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Azrael ( Ben 10) Azrael ( Ben 10) original

Azrael ( Ben 10)

Author: immortalmagcian

© WebNovel

New York city

It happened one night while on my way home, my body ached like a thousand red hot needles were piercing into my skin. I held my head in pain as a splitting headache forced me to my knees. It was like there was a strange pressure forcing it's way into my brain. I howled out of pain and started to black out as everything faded away.


After an unknown amount of time I woke up gasping for air, my body drenched in sweat. I took a moment to recover from the intense pain that was slowly fading from my body. Looking around I found myself in an unknown room, it was fairly large and with a queen sized bed and large T.V. and expensive looking computer.

I got up and Sat at the edge of my bed holding my head trying to figure out what was happening. My head was still throbbing and my body felt strange, I stood up and walked to the door on unstable legs. Outside there was a long hallway which was dimly lit by a small night light plugged into an outlet. I walked down the hall quietly afraid of alerting anyone before I knew what was going on.

Up ahead on my right side was an open door, it was the bathroom. I stepped inside and turned the faucet on and splashed my face to wash the sweat off. I stood there shaking above the sink gasping for air as the pain in my head started to flare up again. it grew more and more intense before a stream of memories flooded into my mind, the pain became almost unbearable and I had to grab onto the sink to avoid falling.

The name Ben Tennyson appeared in my mind along with a lifetimes worth of experiences. I flicked on the light and looked into the mirror, I was greeted with a face that wasn't my own. I was Ben Tennyson a 16 year old teenager who lives in new York. I have no relatives, my parents died when I was 14 and I've been living alone ever since, though they did leave me alot of money, so I am stinking rich. The revelation that I wasn't me anymore hit me like a ton of bricks.

I just stood their staring at my new face unable to come to terms with what happend to me. How had this happened and why? Did I die and Reincarnate or am I still lying on the ground in a coma after having a seizure.

I sighed pushing those questions away that I would never get any answers for out of my mind and looked up at my new face. I was Fairly handsome with shaggy brown hair and Intense green eyes. I felt like I had seen this face before buy, I couldn't remember exactly where.

I stayed in the bathroom for over an hour just letting everything sink in. As I tried to figure out what I was supposed to do now more and more memories started to appear. I remembered my life it was flashing before my eyes like a movie. I saw myself growing up playing with my family, I saw my parents homeschooling me because I was bullied at school, I saw my parents funeral and I saw myself standing before a crater with a mysterious green light washing over me.

I went back to my room still in complete shock. I got into my sheets and just stared at the ceiling thinking about what I was supposed to do now. My thoughts when back to that glowing green light.

I focused my mind again a to try to remember what that was and the haunting light appeared in my mind once again. This time I saw where the lighy originated from, it was a small metal orb that was slowly opening up. As the orb slid open and I saw what was inside I jumped in shock.

"That's impossible" I scream in my head!

The thing inside the orb I recognized it, it was the omnitix. An alien device from one of my favorite shows that I used to watch when I was a kid. I hurriedly lifted my left arm and pulled back my sleeve and there it was in all its glory. Though it wasn't the orginal omnitrix or even the one from alien force. The one on my wrist right now was a smooth white watch with green on it, it looked almost normal. it was the omnitrix from omniverse.

That's why my name and face seemed familiar, I was Ben 10. Though this doesn't make any sense though if I was reborn as ben 10 why we're my memories completely different from what I saw in the show. I didn't have a grandpa or any cousins it was just me. And this ben never used the omnitrix, I guess he just got the watch when I moved into his body.

My breathing sped up again but, maybe because of everything that happened to me today was a bit to much I went into shock and became extremely calm. My right hand shook as I slowly reached towards the omnitrix, I put two fingers on the top and a hologram showed up with different aliens lighting up the room.

As the hologram with the aliens showed up a stream of information entered my brain. It was an instruction manual and it explained everything I needed to know about the omnitrix. I carefully sorted through the information in my mind, I spent the next couple hours trying to understand how to use the omnitrix.

The instructions explained that I already had all the aliens unlocked, and even some new functions built into the omnitrix.

Things like Alien-x not having 2 extra personalities anymore and the user can use him now without risk and a few more alien upgrades.

I sorted through all the aliens and put them into sets of ten for simplicity sake. I put the sets like the ten orginal aliens ben first got into 1 set and so on and so forth. I even made a set of useless aliens like walkatrout, toepick,the worst, molestache.

I made a set for locked aliens I plan on locking away until I absolutely need them such as alien-x.

I then started to input the master control code which would disable the 15 minute time limit, as well as let me transform again while I'm already transformed just by thinking of the alien and tapping the omnitrix symbol or just by thinking of the transforming.

There where a few new omnitrix features also. Such as I could use the aliens powers while still maintaining my human form but with only 50 percent power of the alien. I could also use the new partial transformation function that allows only one part of my body to transform such as xlr8's feet and I could even use this function if I'm already transformed.

This omnitrix even had the ultimate function so that I could go ultimate alien. I was really excited about that.

There's also a mini Null void projector. Though since in this universe it was never used so it's empty. I could probably go there to train and maybe build my own base and prison on one of the many floating rocks.

It was the middle of summer so I have the rest of the summer to start training and maybe build a base. This year Peter parker becomes spiderman. Alot more superheroes are going to come out and even the avengers is going to start and so I need start with my master plan and get ready. Though I have about half a year after peter becomes spiderman until I need to worry about the avengers.

-Time skip/info dump-

The next day I started ordering large numbers of materials like wood, metal of all kind, and tech, mainly computers. Though I didn't order everything at once, I ordered them in small quantities over time. I didn't want to draw SHEILD to me too quickly.

I started exercising and going to the dojos. I started to learn alot of different martial arts. karate, taekwondo, judo, muay tai, Krav maga, boxing, wing chun, kendo, swordsmenship. They could be useful to use while in alien form.

When I wasn't practicing martial arts I was paracting my transformations in null void. I got really good, I could fight in one form while switching between them in the middle of fights so that I could get the edge on my opponents.

While all of that was going down I was also working on my secret bases. I used Armodrillo to drill out a huge cave system under my mansion. I even stole a Idea from batman and created the entrance to the cave in a grandfather clock. It moves out of the way and there behind the clock is an elevator.

Inside the cave the entire base was suspended above water that led out to another secret entrance underwater, this led towards the open waters at the port. I did this because I planned to have many vehicles including water vehicles like high tech submarines incase I ever needed underwater travel. Though I do have the omnitrix with some aliens that can swim and breath underwater, the submarines are good incase I need to take more than one person with me.

I had another secret exit designed for my land vehicles located in an abandoned highway tunnel. A section of the wall within the tunnel will slide open to reveal another secret tunnel that will lead to my base.

I made a nanosuit for my human form that augments my body increasing my strength and speed. I created my suit off of the assassin's creed only mine is black and green.

For my vehicles I've created a few different submarines and boats. A motorcycle and a awesome tank/car. It looks alot like the bat mobile from the video game batman arkham knight. Though I have to say mine is alot more technical, I have more weapons and gadgets on it, even a cloaking feature.

Inside my main base underneath my house I've created an A.I. he's way more advanced than Jarvis. I've named him Alfred, he's connected to all my systems, my vehicles, and even my suit.

There's also my other base inside the null void. I created a huge base on a floating rock. it's the size of a military camp, it technically is a military camp. I have several buildings inside, once houses all computers and intelligence, connected to Alfred. Another is full of experiential weapons and vehicles not finished yet, another has weapons and gadgets that are already finished.

All around the base are land vehicles to get around, And on one side of the base is the air field for my air vehicles. I built them with there own null void projector so that they can open a portal to fly through and come over into the sky's over new York. I've also set the null void projector to always have it be set to open portals randomly somewhere in the sky's over new York so that I can't be ambushed by someone waiting to attack Me from the portal.

All over the base are robots that have there own smaller sub A.I. that are a few levels below Jarvis. All these smaller A.I. are connected to Alfred and they run the base.

On another floating Island on the other side of the null void I created a huge prison, it's the size of Alaska and each prison cell can adjust and set to the powers and abilites of the prisoner. The prison also has more robots that are watched after by Alfred. The robots act as the warden and guards. They're made from a mixture of human and alien tech, so that there more durable and have more powerful tranquilizers and tazers to put out any prisoner.

Right now I ontop of the Empire state building just sitting watching the streets. I still haven't made my hero Dabute yet, I want to wait unil spiderman and Ironman start stuff.

Oh and I've changed now, I'm still the same Ben Tennyson with shaggy brown hair and Intense green eyes but my body is alot stronger. I look like a swimmer, though Im not very tall, maybe spiderman's height.

Its the last day of my summer vacation, tomarrow is the first day of school, I'll probably continue working on my project and wait until the other superheroes make there debute. I was currently working on a super soldier serum, kinda like captain America's but mine doesn't turn you into a really buff dude. I wanted it for my human form when I'm not using the alien powers but still be kinda strong and I don't want to look really buff, I maybe want to look like spidermans muscle size.

oh well, I went home and watched tv then went to bed for school tomarrow. since I was home schooled this will be the first time I'm going to school, I'm going to be transferring into the same school as Peter parker, Midtown High.

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