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Madmen Journalists

The sun rose from the east, the birds perched on trees sang their songs. The campus seemed to come alive as people began filling the empty streets.

Nelson woke up with his mind at ease. He dreamt that he graduated from the academy and finally reached his life long dream. Nelson's first action was to sigh as he laments his now bleak future.

Nelson knew that this is his last day to stay here. His eyes looked around the room which he has fought for with endless competitions. He didn't know why but he feels calm as if he has infinite strength after waking up. Nelson knew deep inside that this should be the saddest day in his life, but he still smiled unconsciously.

Nelson ate some cereal before packing his stuff. He only has a few stuff in the room so he finished quite quickly.

Nelson didn't look back as he left his room. Nelson's group of friends surrounded him as he entered the hallway. Immediately, his friends started speaking.

"Woah! Nelson, I didn't know that you're such a brave person. To even dare hook up with a girl inside the male's dorm, I'm full of admiration towards you!"

"Yeah, the thrill must've felt great for the two of you."

"Nelson remember us even after you leave the academy. For such a brave person, you'll surely be a great person in the future"

Nelson's friends started showering him some praises. The first one to speak was Yorl Light, a teen that admires beauty so much. The second to speak was Jorin Maik, his words out of place. And lastly, the third one to speak was Veen Night, a good friend. Though their words irritate Nelson very much, it still warmed his heart after knowing that they didn't throw their friendship away after news of him to be kicked out spread to the male's dorm.

"I didn't do it though..."

Nelson could only whisper this because he knew that his friends would most likely not believe him. Even he himself would doubt it if it weren't for the fact that he is the concerned party.

Nelson walked towards the elevators and his friends followed behind him.

"The Dorm Master is so despicable! He actually directly reported you to the Student Offense Department"

"Yeah, shouldn't he be just giving out punishments like moving you a floor down?"

"Right? How come the Dorm Master is so furious? Sanjek, that bastard, even brought girls to the dorm 2 times. He only got moved 3 floors down if you add it up"

Veen Night was fuming in righteous rage as he spoke first. Second one was Jorin Maik, he agreed immediately as he also felt things seem out of place. Lastly Yorl Light, cursed Sanjek Daran a playboy targeting susceptible transferees.

Sanjek Daran has a history of making 100+ girls cry. He is basically a trash worse than trash in the eyes of the senior female students in the academy. He even once had four timed on one occasion leading to a disaster that almost took his life.

Today, Sanjek Daran would at most two time. He's basically the scum of the academy. If not for the fact that he has above average talent, he would have already been kicked out from all the petitions the academy has been receiving.

Nelson naturally knew the reason why. His emotions remained calm because he has already accepted all of this.

The trio stopped bothering Nelson as they noticed that he's not responding. They can understand his feelings. They know that Nelson must be feeling anxious over this matter.

"You can get through this dude"

"Yeah, we're sure that you'll still become a great person after leaving the academy"

"I hate to admit it, but I can only console you because the academy's decision will most likely not be overthrown"

The trio then thought of ways to console Nelson. Their actions giving Nelson a good laugh. He's really not that desperate yet.


"What are you laughing at?" x3

"Nothing. Anyway, thanks for the concern"

Nelson's mood lightened up after seeing his friends getting so worked up. They have been through many challenges in the academy together. Now they're still doing all of this for him at his lowest moment.

The elevator is quite fast as it uses magnetic locking and magnetic levitation to move. No need for pulley systems and stuff that slows down the elevator's speed.

They reached the lobby almost immediately. Nelson was greeted with a lobby full of people. He can see many students crowding the place. Most of the students in the crowd are the male occupants of the dorm. While in the minority are some of the interested females who loves to spread the word.

The arrival of the four triggered a domino effect. Hundreds of heads cranked to look. Everyone searched as they looked at a portrait in their hand and compared it to the four.

"It's him!"

Soon a voice sounded out that confirmed everyone's guess. Indeed, that guy is Nelson Hansen, "the guy who challenged the purity of the male's dorm". Like a celebrity, students wearing pins with a big 'NEWS' word took picture of Nelson. Their light blinding the four who was assaulted by the sudden flash.

Nelson cursed at the photographer in his mind. Doesn't that guy have manners? He actually maxed out the luminosity of his flash, Nelson thought.

The trio behind Nelson cursed in their mind too. They really can't believe that someone still uses bright flashes when the camera quality is 4GP(4 Gigapixels) and the camera can even capture clear images from the dark.

The student with the 'NEWS' pin didn't pay attention to their glares. He kept taking pictures as if to spite them.

Nelson's group took much effort to arrive before the exit. Nelson then received an SMS on his phone.

"Nelson Hansen, please proceed to the Student Offense Department's Student Trial Court" — automated SMS Do Not Reply

After glancing at the message, Nelson led the way as they proceeded to the Student Trial Court. Following behind them are the journalists and some gossipers. Many of which wear a 'NEWS' pin on their chest.

The Berdan News Journal is the only organization inside the academy allowed to wear a pin with a big 'NEWS' word on it. They are a stubborn bunch. Some of the seniors of the organization are even willing to record warfares on site.

The one in the lead is the arrogant photographer earlier. He seems to be respected by the others.

Nelson looked at his phone and saw a recent news article published by the Berdan News Journal. His eyes almost popping out of their eye sockets as he saw the ridiculous title.

"Berdan Academy's #1 Playboy Sanjek Daran challenged by someone as this brave person brought a girl inside the Male's Dorm for a night. He's now facing a trial on whether he will be kicked out of the Academy"

What followed is a full 4GP picture of Nelson's foolish face after he was blinded by the flash.

Nelson staggered after he saw how amazing the photographer is in taking silly pictures. He's sure that the photographer is doing this on purpose.

Nelson glared at the photographer following behind them. His face full of hate. He really couldn't expect that for all the pictures the photographer has taken he'll choose the worst one.

The photographer didn't let this chance slip by as he immediately took a photo of Nelson's angry face. Nelson hurriedly looked at his phone repeatedly refreshing the feed.

Sure enough after a few seconds a new article was released.

"The student who brought a girl into the Male's Dorm is such a brute. Look at his normal face"

And then a big 4GP picture of Nelson glaring in the photographer's direction.

Nelson was shocked at how ruthless this photographer is. He is taking dirt and turning it into shit. That photographer is obviously holding a grudge for being glared so ferociously.

Nelson ran toward the Student Trial Court, not wasting anymore time and letting these madmen take advantage of him.

The trio looked at Nelson's scared expression before following behind him closely. The media behind also followed in chase.

A live stream was suddenly played in Nelson's feed as he ran. He saw his back running in the live stream.

A glaring title in bold caught his attention.

"Playboy's challenger can't wait to be expelled from the academy as he ran towards his demise"

Nelson could feel his blood freezing. Just what horrible things have he done to receive such treatment. Nelson almost cried as he ran faster and faster.

Nelson and the trio finally reached the Student Trial Court. After confirming his identity, Nelson entered. His friends left outside to wait for good news.

The media also stopped and set up a camera focused on the Entrance of the Student Trial Court. The live stream full of people watching the show from their dorms, classrooms, and offices.

The reason why many are watching is because this is the first time a student will be expelled for bringing a girl inside the Male's Dorm. Sanjek Daran is the living example of this.

No matter the two times Sanjek Daran brought the girls into the Male's Dorm, he has never been expelled. The student being expelled today is even a talented robot engineer.

Nelson is famous for being a good learner and a talented robot engineer. He has an impression on almost all the Senior Students and some of the professors.

Today may be the day the academy will lose a talented student.

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