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Chapter 11

I brushed the last piece of my hair behind my ear and fixed my dress before stepping away from the mirror. I decided not to wear a shirt and pants but decided to wear a dress that would maybe make me feel more comfortable.

Xander told me to meet him downstairs in his office. After once again making sure I was perfect I made my way to the door. I slowly opened the door as I took in a deep breath. I was scared of going back to my house. I knew that the bodies would still be there and that the house would stench of death.

Nathan had told me that Xander would most likely send someone to grab my father's body before someone in the neighborhood notices that somebody was killed. I'm actually surprised that nobody heard mine and my families screams as we were beaten that night.

Or my screams as I was raped. I felt my eyes get watery but I quickly washed them away not letting it get the best of me. I ran my hand through my hair trying to calm myself down and not think about what would happen when I get there. I know 100% that I will probably break down and cry once I get there.

My guess is that nobody removed my mothers and brother's body. I know that if they aren't removed it will only make things much, much worse seeing their rotting corpses laying on the ground.

The memories that the house will bring to me. I shook my head clearing my head of the thoughts. I walked out from the room and closed the door before continuing down the hallway and down the stairs until I reached Xander's office.

As I opened the door I saw a familiar woman sitting on his desk topless. I could see that she was wearing a black skirt but she didn't have a shirt or a bra on.

"So, how may I please you master?" said the woman.

"You know what to do," Xander said.

I knocked lightly on the door interrupting their conversation. The woman turned around and it was Bethany. One of the maids.

"Sorry to interrupt, I'm ready," I said awkwardly. I knew Bethany was in here for one reason and one reason only. And that reason was definitely not to clean.

"Bethany get the fuck out. We can continue this later." Xander said as he stood up from his desk chair and walked toward me. Bethany hoped off of Xander's desk and slipped on her bra then her shirt that went with the black pencil skirt she wore.

"See you later handsome," Bethany said winking at Xander before walking out of the room. But before she could make it past me she glared at me. She seemed very upset that I interrupted her and Xander. If it was me I would be glad that somebody would interrupt us. I would never want to sleep with this man whore.

As she passed me and glared at me I mouthed "I'm sorry.".

I know ti seems stupid of me especially since I feel like I shouldn't even really apologize. But I know I shouldn't make things harder around here with the girls hating me. They could truly be my only friends around ere.

"Sorry, Xander. I didn't mean to interrupt your session." I said sarcastically. For some reason, thinking of him with another girl disgusted me. And I had no idea why.

I also don't know where that sarcasm came from. "First off, it's sir to you know. You are no longer allowed to call me Xander. It's either sir or boss. Got it?" He sais sternly.

"Yes, Sir," I said but then quickly muttered under my breath his real name. But he luckily didn't hear me. I knew I would instantly reget saying his name. Especially after what happened this morning and last night. I have learned within the last 24 hours that Xander has many different personalities. And right now, I'm hoping to stay on his good side.

"Secondly, that happens a lot. It's apart of your service." Xander said smirking. I felt vomit start to come up my throat. "But don't worry your sweet little face princess. You don't have to do it unless you want to. It's one of the many ways you can earn extra money." Xander explained.

"Remember when we talked about extra credit being like extra money?" Xander asked me and I nodded.

"It's like that. So basically every day you earn about $150 that you don't actually get. It just gets subtracted from your debt. 2 ways you can earn extra money is

1. doing more chores or doing something better than it would usually be done

Which would usually give you an extra $5-$30 depending on how good it was done or how much was done


2. having sex with me.

And there are 4 types of sex we can have and all pay different types of money. But I will tell you now if we have sex, I will give you no pleasure on purpose. Your job is to satisfy me and not worry about you enjoying it." Xander said.

"What are the 4 different types of sex?" I asked him. Yes, I was truly thinking about fucking him. If it meant I get out of here and get my freedom any quicker than I don't truly have a huge issue with screwing him. Even if it means that I won't enjoy myself.



3.Just Normal Boring Sex

4.Rough Sex. Which I know you would definitely not enjoy" Xander said walking toward me as his smirk grew. He was clearly enjoying this.

"How much is each worth?" I asked him. "Well, first off it all ranges on how much I enjoy it of course. A blowjob would usually get you $10-$75. A handjob would get you $10-$25. Normal boring sex $25-$125. Rough Sex $125-$500." Xander said.

"Why is the rough sex worth so much?" I asked him. "Because the next day it's very likely that you won't be working," Xander said before walking out of his office laughing. I rolled my eyes and followed him out of the office.

Today is going to be a long day...

Hey Guys! Sorry for the short chapter. :( Didn't have much time to write this week due to me going on vacation. I really wanted to get a chapter out today and not make you guys wait till tomorrow. Sorry also that this is more of a filler chapter but I promise that all of the chapters will get 100% more juicer! Hope you guys enjoy the book so far. And if you guys have any ideas of what could happen in the book comment down below! I would really like to incorperate readers ideas. I will give you credit at the beginning of the chapter as well! Once again this book will be updated every Wednesday!

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