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87.5% Villain's Guardian Angel / Chapter 7: Equivalent exchange

Chapter 7: Equivalent exchange

Just when Evangeline was filled with questions about the contract, she suddenly noticed sparkling golden dust falling in front of her. The suddenly appeared Nephilim with a grin on her face. "Hey! Miss me already? I forgot to tell you a few stuff... hehe...." (⌒-⌒; )

Nephilim: "You must be wondering whats this military service and system written in the contract. Well actually...the higher ups actually made a short video to explain the contract complete with pictures and convincing slogans and company policies.... but unfortunately mine got broken due to unfortunate reasons..."( ̄▽ ̄;)

Author: "don't you mean your fat ass accidentally sat on the disk and it broke to pieces and the higher-ups won't give you another copy cause you keep losing or breaking the copies so they told you to do one yourself."(¬_¬)

Nephilim: " Hey its not that many! Only 50 copies accidentally got broke and 25 got lost! Its still not a reason to ban giving me the presentation disk! I told them to put it in a usb so it won't break!"


Author: "they did. Thats the 25 pcs you lost."

( ̄Д ̄)ノ

Evangeline: "emm.. sorry to disturb, but who you talking to?"

Nephilim: "oh! Sorry! Σ(゚д゚lll)Anyway, as i was saying, i had a presentation disk to explain the contract but since its gone DUE TO UNFORTUNATE EVENTS, just ask me any questions you might have."(^ω^)

Evangeline: well i have a few, but the the main thing i want to know is this system and the military service thing written. What's that about?

Nephilim: " well actually the system is there to assist you incase I'm unavailable to provide you with assistance. Its called "BITCHAS SYSTEM" for a reason. It stands for:


I- internal

T-technology for


H- hazard

A- assessing

S- security


As its name indicates its a technology we developed inject inside you brain to asses possible danger you might encounter with people or situations as well as providing security measures to alert me incase I am not with you, as well as providing weapons or equipment to assist you incase I am unavailable to during dangerous situations. It has a built-in weapons compartment as well as skill guides and portable inter-dimension portal for combat and weapons training. I has a corneal scanner so that you may see potential threats in people buy giving you a bar of their current emotions towards you. All of this is to ensure your safety, but also the training needed before you enter to the Heavens Army to assure you can keep up once you are enlisted."

Evangeline : "What about the the army thing why do i have to serve after i get my happy ending? What does that have to do with all this?"

Nephilim: " Well here's the thing, in there is this universal law called " Law of equivalent exchange", in humans its sometimes called "karma". Nothing in this world is free. For every major thing you do that can affect other people there exist a price equivalent be it good or bad. In exchange for a future happy ending and your future other lives happy ending a price is needed to be paid. For example, as to my knowledge there has never been a so-called "Perfect Man". Why? That's not a man thats f*cking GOD! Anyway, lets say the so-called "Perfect CEO" - goldy handsome looks, young, talented , caring, extremely rich, devoted to his beloved, incredibly high intelligence etc.; now that's bullsh*t right there! (`_´)ゞ one way or another, there is a very heavy price to pay to be rich. That's why 70% of world billionaires are either ugly,old, fat or young but the face is meh ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ

Evangeline: "thats not true, what about kenji!?"

Nephilim:" You mean that young, handsome, average intelligent, coward, ungrateful, weak of a man that left you for a hussy who acts like a goody-two-shoes. And was the cause of your future demise?"

Evangeline's face darkened and tears were starting to stream from her eyes. The mere thought of him was tearing her heart. It ached so much that she started to clutch her heart. When Nephilim saw her tearing up her heart soften a bit and decided to comfort her.

Nephilim: "honey, you know sometimes we invest too much of ourselves to a certain person for that person to not return our feelings and when those feelings don't get returned we end up hurting ourselves the most. The thing is we can't force people to stay by our side because one way or another its gonna backfire on you. Plus he just wasn't the right guy for you. And honestly speaking, you weren't the right girl him too. Let me ask you something, what did you love about him?

Evangeline upon hearing the question was dazed for a second. "What did i love about him? Has good looks, a very rich family background, marrying him can prosper the company, comes up with witty remarks, diligent and his smart." As she counted his good points in her hands.

Nephilim: " honey.. I'll be honest(._.), you don't love him. Yes, you like him, but its more of wanting him to be yours like a thing. The things you stated were common and what a friend would say when ask why are you friends with him. Your have a heart ache cause you ego and pride took a blow when he chose someone other than you. You think you love him but its just something your family imprinted to your mind while you were children because of the arrange marriage.

Evangeline: " What?! That's not true! I loved him ever since we were children! I was the closest to him and i always dreamed of marrying him one day! Thats why I went through all the training just so i could be the perfect wife and future Ceo for him!"

Nephilim: " yeah? Then what's his most precious thing in the world? If you can answer that then I'll accept you really did love him."

Evangeline: " His most precious thing?"

Evangeline had excellent memory so when she tried to remember their time together and the conversations they had nothing came up. It was always about school lectures or work or the company or random useless conversations about people and events. When it came to personal things nothing came up. She never needed to ask before because she was trained to be his wife so all of his likes and dislikes, his personal preferences and habits were taught to her early on. So she was always careful with her actions towards as to not earn any displeasure from him.

It was this question that triggered Evangeline to rethink her feelings for him.

Nephilim: "haa~ (´‐ ω‐)=3 ..Can't answer can you. That's because if you really cared about him you'd make an effort to personally get to know him and be close to him. Not depend on some information others give to you and navigate us it to your way like some otome game!"

Evangeline having been struck by realization felt even more depressed.

'So it really is my fault. I didn't even try to get to know him, he was right all along. I am an awful person! It was my fault from the start. I tried so hard to not be the person he hated most but in the end i became that very person! My be its because of me that my mom also left'

With this thought circling her head streams tears began to flow, slowly she was beginning to be consumed with darkness because of self-blame, sadness, anger and negativity.

Just then a hand touched her back and began moving in an up-down seeming to comfort her.

Nephilim: "don't blame yourself too much. These things were out of your control and was pushed upon you by his and your family. His family wanted you to make him perfect and your family wanted you to be perfect. The past can't be undone. But the future has limitless possibilities. Its up to you if your willing to strive for your own happiness instead of dwelling on things in the past that cant be changed. And thats why this contract was made so that people like you who had unfortunate faiths change that faith to become a happy one."

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