Celes- here we are. This is the tomb. We need to get to the bottom floor.
Rainy- here is were all those monsters begun to follow you, right Ruby?
Ruby- yes...
Locke- Ruby. Even if I like that you want to be a treasure hunter too, you should wait until you are faster, or stronger... we don't want you to get hurt.
Ruby- but this place is close to Kohlingen! I thought that would be easier...
We continued through the tomb, and it was pretty easy as Ruby said. Only spirits and skeletons. The spirits were a pain because normal weapons are not that effective... but 1 shot with my guns and they go down. We followed Locke inside the tomb, because he was searching for traps. And sometime later we found a really long staircase.
Locke- good. There shouldn't be any monsters this far inside the tomb.
Celes- yes, and at the end should be the new Blackjack.
Rainy- we still have a week until the opera begins... what do you want to do in the meantime?
Juny- I don't care...
Harry- me neither..
Sirius- Celes, do any of you want to go somewhere?
Celes- not really-
Ruby- we could visit your friends!
Celes- ... Locke, help me out on this one-
Ruby/Locke- can we? Can we??
Celes- urg... fine! If they agree, we can go visit our friends.
Ruby/Locke- yes!
Rainy- then is settled? We are visiting the other heroes?
Juny- it seems so...
Rainy- quick question! Is there a place were I can train?
Celes- train?
Rainy- yes, something like a tournament, or something like that?
Locke- to the north of Kohlingen, there is a place called Dragon's Neck Coliseum. There you can bet items to fight 1 vs 1 against another guy. And the one that wins get's both items.
Rainy- wow, that sounds like fun! Can you drop me there?
Harry- don't you want to see the other heroes?
Rainy- I prefer to train, and maybe I can get some awesome items on the way.
Celes- you'll have to be careful with your magic. Some people might think of you as the next Kefka as that was the last time magic was seen in the world.
Rainy- I can beat anyone without magic... unless it's as strong as Sabin...
Juny- here we are! Wow!
We entered the door at the bottom of the stairs, and saw the Blackjack. It was a pretty cool airship, and it looked like a Zeppelin but more... medieval? Something like a steampunk zeppelin with a ship's wheel to control it.
Rainy- neat.
We all got inside the airship, with Ruby being really enthusiastic about everything, and Celes and Locke made the airship work. When it begun to move, the ceiling opened, and we got out of the tomb with the new Blackjack.
Celes- good, then you want to be left on the coliseum, right Rainy?
Rainy- yes.
Celes- then we are going north.
Meanwhile we were getting closer to the coliseum, Harry grabbed my arm to talk in private.
Harry- Rainy, shouldn't you take it easier?
Rainy- Harry... I am taking it easier. But I can't do anything if I really want to have fun on a coliseum. There will be opponents! And awesome items! And, and... and that's all I can think off... but anyway, it will be fun!
Harry- just remember that you are still 13...
Rainy- I know, I know... I'm going to take a nap while we get there.
Harry- fine.
[inside Rainy's mind, while taking the nap]
Odín- I can feel something strange coming from the coliseum...
Ifrit- you too? It maybe is another GF...
Odín-... no, is something stronger... a being that once acted as a GF... but not anymore.
Ifrit- what? Does something like that exists?
Odín- yes... I fought against him before Squall came to my ruins. He was really strong, and tried to steal my sword. I just hope that Rainy doesn't have to use the keyblade... or she will have to fight him too.
Ifrit- but the keyblade can't be stolen...
Odín- but that fool doesn't know that...
[meanwhile, on the coliseum]
???- I feel someone strong coming here... it might have a strong weapon too... I can't wait to see it's combat style!
I'll try to write the next chapter as soon as I can.