Monday 10:00 AM
12 pairs of eyes staring at me....
Rolling my eyes and looking away from the intensity of their stares.
I thought, "Gosh this is crazy... but I mean its not like I'm tied down with obligations at home... Ha home? I've been an orphan for since I can remember. However as of recent. This drifter, I reffer to myself as. Has settled down in a small town working as a part-timer...
Well I guess it doesn't matter either way if it doesn't work out. It wouldn't be no skin off my back. I'll just go back to what I've been doing..."
"Wait if Im not an existence. I won't be hurt, right?" I asked making eye contact with a few of them.
"Its Existential... and no it won't hurt when your memories are wiped" sighed Yoongi. 🙄
"Hmm... Alright let's find out if I'm this existing type" I said looking at Yoongi with a sly challenging grin as I again pronounced Existential wrong. Then glanced at Jungkook and Tae. Whom had big grins and gave me thumbs up signs.
10:23 AM
"So how far is this admittance station" I asked.
"Oh Jimin! You're in luck. Jin's dorm room was directly across the quad from the Administration building" Hosoek spoke up informatively.
I nooded my head.
I was pulled by my arm by Jungkook. Whom wrapped his right arm around my shoulder.
"Jeez this muscle pig" I thought when I couldn't free myself from becoming his armrest.
"So Jiminish-i. How old are you?" Jungkook inquired.
"Um 16?" I said.
"Ahh. Alright man. Me too" spoke up an excited Taehyung.
"I'm not sure why you're so excited. I feel like I'm headed to my execution...." I said glancing to my right at Yoongi? Is it? Whom is wearing a smug look.
"This jerk" 😡 I thought.
Hey maybe Jimin can be my roommate? What do you think? Jimin?" asked Tae.
'Ha! So quick to kick me out!" Jungkook said as he spun me around to lock his opposite arm around me neck and his newly freed arm around Tae's to continue bantering with Tae.
I'm becoming overly familiar with this crew.