/ Magical Realism / How to write a good light novel or any other story

How to write a good light novel or any other story Original

How to write a good light novel or any other story

Magical Realism 2 Chapters 10.9K Views
Author: Night_Ranger

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I am just a reader. And while I have 12 years’ worth of reading light novels, mangas and fantasy books, I still lack the endurance and devotion to truly write something I would put my heart into, which would be more than just a silly small thing with 10 chapters.

Yet I became capable of finding faults within other novels so much that I can no longer stop myself from putting it somewhere. Especially because sometimes those faults become the reason I can’t read my favorite novel anymore. It went downhill just too much.

So this is my collection of the aspects and tips on how to make your writing a better quality.

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  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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Right. I would really need to write a decent novel with at least the complete elements so I will expect updates from you. They say that how good you read is how well you write. Can you also teach me how to 'read'? I want to maximize my reading efficiency as I have a trouble generating imagery inside my head especially on how the setting and the character looks like. That is a great hindrance to my improvement.😊

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Author Night_Ranger