/ Fantasy / Multiple Intelligences
Vincent is a high school student who does not make good use of his life, he is always lazy, but one day he feels very sorry for his life, he hopes that if he is born again he will do the best in his next life. Then God heard that prayer and suddenly he was reborn as a baby into the world of knights and magic where the strong can rule the weak and become a noble and the weak must obey the strong.
Vincent was born an ordinary citizen, his family was always tortured by a nobleman because his family had a debt of money to the nobleman, the nobleman was a nobleman who was very arrogant, stingy, and always tormented the weak. Vincent really hated the nobles because he always tortured his father and mother.
And this is Vincent's journey to change the world for the better, the journey that was very easy at first suddenly became very difficult for Vincent to do.
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Author Gabriel_Alfando
Very good novel, I really like the story you wrote. But in my opinion, the story is not enough to bring the reader into the novel. Keep developing, maybe in the future it will be better.