Edward ended the call and closed his laptop.

"DO you have anything for me?" He asked between furrowed forehead.

"I'm leaving. I asked Dom to come and pick me up this afternoon. I will go and talk to Helen." She stood after saying what she came to say.

"You are not leaving until we have straightened out things between us."

"There is no US Edward. It's just me and me."

"What about the baby? I will give him my name, I promised you that."

Angela turned to face him. "Like you promised to Erin with your baby?"

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