[Song: Kingdom Hearts -Fragments Of Sorrow-]
Darky attacked me with her right arm, attack that I defended with my keyblade. Then she twisted her body and kicked me in the head. She had a lot of speed, and the kick damaged enough to make me stop for a second. She then used that second to hit me with her left arm on the gut. And spin kick me on the head, sending me flying towards the end of the platform. I stabbed the floor with joyeuse to stop me from falling off. And she was attacking again.
Rainy- tsk. (she's not letting me a single moment to think! Command!)
Everything froze and I begun to think of a plan. When I finished, I said '' Magic! Gravity!'' The increased gravity maintained Darky on the floor enough for me to change the keyblade for a pair of boots and gauntlets. They had a function to shoot forward or backwards to use the skills I used against Sabin. I did it to fight speed with speed. She got free of the gravity attack, and came forward to attack me. I blocked her jab with my arm, and quickly tried to kick her on the gut. She jumped attacking me with her legs like a scorpion tail. I blocked with my left hand, and attacked her with my right arm, but she appeared behind me with her better speed, and punched me in the back. I used the shooting ability to shoot forward with my left foot, and use the recoil to hit her in the chest with a kick while she was in my back. I had to move forward two feet because the hit was hard, but she went flying backwards thanks to the direct hit. She stopped herself with darkness, and got into position once again.
Rainy- (so we are not resting at all... no words said, just battle...) I'm fine with that!
I went forward, and using the recoil, I punched and kicked forward at more speed I could possibly have. She ducked and dodged almost every attack, and soon after that, she used the darkness to create two whips on her hands. She jumped on the air, and begun to whip me with them. I defended myself with my gauntlets but then she wrapped the whip around my gauntlet, and dragged me to the air too. Then she decided to teleport around me attacking with her hands and feet, attack that I ended with a Firaga! in front of me. I went flying to the ground again, but as I was the one that used the magic, it only damaged me a little. I looked forward, and I saw Darky getting on her feet again after the explosion, so I decided to on the offensive. I made my keyblade a keyblade again, and rushed forward with only Sleeping Lion.
[end the music]
Outside, Ruby was looking to Rainy sleep because she wanted to hear more things about her adventures. On the deck, Harry was talking with Sirius.
Harry- this is really amazing right?
Sirius- yeah... I never could have imagined that I would go to other worlds... it's a new experience
Harry- since I know Rainy it has been like this. She's going to do great things.
Sirius-... I agree with that. She's scary... but she's not a bad girl... hey, why don't you go out with her?
Harry- w-what!? no way!
Sirius- you dislike her that much? Ehh?
Harry- i-is not that! It's just... I can't see her with someone like that! She's going to stay single, I'm telling you now.
Sirius- hmm, you are her friend, not me. If you say so...
Harry- yes, I do. And do not say anything like that in front of her. I would like to have my godfather more time alive, thanks.
Sirius- he, hehe. Thanks for the advice...
[Song: Kingdom hearts -Shrouding Dark Cloud-]
I got on my feet after another clash with Darky. She was using the darkness as extensions of her arms and legs to have more reach. I changed the keyblade to a drill in my left hand, and stabbed the floor with it. A giant drill appeared under Darky, and she couldn't dodge in time, so she got damaged by it, and got thrown in the air. I transformed the drill into a keyblade, and jumped forward to make a combo. But she recovered in mid-air and pointed her hands in my direction. Then a bunch of dark tendrils whipped me and threw me back to the floor.
Dark Rainy- huf, huf... I'll end this here!
She pointed me with both arms, and she begun to charge a giant ball of darkness. I got on my feet again, pointed the keyblade in her direction, and begun to charge light in the tip of Sleeping Lion.
Rainy- (I need more energy... Command! Magic! Faith!)
The light begun to shine even more, and she threw the ball of darkness to me. I charged the attack until the dark ball was going to hit me, then the ray of light that appeared from the keyblade pierced through the dark ball dissipating it and pierced through the chest of Darky.
[end the music]
The darkness around her disappeared and she fell on the platform. When I tried to see if she was alright, she fused with the platform. And a charm appeared in front of me. It was a silver X. and when I touched it, it became another keyblade.
???- Two become One. A keyblade created from the union of two halves. This might not be the exact same situation. But you must understand that what you faced right now was your courage (light) coated in your anger (darkness).
Rainy- well... say thanks to my courage then. I'll use her once I learn how to.
I noticed I was sleepy, and fell on the floor.
???- sleep well. You'll face more dangers in the future.